Last week’s challenge: The Sub-Genre Smash-And-Grab
This week is pretty easy.
If you’re doing NaNoWriMo, here’s a place to share your 1,667 words (if you were so inclined).
That’s it. Easy-peasy.
(Every week won’t be devoted to this, but I thought it’d be interesting if folks cared to offer up their first day’s writing on the slab.)
Post at your blog, link back here.
Please to enjoy.
Mark Gardner says:
Anything we want? That’s crazy!
November 1, 2013 — 10:48 AM
Mark Gardner says:
I’m not participating in NaNoWriMo. I decided to continue my story from Random Song Title.
Part one:
Part two at 1,049 words:
November 1, 2013 — 12:22 PM
Rebecca Burgeson says:
Some people need to post things because I need some good reading before I can start my NaNo’ing this evening!
November 1, 2013 — 12:55 PM
C.L. Rozelle (@CLRozelle) says:
I’m pleased to introduce my NaNo novel beginning, mainly because it was inspired by the “Roll for your title” prompt a couple weeks ago–which was the first challenge I ever did here. So, thanks. Though I technically started on this then, it has changed some, including transitioning from third-person POV to first-person present this morning.
Please enjoy the beginning of *The Dead Girl’s Lighthouse*
November 1, 2013 — 12:59 PM
murgatroid98 says:
I really want to read more of this. Good luck with your NaNo project.
November 9, 2013 — 6:48 AM
nytwriter227 says:
I’m posting mine daily on my own blog, but you can read it here:
November 1, 2013 — 1:08 PM
billthescribe says:
I did the hell out of this one. I was done hours before I even knew what is was. Yay, I’m psychic!
Wait. No. I work the night shift in a mostly empty hotel. Either way, Here’s the first 1667 or so from last night’s 5175. Hard boiled PI Raymond Jaye gets a new case.
November 1, 2013 — 2:48 PM
Ian Brown says:
Here’s the start of my NaNoWriMo writing for this year:
It’s actually a continuation of work on a novel I was chipping away at last year (independent of NaNoWriMo), but rest assured this is ~1900 words of completely new writing. No way I’m going to use my old writing to help me cheat wordcount. Still, I’m not exactly starting at the beginning. But I tried to structure this so it can stand, more or less, on its own.
Hope you all enjoy it!.
November 1, 2013 — 3:05 PM
Bob says:
when some one submits a story or part of it, is it protected in any way? A local writer said it is not a good idea to e-mail your work. I can appreciate Brown’s comment of “chipping away at a novel.” Or maybe building a sky scraper one brick at a time.
November 1, 2013 — 3:42 PM
Caitlin says:
Here’s the start of my unedited ‘vomit draft’ as Chuck so eloquently put it during one of his blog posts (i think it was the 25 ways to plot/plan/outline your novel). This is just part of the 2,335 words i’ve spewed out since midnight last night, of my story called The Secret Carriers. This’ll be the one and only time i’ll be posting part of my NaNo story online… Hope you enjoy (and I apologize for any typos etc. Like i said, it’s unedited right now, but since i’m not planning on sharing anything else of it…meh!blog/ckky
November 1, 2013 — 4:53 PM
Tia Kalla (@tiakall) says:
Ooo, fun! I hope you do this again later in the month too!
This isn’t the first 1667 I’ve written, and it’s actually a bit shorter than that, but it’s a scene I really liked so far, between my appears-to-be-thirteen-but-isn’t MC and one of his new subordinates, the prettyboy.
November 1, 2013 — 5:11 PM
Kevin Veldman says:
Great dialogue! Definitely makes me want to know what’s going on with this ship! I have been working on a space opera myself before NaNo and it ain’t easy. The characters have a lot of personality (something I struggle with). I guess I don’t know the main character yet, Zayr, but I would probably be more pissed off getting questioned like that by a subordinate. Anyway it’s damn good! Good luck this month!
November 1, 2013 — 5:58 PM
Elaina M. Roberts says:
Here are the first 2000ish words of my NaNovel – The Protector. It’s a PNR set in a high fantasy world of magic, dragons, and evil followers of even more evil gods. This segment is mostly intro of the FMC, a bit of world building, hopefully not too much info dump.
November 1, 2013 — 5:30 PM
Kevin Veldman says:
Sorry help me out… I don’t know what PNR and FMC mean.
November 1, 2013 — 5:35 PM
billthescribe says:
PNR= Paranormal Romance
FMC= Female Main Character
November 1, 2013 — 6:11 PM
Elaina M. Roberts says:
Thank you! I just got back home from frantic post-Halloween Clearance stalking
November 1, 2013 — 9:29 PM
Kevin Veldman says:
I like it! Definitely makes me wonder where it’s going. The protagonist is already well-rounded in the first few pages. There is also some great imagery. I’d love to read more of that!
November 1, 2013 — 5:48 PM
Elaina M. Roberts says:
Thank you so much
I can’t wait to get it finished and then slog through the edits (my least favorite part).
November 1, 2013 — 9:31 PM
Kevin Veldman says:
I am not sure what mine is going to be yet. Unfortunately it’s shaping up to be some huge epic fantasy that I am way to inexperienced to write, but hey, it’s NaNo, so whatever. I’m up to 6300 words of particularly inconsistent word-vomit, but I’ve been writing since about 10 AM today, so here is the first (slightly more than) 1667 words.
November 1, 2013 — 5:34 PM
Taureyscribe says:
773, that met my goal. I’m content for now. Keep the kick-ass insipragement coming. It’s really making the difference.
November 1, 2013 — 5:45 PM
Taureyscribe says:
* inspiragement (inspiration /encouragement) not cool when you have to explain your made up word stuffed up by autocorrect.
Anyways, keep it coming, it’s really doin’ it for me
November 1, 2013 — 7:27 PM
Laura Roberts says:
Thanks, Chuck! I’ve got 1,694 words in my first chapter, which I shall post over here:
November 1, 2013 — 6:10 PM
Jessica says:
So I stayed up writing until 3am, pushing out the prologue and chapter one. I paid for that when toddler alarm clock crawled into bed a bit after 0600.
Here’s the first half of those 3000+ words.
November 1, 2013 — 7:11 PM
Fatma Alici says:
I did a Nanowrimo launch party last night, till about 3:30ish in the morning, and did a bit more writing when woke up, getting a pretty nice total all around. I decided to only put up the first 1667 words, because the whole thing would be to long. A special thanks to Chuck Wendig for this novel project. The character, setting, were inspired by one of his challenges, the check out random tropes on
This is about one fourth or so into the story. I started writing the novel before Nanowrimo, but decided this was a good time to jump back into it.
November 1, 2013 — 9:06 PM
Mozette says:
Anything I like? Hmmmmm… I am working on a piece where I’m kinda stuck at what can happen next…
It might be a little over the number, but if I had uploaded the whole chapter it would have been over 17,000 words… so, it’s half of that around about…
And I’ve taken you back far enough into it so you know what’s happened to the character in question. 
And do feel free to let me know what you think, and what you think should happen next… I need help with finishing this chapter. Oh… there’s more to this book on the Fry Nelson blog too… the first book or so if you’d like to go and have a look.
November 1, 2013 — 9:12 PM
ari lessiers says:
Reworking blurbs and the first pages equal about 1.6.
I posted both to Wattpad as they’re running a competition, anyone wattpadding their Nano novel gets in a draw for 2grand. Awesomesauce?
November 1, 2013 — 9:20 PM
Michael Schultz says:
Ah, the first day of NaNo. I feel like I scaled a wall!
Unfortunately, I don’t have a good name for it yet, so enjoy the first 2020 words of the temporarily named “Toy Punk”.
Yes, I’m aware “Toy Punk” is a terrible name
November 1, 2013 — 9:31 PM
Eva says:
Nano day one. I managed 1568 words. This is part of a work in progress that I started LAST year, but an entirely new scene and a new character introduction. Funny thing, I had no plan to introduce this character. That was a nice surprise.
November 1, 2013 — 9:38 PM
Justin Thurman says:
First day of NaNo was a rousing success! My first 1,667 words (plus a few for luck):
Good luck to all the other NaNoers out there! One word after the other!
November 1, 2013 — 10:07 PM
joe petty says:
I’ve been working on plotting and scheming and figuring out this piece through most of September. It’s based on a short story I wrote about 6 years ago, from a sentence that a friend gave me to write about. I’d say it’s Paranormal Romance, with a little Urban Fantasy thrown in for good measure. Below is my first day’s writing. I present to you, the link to the beginning of The Inhabitors. 1671 words.
November 1, 2013 — 10:16 PM
Kim says:
I originally thought I’d be doing a series of interconnected stories, but I’ll be damned if the character who was going to connect them didn’t manage to turn this thing into a fully fledged idea. Here’s the first 1,670 words or so.
November 1, 2013 — 11:31 PM
Valerie Lorentas says:
I present to you, *The Tree Makers* Any feedback would be appreciated.
November 1, 2013 — 11:37 PM
authorjoycemangola says:
The beginning of my NaNo project, the hardcore rought draft.
November 1, 2013 — 11:57 PM
Jon R. says:
Life, love, baseball, Japanese chicks.
November 2, 2013 — 12:08 AM
Kevin George (@magell2) says:
Fantasy read it
November 2, 2013 — 12:11 AM
Ben Wintersteen says:
Here is my current project. Trying something new.
November 2, 2013 — 1:55 AM
Charlotte GHOULS (@literary_lottie) says:
Genre: I don’t even know. Started out as YA contemporary, now an adult crime novel with horror elements? It has drug trafficking and the attempted murder of a undocumented gay teenager and La Llorona. Do with that what you will.
November 2, 2013 — 2:30 AM
momdude says:
LET THE MADNESS BEGIN!! (Sorry, sticky CapsLock key, gotta do something about that.) Instead of my usual writing from a stream of consciousness and seeing where the story and characters wander (which is fun with 1,000 words, not so much with 80,000 words), I’ve actually got a destination for the end of this one. Whether or not I get there is something else altogether. We’ll see. I plan on posting each day’s work throughout the whole month. (No pressure!)
Here’s today’s first installment, 2,858 words.
November 2, 2013 — 2:38 AM
Renee Elizabeths says:
Here’s what I managed to get out yesterday. This idea has been sort of percolating in the back of my brain for a few months now. It’s great to finally be getting it out on the page where it belongs. Enjoy!
November 2, 2013 — 7:31 AM
Valerie Valdes says:
Here’s my first chapter, which clocked in under 1600 words. Epic fantasy. So far, so good/bad/ye gods what is this.
November 2, 2013 — 10:56 AM
thatcalamity says:
Here’s the prologue, clocking in at 2k (sorry). Typos and all.
November 2, 2013 — 2:13 PM
Ambien Grey says:
Here are my first 1,667 words, and then some, for NaNoWriMo:
It’s fantasy. Some fish people, rock giants, magic, impending doom…that kind of thing.
November 2, 2013 — 3:54 PM
garciamf95 says:
Here we have the world after the Intellectual Remission of 2020 where our United States government is overthrown by the intelligent citizens who don’t want money but a Utopian society in which there is a distinct separation between those who contribute to society and those who are just Potentials. Happy writing!
November 3, 2013 — 1:26 AM
Gareth Wiscombe says:
A touch over 1,667, I’m still not in the right mindset yet and found myself editing as I went along way too much.
November 3, 2013 — 3:45 PM
Dita (HarryPotterAddict) says:
here’s mine…….
November 3, 2013 — 5:20 PM
aspeed says:
A couple words over the count but only because I didn’t want to end mid-sentence, here’s the start of my sci-fi/comedy/romance, I Left My Heart On Omicron Ceti 3 –
November 3, 2013 — 7:28 PM
Erica Cosminsky says:
I meant to post this on Friday but hesitated. This scares me so I should push myself to do it, right?
November 4, 2013 — 12:39 AM
Francesca Carrillo says:
A little over the word count. I’ve always wanted to write a good ol’ fashioned zombie novel.
The Sleepers
November 4, 2013 — 1:29 AM
Josh Loomis says:
Technically I’m not doing NaNoWriMo to the letters, and it’s a bit over the word count besides, but it’s what I’m working on and I’m finally getting back to it, so here you go.
November 4, 2013 — 8:30 AM
Jon Jefferson says:
Here we go with the start of my first novella of the month. The Nothing’s Child
November 4, 2013 — 11:58 AM
darksilvertree says:
This is the first chapter of my novel =)
November 4, 2013 — 4:33 PM
Christine Frost says:
Here’s day one of my NaNoWriMo project. I’m playing as a rebel this year, doing a rewrite of a novel I started in 2011. It’s historical fiction–a western inspired by a file I found in the Arizona Historical Society about a woman who lived in Tombstone around the time of the gunfight at OK Corral.
November 4, 2013 — 7:52 PM