Chuck Wendig: Terribleminds

Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

Lilith Saintcrow: Five Things I Learned Writing Coyote Run

In the first Amazing Tale of Antifascist Action, New York Times bestselling author Lilith Saintcrow serves up science fiction pulp in a North America fractured by drones, bioweapons, and ideology, giving us a heroine practically made out of violent resistance.


Just behind the front lines of a war they call “civil,” the shifter called Coyote is tough, fast, ugly—and known for taking jobs nobody else will.


Marge’s sister is locked in a prison camp civilians shouldn’t know about, deep in enemy territory. Rescuing her will take a plan made of weapons-grade insanity.


To get in, all Coyote has to do is get caught.


None, unless the satisfaction of killing an old enemy counts. And maybe a few small bounties from murdering fascist clones…


Apparently I’ve read a lot of “pulp”.

When Kevin Hearne at Horned Lark first contacted me about writing a novella, one of the terms tossed around was pulp, which as a genre is almost impossibly fluid. To be pulp is like being porn—one knows it when one sees it, a gestalt of violence, unrestrained cover art, and over-the-top-ness. All of which I’m a great fan of! When I started thinking seriously about the story on a structural level, I was forced to think about what I love in things I personally consider “pulp.” I wanted a fast-moving, lean, incredibly unflinching story; I wanted Coyote to be just as quick, canny, and resourceful as her namesake. I drew from a wide variety of pulp-ish works, from Bugs Bunny to Weird Tales, from Action Comics to spinning paperback racks, from dime thrillers to thinly veiled 50s erotica.

Truth be told, I was kind of shocked by how many books, novellas, old magazines, short stories I considered “pulp” enough to influence what I wanted to do. I hadn’t thought it was so much a part of my personal aesthetic, but I guess one learns things about oneself with every work finished or even attempted. I mean, I already know I’m a midlist hack schlockster, but this just drove home how much I adore things many “serious” writers or “critics” find disposable, nasty, crude, over-the-top, et cetera, ad nauseum, ad infinitum.

Tropes exist to be flipped, reinvented, and put in whatever blender you can find.

Coyote is not a character for the male gaze, which is in itself an inversion of plenty of what’s considered “pulp”—especially given the history of the term. My feelings on tropes are like my feelings on grammar or punctuation; these things exist as rules so a writer can figure out how and why to break them for whatever effect is necessary. I have rarely met a trope I didn’t want to flip, dismantle, chop to pieces, or subvert, either subtly or overtly.

I admit it doesn’t get much more overt than Coyote.

Anyway, these tactics can’t be deployed without an understanding of why tropes exist, what they are, and how they are generally used. It’s like resistance training for physical muscles—performed improperly, it turns into an injury-prone mess. But if you know how a muscle works, you know how to stress it in a way that adds to strength or flexibility. One can even obey a trope in such a way that it adds to subversion, as in the figure of Doctor Deranian (incidentally, named after a millionaire Disney villain) whose fictional experiments are taken almost directly from gruesome real-life historical incidents. Pulp villains are not terribly complex, and yet Deranian is not merely two-dimensional because he is taken from actual people who behaved just as he does.

Using cartoonish, exaggerated broad strokes to highlight the banality of real-world evil is a highly satisfying way to use a trope. Sometimes evil is just that, and deserves to be met with its own nasty methods.

Art can (and does) come from spite and pettiness.

Quite some time ago, I wrote another book with an “ugly” (i.e., considered unattractive by the conventional male gaze) protagonist, and my one request of the publisher was not to put a bee-sting-lipped model on the cover.

Guess what happened.

Anyway, it’s been years and I’m still annoyed whenever I think about it, despite being in the game for a very long time and understanding the various pressures which lead to many, many unfortunate cover-art decisions in publishing. However, being handed the chance to write another stereotypically “ugly” character (don’t get me started on the term coyote ugly, which was a factor in the story’s genesis) and also have my request that an artist go absolutely apeshit with the cover honored was a pretty healing experience. (Please go take a look at Phineas X. Jones’s absolutely excellent work here, my friends!)

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still spiteful and petty. That will likely never change. It’s a major source of fuel for any work, and leaning into it is not only instructive but provides a great deal of amusement for one personally as an artist.

Christ knows we need all the sardonic, spiteful chuckles we can find these days.

Biology is weirder than anything I could ever dream up.

Mother Nature is not only drunk but high, and has been on the bender for billions of years. The number of weird animal facts I dug up while researching to answer questions of imaginary shapeshifter physiology cannot be calculated. I started out with the well-documented instances of cooperation between coyotes and badgers, fell into a rabbit hole about conversion-of-mass in possible shapeshifter thermodynamics and metabolism, took a sideways journey through chemical cascades underlying certain physiological responses, learned more about snake hemi-penises than I thought possible (though truth be told writing shapeshifter romance is a thorough education in Different Animal Dicks almost by default), staggered into another research hole dealing with the maternal stress response of eating one’s own young, on and on—and that was just writing the initial draft of the damn story!

If I detailed every research hole I threw myself down while revising—or during copyedits—we’d be here forever. Just take my word for it, Ma Nature has been intoxicated to the point of incoherence for geologic aeons, and the results are diversely, stunningly hilarious. Especially on this tiny, rocky little planet of ours. So lean into the weird with your biology, my fellow writers.

You won’t be able to approach Ma Nature’s sheer bonkers bullshit, but it’s fun to try.

Any story about “the future” tells us more (most) about RIGHT NOW.

I was first forcibly shown this while writing the Danny Valentine series, where a major influence was my trying to imagine how a post-petroleum transport technology might affect social structures, especially the repression of those seen as “different”. The HOOD series was informed by the question of how FTL travel and generation ships might intersect with feudalistic, autocratic social structures. Afterwar also drew on a lot of thinking I’d done about post-petroleum. So does Coyote; the Lindyland clinging to petroleum in the presence of other, better energy sources is clearly a comment on today’s stupid, short-sighted “drill, baby, drill”.

I am reminded of a (possibly apocryphal) story about Gene Rodenberry being asked if replicator technology was what ushered in Star Trek’s post-scarcity society. Rodenberry was reportedly quite definite that post-scarcity had already been reached, otherwise replicator technology would have been kept as a plaything of the already-rich and powerful while the rest of humanity starved.

Technology aside, there’s a larger point: Imagining a future must necessarily start in the present, pushing against the boundaries of what exists in order to show what is possible (and in many cases, preferable). The futures we imagine as ways to solve present problems are built in reaction to the structures which make present problems, well, problems. This is why autocrats, dictators, fascists, and bigots come for the storytellers first, with book bans, blacklisting, starvation, and finally bullets. Exposing racism, sexism, oligarchy, greed, etc. as problems to be solved instead of how things will always be is incredibly powerful, and strikes at the root of the rotten house of lying cards.

Imagining a better, kinder, more free and equitable future cannot happen without taking stock of (and holding a mirror up to) what exists now, and is never more critical than when the present is a morass of lies, fascism, and violence.

And if you like pulp, well, you can also have some deliriously violent fun along the way. Heaven (and binge-drunk Mother Nature) knows I did.

Coyote Run is available now in print, ebook, and audio in all the places, including your library if you request it.

Lilith Saintcrow is the New York Times bestselling author of more than twenty novels. She resides in the rainy Pacific Northwest with her children, dogs, cat, and library for wayward texts. 

Lilith Saintcrow: Website

Coyote Run: Horned Lark | | B&N | | Kobo | Apple

Announcing: The Calamities & Chaos Reigns


Who has four thumbs and another two books on the way? This guy. *points at self using two thumbs* Also hey do you know anybody looking to buy some thumbs? I seem to have two extra here in a little Ziploc baggy.

*shakes the baggy*

*the thumbs wetly bump together*




Coming to Del Rey! By me!

From the announcement: “A horror-fantasy duology pitched as Leigh Bardugo meets Clive Barker, in which the rich and powerful who run our world are actually rival demon families who feed on souls, each of which has sent a hungry expendable to investigate the strange power of a mysterious church that has risen in the American Midwest, to Tricia Narwani at Del Rey, by Stacia Decker at Dunow, Carlson & Lerner (world English). Rights: Film/TV: Josie Freedman at CAA Fiction: Horror”

I’ll talk a little more about these in the future, but for now, to answer some quick questions —

a) I’m writing the first book now! I’m having a fucking blast with it. Rough size expectancy is around 150,000 words. But hey that could change.

b) I don’t have a release date, I’m hoping sometime 2026, right now I’m obviously eyes on Staircase in the Woods, which is, oh shit, soon

c) I thiiiiink the second book will come out more quickly on the heels of the first book, like, within that first year after.

d) I am needless to say excited to work with Tricia again, a person who is 100% the greatest editor I know, and should win all the editing awards every year, again and again, in perpetuity until time itself ceases to exist. Obviously excited to work with the whole Del Rey team, too! But my books simply would not exist as my books without her steady editorial hand. Thanks too to my agent for helping make this deal a reality in the first place.

e) while the pitch mentions Bardugo and Barker, please also add into the book’s DNA, Library at Mount Char, by Scott Hawkins, and maybe even a little bit of that TV show, Evil.

Anyway! I’m excited. To drizzle a little more information atop these cupcakes — for those who have noticed that in my last several books I’ve had hints of demons and demonic presences (looking at you, Eddie Naberius), please be assured this is a continuation, even a culmination, of that vibe. (And who knows, maybe Naberius will even show up…) Initially, the first book was called The Fiends, but then amazing author Alma Katsu was like, “Here’s my new book, Fiend!” and I was like, well, she got there first, that’s just Book Law, so an entirely new title hit me and I totally love it.

Anyway, no way to preorder these or anything yet — when that’s a thing, I’ll letcha know. In the meantime, ahem ahem ahem, Staircase awaits.

A Buck Ninety-Nine Gets You The Book of Accidents

Is this book $1.99 now at your favorite ELECTRONIC BOOK-O-MATIC website? It sure is. It’s got haunted house vibes, creepy coal mines, a disappearing serial killer, magical owls, generational trauma, and a small family who is dealing with it all. I’d say this is the book where I get the most people coming up to me and telling me how much it means to them, if that’s worth anything to you? Maybe it’s worth a hundred-and-ninety-nine pennies, anyway. So, feel free to go find it — | | B&N | Kobo | Apple Books

Where To Start With The Books Of Chuck Wendig, 2025 Edition

Everything is perfectly normal and fine, and in that world of normal fine normalcy, one might want to read books. And once in a while, I get someone asking me, “Hey, what book of yours should I read first/next,” and I never exactly know how to answer that question succinctly, except for maybe blindfolding you and spinning you around and pushing you into a stack of my books and hoping one falls into your arms. I mean, I’ve now written *counts on fingers and toes and various clandestine appendages* 28 novels, with number 29 (Staircase in the Woods) arriving at the end of April. Plus three more secret books (two more adult novels, one middle grade) coming out, for 32 goddamn novels. That’s not even to mention the three writing books I’ve written, or the novellas, or, or, or.

It’s a lot of books! You’d be right to feel dizzy at the options! I didn’t even realize I’d written that many! What the hell is wrong with me?

Anyway. The question persists: where to begin with my books?

So, here I will attempt to answer this question! But I’ll answer it in a variety of ways, and you can do with it as you see fit. Ready? Let’s do it.

Reading Order

So, beyond chronological order, if I were to recommend a reading order based on… I dunno, vibes? Personal preference? I’d say this would be my reading order for you, if you were an adult person–>

Wanderers -> The Book of Accidents -> Wayward -> Black River Orchard -> The Miriam Black series (in order: Blackbirds, Mockingbird, The Cormorant, Thunderbird, The Raptor & The Wren, Vultures) -> Zer0es -> Invasive -> Atlanta Burns -> The Blue Blazes

Here you might be saying, “But that’s not all your books,” and you’d be right, it isn’t. But that’s for a reason! These are what I’d consider the… I dunno, core books of mine? The canon, so to speak?

But it’s not the only way to approach the work. Let’s keep going with —

My Best Book

If you wanted to know what I consider to be my best book

It’s this one. Wanderers. This is a book that I’d had in mind for years but it didn’t really have a full story or characters with it — but once I sold it on pitch, and once I sat down to write it (without an outline, no less) it more or less just fell out of my skull. It garnered what was to me a very large amount of blurbs, a lot of starred reviews, and it just opened a lot of doors for me. So, I think that’s my best book. It’s certainly also my bestseller. And it’s a book that broke me. In the best way possible. I thought I knew how to write books? And this book told me I didn’t write them the way I thought I did.

(Buy it here: print, e-book, audio at, or buy signed/personalized at Doylestown Bookshop)

The Book That Means The Most To Me

I’d tried to write this book two other times throughout my life and I just wasn’t ready for it. And then, one day, in my 40s? I was. I wanted to tell a story about generational trauma and family and how parents sometimes hold back the seawall of their own trauma but how that damages them too — and then, you know, there’s ghosts and a creepy coal mine and a missing serial killer and all sorts of other horror trappings. Plus some big twisty twists in there. But really the emotional core of it is important to me — it was then, and remains so, now. (Staircase in the Woods isn’t out yet, so it’s not included on al this stuff, but I pair it with Book of Accidents in terms of a personal book with something to say about myself and my view of the world emotionally more than sociologically or politically.) print, ebook, audio at, or buy signed/personalized at Doylestown.

My Actual Favorite Book

This one’s difficult! Honestly. It may seem strange that I like my own books but, for the most part, I do. I write them so that I like them! I write the kinds of books I want to read. The first time I really wrote a book that I was like, “Oh wait, fuck yeah,” it was probably the third Miriam Black book, The Cormorant. I just vibed really well with it, felt in-sync with it while writing it and after. Then the next one was Atlanta Burns, which started life as Bait Dog and then ended up a proper YA-ish YA-adjacent book, and you know, it’s hard not to enjoy that one, either, because — teen girl taking down small-town Nazis, especially these days, feels right.

But, at the end of the day, my current actual favorite book is —

You sort of had to guess, right? It felt like a stunt, “Oh, I’m going to write a horror novel about apples,” but then it actually happened, and I loved writing it, and it’s really been finding its audience since it hit paperback, which is nice. I think it’s a weird, neat, scary book about apples, and cults, and what happens when you lose your friends and family to bad ideas and social malignancies. It’s got social horror and body horror and probably way too much information about apples. print, ebook, audio at, or buy signed/personalized at Doylestown.

The Book I Wished More People Knew About

This might seem like a controversial one but —

If Wanderers is my biggest seller, then Wayward is my least successful book — financially — of my current crop of books. I’m saying that to be honest! It is nowhere near the first book in sales. Now, part of that is normal. You’re never going to get 100% uptake on a sequel; usually it’s about 50-60%, if things went right. And we’re just not there with this book. Most people didn’t even seem to know there was a sequel, and I don’t know how to scream it so loud that all the readers in all the land can hear it. But here’s the thing — I like this book more than I like the first one. It’s not that I think it’s better, per se, but I think it’s more interesting, and it concludes the story from the first one in ways that make me really happy. It contains some chapters that have legit made me weep like a baby. And other chapters where I wanna pump my first like it’s end of the Breakfast Club. I really love this book. There’s a golden retriever named Gumball, for fuck’s sake, and he’s a very, very good boy, perhaps even the best boy. So if any book of mine needs the proselytization, it is absolutely this one. I mean, for fuck’s sake it contains Dolly Parton as an apocryphal character and tells a story about how she deals with Nazis. C’mon. print, ebook, audio at, or buy signed/personalized at Doylestown.

That’s How You Get Ants / Elon Musk Sucks Moist Open Ass

Did you know that once upon a time, Wanderers was going to be a sort-of-sequel to this book, in the way that this book is a sort-of-not-really-sequel to Zer0es? It’s true! Hannah Stander, the futurist-daughter-of-doomsday-preppers, actually appeared in the first draft of Wanderers. Anyway. This is a thriller I had a blast writing, and it features both a) creepy freaky skincutter ants and b) a billionaire analog to Elon Musk who very definitely sucks and is evil, and I wrote this shit in like, 2014 or something. Fuck that guy. I hope he gets his skin eaten by ants. Anyway. I’d love to write more Hannah Stander, she’s a character I really like — there was almost a TV show about her, and then that TV show was almost an animated TV show about her, and things got really weird, and then they did not happen because it was bad. print, ebook isn’t available at Bookshop so here’s Amazon, audio at, or buy signed/personalized at Doylestown.

If You Want A Whole Damn Series That Tells A Complete Story

Miriam Black knows how you’re going to die, and that’s really fucked her up. Especially because she thinks she can’t do shit about it — until she realizes one day that she can interfere in someone’s death, but not easily, and not for free. There’s always a cost. She’s profane, unhinged, and is a character who is near and dear to my heart. These books were called urban fantasy, and then later on, supernatural suspense — but for me, they’re horror-crime.

(And note, there are also novellas that slot between the books!)

Start with the first book — print, ebook through Amazon, audio at, or buy signed/personalized at Doylestown.

I’m A Writer Who Writes

There, I have two books for you — Damn Fine Story is about the mechanics of story, plot and character. Gentle Writing Advice is more about the life of a writer, what you can take, what you can leave, and most importantly, how you deal with being a writer in times of strife and stress.

I Have Kids Who I Want To Join The Cult I Mean Become Your Readers

I have two middle grade books out — Dust & Grim is a weird horror-fantasy-thingy that’s funny and strange about a girl who inherits a mortuary for monsters, and Monster Movie! is about a kid who is afraid of everything and ends up doing battle with a monster movie in the most literal sense of the term — the movie is the monster. The latter is a standalone; the former is technically a standalone but one I wanted to write sequels for, but the publisher wanted to stick to one-and-done, even though the book ended up selling well in paperback (enough that it became a NYT bestseller).

I’ve also written YA, and my Empyrean trilogy — which, to be upfront about, is a trilogy published by one of Amazon’s publishing arms — is about the poor dust-scrabble folks who work amongst the carnivorous corn while the richie-riches live in their sky-cities looking down. I think John Hornor Jacobs described it as Star Wars by way of John Steinbeck and I like that. These books tend to be pretty cheap in e-book, if you so desire.

But Chuck, What About Star Wars??

I mean, sure, if you like Star Wars, I wrote some of those. Three books, which I’m proud of, especially writing them under difficult conditions. I don’t get much for them if you buy them, and at the end of things, Star Wars did not treat me particularly well? I’m honestly still a little bitter about the whole affair, and that hasn’t faded much, so that’s on you if you wanna check ’em out. Again, I’m happy with them. But I don’t get squat. They put some of my characters in things and I don’t even seem to rate a thank you or a t-shirt, much less actual dollars in my pocket. *shrug*

Okay! So I think that’s a good primer on where to start with my books. So if you’re looking for some manner of escape from THE CURRENT CALAMITIES, look no further than this list. And of course in April, we have a new one from me if you need something oooh-shiny:

Pre-order signed, personalized copy here (with bonus stickers and unique book-specific specialization).

So lemme ask —

If you’ve read these, where would you tell people to start?

Jennifer Probst: Five Things I Learned Writing To Sicily with Love

When she learns she has a big Italian family she never knew about, a lonely woman travels to Sicily for a life-changing summer in the new romance from New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Probst.

Aurora York had it all together: loving parents, a steady relationship, and a promising career. But after she loses both parents unexpectedly, she can’t seem to stay on track any longer. Lonely and lost after a public meltdown that threatens her professional credibility, she’s shocked when DNA test results show a blood relative in Sicily. When her cousin reaches out online and begs her to come to Italy to meet everyone in person, Aurora makes the leap.

Aurora arrives in Sicily for a month, and there she meets a colorful, dynamic family steeped in tradition. The younger generation is fascinated by her social media fame in America, and even though her grandparents have more traditional viewpoints, Aurora begins to heal from her grief…and enjoys the attention of a kind and handsome Italian man.

But when the summer ends, a new opportunity calls her back to the States and her old habits threaten to reemerge. Will Aurora leave everything in Sicily she loves behind, or take the chance on a whole new future?

Trust your voice and process

    I’ve written over fifty books yet each time I start a new one, it’s like learning to walk all over again. There aren’t many jobs out there where you can continuously doubt yourself even with a string of successes behind you and proof you can actually do the damn thing. The creative process is truly janky, and mysterious, and kind of magical, so I’ve learned one thing that’s like a rope line in a blinding snowstorm.


    When I started writing To Sicily with Love I felt completely overwhelmed. Out of my depth. I realized the book I pitched and sold featured a giant Sicilian family steeped in tradition and I had to not only construct a bunch of characters that leapt off the page, but make them all different, set in a culture I simply didn’t know much about.

    I also promised my editor the story would be light-hearted, even with the death of Aurora’s mother, but damned if I didn’t find myself in the muck of grief and darkness as my heroine found herself simply incapable of being her usual fabulous, goal-oriented self.

    After a brief panic that I was delivering the exact book my editor didn’t want, I relied on the only thing left. My trust to chase the story, no matter what emerged. So, I shut down the monkey mind whispering I could never do this right, and let my voice guide me through. I went to the dark places of regret, grief, and loneliness. When I got stuck in the details, instead of committing to my usual process of writing linear, I jumped around and wrote certain scenes that called to me. I blew up the secure, traditional way of creating a story and trusted with this book, I needed to do something different.

    It worked.

    Sometimes, you need to go in blind with a story and trust you will get there on your terms.

    Setting is a character.

    When I first began writing, I hated setting. I wanted to get straight to the good stuff, like dialogue and sex and action. But I realized as I wrote bigger and deeper novels, I needed to up my game. Setting is not just a background where your story takes place. If done well, it becomes another character, and can add an important element readers love.

    I learned to slow down and pay attention. I learned to savor not only what I can see and describe, but the taste, feel, and scent of the world surrounding my characters. Readers want escape, and whether it’s a spooky, dilapidated lodge in the mountains during a snowstorm, or the lush earthy hills of Tuscany, our job is to make our readers feel like they are there.

    Setting shouldn’t be a distraction from the story. It should be part of it. Whether you write about a cupcake festival in a quirky upstate farm or a six course meal served at a crowded pine table with loud Italian relatives talking over one another, put me there. And please allow me to taste all the food.

    Receiving endless letters from readers who tell me they got hungry reading my book, or planned a trip to Italy because of my story is the biggest payoff and worth all the work.

    Research your shit.

    It’s so hard not to get lazy with research, unless you are a writer who loves it. For me, I don’t mind a little, but with To Sicily with Love, I found myself in the deep end of the pool. I hadn’t gone to Sicily. It took me forever to finally find the perfect town in Sicily for my setting, and I’d get frustrated after hours spent online with no new words.

    But it’s a critical part of process. In order to write the story well, I needed to know not only the surroundings of the town, but where people ate, how people made a living, how they thought and spoke within the small community. I refused to allow people who’d visited Sicily to read my book and find a bunch of errors or mis-information.

    I put a call out to my readers asking who went to Sicily and if they had relatives there. I spoke with many on the phone, took endless notes, and pored over their pictures. I used maps, blog posts, videos, and watched everything I could find.

    I learned the process of olive oil making. I learned about the fish market. I learned how jewelers make precious coral.

    And all of this research led to rich, detailed scenes in the book that leapt from the page.

    Research is a delicate balance. Use it to enhance the storyline, but be careful not to get so excited about what you learned, you throw in too much detail and drown the reader.

    Emotion is key.

    When my writing goes off course, as sometimes it does, I bring myself back to the most important element that drives every single book I write.


    I can have the most gripping plot and fascinating characters, but if readers don’t care, the story will be flat.

    This means digging deep into a character’s mind and dragging out all their secrets. What they want. What they fear. What they dream. And what they believe is getting in the way.

    Goal, motivation and conflict needs to be wrapped up in emotion. A character behaving in an interesting way will remain flat on the page unless we dig deep underneath the skin and make them human.

    With Aurora, after losing both her parents in tragic circumstances, her perfect life she was so proud of is blown up, leaving her doubting everything she thought she believed in. I needed to allow myself to revisit and process my own grief, depression, and roller coaster of emotion I experienced when I lost my dad. A writer needs to be brave to unearth their own monsters to give life to the characters.

    It can be the difference between a good book, and a great book.

    Use theme to create a better story

    Theme is like the smoke that drifts from the pages of a story but is hard to grasp. I like to compare theme to a luscious gourmet meal, moving from appetizer to dessert. Theme makes a reader feel full and complete at the end of a book.

    Themes can include elements such as family, friendship, second chances, home, betrayal, chaos, forgiveness—any big type of subjects we deal or struggle with in our lives. It can be broad or narrow. 

    I’ve used themes while planning my book and deciding what I wanted to explore. I’ve also written my entire book before realizing what my themes were. Then I go back and layer the scenes with that specific theme in mind. Books can begin with one planned destination, then lead to the wild unpaved paths one never intended. The surprises are a reason I love my work so much

    When I began writing To Sicily with Love, I knew my themes in the book would be grief and forgiveness.

    My heroine, Aurora, travels to Sicily and meets her grandfather, who had cut ties with Aurora’s mother after she ran away to get married. Aurora resents him for abandoning her mom. He’s gruff and curt, giving off the impression of non-caring. As the summer unfolds, they form a tentative bond, which deepens over time, mirroring the relationship between the grandfather and mother.  

    Both relationships from the past and present rely on forgiveness. Aurora must forgive her grandfather and mother. Her grandfather must forgive her mother. They must both forgive themselves for actions that led to regrets. It is a full circle of forgiveness, given to the reader within the relationships. It’s played out with subtlety, threaded into each building scene and pulling the overarching pieces of the story together.

    Digging into the theme you’d like to explore in your story is a vehicle to create a richer, more dynamic story.

    Jennifer Probst: Website

    To Sicily With Love: | B&N | Amazon

    Please Promote Your Work In The Face Of Uninvited Nightmare

    I’ve seen people say they don’t want to share their books, their art, their work right now because it seems trivial in the shadows of these dark times, and I thought, I should talk about this. And my first response was going to be a long post — though, to some degree, I already did that post, and I did it way back in 2017, and honestly, it reads like I wrote that post yesterday.

    So, instead of some big thing about how writing is resistance and art is an act of optimism, blah blah blah, let’s just scrape away all that stuff and go right for the heart of the matter:

    We need the art.

    Shit is bad, and we need books, and music, and paintings.

    That’s it, it’s as simple as that.

    The times are hard, and art helps us through hard times.

    As such? You should never feel guilty for sharing your work because what do you think is going to help us through this bullshit? The way through nightmare is not more nightmare. We’re not going to succeed just by gulping from the shit hose and reading bad news until our eyes pop and run down our faces in a gush of aqueous goo. We need the break. We need the good stuff to combat the bad stuff. Doesn’t matter if the art is escapist counterweight or an arrow in the eye of fascism — we need it, we need it all, and we need it now. It’s not trivial. It’s a fucking life preserver.

    So, tell us. Share it. Show it. Give us links. Give us that light. We need to see your painting of a penguin or your book about two witches in love or a photo you took of a waffle you made. We need the songs of rage and the poetry of hope and we need it all and we need it today, and we’ll need it tomorrow, and we’re gonna need it a whole lot over the next four years (and then for all the years after). Art is the firelight. Art is the ladder out of the pit.

    It’s one of the very reasons we combat all the bad shit going on — so we can continue to make and witness art freely in this world. Art by all the people, just not a subset of them. Make it. Share it. Share yours, share others. Sell it! Buy it! Seek it. And no, this is not a post about how see, the best art is made in difficult times — that’s bullshit, because it’s harder now to make it. I sit here every day writing, and it’s like pulling the teeth out of an angry puma. I’ll write 250 words and then blink and before I even realize what’s happening I’m doomscrolling — sliding down a chute lubricated with an endless slicking of bad, weird news. I have to force myself to stop tonguing the broken tooth and go back to the work. It’s hard right now to make anything, which is all the more reason we must exalt that what is being made.

    We need it.

    I need it.

    It is not trivial.

    Rather, it is essential.