That, there, is LeAnna the Literary Lush — aka TRIPLE L — of Books, Booze, and Reviews. She’s a wonderful human, by which I mean she’s a wonderful human online — in person you’ll find her a dangerous inebriated psychotic who cavorts with hobos and practices a region-specific breed of necromancy so that she can raise a cabal of dead Los Angeles hipsters who serve her by, y’know, mixing her drinks.
In other words, she’s my kinda peoples.
Anyway, here she’s (drunkenly) reviewing Blackbirds, a book by some dipshit with an ego-blog.
She has written a non-drunk review here, but I can’t fathom why you’d prefer a booze-free review.
You can procure Blackbirds from Mysterious Galaxy –> at this link.
Triple-L drunkenly reviews I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga here.
And here she reviews (also drunkenly) City of the Lost by Stephen Blackmoore.
You can follow her at the Twittertubes — @skellykitten.