Last week’s challenge — “Choose Your Own Setting” — demands your eyeballs, so click, go, and read.
This week I said something like, “Blah blah blah, writers lie to themselves a whole lot.”
And therein lies this week’s challenge.
No, you needn’t write fiction in which you lie to yourself, but you must write fiction in which the characters lie to one another. The deception is the thing, you see? Every story thrives on conflict same as yeast thrives on sugar and bears thrive on honey (provided it was first stuffed in the chest cavity of a fleeing park ranger). Your task today is to make the core conflict of the story based upon or orbiting around a terrible lie.
If your story features no such lie, you will be ejected from the airlock and forced to fight space sharks.
There you go.
Other details?
Genre: Do as you will.
Length: 1000 words.
Due by: Friday, April 6th, noon EST.
Post online (not in the comments). Link back here.
That’s it. Go and write, my little lie-monkeys.
Bonnee says:
Hmm I might actually try this if I remember reading it when I wake up tomorrow (I don’t know about you, but it’s past midnight here and I’m not good at retaining information when it’s given this late…) Sounds like this could be a lot of fun :3
March 30, 2012 — 9:27 AM
Jim Franklin says:
Here’s my entry. Lots of lies in here.
Hope y’all like it, and feel it’s worthy for a little old comment or two.
March 30, 2012 — 10:38 AM
DL Thurston says:
This overlaps with the last day of working through the settings from last week, so a few lies, and a shocking number of truths, told in a fairy tale forest.
March 30, 2012 — 12:05 PM
Darlene Underdahl says:
The Big Lie
March 30, 2012 — 1:06 PM
David A. Mulis says:
A lie pertaining to space sharks. Got it.
March 30, 2012 — 1:25 PM
R.J.Keith says:
I did a completely shoddy job of promoting myself and Blood on the Quarter on the pimp circus post. I hope you guys will forgive me long enough to take a look at this week’s flash fiction blended with last week’s setting challenge. Featuring a character from Blood on the Quarter and the horrible little secret her father has been keeping from her for a very long time.
March 30, 2012 — 8:49 PM
Shiri Sondeimer says:
No angels this week!
Featuring two characters from my upcoming novel, Shaman.
March 30, 2012 — 10:05 PM
David Grigg says:
This is NOT my entry (which I’ll try to achieve over the next day or so).
But I couldn’t help linking to this poem by Wilfred Owen, which could have been written for Chuck’s challenge :
March 30, 2012 — 10:45 PM
Anna Lewis says:
A 16-year-old boy with a lock on his bedroom door. Yep, there’s some lyin’ goin’ on up in here.
March 31, 2012 — 2:12 AM
Lesann says:
My offering:
March 31, 2012 — 1:40 PM
Andreas Habicher says:
Well, let’s see what a cartload of lies can do.
March 31, 2012 — 3:58 PM
maxfield says:
Is the 1000 characters restriction optional? Most of you seem to be around 4200.
March 31, 2012 — 5:59 PM
Amanda says:
Can anyone join this party?
I took a tangent on terrible in the terrible lie challenge. And I forgot to name my flash fiction. But I did come in under 1,000 words.
April 1, 2012 — 12:16 AM
Josh Loomis says:
“I’m not calling you a liar… just don’t lie to me.”
April 2, 2012 — 7:26 AM
Sigil says:
A Brotherhood of Lies:
April 2, 2012 — 10:06 AM
columbibueno says:
Handi Girl
April 2, 2012 — 4:28 PM
Samuel Schultz says:
Lies, but not such terrible ones.
April 3, 2012 — 12:07 PM
mediamentalist says:
April 3, 2012 — 6:09 PM
Melissa says:
April 3, 2012 — 10:22 PM
Amanda says:
In which the making of a sandwich becomes the last calm before the storm.
April 4, 2012 — 5:50 PM
Kim says:
April 4, 2012 — 8:04 PM
Laura W. says:
Ack. I have this great idea/outline for a story, but I’m currently doing the A-Z Blogging Challenge where you have to post a topic starting with a different letter of the alphabet every day (except Sundays). Rawr. I guess I’ll have to find a way to work the title in somehow…
April 4, 2012 — 8:45 PM
Robyn says:
I don’t know what’s wrong, but I finished like a day early.
April 5, 2012 — 12:25 AM
alreadynotpublished says:
Ah nuts, I missed this one. Forgot to follow Chuck;s blog, situation remedied!
April 5, 2012 — 8:29 AM
Sarah says:
Here’s my contribution:
April 5, 2012 — 1:57 PM
Volanta Peng says:
April 5, 2012 — 5:37 PM
Laura W. says:
Well…I wrote the story, and am kind of horrified at myself for what came out. I will definitely not be sharing it on my blog. BUT I did do it. Thanks for the prompt!
April 5, 2012 — 7:06 PM
Mike says:
Had a story with a lie in it, decide to pump it up a bit to Terrible rating –
April 5, 2012 — 8:13 PM
Candice says:
If you want to make a new friend, start playing solitaire in a public place.
Then again, be careful what kinds of friends you make…
April 5, 2012 — 11:28 PM
Louise Sorensen says:
That was interesting.
I’ve read all the pieces presented here and left comments where it was possible.
It’s amazing how many different takes there are on one theme.
Here’s mine Soul Mates
April 6, 2012 — 10:02 AM
Shane Liebling says:
April 6, 2012 — 11:21 AM
Scott Weber says:
A terrible lie needs a terrible person to tell it to…..
April 6, 2012 — 11:51 AM
Marc Nocerino says:
Aww hell, just noticed that I accidentally posted this on the wrong week’s blog! I swear I had this done in time… no really! Check the timestamp.
Well anyway, since I missed the last 2 weeks’ challenges, I decided to mash-up all three challenges together for this week’s story. I give you: “The Fire Of The Gods” – set on a Lunar Base, with the characters all lying to each other.
April 6, 2012 — 12:11 PM
Sarah says:
My contribution for this week.
April 6, 2012 — 4:27 PM
Ellen M. Gregg (aka Better Late Than Never) says:
I know I didn’t meet the deadline, but…
April 7, 2012 — 2:40 PM
David Grigg says:
I know this is kind of weird, but I spent the entire week last week trying to come up with a story involving a terrible lie, but came up dry.
Then Chuck’s challenge for the current week (just the first line) and a photo from the Google+ Flash Fiction Project combined to create this story, which meets the Terrible Lie criterion. Gosh, I don’t know!
April 7, 2012 — 10:18 PM