Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

December 4th: Last Day To Order Holiday Tomes of Wendig

[update! we are now out of MAGIC SKELETON copies — like, out out. so that’s no longer a part of the promo! sorry! ahh!]

PSSST. Hey, if you were thinking of ordering one of my books from Doylestown Bookshop for the holidays, the last day they guarantee shipping by the holidays is if you order by December 4th. (That’s not to say you can’t order after that, but at that point, they won’t make the guarantee it’ll get to you in time for whatever mirthful celebration you, um, celebrate.)

Reminder that if you nab a copy of Black River Orchard for me to sign and/or personalize, you also get some manner of EVIL APPLE STICKER and I invent an EVIL APPLE VARIETY all for you, Damien, all for you.

(Details here.)

And I’m throwing in a new offer here, too, as I found these:

And here you might say, “Chuck, these look like shiny possum stickers, but the possum is also an astronaut,” and you might further surmise, as you are smart, “Hey, I think the brilliant Natalie Metzger designed these,” and on both counts, you’d be right. Ring the bell, you win. The Cosmic Possum is from You Can Do Anything, Magic Skeleton, which Natalie illustrated.

I also have a smaller amount of her Bagel Possum stickers.

So, here’s the new deal —

Order any non-Black River Orchard book of mine from Doylestown Bookshop to be signed and personalized, you get a shiiiiiny Cosmic Possum sticker. (Supply limited, and when I’m out, I’m out.)

(List of my books on their shelves here.)

Order You Can Do Anything, Magic Skeleton specifically, you get both the Cosmic Possum and the Bagel Possum sticker. (Supply limited here, too.)

The same order deadline applies — December 4th.

Again, you can order from the bookstore’s website or call the store directly.


Or something. Shut up.


If you’ve read and enjoyed any of my books, please leave a review somewhere. Amazon, Goodreads, Storygraph, wherever. It helps! It’s nice! It’s a treat! It gives us a small frisson of joy before we sink again into the dark depths of our imagination prisons where we are forced by the demons inside us to continue mining our misery for your entertainment!! Ha ha ha! Just kidding! That doesn’t happen! I have to go now! Definitely not because the DEMONS are getting PUSHY please leave a REVIEW jesus christ