We’re now one year out from the election, and this particular election cycle has been going on for — *checks watch* — well, let’s just go with FOR AN INTOLERABLE AMOUNT OF TIME. And last night was the 3,912th iteration of the GOP debates, our current favorite sport, where yet again the candidates disappointingly failed to oust one another with sword and javelin.
I have occasionally seen some international friends marvel at our election process, particularly as regards the EAGLE THRONE OF LORD PRESIDENT, and I imagine they have a look on their faces like, “Wow, what the unholy hell is going on over there in America? Is everybody okay? Do they need an intervention?” Meanwhile, Canada elected Justin Trudeau, a certified hunk of smoldering manflesh who then filled his cabinet with people who are both actually capable to do their jobs but also represent surprising ethnic and gender diversity. (When asked why he did this, Trudeau said, and I’m paraphrasing, “Because it’s 2015 and because you have to ask me that question, you jabbering chimpanzee. Now behold my sexiness as I snowboard into your heart. WWHIISSH.”)
So, to those wondering what’s going on over here, I will take a moment to explain.
Presidential politics is composed of two stages:
The primary race.
And then the presidential race.
The primary race is the thousand-year stage where we’re at now, in which each party votes for its particular KINGSLAYER who will attempt to forcibly occupy the EAGLE THRONE during the next round of Presidential Idol, the race itself. This first half represents an ugly, inefficient and ultimately demeaning contest, and here’s what I mean:
To win your primary, you must “appease your base.” See, your base comprises the center mass of your political party tribe — and this can be viewed best as a naked, filthy throng of zealots and acolytes pawing and biting at one another. You have to make those people happy, or so the wisdom goes. In effect, your job as a candidate is to cover yourself in as much pigshit as possible in order to convince the filthy throng that you are just like them. You just keep glopping it on, the wet slaps of hog ordure echoing through the auditorium as you dance and gambol about, ooking and gabbling and urinating everywhere. I’M JUST LIKE YOU, you must grunt and gibber.
Ah, but then you win the nomination.
Then you go to the big race, where you no longer are trying to appease the lunatic mass of your tribe. Now you’re trying to appeal to the larger voting body — more or less everyone. You really can’t win that election by impressing only your party. You gotta shoot down the middle. So, in the first race, you shellac yourself in swine feces. And in the second race, you now have to convince the rest of us that no sir, I never covered myself in pigshit, not once, not ever, never will, nope, nope, nope. What’s that smell? It’s not me. It’s the other guy. What’s that? You have video of me pouring buckets of farm filth over my head? That’s not me. That’s somebody else. I’m your guy.
In the primary race, you have to aim for the fringes.
And in the presidential race, you have to aim for the center.
This might sound like you ultimately appealing to everyone by the end — the farthest-flung and the most moderate — but that’s not really how it works. Because moderates and fringe people don’t really see eye to eye. This isn’t scoring points. This is allying with opposing groups and then trying to pretend you never did that. This is clan politics. This is tribal warfare. (And really, it’s a result of the very limited two-party system — but that’s a discussion for another day.)
Now, ultimately, this is true for both parties. But here’s where I attempt to shut down false equivalency (aka the excuse of BOTH PARTIES ARE JUST AS BAD) and where I further show my admittedly liberal (if not explicitly Democratic) bias —
The GOP covers itself in a far stinkier brand of pigshit.
Like, the Democrats? Their pigshit smells mostly pretty nice. You may not like it. You may not think it’s effective enough, or the right smell, or that it’s too nice, but at the end of the day, the liberals usually come out of the gate trying to convince their base of their basic humanity — right? They want health care and less war and fewer guns to kill ourselves with — their pigshit is, for better or for worse, optimistic. Maybe that optimism is ideal. Maybe it’s naive. Maybe it’s a lie. (That’s for you to decide.) At the end of the day, the Democratic party is more moderate, and so their political base lines up more cleanly (if imperfectly) with the moderate outlook.
The GOP though, they get worse every cycle. Their shit stinks louder every time. It’s as if Rush Limbaugh impregnated the party years back with his demon seed, and that baby’s been swelling and bloating inside the beast ever since. The GOP is increasingly reducing their pigshit down like a fine French sauce until its potency is truly eye-watering. It’s no longer enough to say blah blah blah you want smaller government and fiscal responsibility. Now you have to want no government at all. Now you have to somehow pull off the spine-bowing gymnastics where you convince your party that you’re running for governmental office yet are mysteriously anti-government. Worse, you have to claim to want no government while at the same time claiming to want more government intervention in things like, say, women’s uteruses. You’ve gotta be a total shithead, actually — you have to say you hate women and brown people and Muslims and science? What’s science? Isn’t science the thing that makes Jesus sad? Yeah, no, fuck science, science has never gotten us anywhere ever. Remember the Dark Ages? THOSE WERE THE BEST OF TIMES. Jesus will tell you. He loved the Dark Ages. In fact, you have to commit to the positively Satanic act of convincing people you’re a total JESUSHEAD while simultaneously taking political positions that would’ve made the Real Jesus turn into an actual white person because of how pale he’d go — if Jesus were here right now, we probably would’ve convinced him that we simply do not deserve to live. All that love thy neighbor bullshit would fall by the wayside as he reluctantly commanded the Second Deluge to sweep us all away. Maybe he’d call that Second Deluge “global warming,” and then he’d laugh as we all drowned in the boiling water that the GOP said was never coming because, if you’ll recall, science is stupid and climate change is a lie.
And JESUS FORBID you’re actually reasonable. The more reasonable you are, the deeper your poll numbers plunge. Jon Huntsman came out of the gate and was like, “Global warming is real and the GOP should’ve been leading the way on gay marriage because that’s the epitome of the government staying out of your business,” and I’m pretty sure a broken toaster would’ve gotten better poll numbers. Meanwhile, Ben Carson wants to convince you he tried to stab a kid and that Jesus filled the Pyramids with Secret Jesus Frankenstein Monsters, and Trump wants you to know that fuck you, that’s what, and those two kookaloons are soaring in the poll numbers.
All the while, you hear the moist sounds of pigshit hitting skin.
And the tribe moans and applauds and moves together with the gallumphing sameness of a slime mold whose glistening pseudopods writhe in squishy unison.
Then they win the nomination, quick wash off, and try to convince you they don’t think all the horrible things they think — or at least that they never said the horrible things they said.
(As a sidenote, this is one of the reasons I’m dubious of Bernie Sanders’ ability to win the nomination. Setting aside the fact he’s old and yells at you like your grandpa, his politics — while smart and lovely! — are also probably outside the scope of the moderate middle American vibe. I may be cynical here and I do like him. But I worry. I worry.)
How do you fix it? Fuck, I dunno. I dunno if there is a fix. The 24-hour-news-cycle makes it worse. The 25-hour-tornado-ragey-snark-fest that is the Internet exacerbates it. The laws allowing money in politics ensures that corporate interests trump human interests. The two-party system — well, I already went there. Lots of people vote for the presidential contest, but too few vote for any of the local or state ones. Maybe it’s fixable. I dunno.
But my fear is that it keeps on swirling the drain like this. That the stench of pigshit gets stenchier. That politics continues to be a hold-your-nose affair.
Then again, Canada just elected Trudeau, so what do I know? Maybe a better day truly awaits.
Maybe we should just listen to The Oatmeal reminding us, “It’s going to be okay.”
ANYWAY. So, that’s the primary process, explained through ANIMAL WASTE.
More on the big contest later, when our party’s KINGSLAYERS have been decided!
*cry-vomits into open hands*
mjmartell says:
Oh thank you! It’s like the worst kind of reality show where the producers picked the participants based on their self delusions and capacity to throw wine in someone’s face.
And yet, I can’t watch them, I can’t watch the news that covers their idiocy without question, I can’t watch as we all accept that this is how it is. My 19 year old son, about to vote in his first presidential election, is baffled and frustrated. No one’s talking about the stuff that matters! Climate change, gun control, privacy, homelessness, education…
Don’t worry son, the crazies will be weeded out by next Nov. Except, maybe not.
November 11, 2015 — 8:57 AM
Katharine Ashe says:
Thanks for this uplifting gift to my morning, Chuck. Because the “Turkey Forks” that I just encountered in a Thanksgiving catalogue (because, presumably, regular large forks or, gosh, even mitts don’t suffice) didn’t already remind me that THE FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE LOOKED A LOT LIKE THIS. (I know this, by the way, because I am An Historian.) *cue old guy sliced to bits in Monty Python and the Holy Grail*
November 11, 2015 — 8:57 AM
Doug Daniel says:
That includes politicians manipulating the mechanisms of government to deny their political opponents legitimacy and success, because that’s where we’re at, and that’s one of the things that crushed the Roman Republic, and I don’t think anybody is really calling it what it is, the destruction of governance in the name of twisted ideology. It makes me frightened, to be honest.
November 11, 2015 — 9:50 AM
Laura says:
Nero’s already working on his 2020 campaign.
November 11, 2015 — 4:38 PM
morticia1313 says:
Ha! I see what you did there.
I love every word of this thread. I want to invite you all to coffee but we’re probably states apart. *sigh* Why doesn’t Chuck sponsor a fan con? Well, Chuck?
November 12, 2015 — 6:19 PM
The Daily Assassin (@TDA_Rook) says:
I’ve been worried that my age is turning me into my dad with all the “Things were better back in the day” rahrah, but I do honestly think the politics have gotten worse and worse. I think it was heading toward the dump in 80s and 90s, but I think 9/11 causes a huge brainbreaking effect on folks so that we are now to damn black and white, right and wrong thinking that the calmer folks who try to compromise and keep people from grabbing torches have been squeezed out and are sitting at home with the rest of us watching this pooh fest.
November 11, 2015 — 8:58 AM
Eldonna Edwards says:
It already feels like a thousand years since the Kingslayer competition began. Thank you for easing the pain with your brutally honest assessment. It’s difficult not to be cynical but this, this pouring of light on the truth on this clownish debacle somehow made me the political stench more tolerable today. Thank you,
November 11, 2015 — 9:00 AM
sarahcain78 says:
Wow. Hilarious and spot on summation of the process. Maybe we’d be better off if we turned the process into gladiatorial combat? My money would be on Hillary.
November 11, 2015 — 9:06 AM
addy says:
thrown into a pit with a single dagger in the middle. however survives wins.
November 11, 2015 — 9:21 AM
urdith says:
Completely off topic: The new Canadian defense minister? I swear, he was pulled from a Black Ops first person shooter and brought into the real world…
November 11, 2015 — 9:10 AM
addy says:
chuck i love your political comentary. I lost faith in the government long ago and i barely beleive any of the guff they spout. sure there are some shinning stars but not enough, not nearly.
I would love to hear your take on brittish politics. its getting worst over here.
November 11, 2015 — 9:20 AM
Bob Lockett says:
As an English person, it is so refreshing to hear that not everyone over the pond is a fucking lunatic. Your politics makes it seem that way. Many years ago your esteemed Moby played here in Sheffield. His first words as he walked on stage were an apology for Bush. ‘I just need you to know we’re not all like that.’ I fear we’re following closely in your footsteps. The media has taken control over here and it’s almost as right-wing as GOP.
Our prime minister fucked a pigs head and everyone loves him for it. The left-wing opposition (commie bastard in America-speak) didn’t quite bow low enough the other day and they want to burn him alive.
Thanks for all the posts. Love them. Especially that last one about kids.
Sending Love, Peace and Hope.
November 11, 2015 — 9:33 AM
Nicole S says:
Our only hope is Bernie. ANY GOP candidate win will take us so far down the rabbit hole we’ll become a third world country within a decade. I honestly can not believe all the things they are spouting and that people are cheering for! I think Hilary will maintain the status quo of what Obama has been doing the past 8 years. Which might keep us afloat….maybe. Which is why I feel Bernie is our only hope. Never mind his talking points or his ideas, look at his track record. 30 years of telling the idiots in congress that they are killing us. 30 years of fighting FOR regular Americans. And he is not running because he thinks he can take care of it all, he is running to get a political movement together to actually take back the country from the crazies. I lost my faith in politics until he announced his bid. Now I feel there is a glimmer of hope that we might get out of this mess. Maybe. Hopefully.
November 11, 2015 — 9:35 AM
terribleminds says:
Lemme ask a serious question: what is the mess Obama has gotten us into? (I have my criticisms of him, though I don’t know I’d categorize the country as being in a mess. Hence the question.)
November 11, 2015 — 9:58 AM
Nicole S says:
The TPP for one thing. I don’t dislike Obama, however that “trade deal” is really going to sell the American manufacturers out. Not to mention all the crap in that deal that doesn’t even involve trade. Obama lost my favor when he agreed to that in secret. And Hilary helped him. That alone makes her unworthy in my eyes.
November 11, 2015 — 10:37 AM
Widdershins says:
We hope Justin will squash the TPP here in Canada for the insidious slimy bug that it is. We hope. Not a very big hope, but hope none-the-less.
November 12, 2015 — 8:28 PM
Amy Strnad says:
I can’t speak for Nicole, but I understand her frustration. I like Obama. I voted for Obama. I went door-to-door and campaigned for Obama. And I agree he is 100 times better than his predecessor. And I don’t I think that a politician must do everything my way or they’re a loser. That kind of black or white thinking is dangerous, IMHO.
BUT, I freely admit that I am horribly, horribly disappointed with Obama’s version of healthcare reform, among other things. (In the interest of full disclosure, I’m a physician – and write in my spare time – and believe a single-payer system is our best hope) I’m sure the for-profit insurance companies were delighted when Obamacare made buying their product mandatory. But here’s the thing: The Center for Public Integrity analyzed the Senate’s lobbying disclosure forms that showed over 1700 companies and organizations hired over 4500 lobbyists (8 for each member of Congress!) who worked to influence health reform bills in 2009.
What the above illustrates ( and most have known all along) is that our system is FUNDAMENTALLY FLAWED.
With all the lobbying done by huge corporations, with all the super PAC money tossed at our politicians (and that DEFINITELY includes Hillary), what hope does the average citizen have? Many have completely lost faith in the system. And that includes those of us who campaigned heavily for Obama. Even with a president that I respect, I feel as though I’ve been thrown under the bus in an attempt to keep Wall Street happy. And healthcare reform wasn’t the only time that happened ( ie banks that are “too big to fail”)
I think this is one of many reasons why Bernie is so popular. I agree with him on most of the issues. I also understand he won’t be able to accomplish everything he wants. Far from it. But he has the integrity and personal fortitude to stand up and say NO to accepting the millions of dollars Super PACs dole out and is making getting the money out of politics a priority. (A serious, believable priority, not just lip service tossed at us but the other candidates.)
Until this happens, the middle class and the poor never stand a chance.
November 11, 2015 — 12:08 PM
Nicole S says:
Yes Amy! The fact that Bernie took that one loon hedge fund idiot’s money and gave it to charity saying we don’t need your $ was awesome! He won’t court the big $ in California. Instead he is building a campaign on average Americans donating. Which means he understands and doesn’t want money controlling politics anymore either.
November 11, 2015 — 12:24 PM
SamKD says:
I also like and voted for Obama and agree he’s much better than his predecessor. However I too stand in the very-anti-TPP camp. Not keen on gutting the space program but keeping all the “homeland security” measures either; I actually believed the campaign promise of closing GTMO.
On the other hand last night’s debate left me convinced that 1) the GOP as a party doesn’t even HIDE being shills for Big Industry, 2) several of them are dangerously insane and 3) Eisenhower was right about that military-industrial complex thing.
PS I’m a fan of single-payer healthcare too.
November 11, 2015 — 1:39 PM
writefirster says:
If bernie can’t win, we give in to defeat and basically say corporations own elections.
November 11, 2015 — 9:40 AM
Amy Strnad says:
November 11, 2015 — 10:07 AM
Raymond C. Qualls says:
“Presidential Idol” is right!
BTW, I’m going to another Bernie Sanders debate watch this Saturday. In this intensely red state, it feels like a covert act; something that you don’t want getting around if you want to keep your car in one piece. Sadly, given some of the comments I’ve read that are being made by right wing supporters in social media and other public spaces, I wouldn’t put it past some in the GOP and right wing groups to call for an armed insurrection against the federal government if Bernie wins. 2016-17 may become 1860-61 all over again.
However, despite this threat, whether it is real or imagined, I still intend to vote for Bernie if he wins the nomination.
November 11, 2015 — 9:47 AM
21timetraveler says:
After reading this, I thought you might get a kick out of this (not mine) blog–http://prejudicepolitics.com. She personifies different countries and writes hilarious stories about their interactions. It’s definitely worth a read.
November 11, 2015 — 9:57 AM
Matt Black says:
[“Global warming is real and the GOP should’ve been leading the way on gay marriage because that’s the epitome of the government staying out of your business,” and I’m pretty sure a broken toaster would’ve gotten better poll numbers.]
Where the fuck is THIS party? The party that believes in science and ACTUALLY staying out of people’s business but whose main concerns are the actual roles of government: MAINTAINING rule of law, ENFORCING social and business contracts, DEFENSE (not adventurism) and conducting international trade, and leaving the rest to local and state government. I could get behind that party.
I once considered myself a conservative but the “CONSERVATIVE MEANS WHAT RUSH LIMBAUGH TELLS US JESUS SAID! WAR ON CHRISTMAS! RUN AWAY FROM GAYS! THERE’S NO SCIENCE IN THE BIBLE AND THE BIBLE ROOLZ!” crowd has overtaken the word and now I could never in good conscience claim it.
As far as Mr. Sanders goes, I absolutely love and share his ideals – Free college? Awesome. Free Healthcare? Fuck yeah. Less war? Sounds AWESOME. Less guns? Sure! If all of this could be done without absolutely devastating side-effects, I’d fully support it. Unfortunately in our current system, it doesn’t sound realistic. For example, a $15 minimum wage for fast-food workers would put many fast food chains out of business. I would get into the economics on healthcare but nobody would read it, let’s just say I really hope we can provide affordable healthcare for all without putting many healthcare providers out of business (which would leave few to provide the healthcare). I really hope someone comes up with a way that works. I don’t see Sanders’ proposals working.
Anyway, Chuck, sorry for going off on my own tangent. I loved the article, it was hilarious and also a pretty accurate way to explain the system. Thanks again for another great article on your great website. Keep on kicking ass!
November 11, 2015 — 9:58 AM
Nicole S says:
I personally don’t see Bernie getting much of that done. As a nation, WE should be leading the world in quality of life programs and have the highest standard of living. We’re America dammit! But I see a lot of opposition to his plans. He might get a few things done, like single payer healthcare or free public universities, but I don’t see all of it happening.
However, I’m still voting for him because he is TRYING to improve our country! And in all honesty I really think he wouldn’t allow the crazies to pass anything that harms everyday citizens. I think he could get some tax loopholes closed and fund an infrastructure bill. Things we need. and the main thing….he promises that if elected (this is his only promise) any appointment to the Supreme Court will be people that intend to get $ out of our politics. So his only legacy is that he gave back the government to the people…..I’ll take it!
November 11, 2015 — 10:46 AM
Brian Basham says:
One of the great things about Bernie is that his plans sound expensive, but he has a plan to pay for all of it.
His plan for healthcare would actually be less expensive on average for every American. You may have to pay more in taxes but you wouldn’t have to pay insurance premiums. The down side of that is what would happen to medical insurance companies.
There is no way that would pass though. Too much money going to grease too many pockets for that to go through.
My biggest reason for voting for Bernie has to do with Citizens United and fixing the election process. No other candidate seems to look at that as a priority.
November 11, 2015 — 11:11 AM
Tanis Mallow says:
Hilarious as always, Chuck. And for anyone curious here’s more on the new Canadian Cabinet: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/the-trudeau-cabinet-read-the-full-list-ofministers/article27095965/
November 11, 2015 — 10:39 AM
Brian Basham says:
This just underlines how we all need to participate in the political process. It is important to vote in the primaries and the general election. If people don’t participate then you end up with the shitheads being the ones winning the primary and have to vote for the lesser of two evils rather than a candidate that represents your interests.
The deck is stacked against Bernie Sanders. The DNC has done everything they can to hand the nomination to Hillary. The mainstream media at one point wouldn’t say Bernie’s name unless they were interviewing him. If not for social media many of us still might not know about him. The mainstream media will openly declare that Hillary wins every debate. It doesn’t matter that she avoids questions and stammers and then says “I’m not as bad as the Republicans! Look at those shitstains!” *roar of applause* At the same time she gets a pass on her role in pushing mass incarceration, her ties to wall st., etc….
Meanwhile at the Republican debate Kasich gets boos for basically saying he would bail out the large banks because if it isn’t done then the entire economy would collapse. Which is true. Apparently the Republican base is pro- economy collapse?
November 11, 2015 — 11:02 AM
fadedglories says:
You could always move over to England…..IF you’re making tons of money from your books.
Life is shitty here and the present Govt. keeps trying to make it ever shittier for those of us without a couple of Bentleys in the garage and a few hundred acres of land.
Howmsoever….we do have the revitalised Labour Party (vaguely akin to Democrats) and some of us are trying extremely hard to change things and distribute the wealth evenly.
You’d be welcome anyway, because you’re a fighter Chuck and we can always do with a few more of them if the barricades go up!!!!
November 11, 2015 — 11:17 AM
Gareth Skarka says:
Actually, moving to England is far less possible than it was before, since your government quietly axed the Artists And Writers Visa a few years back.
November 11, 2015 — 11:24 AM
fadedglories says:
Sorry about that, they didn’t ask anyone. I s’pose you come under the heading of ‘Subversives’. I ‘d never get a visa for the US either.
November 11, 2015 — 11:39 AM
Doug Daniel says:
Any possibility of political asylum? Although I should probably apply first to our Canadian brothers and sisters. If things go seriously south here in Gringoville the problem is going to literally land on Canada’s doorstep.
November 11, 2015 — 1:42 PM
fadedglories says:
Seriously, you want to live in an old military camp with razor wire fencing?
November 12, 2015 — 5:13 AM
socalvillaguy says:
Amen, brother.
November 11, 2015 — 11:34 AM
Cat York says:
You are awesome and all your words are true, including the part where Justin Trudeau snowboarded into my heart.
November 11, 2015 — 11:36 AM
adpauli says:
Yeah, this felt very spot-on. I have two kids, ages 3 and 6, so we also may also share the same worry for what sort of country (or world, really) they inherit. This political shit-fest is a large part of that anxiety for me. The fundamental thing I really don’t get about the GOP/religious right is their complete and total lack of wanting to actually help other humans. The whole American individualism thing has gone from celebrating the individual to complete and total isolating selfishness. They honestly don’t seem to care that people are going hungry, dying of treatable disease, can’t access education, etc., which I can’t understand at all (especially if these people are supposed to be Christian).
November 11, 2015 — 11:38 AM
Len Berry says:
An excellent and fair assessment of the US election process.
The pigshit analogy isn’t too far from the truth. Trump got to the top of the polls through somewhat racist comments. Carson has said so many things that are pure fiction. It’s sickening to hear the bile coming out of these candidates’ mouths. There are many worthwhile Republicans, though too many of them are deciding they should start pouring that pigshit on their toast.
I could go on. I want to stop.
November 11, 2015 — 11:39 AM
dianewalton1952 says:
Thanks for mentioning Canada and Trudeau. We also have a racially and ability- diverse cabinet, plus gender equality at the highest level of our government. Better days ahead! As Justin put it, we have a cabinet that “looks like Canada”, instead of a bunch of old white guys in suits. Best wishes to all our friends south of the 49th parallel.
November 11, 2015 — 12:02 PM
Laurel Avery says:
That was just…stellar. Thank you.
November 11, 2015 — 12:16 PM
TooManyJens says:
“who then filled his cabinet with people who are both actually capable to do their jobs but also represent surprising ethnic and gender diversity”
What’s depressing is how many people objected on because they believe you can’t have both of those at the same time. And many of these same people get mad if they’re called bigots. Well, what should you be called if you believe that a diverse cabinet is necessarily less capable than one dominated by white dudes?
November 11, 2015 — 12:39 PM
Lori Carlson says:
Another spot-on post, Chuck. Unfortunately, I gave up on politics when the Supreme Court gave Bush II the presidency. I have not voted since, national, state or local. I see the “fix” everywhere now. Our voices are not heard. Our votes do not count. And sadly, our political system is so broken, I believe only a revolution of sorts would ever fix things. If, and that is a big IF, Sanders won the Democratic nomination, I would vote for him, but I do not see that happening. The Forces That Be know that Sanders will not play ball with the New World Order of things. We are not the United States of America, we are the United States of Corporations. We humans, we Americans, are merely fodder in USC’s agenda.
November 11, 2015 — 1:01 PM
Nicole S says:
Register as a democrat (if your state has a closed primary) and vote in the primary! He can’t be nominated if we don’t get out and vote for him. Don’t give up until Hilary becomes the democratic candidate. Then move to Canada..,.i’ll be right behind ya!
November 11, 2015 — 4:11 PM
Julie Holmes, author says:
Such an awesome post, Chuck–thank you! You’ve so eloquently, and with awesome humor, laid out what I’ve been thinking about our politics for a while. And starting this whole mess over a year prior to the actual election?! It isn’t enough we have to suffer through the mid-term elections, but a process that extends the pain of political crap to half the presidential term of office? Shit. If the GOP wins the EAGLE THRONE, at least I’m within a few hundred miles of the Canadian border. I’d even tolerate Alberta Clippers in actual Alberta rather than live through the de-evolution of women’s rights under the GOP WASPs.
November 11, 2015 — 2:19 PM
Rachael says:
I live in Missouri *exasperated noise, and holy hell is the right making it hard to stay. With all the racist threats in my home town of Columbia against black student protesters, I feel like there is a correlation with the angry back-lash and the angry GOP coverage. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe it’s a coincidence, but the hate-speak shares a lot of similarities and has been getting louder and more obnoxious over the last few months. I love my state. This is my home and I hate to see it being pulled back into shitty stereotypes we were still trying to shed a century ago. Just as an American abroad can feel the need to point out that we’re not all jabbering, gun-humping lunatics, I feel the need to speak on behalf of my state, that we are not all inbred, racist, ignorant horse-fuckers. The fact that the need for that caveat feels very real and necessary is a bad sign. Where’s Adam Douglas’ point of view gun when you need it?
November 11, 2015 — 2:28 PM
Kevin S. Mahoney (@TheSagest) says:
Kookaloon, while not so much an actual according to Hoyle word, is the perfect term for the primary debates.
November 11, 2015 — 4:14 PM
angieoakley1 says:
Made me laugh loudly, but hysterically, because it’s not remotely funny, it’s wrist-slittingly awful.
November 11, 2015 — 5:25 PM
Christopher Robin Negelein says:
Here’s a voice of reason that I enjoy during this crazy time. Doesn’t hurt that he’s a lover of SciFi. http://www.stonekettle.com/
November 11, 2015 — 9:53 PM
Chris Crawford says:
Gotta be about stakes. Being elected leader of Canada is a big deal, but for the POTUS is a thousand times bigger. Hard to believe that any “powers that be” are going to leave something that crucial up to the whims of mere voters.
I kind of wish more moderates/liberals would join the GOP instead of fleeing it like the plague. Make the nomination of someone truly moderate, like Kasich, a possibility. Try and turn the tide against the chickenhawks. I just have my doubts that if the Dems somehow gain all the cards they’ll be our buddies and fight for the little guy.
November 12, 2015 — 4:35 PM
Sandra Ann Garcia says:
Yes, yes, yes! I laughed as I read even as I wept at the sad reality. I feel the same way about Bernie Sanders… great ideas, but remember when McCain ran? The Dems pointed at his age and attacked him for it, especially when Palin was next in line. Imagine what the GOP will do if they regain a little sanity and crown Rubio as their clown car winner. He’s young, handsome, and slick… and they’ll use that imagery against Sanders or even Clinton.
I need more wine.
November 12, 2015 — 8:44 PM
decayingorbits says:
Wow. That was interesting.
November 12, 2015 — 9:09 PM
Sheila M. Good says:
Wow, I don’t know exactly what to say. I’m an independent, having voted both Democrat & Republican in the past. There are few candidates I have faith in at the moment; however, Clinton is definitely not one of them. It is true all politicians lie, but Hillary’s takes the cake. Lying to the face of the public is bad enough, but to the face of the families of those lost in Benghazi, those who fight to defend the very freedom that gives all of us the right to say what we will, is too much. To vote her in because (1) it’s her turn, (2) she’s a woman, (3) a Clinton or (4) her record as Secretary of State? (really) is… well, for once I would like to think American’s are too smart to do that. But, guess we’ll see.
I too believe our system needs a complete overhaul and I wouldn’t have a problem if we cleared the place out and started over with term limits and doing away with superPacs and lobbyist from the getgo. Cause right now, we’re all in a world of hurt.
November 14, 2015 — 8:49 AM