“With fear for our democracy, I dissent” — Justice Sotomayor, today, in a statement that is chilling in its necessity and also vital.
That statement, her statement, keeps doing laps around the inside of my skull. You can read the whole thing here (the bottom for the dissents). But that final statement of hers is a terrible, essential echo.
It feels like the distillation of everything that’s gone on with Trump, since Trump, about Trump — how electing him unleashed something terrible, or perhaps worse, simply mirrored it, multiplied it in that reflective visage.
With fear for our democracy, I dissent.
It feels like the thing you wear on a t-shirt, you put on a protest sign, that you spraypaint on walls, that you ink into your skin, a statement you can both co-opt as a weak signal to virtue and a statement you say as some cop or brownshirt or fascist neighbor shoves you up against the wall and pushes a gun barrel against your chest. It’s both a plaintive cry and a defiant call. Something to make art of, to make poetry of, to make a prayer out of, an apology, a whisper, a song, and of course, above all else, a dissent.
I don’t have any great wisdom here. I’m just talking. I feel the energy of agita and want to type it out. That isn’t always the ideal way forward but sometimes, especially with people like myself, it feels like the only way forward. It’s clear that the shadow cast upon us, one we hoped would soften, would lighten and brighten, is now growing wider and darker. This thing we’ve thought of for so long as bedrock — freedom, democracy, America — isn’t. It never was, to be sure, it was always a little bit of an illusion, but that shared illusion made it sometimes, sometimes, true. And now, I dunno. While it’s good to dispel illusions, sometimes we need them. But, perhaps at least we have clear eyes now and we know what’s happening, what’s coming. We’re going to walk into a Trump presidency if we’re not diligent, if we don’t stand vigil. This isn’t a GO JOE BIDEN post or any shit like that, and it’s certainly not a post about WE CAN VOTE OUR WAY OUT OF THIS but it’s a reminder we’re walking toward a black, bleak, very deep pit, one that might as well be bottomless, and we have to stop and turn around and do whatever it takes to not see Trump re-elected. If we turn him away, it doesn’t fix everything — there’s still a sucking chest wound gulping air and bubbling heartsblood, and it’ll still kill us when the next, smarter version of that guy comes along. But it’ll give us a chance. If we elect him, that chance dies.
We have a vote. It is imperfect and it is weak but together, with the votes of others, it gets stronger, louder, better.
With fear for our democracy, I dissent.
And not just that chance, either. We’re on the edge of a lot of things. Loss of freedom and loss of human rights and the teetering availability of bodily autonomy for women and trans folks, not to mention the boiling tidal wave that is climate change. We get Trump, that wave gets bigger, hotter, faster. It’s not just democracy we might lose there. It’s everything.
With fear for our democracy, I dissent.
Mourn today and tomorrow, figure out what you’re going to do. Not just in a selfish “build that bunker” way, but in a… community building, join hands, adopt-a-politician, call-your-politician, whatever you gotta do way. I’m not smart enough to know what that means, not today, probably not tomorow, but others are, and do, and we need to stay sharp, ears open.
With fear for our democracy, I dissent.
Good luck to all of us. Not just in America. The shadow isn’t just darkening over us. The pall is thick and blanketing most of the world.
With fear for our democracy, I dissent.
tony says:
Thank you!
July 1, 2024 — 11:45 AM
Debi Gliori says:
The Dark is rising. We need to wake up before it’s too late to do anything other than sift through the ashes wailing,’ Oh, If only I’d known. Why did nobody warn me?’
The time is now. Collaborate, agitate, do whatever it takes. Dissent the heck out of a future where The Donald is given more years to finish what he started.
July 1, 2024 — 11:51 AM
Fenraven says:
I feel sick.
July 1, 2024 — 11:52 AM
writeanne says:
It feels similar here in the UK as we go to the polls on Thursday. Big fears for democracy and the future. But yes, we each need to stay alert and informed and do what little we can for a better future. Lots of ‘little’ people like you and me all doing what little we can might just have a positive effect. Here’s to the dissenters!
July 1, 2024 — 11:55 AM
M. Oniker says:
I am hoping the folks in the UK live up to the hope in the polls, and that you throw the Tories out and move towards some sanity, unlike what appears to be going on in the EU.
July 1, 2024 — 1:07 PM
CZ Wright says:
When I heard the news today, I felt the same wallop of betrayal and shock that I felt the morning after the 2016 election. I don’t know how I keep getting surprised. I am sick over this country.
July 1, 2024 — 11:55 AM
Nicole says:
Same. So stressed.
July 1, 2024 — 1:18 PM
Janine G Stinson says:
I told my therapist that I won’t feel safe until after the Nov. election and Biden/Harris win again — that’s my fervent hope, anyway.
I bought a t-shirt from the ACLU shop some months back that says “Dissent is Patriotic.” Thinkin’ I might go get a couple more so I can wear them every time I leave the house (and not have to do laundry so often lol). No one will know where one stands unless one makes one’s stance known. Some wit probably said that before I wrote it. 😉
July 2, 2024 — 1:11 PM
Melanie says:
Thank you for reading my mind, Chuck
July 1, 2024 — 11:57 AM
Christine Chrisman says:
Woke today to another betrayal by our Supreme Court. Really appreciate your thoughts
July 1, 2024 — 11:59 AM
Mabry Hall says:
July 1, 2024 — 12:00 PM
Henry John Brandt II says:
Ditto. Thanks.
July 1, 2024 — 12:30 PM
literacy2af8648f6db says:
Thank you for writing this. We can’t let this country go without a fight.
July 1, 2024 — 12:43 PM
Kara says:
Thank you for putting words to my head exploding and heart sinking.
And to renewing my resolve of working for a get-out-the-vote group.
July 1, 2024 — 12:50 PM
TCinLA says:
Bravo, Chuck. We are indeed in the midst of growing darkness.
July 1, 2024 — 12:54 PM
M. Oniker says:
This is one of the most powerful, and chilling, pieces you’ve written, Chuck, in the umpteen years I’ve been following your blog. I plan to repost it, over on my little, barely read corner of the blogosphere because it is one of the few things I can do that makes me feel like I’m doing something, much like your comment about why you wrote it. I’ll figure out how to repost it, after I stop shaking from fear, sadness and anger. I’m 65, I never thought I’d see our country go backwards (and worse) from what seemed like a glimmer of promise of “forward” from my teen years of the ’70s.
July 1, 2024 — 1:05 PM
barbswright says:
And those of us along your northern border watch over our shoulder as we celebrate our own national birthday
July 1, 2024 — 1:08 PM
mark says:
we have our own dooms to reckon with up here
July 1, 2024 — 5:32 PM
lynneconnollyuk@yahoo.co.uk says:
It’s looking very much like the devil is going to win. If you are specially vulnerable, start your exit strategy now. That means Ukraine is lost, too, and so Georgia will follow. It’s not a USA only problem. The rest of the world is looking to you.
Don’t dick about now, get it done. I don’t think Biden can win this, but I hope to God that I’m wrong.
It looks as if the world is plunging into a far right hell. France is going that way, and Italy has already done so.
July 1, 2024 — 1:32 PM
Fatman says:
“The pall is thick and blanketing most of the world.”
We’re at the start of an era in which primitivism is resurgent, ignorance is elevated above logic and reason, and violent bigotry is only held in check by the cowardice of the bigots. Old forms of societal organization are dying, new ones have yet to emerge, so the dull, the psychotically sadistic, and the maladjusted howl for the demise of civilization in the hope that this will bring everyone else down to their level.
We’ve been in this place before, in ‘Murica and elsewhere. We’ll get out of it again. Fascists and other rabble-rousing scum can’t rule effectively and/or for very long (history offers some small comfort here). Angry losers can provide the impulse for political change, but they don’t magically turn into competent winners after the election.
The situation will eventually balance itself out. It just sucks to have to live through the shitshow until it does.
July 1, 2024 — 3:32 PM
terribleminds says:
“The situation will eventually balance itself out. It just sucks to have to live through the shitshow until it does.”
The complicating factor here is climate change. We are at the precipice of really, really having to take it seriously — and while few in power are taking it as seriously as the moment requires, the Trumps and the DeSantises and all the fascists are going the literal other way. Turning up the heat. And if that happens, it doesn’t really balance itself out. This is somewhat more existential.
July 2, 2024 — 10:50 AM
Fatman says:
I’ve sort of resigned myself to the notion that catastrophic collapse due to climate change is inevitable. True, the scum-troglodytes are going the opposite way, but even folks who ought to know better are doing practically nothing.
It will all balance itself out regardless – just a matter of how many millions dead, and whether we get to preserve some vestiges of civilization or not.
July 2, 2024 — 11:22 AM
Sebastian Fischhold says:
so very true. so very sad. so very frightening.
July 1, 2024 — 4:00 PM
Jennifer Ramirez says:
Thank you so very much for this post. Just before I read it, I had told my husband that I was not going to vote in the election since I don’t like either candidate. After reading your comments on the matter, I realized that I absolutely have to vote. If enough people decide not to express their choices by voting, Trump will win and our country will be lost. I have disliked him forever and I can’t imagine what our country will be like if he wins this time. Biden is ineffective and inefficient (not to mention that he might very well not survive another four years of presidency). But anyone is better than Trump. Your post really had an unbelievable effect on me.
July 1, 2024 — 5:27 PM
terribleminds says:
I appreciate it, thank you. <3
July 2, 2024 — 10:48 AM
Robyn L Russell says:
First, Chuck, thanks for this post. You have a way of getting right at the heart of the matter. For my part, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we are seeing the rise of fascism at a time when the Greatest Generation–the generation of people that fought World War II and who saw the terrible toll that fascism takes–are dying out. As we experience this generational amnesia, we wind up repeating the mistakes of the past.
July 1, 2024 — 5:39 PM
Fatman says:
“I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we are seeing the rise of fascism at a time when the Greatest Generation–the generation of people that fought World War II and who saw the terrible toll that fascism takes–are dying out.”
I’ve been thinking about this a lot too. Grew up listening to the stories of my grandparents who lived through (and fought against) the Nazi/fascist occupation in Europe. Even the oldest members of that generation are now gone. The physical memory of the horrors of fascism is all but dead, and revisionism is on the rise everywhere.
Worse yet, fascism has been such a taboo for so long that young folks who do not take the time to educate themselves are starting to see it as “edgy” and “cool”. Very disheartening.
July 2, 2024 — 11:19 AM
Penquillity says:
This weight is heavy, and hope strains to keep our heads above the dark waters swirling around the foundations.
July 1, 2024 — 5:43 PM
Kristin Andersen says:
I feel the same. We do, collectively, have the power to push back against Trump and those like him, but we have to flex our collective muscles and do it. My only hopeful thought out of the ruling today was that maybe, maybe, it will be the catalyst to pull the rest of the fence-sitters into the battle for our freedom.
July 1, 2024 — 8:21 PM
Bdecoux says:
Thank you for putting into words the gut punched feeling I’ve had since reading the news.
July 1, 2024 — 9:09 PM
Suzanne Lucero says:
We’re in one of your horror stories, Chuck. Well, I know you didn’t write it, but it’s horrific nonetheless. We’re dealing with human greed and human stupidity, human angst and human hopelessness. It’s A tall ask to reach most minds that are caught up in their dark humanity, especially when they think they are walking toward the light, and turn them in another direction, even if only slightly. There’s still time, but it’s dwindling. We must do the best we can, and live in estel. (Grab your Quenya dictionary for that reference.)
July 2, 2024 — 9:33 AM
Morgan says:
Once Trump left office, I thought this shit was behind us. Surely, Congress would man up and straighten things out. Nope. Surely, SCOTUS would man up and see that justice prevails. Nope. Surely, the majority of Americans will see through the grift and vote the deadbeats out. Nope. Apparently, we love the deadbeats and the grift. We keep electing idiots like Bobert and Greene and Jordan and Santos and Gaetz. When our representatives can no longer do what’s right, when our highest court is corrupt, what recourse do we have left…?
July 2, 2024 — 12:07 PM
Janine G Stinson says:
I have a recourse in mind, but it is searingly painful, horrifically bloody, and potentially a nation-wrecking option. It starts with an R. No matter one’s opinion of it, it *is* an option. One I would not take lightly, mind you. But one I would participate in, if it came to pass. I signed up once to defend the Constitution, and defend it again without any signature. No one talks about this option publicly, but I suspect there are those who are thinking about it, and perhaps even planning for it, just in case. It is a drastic measure, but we are in drastic times and approaching potentially worse times if Biden loses. Some are planning to flee. I plan to fight if necessary.
July 2, 2024 — 1:25 PM
leslieartist333 says:
We cannot afford to build a bunker, or even more somewhere remote. Instead we hope and pray for young people to vote against any wanna be king, dictator, gangster or mob boss wanting to rip us all off even more.
July 2, 2024 — 1:27 PM
Melissa Clare says:
Writing this as an American citizen in Europe these days, and I can say they’re pretty freaked out and wondering if we’re all crazy (even as they elect Marine and Melonie, for some reason?). One thing I did previously was volunteer to make calls, since I knew my CA vote wasn’t going to be one that mattered. So I plan to do that again this year, and I urge others to do the same. We also need to still get out and vote Democrat. I’d love if Biden moved over, if we put a cap on presidential (and congressional!) age, but I’ll take Biden if that’s the option. For the record, I’m angry about that, but opting out is not going to help us, and Biden will make sure that smart people are there to get the job done. How stupid to have to type that sentence.
July 2, 2024 — 4:59 PM
Kim Olgren says:
I regularly watch my grandkids and can’t help but be, uh, HIGHLY CONCERNED about the world they will be living in. Voting third party isn’t an option because a vote that’s not for Biden seems to give a vote to the disgusting orange one. If this isn’t a call for a three-party system and age caps for service in congress and the office of president, I don’t know what is. Ugh.
July 2, 2024 — 7:32 PM
Nick Barnes says:
Yes to all of this. The only thing ever to do is the same thing we should always do: fight. Stand up for your rights, and for everyone’s rights. For justice, for equality, and for freedom. Every day. Some days that includes voting: today here in the UK, November in the US. Most days it’s not voting: it’s reaching out, organising, protesting, giving, debating.
While we’re on the subjects of the end of the world, and what comes after: the Caesar cipher in chapter 62 of Wayward has a typo: DMPLGRC should be DMPRLGRC.
July 4, 2024 — 3:08 AM
Angry says:
We must abolish the racist institution that is the electoral college. Ugh.
July 4, 2024 — 3:07 PM
Toby Pointer says:
“You can’t make decisions based on fear and the possibility of what might happen.”
– Michelle Obama
July 15, 2024 — 3:21 PM
bennydonalds3 says:
I don’t think the Supreme Court would have ruled this way if they didn’t trust Biden to play by the rules, which increases the level of despicable cynicism involved.
September 21, 2024 — 2:20 PM
GE says:
The ruling is to protect not only the president but all civil servants, as they act in an official capacity for the good of society. It implies that as the decision is made and implemented, that these individuals will have used their best judgement considering all apparent circumstances. It is not to protect willful negligence or criminal acts that are willfully committed. For example, if a president killed her husband out of jealousy, she would not be exempt from prosecution.
December 1, 2024 — 9:33 AM