Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

Flash Fiction Challenge: @YouAreCarrying

Last challenge: “Bad Parents


Sorry — little holiday interruption last week.

This week, a bit of a quirky one.

You ever play those old-school Infocomm text adventures?

(Zork: “You are eaten by a grue.”)

I was a huge fan.

Now, there’s a Twitter account / bot that, if you tweet the word “inventory” to this particular Twitter bot — @YouAreCarrying — it will tweet back at you a randomized list of inventory items, taken, I believe, from old Infocomm games.


So, I want you to do that.

(Or, if you don’t have a Twitter account, go pluck a tweet from the YouAreCarrying page.)

Take all the items listed in the response tweet (your “inventory”) and use them all — in some way, oblique, abstract or overt — in a flash fiction. We’ll up the word count to 2000 words for this one. Due by next Friday (7/18), noon EST. Post at your online space; drop a link below so folks can follow it back. And that’s it. Go forth. Get your inventory. Write a story.