Here is what goes through my head when I edit:
Who wrote this drivel?
Shit, it was me. It was me.
This thing reads like a fucking VCR repair manual. Is this even English? It’s got all the grace and elegance of a drunk girl puking in a potted plant at a frat party. It’s got all the speed and potency of an old man with a colostomy bag rolling clumsily down a shallow hill. It’s ugly like the winking sphincter of a sick giraffe. IT’S TURDS THE WHOLE THING IS TURDS AAAAAAGH FIRST DRAFT? MORE LIKE WORST DRAFT AM I RIGHT OR AM I RIGHT
*ten minutes of sobbing*
Okay. No. It’s cool. This is where the magic happens. The first draft is just me dumping all the puzzle pieces out. But it’s still a jumbled image. This part is where the art lives. This is when the story is smashed together, piece after piece. I can make it all make sense! I can polish this turd to a burnished, blinding sheen so bright it will blind the very heavens!
Thank all the gods and all the devils for good editors.
These notes are great.
Though they remind me how terribly inadequate I am.
But that’s fine. I’ve got a shaky flashlight. I can see the way forward.
Okay, see, yeah, all right, this part’s pretty good. And I thought it was terrible when I wrote it. Sweet. Nice. Yes. Gold star. Trophy. Triumph. Except, this other part I thought was awesome — that I need to be awesome — is clunky. Kludgey. I’m reading it and it feels like I’m chewing a piece of dry bread and cheese — it’s a hard slog and I can’t swallow it oh my god the reviews when this book comes out are going to murder my soul.
*shallow breathing*
Breathe in. Breathe out.
It’s all just pieces. Start big. Go little.
Every component just needs some attention. That’s easy. Take a wrench to this one. A hammer to that one. We fix things by breaking them. This is surgery.
Sometimes you stitch. Sometimes you chop off a limb.
Nice. Yes. Things are looking better.
I’m feeling good.
Moving along at a nice clip, now
*falls into it*
*breaks narrative ankle*
crap crap crap crap
This thing’s like a Sarlacc pit — a suppurating desert canker. You could lose a whole Rancor Monster in this thing. It doesn’t make sense. Where’s the logic? What was I thinking? Was I high when I wrote this? Did someone else write this? IS THIS A PRANK BY A TIME-TRAVELER? This doesn’t feel right. The character wouldn’t act this way. This doesn’t feel authentic to the time or the place or the scene or my writing or to ANY AND ALL OF REALITY shit shit shit poop crap fuck balls cocktaco jizzwich shimmering blumpy nuggets AAAAAAAAA
*takes 15 minutes to commune with the sparkly collective intelligence called ‘Twitter’*
*trades witty banter with other procrastinating writers*
*improves mood by four micrometers*
Oh! Oh my gosh. Look. If I just rewrite this one tiny paragraph, add a couple hundred words, it ties everything together! Ha ha ha! It’s like a little knot! Like I’m tying a shoe! That’s all, a quick loop and lace and here we are, all fixed, all tidy, we can start to run again and —
GODDAMNIT this thing is so delicate, so sensitive — I moved once piece and now ten other parts don’t make sense. I removed one little widget, one tiny flywheel and now the watch doesn’t tell the right time in fact it’s not telling time at all but instead broadcasting HONEY BOO-BOO in Portuguese by the love of sweet saint fuck aaaaaagh
*starts kicking holes in manuscript*
*takes an axe and starts chopping out whole paragraphs, chapters, characters*
*guzzles vodka and Red Bull*
*plays Xbox for a while*
*takes an angry nap*
*hastily rewrites destroyed sections*
These characters are stupid —
This plot is transparently bad —
I am inadequate as an author
Possibly as a human being
Nobody should let me near words again
theme what’s theme mood THERE IS NO MOOD this isn’t a story arc so much as it’s just a dead clown in the desert whose innards have been eaten by coyotes and whose gassy carcass is now the home of slumbering lizards everything is soggy and deflated and the tension is blown out like a nail-popped wheelbarrow tire and everything is falling out into the mud and the slurry
gazza booza fuzza wuzza
oh god help
hold up
what’s this now
hey wait
this section is pretty good
that section’s not bad either
man I kinda love this character
editing is rewriting is rewriting is rewriting
it’s better now than it was
that’s a good sign right?
maybe it doesn’t suck as bad
maybe it doesn’t suck at all
I’m doing it!
I’m editing it!
I’m turning a piece of lead into — well, not gold, exactly, but at least a reasonable facsimile of something that isn’t terrible! It’s amateur hour alchemy, motherfucker! it sucks less! I suck less! everything sucks less! I HAVE SUCKED THE SUCKITY SUCK FROM THIS SUCKY SUCKFEST
*cackles and weeps*
Cat York says:
bwhahahahahah. <3 sigh. *cries*
August 14, 2013 — 12:05 AM
MonaKarel says:
Yeah, what Cat said…do you think Chuck has been peering into our editing lives???
August 14, 2013 — 12:14 AM
Mozette says:
Chuck, you’ve just reminded me about what I have to do when I finish the next 3 chapters of my Fry Nelson book… I have written 4 books of his sci-fi, action thriller story; and now, I have to go back to the beginning of those 4 books and start reading it again and fix it up… the one thing I hate more than editing is reading a story and knowing what’s going to happen next; or forgetting what I’ve written being doubly surprised that I actually thought up this crap in the first place!
August 14, 2013 — 12:15 AM
Terry Dawley says:
You fucking crack me up!
August 14, 2013 — 12:15 AM
Kim Cleary says:
I chuckled all the way through, then laughed at loud
It’s true that even though we write (and rewrite) alone, we are never far from reminders there are a great many of us going through the same pain and joy. I have lost count over the number of times my husband has rolled his eyes as I’ve moaned “Don’t let me near the computer again. I can’t write.” Of course I get back to it – usually with chocolate 
August 14, 2013 — 12:19 AM
Pee Dee says:
Mine took the road less travelled. And it’s still on there.
1. Story done.
2. Check spelling and grammar.
3. Check for plot holes.
4. Minor rewrite.
5. Go cross-eyed.
6. Stop for a little … ahem … self-congratulation.
7. Send rough draft to editing group.
8. Receive comments back such as:
a. “Dude! If you’d been Shakespeare’s English teacher the fucker might have written something readable and lasting! God knows, you’re old enough to have taught him.”
b. “Love it! I didn’t read it all, but I love it!”
c. “Publish or perish!” (No one ever mentioned ‘publish AND perish’.)
9. Convert manuscript for upload.
10. Do no advertising or marketing because it shits me.
11. Upload, and sell two copies.
12. Write 6 more books and do the same.
13. Decide I was happier when I wrote for fun and watched my shit go viral.
14. Get a haircut and get a real job.
15. See a million potential story lines every single day.
16. Read Chuck Wendig, because he’s what I might have been had I not fucked up from Points 4 to 14, perhaps with the exception of Point 6, which was fun.
August 14, 2013 — 12:30 AM
dyslexicwhisperer says:
And the award goes to… the guy that “SUCKED THE SUCKITY SUCK FROM THIS SUCKY SUCKFEST” Insert applause and speech to the little people because THAT was SO freakin funny, and a bit scary because it resonates a truth I dread more than being that old man rolling down the hill.
August 14, 2013 — 12:39 AM
jodilee says:
Beautiful. Now please get out of my head.
August 14, 2013 — 12:48 AM
DebE says:
Yep. (o:
August 14, 2013 — 12:52 AM
Cris says:
There are many bits I shall be quoting to friends. “It’s amateur hour alchemy, motherfucker!” is likely to feature prominently in future drunken rants.
But seriously, early today I reorganized a paragraph in my dissertation so that it made sense and realized I had gone entirely off the rails of the logical argument for the entire rest of the chapter and there was outlining and walkabouts and muttering to myself constantly and how the hell do professional writers do this without going insane oh wait this post answers that question well doesn’t it just.
Doesn’t it just.
August 14, 2013 — 1:32 AM
Lisa Creech Bledsoe says:
There’s no way I could say “It’s amateur hour alchemy, motherfucker” while drunk; I have trouble saying it sober. But I welcome your YouTube video proof, or Chuck’s. (Watch out, this could spark a meme!)
August 14, 2013 — 9:00 AM
Jules says:
I love this. It makes me feel a bit less crazy
August 14, 2013 — 1:44 AM
Louisa says:
I laughed when I read this and I thought, hey has he been spying on me while I edit?
And yeah, it makes me feel a little less crazy too.
August 14, 2013 — 2:11 AM
Siana. says:
Chuck Wendig can read minds. I’ve suspected it for a long time, but now I’m certain.
August 14, 2013 — 2:42 AM
Claire C Riley says:
I think I actually l love you! I’m editing right now and thought I was going mad with all my crazy internal ramblings… Phew!
August 14, 2013 — 3:02 AM
Virginia says:
Months, maybe years, of not writing, five pages into your brilliant Mockingbird and something clicked! THANK YOU!
August 14, 2013 — 3:11 AM
Jeremiah Boydstun says:
Thank you, Chuck, for always keeping it real.
August 14, 2013 — 3:51 AM
Jemima Pett says:
Note to self; get new laser.
August 14, 2013 — 5:39 AM
decayingorbits says:
That was classic.
August 14, 2013 — 5:47 AM
Stela says:
August 14, 2013 — 6:42 AM
Maren Smith says:
How long have you been a fly on the wall of my office? And here I didn’t think anyone could see me doing this. lol
August 14, 2013 — 6:44 AM
smithster says:
okay, so I’ll admit tl;dr (grin) but yes, oh yes, SO this. So many times! *sigh*
August 14, 2013 — 8:01 AM
hughosmith says:
My first thought, anything that mentions Sarlacc pits and giraffe sphincters in the same piece is okay with me. But seriously, fuck yes. I know what you mean.
August 14, 2013 — 8:03 AM
Mike Henderson says:
I thought it was me. Just me.
August 14, 2013 — 8:09 AM
Patricia Knight says:
You made me snort coffee through my nose.
August 14, 2013 — 8:20 AM
Lisa Creech Bledsoe says:
“an angry nap”? You can do that?
August 14, 2013 — 8:57 AM
Andrea says:
Oh, I needed this laugh! Well said!
August 14, 2013 — 9:13 AM
D (@DforDerivative) says:
Sorry, I was looking for the pizza menu?
August 14, 2013 — 9:15 AM
EldritchGirl says:
I am now looking at my unedited mass of… word soup and feeling the cold, sharp stab of terror.
Oh god, Chuck. I don’t think I’m gonna make it. I don’t even have a shaky flashlight.
August 14, 2013 — 9:19 AM
Ruth Dupre says:
My hat’s off to you. I can’t even read my drivel without crawling into a fetal position and sucking my paws. Editing’s a bitch with a paw in my mouth. But it gets done. Yeah, you bet it gets done. Because we are awesome writers. Yes? YES! We do what has to be done. You betcha… (now where’s my coffee? Only 200 more pages to go. Yeah.)
August 14, 2013 — 9:23 AM
Bryce Anderson says:
“The sarlacc (plural sarlacci) is a fictional creature…”
Thank you, Wikipedia. I was in total panic mode because I wasn’t sure how to pluralize that.
August 14, 2013 — 9:38 AM
Barbara Lynne says:
I. Love This. Soooo validating! Thank you for sharing it, it really helps.
August 14, 2013 — 9:38 AM
Beth L. says:
It’s nice to know someone else has these problems. Not that I’m happy anyone has problems, it just makes me feel a bit less like lighting the whole manuscript on fire and walking away while calling myself names.
August 14, 2013 — 9:39 AM
You sound like you have my editor. And like you’ve been peeping into my bedroom all week. I’m in a crumpled up ball in the corner hoping to find a shaky flashlight though.
And wait. Does this mean that even if I do get this manuscript into shape, and by some miracle, put out a book everyone doesn’t hate, and make a few dollars, and maybe sell another…I will STILL be curling up into a ball and crying every day I’m not screaming at the stupidity I wrote on my screen?
August 14, 2013 — 9:39 AM
Kathleen Mickelson (@kcmickelson) says:
“Holy fuckmittens”. I am going to use that phrase for everything today while I wait for the mechanic to call me back and ponder this shit-ton of un-edited stuff on my desk. Yeah.
August 14, 2013 — 9:43 AM
Vanessa says:
August 14, 2013 — 9:46 AM
Priscilla says:
Seriously, one of my favourite posts.
“I’m turning a piece of lead into — well, not gold, exactly, but at least a reasonable facsimile of something that isn’t terrible! It’s amateur hour alchemy, motherfucker!” That’s the spirit, that’s exactly it!
August 14, 2013 — 10:10 AM
Emily Wenstrom says:
Oh good, my editing process is awfully similar to that. Glad to know I’m not alone out here in crazyville.
August 14, 2013 — 10:18 AM
rebeccadouglass says:
Love it. Though this was probably not the best time for this chamberpotload of reality, as I’m trying to get myself back into writing (editing) mode after too much vacation.
August 14, 2013 — 10:19 AM
Susan Mihalic says:
Pretty much.
August 14, 2013 — 10:26 AM
jackiehames says:
I wrote a similar post that went up today in which I compared my manuscript to an old house with hungry, rapid opossums in the walls. For the record, I totally wrote it before I read this one.
I am so glad I am not the only one in the midst of an editorial freak-out. And I haven’t even sent mine out to a professional yet! (I will. But first to opossum has to die, the dirty fucker.)
August 14, 2013 — 10:27 AM
jackiehames says:
*The opossum. Oh, and here’s the post in case you were curious:
August 14, 2013 — 10:29 AM
Molly Dugger Brennan says:
Thank you sir, for adding “holy fuckmittens” and “cock taco” to my lexicon. Woe be to the next person who crosses my path while I am on a mission to include both these phrases into my daily conversation.
August 14, 2013 — 10:30 AM
jkflickinger says:
Now that’s what I am talking about, Motherfucker. That’s reality. That’s how real people think and talk. Only… I’m a lady and ladies aren’t supposed to talk that way, I’m reminded in my writing groups. People think I’m crass, uneducated, vulgar… well, fuck em if they can’t take the heat. This is my world of words and I’ll use any I damn well please. Thanks Chuck, for the B12 shot!
August 14, 2013 — 10:31 AM
K.B. Wagers says:
*laughs* Oh this is SO my life right now.
August 14, 2013 — 11:26 AM
Serendipitous says: were in my room last night! You got into my brain and ripped out all the SH** I went thru “deconstructing” my worthless efforts and then you chucked em on this page for the whole world to see. This made me weep with laughter..thank you:)
August 14, 2013 — 11:28 AM
Laura Quirola says:
I’m going to print this out.
And paste it above my desk.
Then, when I’m starting to feel more or less EXACTLY like this, I will re-read this.
And edit some more.
Then cry.
Rinse and repeat.
August 14, 2013 — 11:44 AM
rattify says:
I think we need some wallpapers from this motherfucker. I’m staring down the barrel of a nine-chapter total rewrite and this is exactly what I needed to read to know I’m not alone in this suppurating desert giraffe sphincter.
August 14, 2013 — 11:57 AM
Amy J. Hawthorn says:
Did you hack my web-cam?
=-) Thanks for the smile and the reminder to keep going.
August 14, 2013 — 12:54 PM