Last week’s challenge: Last Lines First.
This random plot scenario generator cracks me up.
And it also comes up with some pretty good narrative seedlings, to my surprise.
So! This week, we’re using it.
Go click the link.
Conjure a random plot scenario.
Use said plot scenario as the basis for your flash fiction challenge this week. You have, as always, up to 1000 words. Post on your space, link back here. Due by Friday, July 26th. (And as a note: please do not post entire stories in the comment sections. I delete those.)
Now click, think, and write.
Sara Crow says:
That’s pretty fun, but I’m still a big fan of the FIG. It lives on my phone.
I like this one because not only can I access it easily anywhere, but it has a number of different types of prompts. For some reason the one- or two-sentence standard prompts aren’t very inspiring to me, but the “Random Plot” on here has already spawned a couple of really great stories for me.
One thing I’m not a fan of at the moment: you can’t save the coolest prompts as “favorites.” So you want to remember to write down one you like when it comes up if you’re not prepared to write about it right then and there.
July 19, 2013 — 12:54 PM
Rebecca Prescott says:
I think I’m going to be jotting a whole load down in my little ‘ideas bible’ before I finish this one!
July 19, 2013 — 1:28 PM
Sara Crow says:
Yeah, isn’t it awesome? Some of the stuff the FIG comes up with is so fantastic it can’t help but be inspiring. Have fun!
July 20, 2013 — 1:59 PM
jdsfiction says:
I landed: The story begins when your Protagonist opens someone else’s mail. Another character is a Thief who bites his/ her nails.
I’ll be back to post whatever happens from this randomness. Mwahaha.
July 19, 2013 — 1:05 PM
jdsfiction says:
Done- not my best, but done. Enjoy.
Best Kept:
July 20, 2013 — 4:57 PM
Rebecca Prescott says:
Which one won the last one? I bet I know which one did, but don’t want to say in case I’m wrong.
July 19, 2013 — 1:27 PM
Mr Urban Spaceman says:
I don’t think last week was a prizes-challenge, just one of the usual general ‘here’s a challenge, feel free to participate’ challenges. No less enjoyable just because prizes weren’t involved, though!
July 19, 2013 — 2:15 PM
Rebecca Prescott says:
Was a total blast to be a part of it. I just remember reading one though and thinking “THIS one is RIGHT up Sir Wendig’s street!” and would have loved to have seen it win a contest. Although, having not been around here for a while, the author has probably already won one of Chucky’s Challenges. I learnt a LOT just from reading the submissions and feedback of others in this one challenge and can only thank everyone for helping me see where I’m going wrong (and occasionally going right!). Y’all rock.
July 20, 2013 — 11:14 AM
Mike Young says:
Did you post a story for this prompt?
July 26, 2013 — 12:53 PM
Mr Urban Spaceman says:
This Abduction’s Bed:
Enjoy! (that’s not an order, merely a wish!)
July 19, 2013 — 2:13 PM
Mozette says:
Hahaha…. love this one… especially when you added in that he was wearing fluffy bunny P.J’s
July 20, 2013 — 1:57 AM
Wanderer says:
For your pleasure (or displeasure).
Just Add Vermouth:
July 19, 2013 — 3:33 PM
Trine Toft Schmidt says:
Great story, I didn’t see the ending coming.
July 26, 2013 — 8:48 AM
Wanderer says:
Thank you so much! Glad the twist was a surprise!
July 26, 2013 — 9:21 AM
alexanderthesoso says:
The story starts when your protagonist walks in on the wrong meeting at work.
Another character is an incredibly attractive person who has been reading your protagonist’s e-mail.
July 19, 2013 — 4:51 PM
jreinmiller says:
Feigning sickness and an alien fortune-teller? Well this should be interesting.
July 19, 2013 — 7:34 PM
Mozette says:
A protagonist who wants revenge? An executive who has been following my protagonist around for years? Hmmmm…. sounds interesting… very interesting…
I’ll be back! 
July 19, 2013 — 10:24 PM
David Gearing says:
Well, this was fun!
My prompt: a protagonist who finds a mysterious object in her mailbox. Another character is a homeless man who has pictures of the protagonist.
July 20, 2013 — 12:55 AM
Mozette says:
Oh! I love it! If only the guy knew how uncomfortable bras really are!
July 20, 2013 — 8:50 AM
Abby says:
Ha, I love it and your style!
July 20, 2013 — 12:37 PM
jdsfiction says:
Haha. Great shot, man. I had to laugh as I read this. Nicely done.
July 20, 2013 — 6:28 PM
David Gearing says:
Thanks all!
July 20, 2013 — 7:27 PM
Mozette says:
okay, I said I’d be back…. and I am
July 20, 2013 — 1:28 AM
jdsfiction says:
Good take on the executive!
Very interesting.
July 20, 2013 — 6:34 PM
Mozette says:
Thanks. I knew what she was going to be doing, but not him… strange how stories evolve when you least expect them to.
July 20, 2013 — 8:39 PM
jdsfiction says:
That’s half the fun!
July 20, 2013 — 8:44 PM
Fatma Alici says:
I agree. That was very creative thinking.
July 23, 2013 — 6:44 PM
Mr Urban Spaceman says:
Nice story, had a very Supernatural vibe to it. One thing that puzzled me was why the husband said he poisoned the dog, instead of admitting it was the neighbours in the first place, but otherwise an enjoyable read with some interesting characters.
July 21, 2013 — 4:38 AM
Mozette says:
I tried to put across that she was so full of grief, so vengeful that he didn’t want to tell her… and he just wanted to piss her off. You know how fighting couples get, they pick on each other to watch each other squirm in the end… and this became the crux of the story to make her vicious cycle stop – or make it turn down a different road than what it was going to take. Zachary was there to help her change her ways – and he did.
July 22, 2013 — 8:13 AM
Mr Urban Spaceman says:
Ahh, got it. Cheers for the explanation. I can definitely see why he’d tell her that, now. Glad she broke the cycle of samsara!
July 23, 2013 — 3:06 AM
jreinmiller says:
I thought you came up with an interesting concept for the story. It made me wonder if the executive was doing what he was supposed to, or if he was breaking the rules by getting involved.
July 25, 2013 — 8:59 AM
Trine Toft Schmidt says:
Nice story Mozette. I like the idea of the Fates,
July 26, 2013 — 9:08 AM
Francesca Carrillo says:
I’ve gotten: The story starts when your protagonist is mugged.
Another character is an alien entity who has been following your protagonist for years.
Presenting “1092th”
July 20, 2013 — 7:26 AM
jdsfiction says:
Awesome! Great alien character. I’m a little glad the rich prick pissed on his shoes…
July 20, 2013 — 6:41 PM
Francesca Carrillo says:
July 20, 2013 — 10:29 PM
Mr Urban Spaceman says:
Nifty story. I felt sorry for Zon, giving her last life for such an asshole, but I guess she thought her sacrifice would one day save her people. RIP Zon
July 23, 2013 — 3:14 AM
Fatma Alici says:
Man, I feel bad for Zon. Still, great story. I like a lot of lines you used, and how the character was such a coward on top of everything else.
July 23, 2013 — 6:49 PM
Trine Toft Schmidt says:
I liked the story, though I didn’t like your protagonist a whole lot, I really wonder why Zon was sent to observe such a cowardly bastard.
July 26, 2013 — 9:15 AM
John Chronikal says:
Wicked. The prompt made immediately writing this story irresistible.
The story starts when your protagonist is forced into a car at gunpoint.
Another character is an alchemist who is developing a deadly new poison.
I give you, “Alchemy & Acrimony”
July 20, 2013 — 9:30 AM
jreinmiller says:
Alrighty. How do a fake illness, a possibly fake alien, and a maybe fake fortune teller equal a real problem? Well, let’s find out.
July 20, 2013 — 6:50 PM
Mozette says:
Love it! Great work!
July 20, 2013 — 11:24 PM
jreinmiller says:
July 22, 2013 — 8:34 PM
Trine Toft Schmidt says:
Great story as usual, I got a distinct MiB vibe from it. I would love to read what happens next. .
July 26, 2013 — 9:32 AM
jreinmiller says:
Thanks. It does have some potential. I might stick it in the drawer.
July 28, 2013 — 5:35 PM
dianadomino says:
I found a way to link tearing down a brick wall and hiding a judge, and all in under 1,000 words. ^_^
July 21, 2013 — 12:35 AM
lucyjhamilton says:
Loved this! Got an idea this morning at 6AM
July 21, 2013 — 11:13 AM
Mike Berkey says:
Challenge accepted!
The seed was “The story starts when your protagonist is told s/he must get married immediately. Another character is an alchemist who just got out of prison.”
1000ish words, channeled my not-so-inner Dashiell Hammett. I’d originally planned my alchemist to be a meth dealer, but wound up in 20’s New York instead.
Unfortunately, Harry never made it out of prison, so I totally disregarded that part of the seed. Eat that, randomness.
The Girl With The Jade Rock:
July 21, 2013 — 3:21 PM
Trine Toft Schmidt says:
Nice story. Nice set up of facts and back history, nice conclusion.
July 26, 2013 — 9:46 AM
Mike Berkey says:
July 28, 2013 — 9:54 AM
Kurt Bali says:
My turn with the generator was: “The story starts with your protagonist breaking a mirror. Include a sports editor who has played a joke that has backfired.”
July 21, 2013 — 7:51 PM
Mozette says:
Hey…. I like that… creepy! Love the ending; great twist!
July 25, 2013 — 8:52 AM
Fatma Alici says:
That was really awesome. I especially like Tommy. Lovable jerk. : )
July 25, 2013 — 9:27 PM
andreaspeed says:
I got “he story starts when your protagonist tears down a wall.
Another character is a marksman who invents strange machines.”
Here’s the result. Noise:
July 21, 2013 — 8:25 PM
Josh Loomis says:
The Prompt: The story starts when your protagonist tries to stop a robbery.
Another character is a messenger who wants your protagonist dead.
The Story:
July 22, 2013 — 9:01 AM
Christopher Shawbell says:
This is my first go with your Flash Fiction challenge. Been fun looking through some of your recent ones. Thanks for making this available.
July 22, 2013 — 11:59 AM
Trine Toft Schmidt says:
Hmm it seems my first attempt to comment didn’t make it through, so I’ll give it another go. If by some miracle it is lurking in the shadows, please bear with the double post.
I got: The story starts when your protagonist kisses a stranger. Another character is a thief who make your protagonist a scapegoat.
The story is a little over target (1200 words) and is called A Night at the Disco.
July 22, 2013 — 5:00 PM
Mr Urban Spaceman says:
Nicely done! After all the stories about spies and thieves and aliums, it was good to read something a little more down to earth. You made what could have been quite a mundane story into an interesting and enjoyable read, with a protagonist I could really identify with. Kudos!
July 23, 2013 — 3:44 AM
Trine Toft Schmidt says:
Thank you.
July 26, 2013 — 10:09 AM
Mozette says:
Woah! The amount of times I’ve seen this happen on a dancefloor – and the jealousy that ensues afterwards – is just like this. Nightclubs are soap operas all on their own; aren’t they? And you’ve only told one story
July 25, 2013 — 9:19 PM
Trine Toft Schmidt says:
Yeah… perhaps that’s why I don’t like them very much.. to predictable and boring
July 26, 2013 — 10:12 AM
jreinmiller says:
Nice. Felt very realistic as others have commented.
July 28, 2013 — 5:43 PM
Dave Bessom (@Uisge_Beatha) says:
July 22, 2013 — 5:32 PM
Erik Mason says:
Here’s my entry: Perfect Match:
July 22, 2013 — 6:58 PM
kennikazi says:
hmm…protagonist tells a secret. kool!
Story #3
July 23, 2013 — 3:05 AM
Brennan says:
I didn’t intend for this to be so dark, but it just kind of happened. Here is “Bliss.” It’s only about 600 words.
My prompt was: The story starts when your protagonist pretends to be sick.
Another character is a bartender who has engineered a deadly disease.
July 23, 2013 — 11:31 AM
Matt Gomez says:
Overlong at 1009 words.
Plot was: The story starts when your protagonist overhears a discussion.
Another character is a soldier who has abducted your protagonist’s friend.
I am terrible at titles.
July 23, 2013 — 11:48 AM
thesexiestwriter says:
Liked it-sort of a Falling Skies meets Lord of the Flies feeling.
July 23, 2013 — 2:45 PM
Matt Gomez says:
Thank you. (Had to look up Falling Skies, but I’ll take it as a compliment).
July 23, 2013 — 2:49 PM
thesexiestwriter says:
it’s a show on TNT or TBS or something like that. Aliens abduct children, fit them with a harness that controls their actions, then uses them against humans in an attempt to subjugate our entire population. There is this constant frustration that fighting the aliens might mean killing our children
July 23, 2013 — 3:14 PM
thesexiestwriter says:
I’m skipping this week. Got too many other projects going on and I didn’t like my plot scenarios and I’m too drunk or not drunk enough and the sun’s in my eyes. Anyhow, I realized that all three of my flash fiction entries so far were heavily influenced by death and I’m wondering if maybe I should lighten up just a little…
July 23, 2013 — 2:31 PM
Fatma Alici says:
Okay, it was a bit of agony to pour it out. But, its done. I give you Date for a Soul
July 24, 2013 — 12:10 AM
tbianconi says:
Here it is. The Grand Opus. Three Bad Days. 863 words.
July 24, 2013 — 1:32 AM
DJ Kirkby says:
Okay…mine is up – fat ice lollies anyone?
July 24, 2013 — 1:46 AM
harris30Jill says:
Thanks so much for this link. First event & conflict I got gives a fleshy twist to the next novel brewing in my brain x
July 24, 2013 — 6:21 AM
Ely says:
*gulp* First flash fiction…
My prompt was:The story starts when your protagonist overhears a discussion. Another character is an office manager who has been tapping your protagonist’s phone.
July 25, 2013 — 9:13 AM
curiouskermit says:
My prompt was: The story starts when your protagonist joins a new club; another character is a producer who is incredibly charming.
I came up with: Love in the Mud.
any feedback would be hugely appreciated! =)
July 25, 2013 — 3:40 PM
momdude says:
The electronic muse said unto me: “The story starts when your protagonist misses her train. Another character is a tailor who is your protagonist’s biggest competition.”
Here’s “Guardian Angel”, I hope you enjoy it!
July 25, 2013 — 8:42 PM
Ilona the Rose says:
I’ll tell you what the generator told me, but later. I don’t want to spoil the story – even though it’s only 360 words.
July 25, 2013 — 10:54 PM
benjaminryant says:
My Plot:
The story starts when your protagonist tries to help a lost child.
Another character is someone from the future who can see the future.
(Let’s pretend I didn’t refresh the page four times until I got something that I liked)
July 25, 2013 — 11:23 PM
Jon says:
My plot:
The story starts when your protagonist breaks up with a romantic partner.
Another character is a martial artist who claimed your protagonist was responsible for some crime s/he committed.
July 25, 2013 — 11:39 PM