Today is 12/12/12.
You’re probably aware if you’re anywhere near social media.
You may find it a curious footnote.
You may find it cause for confetti and fire-ponies.
You may find it signals for you some kind of… ill-translated Apocalypse.
You may find it demands a cynical dismissive shaking-of-the-fist.
Here’s what I’m taking away from 12/12/12 —
This is the last time that we’ll experience a date like that. The same number repeated thrice.
That, in and of itself, matters not at all. Not one squiggly whit. Nary a blip on the cosmic radar.
What it reminds me, though, is that all of time operates like this. You and I will never experience 12/12/12 again. And we’ll also never experience 12/11/12 again. Or the 10th of November, 2012. Or the 23rd of April, 1999. In fact, this very hour — this very minute — will come and then go and never return. Each increment of time is a spaceship launched into the dark that will never return home. Every moment is a snowflake, a fingerprint, a unique atomic temporal signature whose repeat is guaranteed to be impossible.
What will you do with 12/12/12?
What will you do with this hour?
This minute?
This second?
How will you own each moment of time? How will your fingerprint meet its fingerprint?
How will you remember each day when its ember brightens and turns to ash?
Do something with your time. Because it ain’t coming back.
rllygreatguy says:
the measurement of time, like many things, is a human construct. how we appreciate each moment of it is up to us, as individuals. i choose to live in the “now,” but societal pressures sure makes that a hard thing to do!
excellent post, Mr. Dubbs. excellent post.
December 12, 2012 — 9:23 AM
Graham Powell says:
December 12th is my birthday, and for added symmetry, I’m 44. And while we’ll never see 12/12/2012 again, I’m really looking forward to 12/12/2112, my 144th birthday.
December 12, 2012 — 9:26 AM
Janet says:
A time to reflect…and hold one big-ass End of the World Party! ‘Cause you never know 🙂
December 12, 2012 — 9:37 AM
Jon says:
I had the somewhat sobering realization the other day that, if I’m lucky enough to live to twice my current age of 41, I have slightly more than 2100 weeks remaining to live.
My father died at 43. If I follow him exactly, I have fewer than 104 weeks to live.
Well, fuck me.
Think I’ll go say hi to the kids.
December 12, 2012 — 10:35 AM
Remi Jones says:
@Graham Godspeed
December 12, 2012 — 10:40 AM
tssharp says:
“This is your life, and it’s ending one second at a time…”
Name that film. To provent cheating, I’ve turned Google off.
December 12, 2012 — 11:42 AM
tssharp says:
What the eff is ‘provent?’ Call myself a writer! (I don’t actually, I refer to myself as a ‘Data Monkey’.)
December 12, 2012 — 11:44 AM
darleneaubol says:
I try to make every day count in some positive way. It sounds Pollyannaish and lacking angst, but I had four siblings die before they reached thirteen, and saw my parents struggle to continue with life. I grew up with a boatload of angst.
AKA Darlene Underdahl (
December 12, 2012 — 2:34 PM
sandralindseywales says:
We celebrated 12/12/12 at work today by wishing our colleague a happy 21st birthday.
Though I kept spoiling things by insisting on inserting the “20” into the year (12/12/2012) – but since I’ve been reading & writing historical fiction recently I need to know which century I should be thinking in!
December 12, 2012 — 3:10 PM
Dr. Knuclebread says:
I took “We should masturbate more ontop of machinery” from this post. That is my 12/12/12 Day Lesson.
December 12, 2012 — 3:37 PM
etymonne says:
I could list endless quotes – instead I choose to direct you to the movie that I was intending to quote from:
Stranger than fiction
Absolutely no mention of Mayan dates, just the idea of the absolution that is death.
As for life, “Go make it the one you’ve always wanted.” :Jules Hilbert
December 12, 2012 — 6:55 PM
RTAllwin says:
I don’t get this ‘this is the last time we’ll experience this’ – the next time is January 1st, 2101 – a mere 88 years and half a month away. Well within reach of many currently living human beings, and with medical advances in the coming 80 years, quite possibly well within reach of even those approaching middle age…
December 12, 2012 — 7:18 PM
Call Me Pagliacci (@CallMePagliacci) says:
Uhm, what? This date will indeed happen again. In 100 years, it’ll be 12 December 2112. 12/12/12.
December 13, 2012 — 2:21 PM
terribleminds says:
@CallMePagliacci —
No, not technically — 12/12/2012 is a one and done affair.
Sure, 12/12/12 will be again.
…but we won’t be around for it. I mean, MAYBE children born very recently might, but you and I? Nope.
— c.
December 13, 2012 — 2:28 PM
inkgrrl says:
Every I do something that I couldn’t have done a year ago.
I missed the fire ponies? I haz a sad.
December 13, 2012 — 6:07 PM
Andrew Curtis says:
Sir – a couple of days ago (while slightly under the influence of alcohol) I left several comments re my inability to buy a pdf or two. I then got the ‘Buy Now’ link through one of the posts on this (excellent) site. Unfortunately – and it’s probably my fault: I used one email address for comments, but my PayPal account is registered under another – I am yet to receive anything. Would it be possible to send me a copy of Confessions of a Freelance Penmonkey? Thanks!
December 13, 2012 — 7:30 PM
Chris Minuit says:
I will find the secret to immortality— the secret how to replace and cell, be it heart, brain, etc. I will be immortal and live through 12/12/12 many times.
December 16, 2012 — 1:47 PM