Last week’s challenge — “An Uncharted Apocalypse” — had some amazing stories, so you should go check ’em out. I’m going to take the weekend pick my favorite five and then toss those five folks a copy of my newest e-book, 250 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT WRITING.
I like unicorns.
I mean, not in the sense that I have hundreds of unicorn collectibles on my shelves — *hurries to drop a blanket over my shelves* — it’s just, dang, unicorns crack me up. A pretty white horse with a big horn sticking out of his head and, boom, that’s it. Instant mythological favorite the world around. It’s an absurd animal.
Real reason I talk about unicorns so much — *quick runs to tear down wall of unicorn posters — is that the “unicorn” represents that kind of bullshit special snowflake precious writer mystique, right? The same people who believe a glittery Muse is going to fill their heads with hot notions are the same people who probably believe a unicorn is how babies are made.
Unicorns are just really weird and really goofy.
*darts to closet, slams door before you can see the unicorn cosplay outfits*
Thus, it seems high time to have a unicorn-themed flash fiction challenge.
I want you to incorporate the unicorn into your 1000-word story.
I don’t care how, but you get bonus points for thinking creatively or doing something different with the creature that we haven’t seen or don’t otherwise expect. Bring some attitude to it.
Any genre will do.
You’ve got one week. Friday, July 29th, by noon EST.
Get on it.
Oh! And this week, I’ll pick one favorite.
That favorite will get all three of my e-books.
Peace in the Middle East, yo.
bluestockingreads says:
Here’s mine, and wow, I’m new too!:
July 28, 2011 — 2:05 AM
Brian Buckley says:
“Everything But Rachel”
July 28, 2011 — 6:28 AM
Amy Tupper says:
“He Asked For A Unicorn”
July 28, 2011 — 7:39 AM
Albert Berg says:
July 28, 2011 — 9:17 AM
Sean Samonas says:
This is my first time submitting something like this and I hope it is enjoyable:
July 28, 2011 — 10:00 AM
Sean Preston says:
I am proud to present “No Such Thing as Unicorns”.
July 28, 2011 — 10:39 AM
Lesann says:
My offering:
July 28, 2011 — 11:50 AM
Sean Samonas says:
lol…two Sean’s submitted one right after another about disbelieving unicorns. What are the odds?
July 28, 2011 — 12:20 PM
Samantha J. Mathis says:
Slipping mine in here…
July 28, 2011 — 1:03 PM
Lynn Beighley says:
Sorry for the misfired postings. It was brought to my attention that my story was too long. It’s since been edited and can be found here.
July 28, 2011 — 1:16 PM
Karen Tavares says:
Here’s my bit…
July 28, 2011 — 3:36 PM
Erin Zulkoski says:
As they say in “The Music Man”: SHAPOOPY!
July 28, 2011 — 9:58 PM
Erin Zulkoski says:
Okay, same story, different title and a little more added in.
July 28, 2011 — 10:29 PM
Robyn says:
I’m early! It’s not even midnight!
July 28, 2011 — 11:31 PM
Dave Versace says:
I’ve probably missed the deadline (stupid confuzzlating international times) but here’s my “contribution” to the burgeoning field of Magic Horse Lit:
July 29, 2011 — 1:48 AM
Dave Versace says:
Er, ahem:
(Hope that link works. I blame fatigue and stupidity. Not the whiskey, never the whiskey.)
July 29, 2011 — 1:50 AM
Steph says: (this is scary….never done anything like this before…scary…..but kinda fun….!)
July 29, 2011 — 2:06 AM
TH3 eNINJA says:
Here is my entry, Three Wishes.
July 29, 2011 — 4:07 AM
Dan Wright says:
Unicorn hunting in 1930s Italy. What more do I need to say? (Other than I have no idea where I come up with this stuff sometimes.)
July 29, 2011 — 4:42 AM
BA Boucher says:
Better late than never I suppose
Thanks for the prompt Chuck
July 29, 2011 — 8:32 AM
Amber J Gardner says:
My entry.
July 29, 2011 — 8:32 AM
Brandy says:
Later than I wanted it to be, but here’s mine:
July 29, 2011 — 10:01 AM
BA Boucher says:
This all put me in mind of Vonnegut’s “The Unicorn Trap.” Awesome, awesome story.
July 29, 2011 — 10:01 AM
Andrès says:
Crap, I didn’t make it on time.
Well, if anyone wants to read and comment it’s here:
A unicorn performs an intervention. I had a lot of fun writing it. Thanks!
July 29, 2011 — 10:12 AM
terribleminds says:
Andres — technically, you have till Noon EST. It’s only 10:30 EST.
— c.
July 29, 2011 — 10:31 AM
Louise Sorensen says:
Here is my unicorn FlashFic Ol’ Blue
July 29, 2011 — 10:17 AM
James Patrick Schmidt says:
Unicorns are so pretty.
July 29, 2011 — 11:41 AM
Bob Bois says:
July 29, 2011 — 12:00 PM
Mary Capps says:
July 29, 2011 — 1:35 PM
terribleminds says:
Be advised that I am still picking through these stories. Look for something by end of week. You people are an incredible, productive lot.
I mean, wow.
— c.
August 3, 2011 — 7:33 AM
terribleminds says:
Okay. I gotta tell you, here’s my favorite:
“The Code.”
By James Patrick Schmidt.
Unicorns + 3D printer = an episode of the Twilight Zone on acid.
James, please contact me at chuckwendig [at] terribleminds [dot] com.
— c.
August 4, 2011 — 4:28 PM
Chris White says:
My favourite unicorn story would have to be Nick Earls’s from the book Headgames…fuck…what’s the name of the story (checks the googlemaphone)>>>>>>>
eh, screw you google
August 5, 2011 — 10:00 AM
Penny Matrox says:
Hello, your story on this site really have me interested up to the last word, so I just had to comment on it. I have been looking for that topic, finally found your story! First informative post, but you should check some columns for some spam. Just a hint or use Akismet or alike. I’m running it on my blog and it kicks a**! Back on topic: took me time to read all the comments, but I really enjoyed the article. It proved to be very helpful to me and I am quite sure to all the commenters here! It’s always useful when you can not only be informed, but also entertained! By chance I found it through the Aol Search and I must confess to you I hardly read the complete post of a blog since I more or less always get bored of the “gossip” that is presented to me on a daily basis. But since it’s already a little older, any updates on that topic? Have looked but couldn’t find anything! Any tips would be a lot appreciated. To sum up: thank you and please please offer more of this. I’ll surely come back and look for new stories! Go on!! See yah
November 24, 2011 — 2:43 PM
Shantey garza says:
I need help in my unicorn story idk how to start
November 28, 2011 — 10:17 PM