Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

Flash Fiction Challenge: “Roll For Title!”

Smell that?

*takes long sniff*

It is the first flash fiction challenge of the year.


And it is wonderfully sweet.

I’d actually like to take a little moment to say I’m so happy that these challenges seem to get people writing and I’ve seen more than a few folks sell-through stories based on these challenges, which makes the brittle broken snow-globe that I call my heart twitch and shine for one second.

Anyway, let’s get to it.

All you need to do this week is to use a d20 or a random number generator to consult the table at the bottom of the document to roll for a story’s title. It’s a two-part title (meaning, two random numbers 1-20) and whatever title you get must fit the story you write for it.

You’ll have 1000 words, par usual. Post at your blog, link back here. Due in one week — January 17th, Friday — by noon EST. Easy-peasy story-squeezy.

(Example of an earlier, similar challenge here.)

The title tables are (and you’re free to put the word “The” in front of your title):

Column One

  1. Snowbound
  2. Devil’s
  3. Accursed
  4. Whispering
  5. Amethyst
  6. Griefstruck
  7. Lovestruck
  8. Red
  9. Cartographer’s
  10. Chaos
  11. Orbital
  12. Jackdaw’s
  13. Minotaur
  14. Invisible
  15. Dog Star
  16. Helical
  17. Flight of the
  18. Cerulean
  19. Seamstress’
  20. Ten-Year

 Column Two

  1. Murders
  2. Kid’s Club
  3. Angel
  4. Vault
  5. Bookshop
  6. Champion
  7. Palace
  8. Fear
  9. Skull
  10. Potion
  11. Birdhouse
  12. Encyclopedia
  13. Peacock
  14. Prison
  15. Wire
  16. Rider
  17. Story
  18. God
  19. Parasite
  20. Earth