Smell that?
*takes long sniff*
It is the first flash fiction challenge of the year.
And it is wonderfully sweet.
I’d actually like to take a little moment to say I’m so happy that these challenges seem to get people writing and I’ve seen more than a few folks sell-through stories based on these challenges, which makes the brittle broken snow-globe that I call my heart twitch and shine for one second.
Anyway, let’s get to it.
All you need to do this week is to use a d20 or a random number generator to consult the table at the bottom of the document to roll for a story’s title. It’s a two-part title (meaning, two random numbers 1-20) and whatever title you get must fit the story you write for it.
You’ll have 1000 words, par usual. Post at your blog, link back here. Due in one week — January 17th, Friday — by noon EST. Easy-peasy story-squeezy.
(Example of an earlier, similar challenge here.)
The title tables are (and you’re free to put the word “The” in front of your title):
Column One
- Snowbound
- Devil’s
- Accursed
- Whispering
- Amethyst
- Griefstruck
- Lovestruck
- Red
- Cartographer’s
- Chaos
- Orbital
- Jackdaw’s
- Minotaur
- Invisible
- Dog Star
- Helical
- Flight of the
- Cerulean
- Seamstress’
- Ten-Year
Column Two
- Murders
- Kid’s Club
- Angel
- Vault
- Bookshop
- Champion
- Palace
- Fear
- Skull
- Potion
- Birdhouse
- Encyclopedia
- Peacock
- Prison
- Wire
- Rider
- Story
- God
- Parasite
- Earth
Mike Young says:
I rolled and got The Minotaur Story. Had to do a bit of research, but was a fun challenge. As these always are.
January 17, 2014 — 11:49 AM
curleyqueue says:
Got Cartographer’s Champion. Any and all comments and feedback welcome! Thanks as always, Chuck, for getting my rear in gear!
January 17, 2014 — 11:56 AM
thatcalamity says:
The Amethyst Angel
January 17, 2014 — 12:00 PM
thatcalamity says:
Edited the url to shorten it: (sorry for the double post! Couldn’t see where i could edit my comment)
January 17, 2014 — 12:05 PM
M.R. Dorough says:
I got “The Ten-Year God”. Bit late, but it was hard writing.
January 17, 2014 — 1:24 PM
Jason Rogers says:
First try at one of these. Looks like I finished it just in time.
January 17, 2014 — 3:26 PM
Rob Laman says:
Last minute Larry. Here is my offering based on the title Cartographer’s Fear. Chuck, I also give Miriam a little love in an earlier post and at GoodReads. Keep up the good work man.
January 17, 2014 — 5:08 PM
Trine Toft Schmidt says:
Oh damn I am so late with this, but, I might add, In my defense it is still Friday here for another 11 minutes.
I rolled 2 and 5 giving me the title: Devil’s Bookstore and you will find it here:
January 17, 2014 — 5:49 PM
Smoph says:
I am adding my (late) story to the ring as well. Enjoy everyone, I look forward to reading the rest of these later this evening!
Whispering Encyclopedia
January 17, 2014 — 7:36 PM
mckkenzie says:
Nice one…loved your descriptions! So are you a history fan or have you been watching DaVinci’s Demons??
January 19, 2014 — 8:52 PM
Smoph says:
I actually read a great fiction series when I was a teen about the world at that time, which was awesome. I wish I remembered the name. But DaVinci’s Demons sounds really interesting! Great, another series I need to sample!
January 20, 2014 — 6:59 PM
Adrienne says:
Here it is, my attempt at Griefstruck Earth. Sorry it’s late :/
January 18, 2014 — 2:08 PM
Sarah Shinkle says:
It’s a day late, but I wanted to share anyway! Here’s “Invisible Parasite”
January 18, 2014 — 4:44 PM
Cole says:
Right, so I know this is so terribly late and 7 x flash fiction, but thanks for the inspiration, Chuck. This is what came of it:
June 22, 2014 — 5:57 AM