Earlier in the week, I said, “Hey, check out this short story collection.”
Middle of the week — aka, um, now — I say, “Hey, check out this short film.”
Sundance has been very kind to our little film and given it lots of great attention. Not only is it a big part of this year’s Sundance 2011 app, but now it’s online at the Sundance screening room.
I’ve embedded it here for ease (might I recommend full-screen?) but I encourage you to check out the screening room for other gems of cinematic goodness.
Funny story — when I went to… I think it was the second day of filming? The first thing I encountered was the scene with “Mom” on the bed. A bed pink with fluids. Her head swaddled in stained sheets. And Bree (Alexia Rasmussen) sitting by the bed, a revolver in her lap.
Awesome. Crazy to see stuff you helped write come to life. Grim, fluid-stained life.
Anyway. Check out the film. I know I’m proud of it, and I think Lance did a bang-up job of bringing our storyworld — or, at least, a glimpse of it — to life. Make no mistake: he’s a visionary.
Of course, it doesn’t stop here. We’ve got the feature film moving toward fruition, and during Sundance will be the Pandemic storyworld experience. What’s that, you ask?
Well. Just wait. You’ll see. Expect something pretty crazy-go-nuts.
But it doesn’t stop there. Sinister plans circulate. They fester like a sickness, they do.
Keep your eyes peeled.