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Dan Koboldt: Nine Years A Penmonkey, And Nine Lessons

I’m pretty sure Dan is a Kobold, and just isn’t telling us — I mean, it’s right there in his name. I keep asking, “Are you a kobold? and he keeps saying, “Stop asking me that, I’m a human being,” and then I wink at him because I know what he means. (Whisper: he’s a kobold.) Anyway! Here Dan is, offering up a bevy of lessons — nine, in fact — to match his nine years of penmonkeying around. Please to enjoy, fellow kobolds and non-kobolds.

* * *

When Chuck generously agreed to host another guest post from me on his blog, he suggested something other than a FIVE THINGS post. Which is fine with me. I’ve told you ten things about my books already, and I’d be hard-pressed to come up with more. Instead, as I wrap up my series with Harper Voyager, I thought I’d share some of the lessons I’ve learned since I started writing fiction.

In other words, these are the lessons from my nine years as a penmonkey. Nine years, nine lessons. Let’s do this.

1. Write the damn book.

Most people fancy the idea of writing a book. I have a few friends and relatives – people I’ve known for years – who are pretty fired up about it. They come up with great new ideas for stories on a regular basis. They buy special pens and notebooks (or a Macbook Air). They try new outline formulas and write-or-die apps. But they fail to do the single most important thing for someone who wants to become an author, which is to write the damn book.

If you want to be an author, you have to write (and finish) an entire book. Until you do that, you can’t query agents, pitch editors, or ask celebrities for blurbs. You have nothing to offer these people until you have a completed manuscript. And yet, so many people can’t seem to do that. Sometimes, it’s because they’re trying to get everything perfect. Perfect characters, perfect setting, perfect storyline. But perfect is the enemy of done, my friends. If you want to get anywhere, you need to be done.

Another reason many people don’t write the book is simply that writing is hard. There are lots of reasons not to do it. You work a lot. You have kids. You need to go to the gym. You can’t find your laptop’s power cord. These are all perfectly legitimate reasons not to write. If one of them works for you and you’re happy not writing, you shouldn’t. God bless. This game isn’t for everyone.

People generally fall into one of two categories when it comes to writing a book: those who talk about it, and those who do it. Over time, I can usually figure out which category someone’s in, and it rarely changes.

I can’t make you write a book. Only you can do that.

2. Double your eyeballs.

When I first dabbled in fiction in 2008, I considered myself a competent writer. I’d been writing nonfiction for several years for my day job, and I was a voracious reader. I thought I’d be good, or at least decent, when I switched to fiction.

Nope. I was pretty bad. Even worse, I didn’t know it yet. Luckily, I was in an “Introduction to Fiction Writing” class that included peer critique. My classmates gently helped me realize how terrible my writing was. Their feedback told me some of the things that I could improve.

Like most writers, I have blinders on when it comes to my own writing. We need more eyeballs on it to ferret out the weak points. Not our mom’s eyeballs, either, but the eyeballs of someone who reads in your genre. Or better yet, writes in your genre. (Always ask before using someone’s eyeballs). I refer you to my recent guest post on the NaNoWriMo blog, How and Why to Use Critique Partners.

3. The Zombie Gauntlet of Rejection

A nice side benefit of peer critique is that it helps prepare you for the pain associated with the publishing journey. As you progress in your career, criticism and rejection will be constant companions.

Think of it as trying to get past a gauntlet of rejection-zombies to the safety of your home. When you begin querying, each rejection is like an undead hand slapping you in the face. It stings, but you keep moving. When your manuscript goes on submission to editors, the rejections have more weight to them. Each one is like a punch to the guts. Sometimes, it’ll knock the wind right out of you. It helps to have an agent and writer friends who will pick you up from the dirt so you can keep going.

If you manage to get past the editor zombies, you’ve reached the door. But the acquisitions board has locked it from the other side. Many author dreams die on this threshold. Maybe you do better, and kick down that door to get published. That’s why they call it breaking in.

Even after you break in, your problems aren’t over. You simply trade them for a set of new ones. If you want to survive, you have to be mentally tough enough to take these knocks and keep going. And you need a support network of good friends to help you stay sane.

4. Luck versus persistence.

Luck matters a lot more than it should in this game. You can write a fantastic book that lands a great agent. The agent knows the perfect editor for it. Maybe that editor loves it and makes you a great offer. Or, maybe that editor signed a similar book last month, so the answer is no. Your fate, hanging in the balance, and it all comes down to luck. Nothing you can do about it.

But there’s another factor at play. Persistence. This is something you DO control, and it’s also what separates published authors from failed ones. If an agent rejects your query, send it to five more. If your first book doesn’t get a book deal, write a second one (but not a sequel). If your first novel doesn’t garner the sales or reviews or awards that you’d like, try again.

You can’t control luck, but you can be stubbornly persistent. Most successful authors are.

5. Publishing is dead! Long live publishing!

Bloggers and podcasters love to discuss the state of the publishing industry. Depending on whom you ask, it’s either stronger than ever or plunging toward certain death. Generally it’s the latter, because bad/shocking news gets more attention. That’s why you hear more about teenagers dying in car crashes than elderly people going in their sleep. When I was a new author trying to break in, I gave these “publishing pundits” too much stock. I was genuinely concerned that by the time my debut was published, physical bookstores would no longer exist.

The truth lies somewhere between the two extremes. Yes, the publishing industry has undergone some major changes, especially in the past two decades. Major publishers have been consolidated into five big entities. More recently, the introduction of e-readers like the Kindle fueled the rapid growth of e-books. Brick-and-mortar booksellers like Barnes & Noble are struggling to adapt to a world in which more and more consumers shop online. So are most physical retailers, by the way. Google “holiday sales 2017” if you need convincing.

The publishing industry is not dying. It is evolving. People still buy books. They just do it online because you don’t need pants to shop online. People still visit libraries, but now they can use their library cards to borrow e-books and audiobooks. People still read, but they do it on their phones.

Change is the way of the world. Smart authors, agents, and publishers adapt and survive. Those who don’t adapt will eventually fade away. It’s that simple.

6. Obscurity is the enemy

This is not to say that the success of any author (or book) is guaranteed. There has never been more competition for readers or attention, especially because consolidation has happened on the retail side as well. Thanks to e-books, most titles will never go out of print, at least digitally. The challenge is ensuring that they continue to reach new readers.

There is a form of peculiar, unknowable black magic called Sales Rank. No one truly understands the meaning of this number, but its job is to make you feel the sting of obscurity. It will spike. It will fade. It will do little dances that make authors begin to question their sanity. Ignore this dark sorcery, and you’ll be much happier.

There are two powerful weapons that aid authors in the fight against obscurity. The first is your own personal hustle: your ability to hand-sell your book to a co-worker or con-goer or the guy next to you on an airplane. This is a subtle art that takes time and practice, but ultimately can keep your book selling. The fact that you’ve written and published a book is no small achievement. Many people will read it just because of that.

The other powerful weapon is your membership in the guild of penmonkeys. You didn’t know there was a guild? Well, welcome aboard. Please send your membership fees to Chuck. Acceptable forms of payment include beaver skins, undead souls, and bees.

The guild means that you, as an author, have great power to support the work of other penmonkeys. Hand-sell their books. Review their books. Give them a voice on your platform. Others will do the same for you when it’s your turn.

7. There’s a lot you can’t change

There are many things that affect an author’s career (for better or worse) that we simply can’t change. Some of the things authors don’t control include:

  • The economy
  • Market trends and forces
  • Reviews
  • Awards
  • Any company they don’t own, such as Twitter

It’s frustrating, because as humans we like the idea that our fate is on our own hands. In many cases, it’s not. The sooner you accept that – and worry about the things that you CAN control – the happier you’ll be.

8. Comparison is the thief of joy

One of the easiest ways to become unhappy is to compare yourself to others. There will always be authors who write faster than you, get bigger advances, sell more books, and win more awards than you. You might think that some of those authors aren’t as good as you, and maybe you’re right. It doesn’t matter. Pointing it out, complaining about it, or letting the unfairness of the world bother you will not accomplish anything.

Comparison will steal your joy away. Don’t let it. Grab onto your joy, squeeze it tightly, and hit anyone who tries to take it with an axe. If you accomplish anything as a writer in these difficult times, you should celebrate. You’ll be much happier if you do.

9. Don’t be a dick

I recently joined a private discussion forum for authors where there’s one rule: don’t be a dick. Basically, that means don’t criticize when it’s not your place. Don’t marginalize or insult people because of their gender, race, orientation, or appearance. Don’t be rude. Don’t take advantage of people. It’s a simple rule for life, but some people still have trouble with it.

No one likes it when you’re a dick. YOU might feel better, but that feeling will dissipate rather quickly. However, the people who have seen you be a dick, or worse, been the target of your dick-ness, will remember it for a long time. Probably forever.

If you don’t believe in karma or doing the right thing, let me appeal to your sense of ambition. It’s a small world and an even smaller industry. When you’re a dick, word gets around. Sometimes it gets around very publicly. Odds are, you will offend someone who (either now or someday) can influence your career. Maybe they’re a book reviewer. Maybe they read slush for a magazine. Maybe they sit on an acquisitions board for a publisher that’s considering your next book. If you’re a dick to people, it will come back to bite you. Guaranteed.

You might not even know that it’s come back to bite you. No editor will end a rejection e-mail with “I was ready to buy this, until I remembered that you’re a dick.” No convention will tell you that you have not been selected as a guest of honor due to your history of dick behavior. Instead, these things just won’t happen for you. They will happen for other authors who follow the golden rule. Don’t be a dick.

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Dan Koboldt is a genetics researcher and fantasy/science fiction author from the Midwest. He is the author of the Gateway to Alissia series (Harper Voyager) about a Las Vegas magician who infiltrates a medieval world. He is currently editing Putting the Science in Fiction, (Writers Digest), a reference for writers slated for release in Fall 2018.

By day, Dan is a genetics researcher at a major children’s hospital. He has co-authored more than 70 publications in NatureScience, The New England Journal of Medicine, and other scientific journals. He lives with his wife, daughter, and twin boys in Ohio.

Dan Koboldt: Website | Twitter

The World Awakening: Books2Read


In Which I Appear On Launch, John August’s Bookish Podcast!


So, John August — screenwriter extraordinaire and also novelist behind the middle grade book, Arlo Finch in the Valley of Fire — has a shiny new podcast called Launch, which is about, well, launching a book, and it’s a snazzy snout-to-tail examination of the many processes behind writing and publishing a book. Well, John invited me onto the most recent podcast — have I mentioned that I am a fortunate soul? — to answer some of his listener questions about those many processes. So go right now and give a listen.

Thanks to John for having me!

Go listen, or I will stare at you very crossly.



*stares harder*

Macro Monday Soon Heads West, Young Man

We had a very nice snow this weekend, in that it dropped six inches on the ground, two on paved surfaces, was good for snowballs and snowmen, and hot chocolate and sledding, and then the day got warm and a lot of it went away.

I took a shot of a snowflake, seen above — it looked like a tiny little person hanging for dear life. I snapped the shot, and then my breath melted the icy tether holding it to the larger snowclump, and the little snowflake tumbled to the earth, where it was eaten by sharks.

Ice sharks.

Okay, I don’t know if there were ice sharks down there, I didn’t look.


Don’t @ me.

Anyway! What else is up.

I have a cold. So that’s nice. I mean, almost literally, it’s nice, because I guess it could’ve been the flu? I suspect I caught it from my six-year-old, who during dinner a few nights ago basically coughed on my food. He’s usually pretty good about controlling his aerosolized illness, but I dunno if the cough was a surprise or he was just like, “Fuck it, I’m sick, so you’re sick, *hackptoo*” but here we are, and now I’m sick.

So, to remind you, I’ll be at EMERALD CITY COMICCON starting next week. And that means it is time to reveal my schedule!

*pulls back curtain*

*blood and locusts*

Ha ha wrong curtain hold on

*pulls back different curtain*

*schedule is revealed!*

You can find a schedule for me here, but I don’t think it’s complete.

Here is a much better, more intimate look at my schedule.

*bats eyelashes*

*plays sex jazz*

Thursday, March 1

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM


Location: PRH Booth #1610 (Level 4)

6:00 PM – 7:00? PM

OFF-SITE — signing and panel at Brick & Mortar Books in Redmond, WA, with Fonda Lee and Alex Marshall

Location: Brick & Mortar Books, 7430 164th Ave NE suite B105, Redmond, WA

Friday, March 2

12:15 PM – 1:15 PM

PANEL: Pop Culture Throwdown

Me! Marko Kloos! Kevin Hearne! Cherie Priest! Mia Garcia! Django Wexler! Amy Bartol!

Location: WSCC 603

1:30 PM – 2:30 PM


Location: Writers Block – Autographing Table?

5:15 PM – 6:15 PM

PANEL: The Universe of Star Wars

Me! Delilah S. Dawson! Amanda Cherry! EK Johnston! Kevin J. Anderson! And more.

Location: WSCC 611

7:00 PM – 11:00 PM

WorldBuilders Party

Location: WSCC Room 3AB

(You should totally come to this! Pay in to charity, play games with a bunch of authors and creators. I’ll be running a game of Balderdash, baby. Old-school liary liar-faced game! Also because I’m way way behind on playing any modern board games! Shut up!)

Saturday, March 3

4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

PANEL: Star Wars Books

Me! Delilah Dawson! John Jackson Miller!

Location: WSCC 611

5:15 PM – 6:00 PM


Location: Writers Block – Autographing Table?

Sunday March 4

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM


Location: PRH Booth #1610 (Level 4)

1:15 PM – 2:15 PM

PANEL: Writing the Future

Me! Jason Hough! Annalee Newitz! AdriAnne Strickland! Sylvain Neuvel! Michael Miller!

Location: WSCC 603

2:30 PM – 3:45 PM


Location: Writers Block – Autographing Table?

So, there you go. That’s my schedule.

After that’s over, I will be running a writing workshop for the Austin Romance Writers of America (ARWA!) on Saturday, the 24th.

Then it’s Raven Con and PHX Comic Fest and, you know, some other fun stuff.

See you on the flipswitch, booty-scooters. Is that the hip lingo? Are the kids saying that to one another? No? Shit.

Flash Fiction Challenge: A World Without Guns

Tough challenge after this week’s news — but I’ve seen some folks talk about what fiction can do or say about the (yet another) school shooting, and I think genre fiction has a chance to do something or say something interesting regarding it. Science-fiction, for instance, pretends to be about our future but it’s nearly always about our present.

So, your job is to compose a piece of flash fiction where guns are gone — for whatever reason, made illegal, never been invented, use your imagination. This is primed for sci-fi, but feel free to find a way to make it work as fantasy or horror or XYZ genre, too.

Length: You have ~1500 words.

Due by: Friday, Feb 23rd, noon EST

Post at your online space.

Drop a link to the story in the comments below.

My Cup Runneth Over: Quick Thoughts On Managing Anxiety

As I have noted in the past, I got me some anxiety.

Honestly, it’s hard not to, right now. The news is traditionally not a place you go for Good Feelings, but these days you turn on the TV for fifteen seconds or you give one quick scroll through Twitter and it’s a fucking assault, isn’t it? EVERYTHING WAS BAD AND HAS NOW COMPLETED ITS POKEMON-LIKE EVOLUTION TO A FULL-BLOWN NIGHTMARE, the news will have you know. What did Trump do today? you think to yourself, and then the news answers, THE PRESIDENT HAS GUARANTEED A NEW FOOD PROGRAM FOR THE POOR IN WHICH THEY ARE FED THE OTHER POOR WHO DIED IN THE HUNGER GAMES, WHICH IS LITERALLY JUST GAMES WHERE HUNGRY PEOPLE FIGHT OVER FAST FOOD, OH ALSO, KANSAS IS BEING EVACUATED AND IS NOW A MASSIVE BATTLEGROUND STADIUM FOR THE HUNGER GAMES, MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR FAVOR, BUT THEY WON’T BE, UNLESS YOU’RE RICH




So, it’s a very good way to feel bad.

In fact, it’s a very good way to trigger one’s anxiety. (For me, anxiety tends to manifest first as a physical sensation — like a feeling of ants somewhere in the space between my heart and my stomach — and then as a kind of pattern of obsessive thinking and hypervigilance. Hypervigilance in this case being a whole lot like tonguing a broken tooth to see if it’s still broken, which only causes it more pain, but yet there you go, keep on poking at it.)

(Poke poke poke. Ow. Poke poke poke. OW.)

And of course, anxiety exists even on good days. It’s not just a thing that happens when the world is bad — it can happen like clear sky turbulence, everything’s going along fine, and then suddenly OH MY GOD I’M DYING OF CANCER or WHAT HAPPENS WHEN EVERYONE FINALLY FIGURES OUT I’M A FRAUD and there you are, alone and shaking like a pee-filled chihuahua on a cold winter’s evening. There’s also anxiety related to my writing career — and I expect that anxiety and depression are common in creative folk, though I also suspect it’s a chicken-and-egg question. We live so completely in our heads, are we more prone to anxiety and depression, or is there some relationship between the two?

Who the hell knows?

Anxiety is a demon. It’s a chattering, vicious monkey. It’s a bag of gut-worms.

But, I deal with it.

And I thought I’d talk a little bit more about how I deal with it, and how I deal with it has a lot to do with how I view it.

Now, the caveat here is, as always, I am not a Certified Mindologist. You should not take anything I say with any kind of medical backing. I am not an expert on this subject; I am merely an expert on the subject of Me (and even there, my expertise is occasionally dubious).

Part of what inspired me to talk about this is this tweet from a friend, Mallory O’Meara

I like that metaphor. Metaphors help me think of the world in different ways, and help me come at problems from unexpected directions because, ultimately, metaphors are about making unexpected connections between things.

Here is the metaphor I tend to use regarding anxiety, and to look at that metaphor, it’s first necessary to look at another medical issue:

I’ve got allergies, and one of the ways that allergies have been described to me by doctors is that we all have an imaginary cup, and exposure to allergens fills up that cup, and if the cup is overfull and spills over, you must endure a proper allergic reaction. Now for me, that reaction isn’t life-threatening as it would be for some, but rather, it’s just irritating. I can be around a cat for just so long, and then my cup runneth over — and next thing I know, my eyes itch, my throat feels tight, I sneeze, and the longer I remain, the worse it gets. Eyes go puffy, nose goes full spigot, throat feels like it’s being bitten by tiny bugs, etc.

Being allergic to something is nobody’s fault, really. It’s just a thing that happens.

Anxiety is the same way.

And anxiety is, to me, like being allergic to, y’know —

*gesticulates toward the entire world*

All of that.

And —

*taps middle of forehead*

All of this too.

Meaning, you have an emotionally inflammatory response to — well, all kinds of things. It can be everything. It might only be some things. We all have triggers, and some of those triggers are expected, some of them are unexpected.

And, just like with allergies, we have a cup.

I like to suspect that this is true for everyone — everyone has this kind of emotional, psychological cup available to them, and the normal events of a normal day fill that cup up little by little. Traffic in the morning, add some to the cup. Doctor’s appointment, add more to the cup. Some good news at work, maybe pour a little back out of the cup. Some people are fortunate, I believe, to have buckets instead of cups: they were born with larger reservoirs of fortitude, or perhaps trained themselves to that point.

Others have smaller cups.

Cups that fill easily and spill over more often.

I like to think those people are people with anxiety.

So, for me, anxiety becomes less a thing to conquer and more a thing to mitigate — you find the things that fill the cup quickly, and you make effort to avoid those things. You also find the things that can help you pour some back out, and you make the effort to do those things, too. Like, okay, looking at the news is probably a thing that fills up the cup — honestly, I have to expect it fills up the cup for everybody, not just anxiety-sufferers — so, you either need to stop looking at it, or, if you’re going to (“I looked at the trap, Ray”), you need to countermand it with ways of emptying that cup, too. Balance it out with nice things. Funny stuff or doing some art or some meditation or hunting your enemies through the woods with an axe — every solution should be tailored to you, not to me, you have to find what works. What empties your cup?

(And by the way, you have to really attune yourself to this. “A thing I like to do” is not automagically synonymous with “a thing that empties the cup.” Certain video games and or media consumption can fill the cup rather than emptying it, even though I technically feel good about the thing I’m doing. Going out and taking photos is meditative for me, so I try to do it to empty the cup. I like coffee a whole lot, and it helps me write, but both coffee and writing do not empty the cup, really. You have to be astute, aware, and constantly measure and re-measure how you feel after Doing A Thing to see what effect it has on the Cup of Anxiety inside your heart.)

This isn’t an exhortation to JUST GO OUT INTO NATURE BECAUSE IT’S THE BEST MEDICINE, either — maybe the best medicine for you is actual medicine. Anxiety meds? No shame. You do what you gotta. Therapy? Also good in whatever form that takes for you. I’m not your boss. At least, not in this timeline. In Timeline 47199-B, I am your boss, however, and I’ll have you know that I know you stole my hole-punch, you motherfucker.

Point is, this is normal, you’re not alone, and if you treat this like it’s an average run-of-the-mill problem, I think you gain some power over it instead of letting it be this mythic thing, this monstrous wave, this all-consuming identity. It’s not that, it’s just a disorder, like allergies, that can be managed up or down. You don’t control it, precisely, but it also doesn’t control you — you can balance the scales and file down the monster’s teeth.

Know what fills the cup.

Know what empties the cup.

Practice self-care accordingly.

Have a nice day.

* * *

THE RAPTOR & THE WREN: Miriam Black, Book Five

Miriam Black, in lockstep with death, continues on her quest to control her own fate!

Having been desperate to rid herself of her psychic powers, Miriam now finds herself armed with the solution — a seemingly impossible one. But Miriam’s past is catching up to her, just as she’s trying to leave it behind. A copy-cat killer has caught the public’s attention. An old nemesis is back from the dead. And Louis, the ex she still loves, will commit an unforgivable act if she doesn’t change the future. 

Miriam knows that only a great sacrifice is enough to counter fate. Can she save Louis, stop the killer, and survive? 

Hunted and haunted, Miriam is coming to a crossroads, and nothing is going to stand in her way, not even the Trespasser.

Indiebound | Amazon | B&N

Macro Monday Shells Shellseas On The Shoresea

Macro Monday would also very much prefer to be somewhere beachy and warm instead of this cold damp. (Though, I’ll note, I do kinda like the foggy Twin Peaks vibe our woods have been giving off lately.)

I don’t have much to put here — I have various snidbits of news, none of which I can properly share, as yet, so mostly I’m sitting here biting a belt, wincing as I say nothing. Meanwhile, if I’ve been a bit scarce here recently, it’s because I’m face down in the Editing Trench with Wanderers. Currently, I’m on page 400 of… *checks document* 1100 which ha ha ha is only 700 pages to go, that’s fine, I’m sure that’s fine.

So, that’s where I’m at.

Waiting on Vultures edits, soon.

Here’s a nice review of The Raptor & The Wren from Adventures in Poor Taste (excerpted below, click link for whole enchilada):

The Raptor and the Wren pulls off a near perfect balance of new revelations connecting with prior knowledge and events. Story-wise, it’s another fantastic chapter in Miriam’s unending (and possibly futile) quest to send her demons back to where they came from. As always, the supporting cast is brilliant, terrifying, and tragic. Just like her.

Also, if you thought the ending to the Thunderbird made you mad, then make sure you have something to hit and/or squeeze after the last page of this one.

Also, here’s a couple reviews of Damn Fine Story.

This one, from Milliebot Reads:

“Wendig is comical and relatable, yet delivers excellent writing advice. Oftentimes writing guides can be dry, or maybe too full of personal experience to be helpful (depending on what style works for you). Wendig’s book is primarily filled with his “rules” and the pop culture examples he uses to help illustrate them – which I found insanely useful – and then a few personal moments here and there. I’ve never enjoyed a writing guide so much before.”

And another, from Reads & Reels:

“For me, this guide is a must-read, and a must-reread, that will serve as a reference right near my writing desk. Wendig puts his unique spin on some craft techniques you may already be familiar with. I found myself making notes and underlining valuable passages throughout the book, but even more so in the second half. The section on the building blocks of tension, the one on character motivation—I can’t thank Wendig enough for those. He covers almost every aspect of craft, including pacing, dialogue, character arcs, themes…and symbols, motifs—and on and on. Get your highlighter handy!”


Have a great week, humans.



The Raptor & The Wren: print | ebook

Damn Fine Story: print | ebook