So, how are the various social media platforms doing? Are they worth your time as a person, as a writer, as seven possums in a trenchcoat? Given that community and audience are both found and earned through these social networks, I figure it’s worth taking a gander at them again as I’ve done a number of times over the last year — in part because the social media landscape has broken into a number of little islands thanks to various tectonic shifts beneath the internet crust and we’re all just trying to find a place to rest our digital heads at night. Also in part because, as a writer, I need to find not just a place to HAWK MY WORDY WARES, which is of dubious value, but rather a place where I can meet writers and readers and agents and publishing folks and bookstore people and in general contribute to a larger, greater, cooler bookish ecosystem.
That said, as always, this is all purely my perspective. It is zero percent useful wisdom and one hundred percent just some bullshit that passed through my head like a cloud of stupid. I am not to be listened to. I’m just some jackass with a blog. Proceed with that situational awareness.
So, to jump to the start, I’m on Threads now.
It’s fine!
That’s more or less my capsule review. It’s fine! It’s fine. It’s fine.
Some general thoughts about it:
a) It’s obviously tied to Instagram and Facebook and therefore is tied to Zuckerberg which is bad and not good. No, it’s not awesome having to pick your social media platform based on which billionaire sociopath upsets you the least? But it is what it is, I guess. Our choices in life do not always amount to great ones, woefully.
b) If you want the place where the celebrities, the brands, the media outlets, are all going, it’s probably there. It’s got a big crowd — a lot of transfers over from Instagram, I guess? Despite the big crowd I don’t think it feels that peppy as yet. I can’t actually tell how many people I’m following (?) but it seems like a good group. That said, I do see a lot more general activity happening on Bluesky. Still, Threads is not precisely quiet, either, and even in the week since I’ve joined it looks to have picked up a bit.
c) There is a “who you follow” feed, which appears to present the posts of your followed accounts in the order they are posted. But it defaults to an algorithmic FYP feed, which shows a random disgorgement of… I mean, I assume it’s whatever the Insane Robot That Governs The Place wants you to see. It definitely seems to prioritize verified accounts over non-verified.
d) There does seem to be a pretty good bookish crowd of writers and readers.
e) The vibe there is… I dunno, is it wrong if I say, Ruby Tuesdays? Applebees? Like, if Twitter is currently your local Nazi Bar, and Bluesky is your local Eclectic Diner, this definitely feels like a popular-but-functional chain restaurant. People are having a nice enough time and it feels pretty reliable. It’s the “Hey, let’s go to Chili’s” variant of social media. Sometimes, you want that, and that’s okay, no shame.
f) The one thing I like about it in theory but not in practice is the granularity of how you can see your engagement — there’s All, Follows, Replies, Mentions, Quotes, Reposts, Verified, Dunks, Trolls, Posts By People Who Don’t Know What They’re Talking About But Probably Mean Well, Devil’s Advocates, Robots, Dog Photos, Replies From Stalkers, and People Who Still Think NFTs Are Cool. Or something like that. Point is, it’s definitely more granular but… I also don’t feel like each tab works great, and I’m really not seeing a lot of actually existing replies, and the overall GUI of those pages feels noisy and hard for me to parse, for some reason. That might just be me, though.
So, it’s fine! I don’t hate it. I don’t yet love it. It exists and I’m using it and have found some value there and in part that value is finding friends who are using it, too. Which is nice. I wasn’t going to join it but… real talk, writing is a lonely gig and sometimes you want to feel like there’s a room you can go into and hear some voices. Further, publishing is in a place where it’s still not sure exactly how to navigate the shattered social media landscape, and as much as I hate to say it, that means it’s (yet again) on writers to actually carve out their spaces and — well, we’re all just trying to either not die in the abyss or, at the very least, find other people dying in the abyss with us so we can commiserate with one another as we sink softly into the pudding of oblivion.
(Also, The Pudding of Oblivion is my next next novel, out in 2026.)
At the very least, Threads is not Twitter.
Which brings us to —
For a while now, my interaction with Twitter has largely been:
Posting promo. Replying to a few people. Reading DMs. Boosting the signal on stuff that needed (in my mind) boosting. I spent very little time on the site daily. But my new book is finally out on shelves, plus the local school board election is over (we won thank fucking god, the M4L nightmare people are out the door, though not before handing their partner in crime, Superintendent Abe Lucabaugh, a whopping $700k+ retirement package ahhh what the actual fuck), so given that the site is a demented disinformation machine run by a racist emerald mining antisemite fuckface who is now winking at Q-Anon bullshit, I’m all the way out. Account is still there but I’m happy to be not in it. It is a hollow shell.
The bar is a Nazi bar, snout to tail, now.
I dunno if we’re still calling it BLOOSKY and SKEETING SKEETS or whatever, but I still really like the platform and it works for me. It’s peppy, chatty, and increasingly engorged with good people. It does seem to have lost some of its weird, feral edge — that edge, I think, dulled by a lot of news-flavored stuff getting posted. On the one hand, I really like that it’s becoming more a place to get informed about stuff — on the other hand, I miss people posting Alf Hog and Gandalf Tits and Bird Photos. There was a powerful chaos energy to the earlier days akin to walking into any Waffle House at 3AM — you just had no idea what was going to be on the menu that night. Now, it’s settling into something that feels a little more predictable, like it’s speed-running the Midseason Twitter era. Again, this isn’t necessarily good or bad in terms of assigning it a value — and I may be experiencing something different from what others are experiencing. I do like it though and it remains my Social Media Network of choice.
(And, currently, also the one where I get the most outright engagement. Even compared to places where I have more followers.)
(Also, I have a few Bluesky codes I’m just noticing — if you want ’em, comment below and I’ll toss one atcha.)
I continue to like it. I see photos of dogs and birds and food and books and as such, it is vaguely relaxing and a place to stop. Increasingly it’s pivoting to video and I hate that, mostly, though I’ve popped a few reels up there and they’re fun enough, I guess.
I continue to not be on there or literally see anything that happens there and I’m probably better for it, and you’re probably better not seeing me there, and I think that’s a good decision we’re all making. I do understand that BookTok is currently *checks notes* kind of in control of publishing, whether it realizes it or not, and as such, I guess I should probably be there and be paying attention? At the same time, I can’t control it, and I suspect it would just cause my brain to swell up like an overfed tick and then it would pop and there’d be anxious brain goo everywhere. So, again, I remain here. Without the Tiks or the Toks to keep me warm at night.
Listen I don’t hate Mastodon at all but I can only do so much. So it’s currently not on my menu. My mind can only handle so many social media platforms before it shits its brainpants. Sorry!
If you need to know what your racist aunt or that guy from high school is up to, Facebook is your jam. I dunno. It seems to throttle links now and ennh. I use it as a walled garden to keep up with family and friends, that’s it.
The Others.
Is Post still a thing? Spoutible? Ello? MySpace? Bramble? Bumblr? Faceyplace? Me-Cave? U-Circle? Hangzone? Lasertag? Are any of these even real? What is happening? I dunno. I’m not on these.
The Blog.
Or something.
Reminder, you can subcribe if you’re so inclined.
Anyway, that’s it. Buy my books or I die. Bye!
Reinette says:
AHHH! Bluesky – I would gladly take a code if they’re available! I’ve been sitting on the waitlist for what feels like years at this point. :p
November 29, 2023 — 1:10 PM
terribleminds says:
I see a gmail associated with this comment — ok to send code there?
November 29, 2023 — 1:13 PM
Melanie Williams says:
I would also love a Bluesky code, if you have one to spare. I’ve been on the waitlist since Bluesky had one, and any hope of getting in that way is long gone.
November 29, 2023 — 1:22 PM
terribleminds says:
Use the contact form to hit me up and I’ll email it over!
November 30, 2023 — 8:04 AM
TK Eldridge says:
Bluesky code please? That’d be awesome. Thank you.
November 29, 2023 — 1:28 PM
E.M. Powell says:
*bows to the blog* Humbly requesting a code, my liege.
November 29, 2023 — 1:32 PM
Katie says:
I would love a bluesky code!
November 29, 2023 — 1:40 PM
Katie says:
I forgot to finish my comment
I may or may not order a signed copy of Dust and Grimm in return (I actually plan to order one anyway, but if I don’t it’s because I forgot and bought it locally instead). I so need to get away from twitter completely. Please and thank you!
(I am the same Katie as previous comment but this is the correct email to send a code to if you have one)
November 29, 2023 — 1:45 PM
Jenn S. says:
On the edge of my pillow-top mattress looking for a link to pre-order Pudding of Oblivion by C. Wendig… If you have another Bloosky code rattling around in your junk drawer, I’d gladly abscond with one!
November 29, 2023 — 2:18 PM
Jamey says:
If still available, I would love to get a code. I love your books and blog! Thanks.
November 29, 2023 — 2:23 PM
Karen Turley says:
I’m liking BlueSky quite a bit. Threads less so, because of the Zuckerberg connection. Xitter is dead to me.
November 29, 2023 — 2:30 PM
Jonathan Dayton says:
Thanks for the rundown on the sites. As an unpublished writer, I would like to find a place to find publishers and if possible could I get an invite to Bluesky?
November 29, 2023 — 2:32 PM
Elizabeth Ragavanis says:
Please, sir, a Bluesky code? I’m getting desperate. Also note that I am going to quote your line describing Twitter to any advertiser still there when I reach out to express my disgust with their implied endorsement, so thank you for that useful phrasing!
November 29, 2023 — 3:45 PM
Kevin Pech says:
I’ve been waiting for a code from BlueSky since early summer.
If I’m not to late to the commenting party, love some assistance if you could Gin Buddy.
November 29, 2023 — 3:46 PM
Vikki Romano says:
I’ve been waiting for a bluesky code for about 3 months so I would love it if you have any extras.
November 29, 2023 — 3:52 PM
Rustmoon says:
I would love a BlueSky code if you have one to spare! They are very elusive thus far. Thanks!
November 29, 2023 — 4:11 PM
Susan Lucas Hoffman says:
Yes on the bluesky code please! I am invisible to them.
November 29, 2023 — 5:38 PM
Rose says:
I only do Mastadon and Tiktok, and all my most recent favorite authors are from Tiktok, but holy hell do I wish I never opened that can of worms, you called it, anxious brain goo is all over my phone. It is uncontrollably addictive, and it feels like you will fail to understand something if you stop watching it. I hate it so much and simultaneously feel like it is important or significant.
November 29, 2023 — 8:01 PM
terribleminds says:
This is one of the key reasons I avoid it. I need to not have my phone digest me like the Sarlacc.
November 30, 2023 — 8:05 AM
Megan Lynae says:
I’d also love a Bluesky code if you have one?
November 29, 2023 — 8:07 PM
Judy K. Walker says:
Hash browns scattered and smothered. That’s Waffle House at 3 AM, and every other time.
November 30, 2023 — 12:06 AM
Ezra Vasquez says:
I understand not loving Elon Musk’s behavior, but terms such as “a demented disinformation machine run by a racist emerald mining antisemite fuckface” and “Nazi bar” are the type of hyperbole and abuse of language that perpetuates the divisiveness that exists in the world — and writers, of all people, should know better. Worse yet, while indulging such rhetoric may tantalize sanctimonious impulses, doing so perpetuates the “kind of “cancel” culture that is fueling the flames of the far-right sentiments that are springing up all over the world.
Failure to subscribe to the progressive prohibition of anything that offends anyone, anywhere, at any time, does not an “antisemite” make. That’s not to say that Elon Musk is not one, only that basing such name-calling on a single tweet entails its own problems.
Steven Pinker, Stephen King, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Brian Greene, and Guillermo del Toro post on Twitter. Does that sound like a “Nazi bar”?
November 30, 2023 — 3:45 AM
terribleminds says:
I don’t know who you are, but stop. He’s a literal antisemite.
It’s not some liberal progressive boo boo my fee-fees hurt. He’s a bigot. And he’s run that place into the ground. Just because other people are drinking at the Nazi Bar doesn’t mean it’s not a Nazi Bar.
November 30, 2023 — 8:02 AM
Gloria says:
I’m intrigued by threads, by it seems its not available in my country…
November 30, 2023 — 4:08 AM
Michael says:
Bluesky code, please!
November 30, 2023 — 6:02 AM
terribleminds says:
Hit the contact form and email me there — I’ll get you sorted!
November 30, 2023 — 8:00 AM
Kay Camden says:
I very much appreciate your blog and wish there were more of them nowadays.
November 30, 2023 — 5:20 PM
Deborah Makarios says:
I’m using Mastodon.
No algorithm, no billionaire boss – unstable or otherwise – and there’s #BloomScrolling instead of #DoomScrolling.
Also it’s better at remembering that the USA constitutes the 4% not the 96%. (Globally. On Mastodon the USA is more than 4% but still a minority.)
Plus you don’t have to beg for an invite!
And of course there is always The Blog.
November 30, 2023 — 5:45 PM
terribleminds says:
To be clear, I like Mastodon, honestly — but it wasn’t exactly perky and at a certain point if I’m going to spend time on social media, it needs to be useful both to me personally and also professionally and I didn’t quite gather the latter.
December 1, 2023 — 7:56 AM
Leslie says:
Cannot second hard enough the value of a blog! Sure, for authors, but really for anyone who’s trying to create community and build connection and bolster a “personal brand.” (Ugh, what a term, but there it is.) All hail the blog!
Love yours, John. It’s fantastic.
Also: I have a few Bluesky codes as well at the moment, which I would happily share with any fans of yours.
December 1, 2023 — 8:46 AM
terribleminds says:
I’m not John, I’m Chuck, but yes, agreed. And sure if you wanna give some folks here codes, this is a good time to share ’em!
December 1, 2023 — 8:55 AM
Leslie says:
And now I can’t reply to your reply, Chuck. Apologies for the misnaming.
That’s what I get for multitasking, responding to this post and a work e-mail to a colleague (named John) at the same time. How embarrassing. Sincerest apologies.
December 1, 2023 — 9:28 AM
terribleminds says:
Haha no worries, it’s fine.
December 1, 2023 — 10:30 AM
lindajonesukauthor says:
Loved reading this… And fantastic success with your next book…
December 11, 2023 — 8:18 AM
Lee Dennis says:
Leslie, I’d love a BlueSky code if you still have one to spare. I’ve been waiting for several months without even updates. I’m on Post and I very much like the people and topics I’ve found to follow, but I feel a need to spread my wings a little wider.
And, Chuck, thanks for these reviews — very helpful!
December 11, 2023 — 11:47 AM
Margaret says:
I, too, would love a Bluesky code, pretty please?! And I, too, both bemoan and question beloved contacts who are still regularly using X. I do NOT want to go there, but some contacts are no where else. Keep hoping that will change. (actually hoping that Musk just tires of X)
December 11, 2023 — 1:46 PM
Your Publishing BFF says:
A robust reader and writer community is thriving on Reddit, so I’m somewhat surprised you didn’t mention it.
Also, Clubhouse (audio social network) has a tenacious group of authors who meet for discussions at 8 a.m. ET on weekdays, and the audiobook narrator community is 10,000 strong.
December 11, 2023 — 6:27 PM
Jim C. says:
I am waaaaay too late to the party, but if you still have any Bluesky codes left, I would be super grateful. I have been waiting approximately forever (well, months, anyway).
December 15, 2023 — 1:07 PM
Susie Watts says:
Fun to read your social media comments. As a relatively new author, I would like to have a code for Bluesky. It’s always worth a try to see which platform works for authors. Reddit seems to be quite active, although it does have some snarky comments. Thanks for the code!
December 16, 2023 — 11:25 AM
Nathalie M.L. Römer says:
I too would love a Bluesky code if still available. Thank you in advance.
December 18, 2023 — 11:24 PM
Bianca says:
Am I too late for a bluesky code?
January 18, 2024 — 2:50 AM