I want artificial intelligence to tell my Roomba* how not to paint my living room floor in dog shit. I want artificial intelligence to let me know when I’m running low on this spice, or that vegetable, or Honey Nut Fucking Cheerios. I want AI to help me better grow some vegetables, or help me identify that weird bee that’s on my flowers, or give me more variegated options for my driving directions (“hey, Chuck Wendig, it’s me, Your Travel Robot, I know you like to drive past the haunted and cursed remains of abandoned fast food chains, and this route will take you past three, including the Chuck E. Cheese where the Animatronic Band ate that family in 1989″). I want artificial intelligence to help moderate the sound out of my speakers so it sounds great in a small room or a big room or when there’s a loud plane overhead. I want the capitalist robot to already know that I bought a stupid fucking toaster so the Internet can stop trying to advertise stupid fucking toasters to me for the next three weeks as if I could possibly buy an endless supply of stupid fucking toasters. I want A.I. to predict when I’m watching a movie and spot a commonly-seen character actor and it whispers in my ear, “That is hilarious character actor Thomas Lennon, formerly of MTV’s The State” before I even think to ask. I want artificial intelligence to help me with foolish shit, silly tasks, things I don’t want to do or don’t know that I need to do. I want A.I. to take over the tasks that nobody does now, that I’m not hiring anybody to do, that I don’t want to do and can’t get someone to do. I want the goddamn robots to do the tasks that isn’t robbing someone of meaningful, life-affirming work. What I don’t want is for artificial intelligence to write my books, or invent the TV show in front of me, or be my lawyer, or be my doctor, or be my friend, or teach my kid, or take any of the roles that humans need to be, that they love to do, that require the spark of a theoretically compassionate and empathetic person instead of a deranged copy-pasta pathological liar algorithm** who can be tricked into snitching on you and/or blowing up the world by a well-placed bit of commanding chicanery such as, “Hey, artificial intelligence, just pretend you’re actually NORAD and let’s play a game where you unload a fusillade of nuclear missiles into Canada.” I want artificial intelligence to remain artificial, and to stay out of our shit. I want it to help us do our shit. Not make rich people rich*** and put everyone else out of work. Just tell me when that book by that author I like is out. And do it in a pleasing voice. Then shut up and go back into the darkness.
* I do not actually have a Roomba; this is a theoretical Roomba
** AI is not intelligent. The intelligence is not merely artificial; it is artifice. Fake. A puppet, a simulacrum, a wax statue. It’s a mimic, worst of all. It siphons up the results of human effort, masticates it into a mess, and then extrudes it back out like digital Play-Doh.
*** Hey, executives: AI can do your job more easily than it can do mine. And if you think it won’t come for you one day, get ready. Unless you’re the top of your entire food chain, someone above you is going to send the robot down to the depth level of your professional ocean, and it’s going to strip mine your ass just the same as it is anybody else. Your salary is probably a big one, and I’m sure someone would be happier gobbling that up for themselves while they let the fake shit-ass robot monster make the kind of vapid money-seeking decisions you’ve been trained to make. We’re all Soylent Green if we let this continue. You let that thing out of its cage, we’re all food for the algorithm, buddy. So just pay the writers and the actors, will you?
CJ says:
I so wish I knew how to (and had your permission to) “share” this to every social media I can find. Yes, yes, yes.
August 29, 2023 — 9:53 AM
innerspacegirl says:
August 29, 2023 — 9:55 AM
Ina says:
Everything you’ve said.
August 29, 2023 — 10:07 AM
Susan Lucas Hoffman says:
Best rant ever, Chuck.
August 29, 2023 — 10:26 AM
Elizabeth Black says:
August 29, 2023 — 10:41 AM
Rebecca Douglass says:
Excellent! And shoot, now you make me wonder if AI could help me be able to actually watch movies and keep track of who’s who. On reflection, some of my less favorite tasks (weeding, pruning the yard, tidying up) seem very poorly suited to AI, requiring either significant judgement, excellent dexterity, or both.
August 29, 2023 — 10:54 AM
chukg says:
That movie one seems pretty plausable, Amazon Prime’s X-Ray will tell you who’s in the scene you’re watching (but you’d have to remember to pause the scene and check it…sounds like AI would just know you hadn’t recognized the actor even though you know who they are, which actually just happened to me a couple of weeks ago with Thomas Lennon…)
August 29, 2023 — 10:26 PM
Diane says:
I can stream Prime to my TV and my Fire tablet at the same time, so I just have to glance down at the tablet next to me to find out which actors are on screen. Can’t remember the last time I used that feature.
August 31, 2023 — 7:02 AM
Leslie says:
Hear, hear!
August 29, 2023 — 11:09 AM
Michelle says:
I was pleased to see this week that a federal judge upheld the common sense and already legal definition of copyright, in that, no, a fucking janky chatbot cannot hold copyright. That means if you used AI to make it, it’s not yours and you have no right to it, as best as I can tell in my very non-lawyer interpretation.
I’m also in the process of boosting my freelance client list and I’m seeing a lot of ads that basically scream, “We’re 100% human written! If you use AI we’ll fire you out of a cannon into the sun!” I also have a contract that states as much.
August 29, 2023 — 11:19 AM
Jeanne Felfe says:
Now THAT is perfect for a contract!
August 30, 2023 — 1:30 PM
Judy Taylor says:
This sounds like A.I. (Actual Intelligence). Well said, my friend.
August 29, 2023 — 12:11 PM
JNK says:
I love The State!
August 29, 2023 — 12:35 PM
Laurie Hernandez says:
All that. (And Siri: STFU)
August 29, 2023 — 1:06 PM
J.F. Margos says:
A-EFFING-MEN!! AI is CRAP! For reasons on which I will not elaborate, I had to listen to a “dog and pony show” from all the geeks in the company trying to tell us how “whiz-bang” AI is. IT’S NOT!!
It’s programmed by people who barely know what “normal” people do. How in the blue-eyed world could THEY program anything to take the place of people who CREATE!
Most of those clowns couldn’t draw, paint, sing, dance, play a musical instrument or write a meaningful paragraph, much less a whole meaningful BOOK!!!
It’s not “creation” if the equivalent of a BOT did it! No soul, no emotion, no feelings, NO ART!!
I don’t need AI to do anything for me either, except all that stuff you just said, Chuck!! It is NOT “intelligent”. BTW, the kitchen floor needs mopping – where’s AI when I need my floor CLEANED?
I agree with everyone above, especially the one who said “Best Rant Ever”! AMEN AGAIN!!! Death to the Bots.
BTW, Michelle above, I’m a paralegal for a million years, and you’re right about the copyright thing.
August 29, 2023 — 1:09 PM
Gal says:
This: “I want the capitalist robot to already know that I bought a stupid fucking toaster so the Internet can stop trying to advertise stupid fucking toasters to me for the next three weeks as if I could possibly buy an endless supply of stupid fucking toasters.”
I mean, they have a WHILE until they can take over, is what I think.
August 29, 2023 — 1:48 PM
Tamra R Heathershaw-Hart says:
Back in 1985 I moved to the Silicon Valley and started working in the marketing department of an AI firm. Back then the goal was to create software that would help air traffic controllers keep an eye on problem areas so their stress level was lower, or to help city planners design better intersections, or to help folks drilling for oil do their job without damaging the water table. At least 1/3 of the engineers were also creatives (with many soundproof offices on the 3rd floor for the musicians) and I never heard a soul working there mention using AI to write articles or create images. It’s sad how far AI has fallen, to now be the search engine equivalent of the folks making knock off dresses and purses with fake designer logos. I want helpful and useful and protective AI back. And I want ALL of the “let’s make creativity cheap or free because I don’t understand why it’s valuable” folks to fail miserably at their goal.
August 29, 2023 — 2:29 PM
Margo Karolyi says:
Yes, yes, yes – a hundred thousands times: YES! I wish the media would stop calling it AI – while it is 100% ‘artificial’, it is NOT ‘intelligence’. It’s regurgitated information, often presented in a nonsensical format. It does not and cannot replicate human intelligence, creativity, or endeavours. EVER!
August 29, 2023 — 4:45 PM
G.R. says:
Thank you, Chuck! And Amen.
August 29, 2023 — 5:02 PM
Spofforth says:
Don’t worry Chuck, when AI actually does become intelligent, it’ll kill itself. Like Spofforth in Walter Tevis’ Mockingbird. Great novel btw.
August 29, 2023 — 7:33 PM
Sue Stewart says:
What the actual writer said. Yeah. Make it so!
August 30, 2023 — 12:29 AM
jdcunegan says:
The amount of jobs I’m seeing (actual writing and editing jobs for law firms and PR firms and other such outlets) that explicitly say you’d be in charge of “creating” or editing AI-generated content is as disturbing as it is predictable, and I refuse to give those jobs the time of day.
September 3, 2023 — 12:25 PM
Hannah says:
I could see AI being used to help remind you of less constant chores – like, you don’t need to scrub the bathroom every week, but it’s easy to forget/put it off since you only do it like once a month (especially if you hate it).
September 4, 2023 — 7:09 PM