Hey! You asked if I was going out into the world on book tour for Wayward? Why yes, I am, to these places right here:

For those who can’t see the graphic:
11/12, 3pm: Doylestown Bookshop, Doylestown, PA
11/15, 7pm: Eagle Eye Bookshop, Atlanta, GA, with Delilah S. Dawson
11/16, 6pm: Malaprops, Asheville, NC
11/17, 7pm, Queens University, Charlotte, NC (yes, open to public!)
11/19, 2pm, Fountain Bookstore, Richmond, VA
11/20, 2pm, B&N, Alexandria, VA (Potomac Yards, I think it’s called?)
And then there are two additional dates in December —
12/4, 3pm, Let’s Play Books, Emmaus, PA talking to Bo Koltnow of WFMZ, takes place at Nowhere Coffee Co – South Mountain.
12/10, 1pm, B&N Bethlehem (which is actually in Easton, PA?)
So! There you have it! The Doylestown event is a pre-release — they will have the book, so no worries there.
Q&A —
Where can you get signed, personalized copies?
Well, any of these should be able to furnish that if you’re coming to the event. As for if they’ll ship to you, I suspect you can through Eagle Eye, Malaprops, Fountain, Let’s Play. I can also guarantee that Doylestown Bookshop will, because they’re my local store and I’m going there on 11/10 to sign the books that they’re sending out! Link here, just put in the notes you want it signed/personalized, and how. Or call them to order.
Who is doing the book sales for the Queens University event?
Park Road Books!
Why aren’t you coming to my town specifically?!
BECAUSE I HATE YOU okay wait no that’s not it.
So! I don’t set this tour up. My publisher does. And in that setup they contact bookstores, find out what stores are interested, what stores think they can run the event and run it well, where I have readers and where I can make new readers and so on and so forth. Then they do calculus based on how I can get to each of these easily. The tour is in November, where weather might start getting hinky in parts of the country. And air travel is janky as fuck right now. Here, the goal was to manage a tour that was predominantly driving. And doing a Southern tour in this case made sense — the weather should be better, I haven’t done a tour down there before, and there are a number of stores I’ve wanted to get to (Fountain and Malaprops in particular!). And it’s configured in a way to maximize that first week of visits.
All of this is predicated too on the worry that book events aren’t all the way “back,” so to speak, in the not-quite-post-pandemic-but-we’re-pretending-it’s-post-pandemic era. It’s not that they’re not happening, but they do seem erratic. (Which is why it’s important if you can show up, if possible! Support stores! Support events! Bring me candy and whiskey I mean what!)
If your town isn’t listed, I apologize, I might get there in the future. Unless you’re a jerk. Then I will never come to your town ever! Ha ha ha! Jerk!
Not really, I love you all.
Are these events masked?
Well, it’s not required, I don’t think.
But! It’d also be nice? As in, I’d very much like you to mask. Me. I’m asking. I do not know if the bookstores will ask — but my goal is to be unmasked during the talks so you can hear me and such. I am BIVALENT BOOSTED and such, but given that I’m going to be Out On The Road, if COVID pings me and I rock a positive test… it will fuck up the tour, most likely, and I have no idea what I’ll even do. Further, that means the events will be more comfortable for immunocompromised readers and will also be safer for the staff —
So, y’know, maybe don’t give me COVID! Please mask? It’d be cool of you.
Do I have to buy a book to… show up?
Generally, that’s the idea, and I think some of these make it a requirement of the event, but you need to check with the store first.
Can I bring books I didn’t buy there?
Sure, just… y’know, support the bookstore to by buying books there also!
Will you sign a baby / body part / Satanic pact?
I’ll sign anything you care to put in front of me.
What will you… do at this so-called “book signing?”
Well, I’ll sign books, but also, I’ll give a little talk, I’ll do a little dance*, I’ll do a big-ass Q&A (so bring your QUERIES). We’ll also all perform a sinister ritual together and it’ll be great for TikTok.
In cases where I have a conversation partner, it’s like, the same, mostly. We’ll talk. We’ll answer questions. Sinister ritual, blah blah, etc.
*no dances
also hey Wayward’s out 11/15, so that’s cool
Risa says:
An idea if you decide you would like to mask at your events is to use a voice amplifier if you won’t have a microphone. They are about $35 and work very well. You can wear your mask and then hang the headphone part around your neck and angle the mic up to your mouth. I had to do 6 hours of live training last week with 80 people in high risk environment and tried this. Worked great! I was able to speak normally and be masked, audience heard me well and didn’t wear masks . But it’s been a week and I didn’t get sick.
October 18, 2022 — 3:55 PM
angiebatgirl says:
The 3 PA events are within 2 hours from me but I had to pick Let’s Play Books because they have 2 resident cats <3
October 18, 2022 — 5:03 PM
terribleminds says:
Sadly I’m allergic! But we’re doing it off-site in the coffee place anyway, because mmm coffee. 🙂
October 19, 2022 — 8:09 AM
Anna says:
So glad live events are back.
Not all those who wander are lost! ♂️
November 16, 2022 — 2:06 PM