WELP, you asked, and I am nothing if not a person who listens to his constituents, and wait, what’s that? You’re not my constituents? Many of you aren’t even real? Most of this is a delusion installed into my brain by a questionable artificial intelligence known as Black Swan?
Well, whatever.
Point is, hey, guess what, the flash fiction challenge is back.
We are going to use visual prompts from the Insane Art Robot known as Midjourney.
Today, I’m going to give you three prompts.
You can pick any one of them.
From there, you can and should write ~1000 words of fiction based on that prompt.
Do not post your fiction in the comments.
Post it at your requisite online space, and drop us a link to that online space in the comment section below so others can read it.
Any genre is acceptable.
Let us know what prompt inspired the flash fiction you wrote.
For extra bonus points that don’t exist, USE ALL THREE.
Here we go:

Mike Desing says:
I’m in! Here’s my entry. I only had the city map in the first draft, but found a way to fit the other two in draft 2…
August 6, 2022 — 11:13 PM
Steve Meddaugh says:
Well done Mike! Great story and kudos for using all 3 images – I couldn’t reason out how to do it! Loved the ending.
August 7, 2022 — 11:57 PM
Mike Desing says:
August 10, 2022 — 1:46 PM
Steve Meddaugh says:
Well that was fun! I’m not sure of how this is all supposed to work – was it supposed to be just knock out a quick draft? Or edit and polish. Hopefully it’s just a quick draft of something to share. Nonetheless, I hope someone reads this and enjoys it!
I picked prompt #2
August 7, 2022 — 12:25 PM
moteridgerider says:
Well done for knocking this one out. The opening paragraph was a great hook.
August 8, 2022 — 3:14 AM
mosquitoinyourwhisky says:
So glad Chuck has revived this exercise. When it was a regular feature several years ago I made a lot of new ‘writerly’ friends. Anyway, you can find my contribution at https://mosquitoinyourwhisky.wordpress.com/2022/08/09/apocrital-a-flash-fiction-story/
August 9, 2022 — 5:14 AM
Benjamin J. Kirby says:
Thank you for bringing this back, Chuck. Really means a lot. I went with the burning picture. Looking forward to reading all the entries.
August 9, 2022 — 3:44 PM
Graham says:
So great to see this back, Chuck. In the grip of impostor syndrome and plutonium-grade procrastination right now. This got the typing underway once more. The “mask” called out to me. My stream of conscious at http://grahamwrites.com/
August 10, 2022 — 6:48 AM
Graham says:
Consciousness, even.
August 10, 2022 — 10:43 AM
Glorified Chaos says:
This was fun. Of course, it came right as I had family come into town, but that let me spend more time mulling over the details. I attempted to use all three prompts. https://glorifiedchaos.com/2022/08/10/flash-fiction-far-from-home/
August 10, 2022 — 12:58 PM
Steve Meddaugh says:
Very entertaining!
August 11, 2022 — 11:02 AM
Glorified Chaos says:
Thabk you 🙂
August 11, 2022 — 11:05 AM
Birgit Susemihl says:
Hi, I’m new to the party – never took part in the Flash Fiction Challenge before.
Prompt #1 spoke to me and made an idea fall into place that I’d been toying with for a while.
Is it ok to include the picture in my post?
Here’s my attempt at flash fiction:
August 11, 2022 — 9:56 AM
Ruth F. Simon says:
I am woefully late to the challenge but did finally get a chance to look at it and write a post, which is available here: https://ruthfsimon.com/2022/09/04/the-end-of-our-days/
September 4, 2022 — 4:01 PM