So, I used to do merch. Art Harder, Motherfucker, and Certified Penmonkey and all that fun stuff. Except, time took its toll and I dunno, I got distracted by a shiny object, because essentially at the core I am an easily-distractible crow. The merch faded with time, into the mists.
But now. Merch hath returned.
I’ve partnered with awesome human, Jordan Shiveley, who designs and operates the merch-realm known as voidmerch, and as such, he’s begin to upload a number of Wendig-slash-terribleminds-slash-novel-themed designs.
You’ll find a panoply of sinister designs that will break your mind and steal your teeth. I mean, that or just make you look fashionable as fuck decked out in your fancy Wendigalia. Which is not a word. But it is now, shut up.
I mean, this is just a sample of what’s there:

You’ll also find a new ART HARDER, MOTHERFUCKER design (clean version also available) there. Plus Black Swan, Magic Skeleton, Ramble Rocks, and more.
And there will be more designs to come.
Please to enjoy, slavering merchwolves.
(As a sidenote, I recognize my website is showing advertisements. It shouldn’t be! Something has gone wrong, and I’m working on it. Every time I get rid of them, they come back, which is suggestive of a hack, so I’m going to have to start kicking in doors to see what the hell is happening in the code. More as I know it.)
Glorified Chaos says:
According to your page, it is the year for classic hoops. I’ll get right on it.
Also, I know just the person who needs an Art Harder shirt.
February 7, 2022 — 10:15 AM
FaeryDesign says:
Oh wow, the styles it has are Masc and Femme! As a cishet woman who looks super cute in “men’s” clothes, this small little thing actually makes me happy.
February 7, 2022 — 9:11 PM
William says:
I am a proud owner of an original Certified Penmonkey shirt. Will check out the new crop.
February 7, 2022 — 9:18 PM
gregmiranda1 says:
Wendigalia sounds dirty.
I’m dealing with WordPress hacks as well on various sites. They are adding script tags to the bottom of all posts and pages that is causing the sites to flip to another URL. You might have something similar that’s popping up the ads.
They do this by hacking the back-end database and just adding stuff to the end of every entry in the posts table.
February 10, 2022 — 3:38 PM