I wrote on Twitter this week that one of the chief themes behind the current MCU films is that revenge runs counter to heroism — Tony, Thor, Star-Lord, they fall prey to revenge and it causes them to derail their goals and fail the mission(s) at hand.
I want you to write a story of revenge.
How it ends up is all on you — I’m not asking you to confirm the thesis that it runs counter to heroics, that’s the MCU thing. You can do different, if you choose, but I think a good revenge tale always makes for interesting reading, and fitting it int0 1000 words is an extra special challenge.
Length: ~1000 words
Due by: Friday, May 25th, noon EST
Post online.
Give a link below.
(Also note that next week there won’t be a flash fiction challenge — I used to try to schedule them while I’m gone, but lately WordPress has had scheduling issues, and gives me an error when I try to schedule half my posts for some reason, and they never go up. I’ll be in Phoenix, AZ, for the Phoenix Comic-Fest.)
Mozette says:
and it’s best served ice bloody cold, my friend.
May 19, 2018 — 10:22 PM
Helen Vahdati says:
I haven’t played along in quite a while, but here is my contribution: https://helenswordsoflife.com/2018/05/20/flash-fiction-avenging-angel/
May 20, 2018 — 7:17 PM
outrageousactsofwriting says:
You had me at “Every mom.” Thank you for writing such a moving piece. In this I see vengeance running parallel to heroism. Good work sticking with the theme and allowing readers to examine and make sense of the mother’s journey.
May 21, 2018 — 6:10 PM
Helen Vahdati says:
Thanks again!
May 21, 2018 — 8:20 PM
legreene515 says:
Great job with the prompt. As a mom, this really spoke to me. What we wouldn’t do for our children.
May 29, 2018 — 9:22 AM
Cameron Schiller says:
A story about a murdered woman coming back from the dead to save her murderous husband’s new wife: http://unnameablethings.tumblr.com/post/174125405822/these-vengeful-bones
May 21, 2018 — 7:31 PM
StarNinja says:
This challenge seemed perfectly suited for part 3 of my The Shining Trilogy, so here it is. Enjoy!
May 22, 2018 — 1:21 PM
legreene515 says:
This challenge is semi-autobiographical. The revenge part is not. I have to say this was therapeutic for me.
May 22, 2018 — 3:20 PM
outrageousactsofwriting says:
My story begins in the womb of a woman who takes daily blows to the face. Am I a hero? You be the judge.
May 22, 2018 — 9:32 PM
Dirck says:
Dang. It’s 10% too long… again. I wonder if that goes onto my “thousand injuries” counter or if it gets marked under “ventured upon insult”? Oh, well. I’ll find out some time, I guess.
May 23, 2018 — 5:54 PM
Sam Brady says:
This one is a sequel to a story I wrote earlier in the year. Please to enjoy!
May 23, 2018 — 8:00 PM
kiya_nicoll says:
This was a hard one, but I managed a teeny 509 words:
May 24, 2018 — 10:44 PM
Jemima Pett says:
Just a quickie as part of this month’s Fiction in Fifty Words #Fi50, but it is on the theme of revenge 🙂
May 25, 2018 — 6:42 AM
clarelondon says:
A (very)flashfic with an SF twist…
May 25, 2018 — 8:09 AM
wickedjade says:
First time contributor. 🙂 http://elisepax.tumblr.com/post/174243299922/princess-ella-and-the-veil
May 25, 2018 — 11:44 AM
outrageousactsofwriting says:
Great read! I find the veil and unveiling a fitting symbol for both atonement and revenge.
May 29, 2018 — 1:36 PM
Sugar and Mice says:
It’s been a while, but I thought time time to flex my creative muscle was long overdue. Here’s mine: https://sugarandmice.wordpress.com/2018/05/25/when-nature-wrongs/
May 25, 2018 — 5:47 PM