Look at that little lizard dude-slash-dudette.
(An anole, I believe.)
Very surprised this critter let me get that close. But, it did, and I am enamored of the texture captured over that eyeball. It feels real enough to touch. I had another cool anole shot — one who again was willing to pose for me — or, rather, I wish I got the shot that I wanted. This next lizard was covered in water droplets, and I never really got any shots that captured what I wanted. They either captured the droplets but not the lizard, or like this one below, it captured the lizard but not really the droplets. (DOF was too narrow, should’ve opened it up some.)
I’ll post some more Maui shots at the bottom of the post, or you can check out the (still-growing) set of them that I’ve posted in an album over yonder at Flickr. But first, some news —
First: INVASIVE is $2.99. Why is it on sale in e-book? I have no idea! Let’s just go with HEY, IT’S A CHRISTMAS PRESENT or something. If you’ve been wanting to take a chance on it, please nab it up. And spread the word, if you so care. And, if you’re willing to leave a kind review, I’d appreciate that. Or, if you have a surly review, please scream it into a hollow stump somewhere. Anyway, go and getchoo some antpocalypse.
Second: My agency sold rights to my writing book, 250 Things You Should Know About Writing, to the Russian publishing house, Alpina! And then —
Third: We also sold the next three Miriam Black books to Beijing White Horse Time, who hold the rights to the first three. If you haven’t seen the very cool Chinese cover for Blackbirds, well —
Love that cover.
Don’t forget about the AWKWARD AUTHOR PHOTO CONTEST, still ongoing.
Also check out my Gifts For Writers 2016 post yesterday.
I think that’s it for news. I’ve got a couple other pieces I’m sitting on, but can’t really talk about yet, so — *stitches mouth shut, screams from behind flesh gag* — onward to a few more Maui pics. Please to enjoy.
This sunset pic is from 10,000 feet. At the top of a volcano, you can see the coast and ocean:
Here’s another sunset pic from Haleakala:
Looks like Mars up there —
I’m quite partial to this photo. Someone is hiding in this pic, though…
Hey! Beach! Sunset! Pretty!
Last one for the day — LOOK AT THESE STUPID ROCKS.
wizardru says:
Thought Two: That beach sunset shot. WOW. Fantastic.
December 5, 2016 — 9:13 AM
Julie Holmes, author says:
Heh. Rocks.
Beautiful pics, Chuck. Thanks for sharing!!
December 5, 2016 — 9:36 AM
Magaly Guerrero says:
Love the expression on the face of that sassy goat.
December 5, 2016 — 9:48 AM
kim blades, writer says:
Great photos. Looks a really beautiful place.
December 5, 2016 — 10:15 AM
Rebecca Douglass says:
Wonderful photos. If this writing thing doesn’t work out for you, maybe you can go into photography
December 5, 2016 — 11:10 AM
Caroline Clemens says:
Welcome back! That cover is super cool. Overseas publishers picked up your books, great for you.
December 5, 2016 — 11:29 AM
Terry Yackley says:
LOVE the goat and all the photos. Made me smile this WAY TOO cold morning in Idaho.
December 5, 2016 — 12:08 PM
hjbrandt2 says:
December 5, 2016 — 12:44 PM
chacha1 says:
I also thought “all goats are sassy.”
LOVE the photo of the purple flower + bee. Just beautiful.
December 5, 2016 — 1:10 PM
kirajessup says:
Great photos
December 5, 2016 — 7:44 PM
wagnerel says:
Nice pictures. I love the way the cloud texture and the sand look like they’re mirroring one another in that beach shot.
December 5, 2016 — 9:39 PM
decaying_orbits says:
I see you made it to Mama’s Fish House and had the Black Pearl dessert. I ate there today and had the same dessert with the pressed Kona coffee. Best meal I have ever had, hands down.
December 6, 2016 — 12:16 AM
terribleminds says:
If you want a meal to rival it, visit Nuka in Haiku. Not far from Mama’s.
December 6, 2016 — 8:23 AM
decaying_orbits says:
Thanks for the recommendation. We’re biking down from Haleakala today, so hopefully we can check it out after we’re done. Love this place.
December 7, 2016 — 11:32 AM
terribleminds says:
DON’T DIE. That bike trip down can be tricky, as I understand it — especially if the cars driving up aren’t polite or paying attention.
December 7, 2016 — 1:02 PM
decaying_orbits says:
Rest assured it was fabulous and quite safe as long as you know how to ride a bike. Made the 26-mile trip in less than 4 hours, and that included lunch in Makawao. Most of the folks know there are riders on the route and are very considerate. Definitely NOT like riding or running on rural roads in Virginia (or Pennsylvania, I presume). My significant other hadn’t ridden a bike in over 20 years and did great.
December 8, 2016 — 12:51 AM
Widdershins says:
That is some serious picture-ness … thank you for sharing them.
December 6, 2016 — 10:39 AM