This is the 2nd time someone at The Passive Voice has called me a “bad-boy” writer.
I’m not sure precisely the connotation — I’m hoping its more, When you’re a Jet you’re a Jet all the way rather than ooh somebody needs a spanking. Maybe it’s a combination. Maybe I’m James Dean in a soggy diaper? Danny Zuko who can’t share his toys with the other children? Maybe I’m Judd Nelson in the Breakfast Club, except also, I shoved a PB&J in Mommy’s purse.
Getting quoted at TPV is usually a little bumpy — understandably, as my views don’t always line up with the views of the commenters there. I think a lot of indie authors still remember me for my “self-publishing shit volcano” post (though sometimes I wonder if they actually read the post because I like to think that the post contained a very even-handed and honest look at the effects of a perceived lack of quality in that space). But this time around, getting quoted was — at least, so far — relatively painless.
But, then I saw some comments by mega-uber-indie-author Hugh Howey:
I hope so. He’s too nice a guy to go down in history as the person peeing in everyone’s art and telling them it sucks.
I don’t think that’s what he meant, but it’s what he was famous for for a while there.
… and …
He’s a really bright guy and a great writer. If he dropped the weird bad-boy schtick and just wrote his thoughts, he’d be one of the more important thinkers in publishing. I don’t think he knows how to back off the schtick, though. Which makes you wonder: Is he going to talk like that in another 20 years, when he’s into his 60s?
Working really hard to be hip is like getting a lot of tattoos. It’s hard to age gracefully.
(Which is to say, I feel I finally understand the comment, ‘damning with faint praise.’)
Obviously, I can’t control how people perceive me. Or this blog, or my books.
What I can control is what I put out into the world.
And so I thought, I’m going to take a moment to do what blogs were really meant to do…
Which is to talk about me, me, ME.
*maniacal laughter*
*rolls around in own stink for a few moments while you stare, awkwardly*
*stands up, dusts self off, looks shameful like a dog that just ate its own mess*
I’ve seen it suggested in some places that what I do here — the way I write, the attitude I put out, the overall frothing writer honey badger hobo vibe — is somehow orchestrated. That despite the ire I reserve for the topic of author ‘branding,’ this is actually my brand and it’s a very conscious one and all of this is (depending on who you listen to) either well-constructed or clumsily forced. It’s either a very nice mansion or a square-peg violently hammered into a circle-hole by me, an angry man-toddler venting venom and vulgarity.
I want to make one thing abundantly clear:
This isn’t artifice.
This isn’t a mechanism.
This isn’t my brand.
It isn’t, as Hugh suggests, my schtick.
This? Is me.
The way I write on this blog is the way I think. I have this space for me first, for you second. The dopey fuckery and wanton dipshittery that I ladle onto these blog pages are here because I like them that way. I like wonky metaphors. I love creative profanity. I really enjoy writing in a way that is both (hopefully) thoughtful and completely batshit. I write this way because I think this way. I don’t really act this way in public, of course, because it’s a very good way to get Tasered. And when people meet me for the first time (as I’ve noted in the past), I don’t scream “YO MOTHERFUCKER” before spitting in their gaping, gasping mouth. I’m fairly polite in public. An introvert playing at extroversion — or, at the least, an introvert who finds himself extroverting once he’s comfortable with people.
And at this blog, I’m very, very comfortable.
This is me kicking off my shoes and kicking up my feet. Letting the beard grow all mangy and wild, like a snarling carpet of moss or an old, hunger-mad coyote. This is me, comfortable. I’m comfortable with you and, presumably, most of you are comfortable with me since a not unreasonable number of you show up here daily. (And thank you for that. Seriously.)
I write the way I think.
Sometimes I turn the volume up. Sometimes I turn the volume down — and, in my books, I turn it down because there the voice is different. (Despite all this not being artifice, I do remain in control of all the knobs and levers that govern my voice.) But this is my playspace. This blog is for me, first and foremost, and hopefully there are enough folks who gain some kind of intellectual, creative or profane sustenance from these pages to make the juice worth the squeeze.
I’m not trying to be “hip.”
(Is that really a word people use anymore? “Hip?”)
(I still like “rad,” honestly.)
Sure, sometimes I can come across as harsh — a little too much gravel in your wine, a few too many bird bones braided into my silky, luxuriant face-pelt. It is a fair critique to say, “Well, if you didn’t call that post ‘shit volcano,’ maybe you wouldn’t have upset people, and with a nicer title, maybe those people would’ve read the post.” Yeah, maybe. But I did it, and I’d do it again. Because ‘shit volcano’ is funny. Because I liked titling it that way. You might have already gotten this far in the post and wish I wouldn’t do these weird parenthetical asides, or the fake-actions-sandwiched-betwixt-asterisks, or the eyebrow-raising metaphors. Sure, I get that. But I’m going to do them anyway. And, when I’m harsh, it’s because that’s how I feel and because I’m trying to portray the path ahead with all the bumps and thorns that lurk ahead. (Though, for the record, I don’t see myself as “peeing in everyone’s art and telling them that it sucks.” I like to think of this blog as a very supportive space of writers of all stripes. Your creativity and creation is vital, and nobody should tell you otherwise. That said, once you start to charge money for something, ennnnh, you’ve gone from creativity to commerce — and there, the attitude changes a little bit. All that is, of course, between you and your personal deities. But all told, I don’t think, we can all do better is a particularly poisonous message, unless of course, you find comfort in cromulence.)
My mission at this blog is as follows:
a) to enlighten and inform, and when that fails:
b) to make you laugh, and when that fails:
c) dazzle and bewilder with inventive profanity.
The fail state of that last one is, you and me maybe just don’t like the same things.
And that’s okay.
Hell, that’s awesome.
What kind of a goofy world would it be if we all liked the same things? Or we all agreed all the time. It’s important to have different voices and different ideas. Sid and Marty Krofft, could you imagine if I was the dominant voice in writing and publishing? What an ugly pony that would be.
Just the same, this place is my voice.
These are my ideas.
Not a brand, or a schtick, or a lie, or me trying to be hip, or be a “bad boy.”
If you’re going to hang around here, this is what you get. (Sorry, Hugh.)
You’re gonna get the NSFW/NSFL language.
You’ll get all my kooky ranty-pants ideas.
You’ll probably see a lot of CAPSLOCK and italics.
Absurdity will be rampant.
I am likely to poke more fun at me than I do at you.
I will squeeze things in parentheses and between asterisks.
Sometimes things will be in lists.
I am likely to reference any of the following: hobos, unicorns, various woodland creatures, dildos, forbidden sex acts, beards, fluids, volcanoes, toddlers, Transformers, and of course: lots of blathering bloggerel about writing, storytelling, publishing, language, and all the mortar that holds those particular bricks together.
This is it.
This is me.
I hope you like it.
If you don’t, that’s okay.
But this is still gonna be it, and this is still gonna be me.
And by the way I think tattoos are cool, even on 60-year-olds.
Now, if you’ll excuse me — BAD BOY AUTHOR COMING THROUGH.
*writes a novel while riding loud motorcycle*
*flicks lit cigarette into a trash-can full of awful books*
*slams your head in a dictionary*
*throws beer cans at your head as you go into a library*
*autographs books in bat blood*
*flushes your manuscript down the toilet*
*tattoos entire text of Finnegan’s Wake on back*
*poops on your blog*
*flies away on a jetpack made of unicorn bones*
Fred Kiesche says:
When have you “peed” in somebody’s art? Pictures! I want pictures!
October 5, 2014 — 10:47 AM
Molly says:
Oh that Hugh Howey can go sit on a schtick. Be true to your voice, it makes you unique and therefore memorable and/or marketable. If that offends some, so what? Trying to please everyone destroys success. I get pinged for my language sometimes and consider myself well shed of those delicate people. By the way, I don’t think your message would be nearly as effective if written any other way. Be true to you, and we’ll keep cursing over scotch well into our 80s.
October 5, 2014 — 10:49 AM
Karen says:
At 51 years old, I am still weave swears into my language with the enthusiasm of a 14 yr old boy trying to impress, do & say wildly inappropriate things that make my son alternately flinch in horror & howl with laughter. It doesnt change. I havent changed. If anything, with age I’m less inclined to give a single shit about what people think of me.
Keep on being you, Chuck Wendig. Because you are my kind of fucked-up fantastic.
October 5, 2014 — 10:59 AM
itsfamilyjules says:
Love this 🙂
October 5, 2014 — 11:43 AM
amishoko says:
This. And I take offense at HH’s tattoo remark. I’m aging just fine, thank you.
October 5, 2014 — 12:14 PM
Veronica Sicoe says:
Agree 100%.
October 5, 2014 — 3:57 PM
partlowspool says:
It’s obvious from those comments that Hugh Howey has never met you. Perhaps that flavor he tastes is sour grapes? After all, people are still talking about his schtick (making big noises in self-publishing), while people are talking about your writing.
October 5, 2014 — 11:00 AM
terribleminds says:
Actually, Hugh and I have met a few times, and have had a nice meal together. And he’s thrown support my way at other times, so I’ll admit a little puzzlement at the commentary from him. So it goes!
October 5, 2014 — 11:10 AM
cowomnom says:
Wow. So he’s nice to your face, then turns around and posts that kind of passive aggressive crap about you? Classy.
October 5, 2014 — 11:46 AM
Mike says:
Maybe Hugh just wishes you would adjust the proverbial nobs of your voice in your blog so that it would be more palatable to a larger group of people(because he thinks what you say is of importance to the community). He might have said it a little clumsily but you acknowledge that the authorial voice in your books is different than the one in your blog. That suggests that it would be possible to make that adjustment though antithetical to what you want to express/accomplish with this platform.
October 5, 2014 — 12:14 PM
Erika says:
Why the hell would he do that??? So he can look like a pasty vanilla copy of everyone else? His voice is what makes him amazing. Who cares what some sour grapes writer thinks?
October 6, 2014 — 2:12 AM
Kath says:
My English 101 students’ first reading this semester was “25 Things You Should Know About Being A Writer” from 250 Things You Should Know About Writing because your voice is so different from anything they’ve ever heard, and they need to know that all their voices have a place in writing. And for the looks on their delicate little faces.
October 5, 2014 — 11:10 AM
itsfamilyjules says:
This is so cool. I WISH I’d discovered Chuck a lot sooner. He truly inspired me to get out of my head and onto the page. So to speak.
October 5, 2014 — 11:44 AM
John E. O. Stevens says:
What you call “damning with faint praise” I call “thinly-veiled jabs at your character.” Because while they say it’s just about you “schtick” it reads like a bit of character assassination, as if people should not take you as seriously AND question your assertions, because it’s all some kind of theater. “OH THAT WENDIG! CAN WE *REALLY* TAKE HIM SERIOUSLY?!?” Also sounds like sour grapes because your thoughts are persuasive. OH HUMANS.
October 5, 2014 — 11:15 AM
Aaron Dembski-Bowden says:
I sometimes wonder if I’ll talk like this forever. Saying things like “for really reals” and calling a police officer “Dude” when he pulled me over.
But as someone that’s been getting emails from you for over a decade now (how weird is that…?) it’s totally clear that it’s not shtick. You’ve always sounded like this. It’s raw you.
October 5, 2014 — 11:17 AM
Jodi Frost says:
I was surprised at the “oh-we’re-so-civilized” vitriol flung your way. I find you hilarious and informative and fair.
October 5, 2014 — 11:19 AM
shinybutter says:
I hear ya’. I wrote something the other month that contained a lot of cursing, coupled with intentional run-on sentences, and shared it in a community of what I thought were sorta like my people but who turned out to be better than me, I just didn’t know it and they had to tell me so. Pissed me off. Meanwhile, my little bunch of readers loved it. I get so tiiiiirrrrred of what strikes me as game playing, ass kissing, glasses-wearing prophesying. It leaves me feeling irresponsible and like I’ll never amount to anything, so who needs that.
I’d heard of you a while back but didn’t pay much mind, so sorry, but I suppose it wasn’t the right timing for me. Lately, though, I read some good stuff of yours and liked your honesty. And I don’t mean honesty, like in a girl scout boy, scout sort of way, I mean honesty in like, I could tell you were just being. Just being. Which is what I try to do myself and I feel I can trust you. And which is why I’m here saying to you right this red-hot minute what a buddy of mine used to tell me when I’d get a weird, mean vibe from someone when I trying to just be and wasn’t even showing off- they’re jealous. At first I thought he was being nice to me in a feel-sorry-poor-me way but I eventually had the confidence to realize that my friend all-out believed in me.
Any-fucking-how, I appreciate you making a blog post out of someone’s jealousy being passed off as I’m-real-smart-and-respectable-so-listen-up. Very nicely written. Warm and fuzzy and like a pep rally for us all, rah rah.
October 5, 2014 — 11:20 AM
Sarah Bewley says:
I am allergic to “hip” so I can verify that you’re not hip. Hip makes me break out in hives and scratch.
I like creative profanity, and I’ve never seen you pee on anyone’s art. What I have seen you do, repeatedly, is support other writers and promote the best of what we can be about.
October 5, 2014 — 11:25 AM
Tee Morris says:
“Weird bad-boy schtick”?!
Tell you what — you can drop that “schtick” when Hugh quits his “Hey, I’m looking out for you…” schtick with his “numbers that I’m revealing to the world but I’m protecting my sources as the publishing mafia might take my Deep Throat source and his ‘new math’ theories down” report.
I’m sorry but this is not cool.
October 5, 2014 — 11:31 AM
Paul Baxter says:
Anyone who’s read Chuck’s work can judge for themselves whether he’s authentic. I’m convinced he is.
Second, I can’t think of ANYONE who has been more generous than Chuck in promoting other writers. And as for “peeing in everyone’s art”, Chuck has written more than once about REFRAINING from that, it being generally a bad idea and a waste of everyone’s time.
Mr. Howey only undermines his own credibility with such comments.
October 5, 2014 — 11:32 AM
Paul Baxter says:
The post from Chuck about NOT peeing in everyone’s art:
And Chuck on how to HELP other writers:
October 5, 2014 — 4:42 PM
Nia Malika Dixon says:
It seems to me that you’ve mastered the art of YOU, so who gives a crap about what “They” have to say about it?
October 5, 2014 — 11:34 AM
Jen Donohue says:
I also like “rad”. And I’m also frequently dialed down. Because the people around me are already somewhat apprehensive by my fearless dominance, I don’t need them scared off. I do need people once in awhile, to my chagrin.
Shine on crazy diamond!
October 5, 2014 — 11:38 AM
itsfamilyjules says:
I replied to Mr. Howey, thusly:
“I never got that from him, at all! I’ve always found him passionate but reasonable. As much as he rages against that which, well, fills him with rage, he’s always ALWAYS (as far as I’ve seen) been very “this is me, my opinion, your mileage may vary, and here’s the other side of the coin, and oh look, this coin has many sides.”
I never got ‘bad boy’ or ‘schticky’ or ‘trying to be hip’ from him. Not once. I think he just is who he is and he expresses himself the way he must. Like most of us.
The reason I adore him is, he’s just Chuck. He’s the most creative cusser I’ve ever encountered, he turns a mean (and frequently hilarious) phrase and cuts through bullcrap with a machete. Also, he’s not afraid of the truly dark, dark side of humanity.
Your mileage may (and obviously does) vary. Me, I think of him as my Guru and I love the spit out of him.”
It sounds very kiss-assy in this context, but I mean every word of it. So there.
October 5, 2014 — 11:41 AM
Stefan (Far Beyond Reality) says:
NEVER CHANGE, Chuck. Never change.
Unless you want to, of course.
And changing clothes is acceptable too – particularly underwear, yes, please do change that occasionally.
But ANYWAY. Aside from those minor exceptions – NEVER CHANGE.
October 5, 2014 — 11:50 AM
samargent says:
I don’t mind the cursing, the baby stories, the beard, or graphic descriptions of bodily fluids that can only be matched by the darkest porn sites. What counts is that you’re honest about what it takes to be serious about writing and reading your blog is why I stopped calling myself an ‘aspiring’ writer. That is not the work of someone who discourages writers, and I know people who read your site to remind themselves not to give up. Besides, “Art harder, motherhumper” does not have a good ring to it.
October 5, 2014 — 11:55 AM
socalvillaguy says:
Brand or not, dude, you’re unique and a breath of fresh air rising from the general stink pile of crappy advice, meanderings and general horseshit one reads on these interwebs. Yours is one of the few writer blogs I actually go out of my way to peruse, so keep it coming.
October 5, 2014 — 11:56 AM
Martha Gilstrap says:
What is “cromulence”? I looked it up in my Merriam-Webster Unabridged dictionary (a great resource for less than $30 a year, especially if you love words–which I do) and M-W suggested chrominence might be what I really meant.
Any info you can provide to help me out on this one?
October 5, 2014 — 11:58 AM
socalvillaguy says:
I believe that’s a Simpsonism, derived from the word “cromulent.” Here’s the link:
October 5, 2014 — 12:19 PM
itsfamilyjules says:
Beat me to it 🙂
October 5, 2014 — 12:19 PM
socalvillaguy says:
LOL … sorry about that! 🙂
October 5, 2014 — 12:21 PM
itsfamilyjules says:
October 5, 2014 — 11:26 PM
itsfamilyjules says:
Appearing legitimate but actually being spurious : “These citations are indeed cromulent.”
[a word used by the schoolteacher, Miss Hoover, in an episode of The Simpsons, in which she defended one made-up word by making up another]
October 5, 2014 — 12:19 PM
Andrew Nicolle says:
Blandness is not an asset. I’d wager a good many of your visitors (myself included) are greatly amused by the outlandish and colourful language and metaphors that ooze from every post. Far more memorable than a typical writer’s blog!
And honestly, if this was so forced and just a schtick, wouldn’t it be tiring to maintain all this time?
October 5, 2014 — 12:05 PM
Katherine Owen | Writer says:
It’s never a good idea to critique a real-live person on the Internet. TPV is going to be so upset when he comes back from “vakay” to this mess.
The thing is I think the idea behind posting part of your blog post was meant to inspire writers (which I GOT and loved BTW), but then it descended into veiled vitriol in the comments by HH and others and became a cheap shot over the bow towards you and an intended swipe at character assassination. Not cool. But then, I don’t think HH is cool. I think he’s scared shitless most of the time and apologetic about his fame the rest of it.
It’s not like the great HH hasn’t been here before, embroiling himself in controversy over a post of his own making… April 2013. Google it. Probably one of the last times he wrote a post that was true to himself and who he is. I actually liked that post and got it, but it descended into flames for him and thus the transformation of HH began in earnest.
Perhaps, we’re merely witnesses along the parade line to a guy who had to “get in line,” play the emperor and parade around without any clothes still holding onto all of his cash with one hand and covering himself with the other and telling all of us how great and sunny it all is all the time even when it’s raining. His spew about “your” schtick is little more than envy akin to jealousy because you can still say it and be true to yourself; and he can’t.
Also. He doesn’t have kids. People without kids never reach the stage of maturity that the rest of us that do have.
In the past few years, you are the only one that continues to tell it like it is. The only one who stays true and does not succumb to group-think.
And let it begin. No one will understand what I’m talking about.
October 5, 2014 — 12:15 PM
Brandon Carbaugh says:
I was with you until, “Also. He doesn’t have kids. People without kids never reach the stage of maturity that the rest of us that do have.”
It’s one thing to say, “Having kids makes you more mature [than you were before],” but what you said…hoo boy. The implicit logic behind that is that ALL people with kids are, necessarily–solely by virtue of having popped out a child–more mature than ALL those without. Which is, of course, ridiculous. The lady at the crackhouse down the street has a whole mess of kids. Is she more mature than, say, Condoleeza Rice? Somehow I doubt it. (And if so, by how much? Does she get 10 Maturity Points per kid? Or does it go by weight? What about the one she doesn’t have custody of; does she still get Maturity credit for him? )
If you take the implications of what you said a little further, you get into some really morally squicky territory. Like “it is the duty of a woman to have children” territory.
October 5, 2014 — 1:23 PM
Katherine Owen | Writer says:
Kids change you. You see the world differently.Your perspective changes forever along with your sleeping patterns and that special brand of crazy that comes with bringing a person in the world who you are solely responsible for. It just does.
October 5, 2014 — 10:26 PM
Luna (@lunamoth42) says:
But you’ve equated it with a “stage of maturity,” which is reading as patronizing. It changes you, sure. Makes you more mature? More mature than what? Than me, perhaps, who has literally faced near-death several times instead of bearing children (because I can’t)? What about the folks who do have children who absolutely exhibit classically immature behaviors?
Your statement is coming off as insulting, is what I am trying to say.
October 6, 2014 — 1:48 PM
Gigi says:
I love your brain. It makes me happy.
October 5, 2014 — 12:21 PM
Russo Lewis says:
As I understand it, art puts form to surface and the patron reforms it to suit their mind-set. Your art is entertaining, your commentary, informative, (though I may not always agree), it is healthy because it is thought provoking and for that, I thank you.
October 5, 2014 — 12:24 PM
Sindisil says:
I come here *because* you’re you.
And not just because your voice here is ranty, bizarre, brilliant, and beautifully bat shit crazy – though I’ll freely admit all of that does thoroughly rustle my jimmies.
I’d be back for each new post even if you suffered a horrible crisco, bourbon, and bubble wrap accident, and suddenly began to blog like my son’s fifth grade math teacher (who is *awesome* in his own way, mind you).
Because it’s obvious that you give real thought and consideration to your posts, and you treat us with respect. Not a trite, phoney respect of obsequious politeness, but the adult (sometimes *very* adult!) respect of telling us how you really see things, and trusting us to have the intellectual ability to get it, to both cope with and honestly consider your thoughts.
I don’t always agree with you, and I’m confident that you expect that. Probably even revel in it.
I think Howey usually means well. Or maybe meant well — it seems evident that he’s been smelling his own musk a bit too much. Buying his own bullshit. Using the product, if you will.
I hope he gets over it, but, if not, I’ll just avoid him.
October 5, 2014 — 12:26 PM
Chad Williamson says:
Chuck is Chuck (you don’t mind me calling you “Chuck,” right? Fuck it, I’m calling you Chuck.). Never got the sense he’s posturing. There’s a certain amount of Kurt Sutter in Chuck, only without the scorched-earth policy; if you ever read Sutter’s blog, that’s him. He don’t hide shit. He’s exactly who he says he is. That is Chuck.
And I love this blog. I read it every time I can get it past my work firewalls (about the language, Chuck …). Chuck’s honest about writing. The advice isn’t molly-coddled. I want that. I don’t need someone just trying to sell me shit to make me feel better about my own writing; I want someone who’s realistic about themselves and what I can maybe someday hope to expect when I stop pansying around and publish my novel.
Plus, who’s paying the bill for this blog? My bet is that the check is coming from Wendig Industries, which means it doesn’t matter what Chuck says, he can say it here. Hugh and Chuck are two very different writers, and acting like the MO of one will work for the others is creating a plan of failure.
Someone told me once that unless someone’s paying your rent or paying your bills, their opinion matters little; are you ultimately comfortable with who you are when you go to sleep at night. I suspect Chuck rests his furry face on a big pillow and sleeps well at night.
October 5, 2014 — 12:28 PM
terribleminds says:
I do indeed foot the bill for this blog.
And these days, it’s surprisingly pricey. Which is… a good sign, mostly!
October 5, 2014 — 12:48 PM
Cat York says:
Love you just the way you are, Chuck.
October 5, 2014 — 12:28 PM
ssbittner says:
Never change, Chuck. All that stuff Hugh complained about? The rest of us come here for that. And because you are a smart and wonderful and supportive person. The people who don’t think you are haven’t taken the time to know you.
October 5, 2014 — 12:33 PM
PJ Friel says:
Ya know…It never occured to me to think that you were hiding behind some shtick. I’ve always taken you at face value and enjoyed every second of it. (And seriously, it would take a lot of effort to be that strange on purpose.) Perhaps those people only believe you’re being fake because they assume you’re just like them. Makes ya wonder, huh?
October 5, 2014 — 12:33 PM
churnage says:
Keep doing what you’re doing. Your blog is a must-read.
So screw the tongue-cluckers, eye-rollers, tet-tetters, envy monkeys & the passive-aggressive word puritans, and keep rockin’ it!
October 5, 2014 — 12:35 PM
petewoodworth says:
As someone who can somewhat reasonably say “I knew him when” from back in the good ol’ White Wolf days, let me just put it out there now: this blog is and has always been pretty much the Chuck I knew back in 1999. If it’s a con, it’s an awfully long one.
October 5, 2014 — 12:41 PM
K.J. says:
I can attest that you do not greet anyone with any kind of profanity. We met briefly (well, I asked you to sign a couple of books) at PPW and you smiled warmly after I called you Tom and went on to sign your books inviting me to “enjoy my trip into Hell” and I actually did.
Since the conference I have read your blog and am relieved to find at least one person in the world who doesn’t pull any punches. Tells it like it is. If some art actually needs to be pissed on (hey, there are times that an artist should to be questioned about their sense of what art is), well, you are smart enough not to piss into the wind.
Thank you for keeping this real. Thank you for letting me have a peek into who you are as a writer, a father, and a human being. And, thank you for letting me call you Tom, Chuck.
October 5, 2014 — 12:45 PM
terribleminds says:
I will always be Tom. 🙂
October 5, 2014 — 12:46 PM
M T McGuire says:
I love the swearing, I love the whole batshit craziness of this place, which has always felt feet up slippers on to me, and I love your advice which is always excellent. I thought the shit volcano post was very balanced and fair. And I think you are always true to yourself, which is why I really enjoy coming here. To be honest I get really fed up with all the prissiness about swearing on the Internet. Then again, I’m from a nation with a rich tradition of swear words where what you say is considered more important than how you say it. Hell we have a whole swearing dictionary – Roger’s Profanisaurus.
But tattoos? Shudders. Gak! When I was a kid the only people who had tattoos were elderly builders and they made them look all purple and green, as if they were already putrifying (or however it’s spelled). Please note I may think ack but i am totally ok if other people have them like them or whatever…. And just because I find it hard to see the appeal I’m not going to judge or avoid anyone who sees it differently.
October 5, 2014 — 12:51 PM
Damon Griffith says:
Thank you for this. I’ve endured years of either being put on a pedestal for having the kind of access to character that most people would have if they weren’t trying so hard to fit into whatever box they’ve built for themselves, or decried as someone who would fit in better if he wasn’t trying so hard not to. Not trying. Not trying not. Just letting it fly, throwing it around, wiping it on things and, on occasion, other people. (Maybe that last part is where I go wrong) That’s part of why I had to leave the sleepy hollow of Pgh. PA and find somewhere where the judgement cloud isn’t so thick and sticky. So I think you speak for a lot of people with this blog entry. Be who you inately are. If that happens to fall within a certain parameter you’ll be fine. If it happens to be kinda weird, you’re “trying too hard”.
October 5, 2014 — 1:07 PM
Brandon Carbaugh says:
As someone who likes both you and Hugh: I find it immensely un-classy for one writer to talk shit about another. That’s not to say they can’t disagree on an issue–as you and Hugh did on the Amazon/Hachette thing–but as soon as it turns personally-tinged, I feel my nose wrinkling. Who even WANTS that internet-as-high-school -type shit? Yuck.
October 5, 2014 — 1:12 PM
NM Haupt says:
Tell them biatches at TPV to shizz the fizzle up and stop sweating you.You be who you’re gonna be and let the haters hate.
October 5, 2014 — 1:13 PM
Kristin says:
This. This is why I like reading your blog.
October 5, 2014 — 1:26 PM
jason b says:
Be you. That’s all.
Love it.
October 5, 2014 — 1:27 PM
L. N. Holmes says:
^^^ I agree.
October 5, 2014 — 3:30 PM
Tsara says:
I adore this!! This is lovely and honest and exactly what most writers want (perhaps need) to put out there now and then. A little bit for our readers but mainly for ourselves. Our voices and their volumes need to be adjusted often, depending on audience and intention, so it’s a fun and healthy exercise when we take time to remind ourselves that we truly are in control of those knobs. And that the voices we house–different as they may be from each other–are indeed authentically us!
I use words or phrases like “lovely” and “beautiful” and “discovering your true beliefs” and “fantastic” and “truly terrific” and “curious, kind intention” “being alive isn’t safe, but freedom is necessary for being truly alive” and “equally valuable but not the same” often. So I have a rep for being “sweet” and sometimes “cheesy”. Is it something I do as a manipulation or brand? Nope! I’m totally cheesy! For real!!!
But my family and friends know that I’m also highly inappropriate and silly–often! Actually, it tends to come from my cheesy and sweet belief that we are all equally valuable and have a right to freedom.
The posts and advice and opinions shared by you, Chuck, are fun and insightful. And I believe that every word is yours and truly you. I find that refreshingly lovely!!!!
October 5, 2014 — 1:28 PM
Kyra Dune says:
I love your blog exactly the way it is. I think you’re hilarious. And I love it when I see one of your posts waiting for me in my inbox because I know I’m about to take another ride on the crazy train.
October 5, 2014 — 1:37 PM
Gareth Skarka says:
Assuming a writer’s blog voice is a “schtick” is an example of the pathetic everything-is-branding desperation that plagues self-pub.
It’s like a certain subset of self-pubbers think that 24-7 marketing douchebaggery is how you appear “professional”– it’s overcompensation.
October 5, 2014 — 1:55 PM
Jinxie G says:
And this is exactly why I read your blog!
October 5, 2014 — 1:58 PM
jorobinson176 says:
Surprised that Hugh would say what he said about you. Calling those comments trollish would probably get me into a whole world of crap that a newbie like me wouldn’t need…… still….. it’s a real shame, and not at all cool. I’ve yet to open one of your blog posts that hasn’t made me smile, think, or LMAO (pardon). So – if I’m a schtick groupie, then so be it. Much more fun than righteous posturing. Who needs pants anyway, and if I wasn’t sure that I would punch anyone who tried to stick a pulsating inked needle into my flesh in the face, I’d probably have a I Love Chuck tattoo installed right now.
October 5, 2014 — 2:28 PM
Rebecca Douglass says:
About Chuck’s profanity. . . I’m not a person who cusses a lot. When someone nearly killed me while I was biking, the words that came out of my mouth in that moment of terror were. . . “you blithering idiot.” But I LOVE Chuck’s cussing. Because he’s the only person I’ve ever heard actually swear in a way that was interesting and imaginative, not to mention funny. There are only so many cuss-words out there; it’s how you modidfy them that makes swearing worthwhile (and sometimes I do wish I had the guts to say those things. But I suppose writers of children’s books should probably keep it clean).
October 5, 2014 — 2:32 PM
KM Saxby says:
Hey Chuck. You’re great. Don’t read those stupid comments.
October 5, 2014 — 3:02 PM
Steve says:
I don’t know the guy but a surface read of his comment is that it is passive-aggressive and resentful. I’d probably ask myself what sort of situation has made him feel that way. Notice I don’t say, ‘ask myself what I did,’ because my guess is you didn’t do a damned thing.
October 5, 2014 — 3:05 PM
mermaidmaddie says:
I love who you are, Chuck, never change. You’re wonderful and your creative profanity makes my day EVERY SINGLE TIME I read your blog. Imaginative cursing makes my life.
October 5, 2014 — 3:05 PM
L. N. Holmes says:
Be who you are, Chuck. Look at all the people who appreciate you. I appreciate your blog and your work. If more people had the courage to be themselves, it might be a better world. I personally don’t like cussing and sexual jokes, but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the genius of your words and humor. You’re brave to be yourself and you inspire others to do the same. :]
October 5, 2014 — 3:29 PM
whackadoodleanonymous says:
One suggestion in your entertaining eloquence, “Letting the beard grow all mangy and wild, like a snarling carpet of moss or an old, hunger-mad coyote”. May I suggest “letting my beard grow all mangy and wild like a hippie-era earth mother returning to the home-yurt after Woodstock”? I love reading your mind. Creative profanity is a rare art.
October 5, 2014 — 3:30 PM
Aaron Daniels says:
I love the way you pierce through all the namby-pamby-mealy-mouthed bullshit that so often grows up on artistic pursuits like hand-wringing kudzu. You rant and rave your way right to the point, every time, and amuse and entertain on the way.
More simply, reading your blog entries never fails to bring a smile to my face a new thought (or more than one!) to my head. 🙂
October 5, 2014 — 3:36 PM
donnaeve says:
Well dayum. I admit – I haven’t read all the comments. I didn’t hop over to TPV and read (but I’m going to) So, here’s what stuck out to me, for what it’s worth.
I don’t get it. I don’t get why HH would say that. Does it really matter that you’re writing in this way at 60? If I like it now, won’t I like it then? (yes) Stephen King is still writing his way and has been for…what? Forty years or something crazy? I mean hell, isn’t this what is called “voice?” That thing everyone wants b/c having “voice” in writing is what sets us apart and makes us unique as writers? That’s what I recollect from every thing I’ve read.
You’re great. You’re writing is colorful and interesting. It’s why I’m here and why I’ve read some of your books.
October 5, 2014 — 3:46 PM