Last week’s challenge: Life Is Hell.
I love this challenge because it always generates some interesting results.
It’s easy in concept, difficult in execution:
Come up with a great opening line.
That’s it.
Take that line, and drop it into the comments below.
As they say, THERE’S MORE.
This opening line must be one sentence long — no more than that. Anything longer and I will publicly laugh at your inability to stick to the barest-of-bones submission guidelines.
I’d suggest avoiding some very cliched openings — previous challenges have yielded three overwrought motifs in this particular challenge, those three being:
A gun.
Someone about to die / someone already dead (future corpse / current corpse).
So, maybe avoid those things unless you really think you can nail it.
The trick to writing a great opening line is keeping it brief, and yet at the same time suggesting a great deal of potential — an opening line is equal parts promise and fish-hook stuck in the reader’s brain-meats. It should make us want to read the rest of the story. Or, even better, make us as writers want to write the rest of that story (and par usual, that will be the nature of next Friday’s challenge). Nailing the opening line is a Samurai move — it’s delivering a single sword blow to end the match.
There will be a prize.
I’ll pick three that I love. And those three will get the first as-yet-unreleased e-book copies of my newest writing book, 500 Ways To Write Harder. You’ll get the book in PDF, ePub, and Kindle formats, all DRM-free because, really, fuck DRM right in its digital sphincter.
You have one week to get your lines in the door. Due firmly by noon EST on April 18th. I will then pick winners over the next week thereafter. You are allowed one entry, no more. Additional entries disqualify you.
One opening line.
Make it sharp.
Win a book.
Drop it in the comments.
Jen Spear (@blackskymetro) says:
“My brother died almost a year ago, though no one would believe me since he’s still walking around like nothing happened.”
April 11, 2014 — 9:03 PM
Alex M. Rodriguez says:
He walked across the street, and because he was immortal he did not look both ways.
April 11, 2014 — 9:40 PM
OzFenric says:
Unruly slaves, Kar’thalom mused, are definitely a first-world problem.
April 11, 2014 — 10:11 PM
Grymmlock says:
Most days it’s like I’m Icarus, and I’m treading just outside of the sun’s reach to keep my wax wings from catching fire.
April 11, 2014 — 10:25 PM
Wesley says:
You will weep for the privilege of killing me when you find out what I’ve done.
April 11, 2014 — 10:36 PM
stephenseibert says:
Often times I threw stones at them, running away when they’d give chase, but today… today I was throwing stones at them so I would get caught.
April 11, 2014 — 10:48 PM
Melissa Wright says:
This makes me want to read more.
April 15, 2014 — 2:06 AM
Melissa Clare Wright says:
Wanted to let you know, this was the one I went with! Great line.
April 24, 2014 — 11:47 PM
William says:
When I first met her, Amanda was all fur and teeth.
April 11, 2014 — 11:12 PM
Promi says:
Don’t you just hate those days when you get rudely awoken early in the morning by a gigantic blue lizard?
April 11, 2014 — 11:38 PM
Ed Avern says:
Haha, amazing.
April 14, 2014 — 6:49 AM
GeekIntellectualist says:
Alrightly, here’s mine:
“I couldn’t believe my eyes, when the man standing over me moved to crush my head of with the instrument of my demise: A toaster oven.”
April 11, 2014 — 11:41 PM
mooreoakhill says:
No one knows where the next dead body is going to show up.
April 11, 2014 — 11:46 PM
Jason Hagey says:
A wet rag soaked the carpet when he left it behind.
April 11, 2014 — 11:55 PM
caitlin says:
Ever since the start of the zombie apocalypse two things have been entirely erased from the top of my priority list: brushing my teeth and wearing clean underwear – after all, resistance is futile.
April 12, 2014 — 12:32 AM
Alison J. McKenzie says:
Every day that she comes home and I have to drag out the sewing kit to re-attach a limb or an ear, I wonder why the hell I ever decided to become a father.
April 12, 2014 — 1:21 AM
mangacat201 says:
This is gold. I definitely want to read THAT story!
April 12, 2014 — 2:26 AM
Justin Peniston says:
Agreed. Great opener.
April 12, 2014 — 5:40 PM
mangacat201 says:
First light filters through the crystal panes above his head as the Guardian stands tall and silent, when an Atavian girl crashes through the dome in a shower of multi-hued shards to land right where his feet are rooted to the ground.
April 12, 2014 — 2:18 AM
deanmcsmith says:
“This isn’t about the money George, that went out the window when you killed my wife.”
April 12, 2014 — 2:55 AM
Dan Wright says:
I can’t rightly say why Jennifer left me; all I do know is that on an unusually cold day in June she packed her bags and moved far away.
April 12, 2014 — 3:11 AM
JC Hemphill says:
I met a man made of smoke today.
April 12, 2014 — 3:20 AM
mznetta says:
I love this.
April 12, 2014 — 5:19 PM
Melissa Wright says:
April 15, 2014 — 2:08 AM
Samantha i says:
A great opening line.
April 17, 2014 — 3:04 PM
Joseph D. Stirling says:
She had always liked the ocean, loved the smell of the salty air and the shrill cry of the gulls; only now, they were silent.
April 12, 2014 — 3:22 AM
fadedglories says:
It was a bee that made Fiona notice her sex change.
April 12, 2014 — 4:26 AM
Wendy Christopher says:
Now THAT makes me want to hear the rest if only to find out how the heck that could happen! Nice job.
April 12, 2014 — 5:21 AM
Norma Parfitt says:
Thank you
April 16, 2014 — 3:28 AM
Scott Katinger says:
It’s doesn’t have to be a written rule of the job, but never let the Triple-A guy retrieve the spare from your trunk unless you’ve already removed the soundproofing.
April 12, 2014 — 4:39 AM
Wendy Christopher says:
Katie left the ransom letter on top of the tv remote where she knew Nialls would see it, picked up her passport and plane ticket and hurried outside to the taxi waiting for her in the next street.
April 12, 2014 — 5:05 AM
fadedglories says:
Sounds like a great scam is going on there.
April 13, 2014 — 12:12 PM
Ambien Grey says:
She sat elegantly poised, strangely, upon the thin mattress of the rusty old iron bed, her back to me, and when I saw her I felt at once terribly guilty – I had meant to visit her long before this, but my own mental deterioration had prevented it until just now.
April 12, 2014 — 5:20 AM
Ebba says:
The flowers cried, and could not speak to her.
April 12, 2014 — 5:51 AM
Rio says:
I don’t think there’s supposed to be a comma there.
April 18, 2014 — 4:05 PM
Sibee di Frent says:
On my sixteenth birthday, I became guardian of the key to Pandora’s box; on my eighteenth birthday I decided to use it, and on my twenty-first, I once met the guy I blame for that decision again for the first time since.
April 12, 2014 — 6:08 AM
Sibee di Frent says:
edit – left a word in when changing the structure that should have gone (the ‘once’):
On my sixteenth birthday, I became guardian of the key to Pandora’s box; on my eighteenth birthday I decided to use it, and on my twenty-first, I met the guy I blame for that decision again for the first time since.
April 12, 2014 — 6:12 AM
decayingorbits says:
Jillian’s surprise was not so much in the pedestrian way her life ended, but in the miraculous way her afterlife began.
April 12, 2014 — 7:21 AM
kellyfaunce says:
Yesterday, the cat spoke for the first time.
April 12, 2014 — 8:15 AM
Miriam Joy says:
It was the kind of chocolate fudge cake you go to hell for.
April 12, 2014 — 8:24 AM
mznetta says:
Twenty years ago, if you told me winning the Trailer Park Tiara at the behest of a talking goat would be the pinnacle of my life, I’d have called you a liar.
April 12, 2014 — 9:05 AM
Nikki says:
There was a dead bird on the porch again.
April 12, 2014 — 9:12 AM
Justin Peniston says:
I like this. I would keep reading this.
April 12, 2014 — 5:42 PM
RavenBlackburn says:
Clutching onto a man who I barely knew and heading of to who knew where probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do, and I could only justify myself with the excuse that I was in shock.
April 12, 2014 — 9:19 AM
Sanya says:
The life he was living,the street urchin thought,his feet pounding on the coarse gravel, was in no way one worth living for.
April 12, 2014 — 9:32 AM
Casey Poma says:
On my thirty-fifth birthday, I became single again.
April 12, 2014 — 10:16 AM
orlando sanchez says:
He slammed her head into the wall, causing a guttural laugh to escape her lips.
April 12, 2014 — 10:20 AM
Charles M. Scholz says:
They discovered the small oasis in a state of utter degradation and sank to their hands and knees, one sobbing while the other clenched and unclenched fists full of warm dusty sand.
April 12, 2014 — 10:34 AM
Megan says:
Respectable people don’t wander the sewers wearing patent leather pumps and little else.
April 12, 2014 — 11:12 AM
mangacat201 says:
Good one! I wanna see how that happened!
April 12, 2014 — 2:36 PM
Megan says:
Me too!
April 12, 2014 — 3:19 PM
Thomas Linehan says:
This is my opening sentence for my soon to be completed novel.
On her thirteenth birthday, Rori’s present from Aunt Charley was a Ruger LC9mm handgun.
April 12, 2014 — 11:35 AM
Melissa Wright says:
Makes me curious, I’d read on.
April 15, 2014 — 2:14 AM
murgatroid98 says:
I’d like to read this one.
April 19, 2014 — 11:00 AM
Andy Smillie says:
Don’t fuck koalas, they’ve got chlamydia.
April 12, 2014 — 11:38 AM
Cameron Cook says:
He was queen for a day in the fucking Hobby Lobby.
April 12, 2014 — 12:05 PM
jovancerda says:
If all the celebrities who stayed in this hotel have one thing in common, it’s that they’ve all lost an underwear the day before checkout.
April 12, 2014 — 1:08 PM
Stefan says:
Not much of his face was left, and what little of skin and flesh was still there, a crazy
naked man chewed delightfully from his bones.
April 12, 2014 — 2:00 PM
La Grande Anxieuse says:
She was lying there on the floor, in the middle of the room, vacuum still running, watching dust floating throught a ray of light.
April 12, 2014 — 2:18 PM
Samantha J Mathis says:
It was common knowledge that a knight was in need of a princess to rescue and Sir Gillian Lovejoy McManus had looked high and low for a lady of sufficient title in a sufficient amount of danger.
April 12, 2014 — 2:30 PM
tinnboxx says:
I’m using this for this week’s challenge, thanks for the inspiration!
April 23, 2014 — 9:06 AM
ReducedSodium says:
With your throat plugged like it is, I’ve been wondering things: where your thoughts go, what the nurses do when we aren’t here, if you even exist past our visiting hours.
April 12, 2014 — 2:55 PM
Doug Daniel says:
The wind blasted the ruined fortress, as the red giant set behind the broken hills.
April 12, 2014 — 2:56 PM
Hiten says:
Hi Chuck,
Here is mine:
As soon as I started speaking, I was stuttering.
April 12, 2014 — 4:29 PM
joannadacosta2014 says:
The rednecks on Lee Street didn’t wear shirts from June to August unless their mamas told them to.
April 12, 2014 — 5:16 PM
Justin Peniston says:
The distance from Heaven to Hell is an eternity to fall, but it’s really only a very short walk.
April 12, 2014 — 5:39 PM
mangacat201 says:
I love this!
April 13, 2014 — 6:07 AM
Justin Peniston says:
Thank you!
April 24, 2014 — 8:40 PM
rhyfry says:
April 20, 2014 — 12:11 AM
Justin Peniston says:
My thanks are seconded as well!
April 24, 2014 — 8:41 PM
annecmaclachlan says:
Any fool can tell a story.
April 12, 2014 — 7:13 PM
Wayne Thompson says:
When the moment was at hand, I looked into her eyes and realized it was not I that was scorned, but she.
April 12, 2014 — 7:25 PM