It has begun.
What has begun?
The period of time whereupon my wife has left her job and will be a stay-at-home mother to our darling little wolverine tornado, B-Dub, and where I am the sole provider for the family.
This is awesome.
I do not say that snarkily. I say that with great oomphing trumpets. My chest is puffed out. My victorious plumage is on colorful display. My cloaca is flush with turgid triumph.
This is awesome.
It is awesome in the colloquial sense, as in, “This is great.”
It is also awesome in the proper sense of the word: awesome like a tsunami, like one’s imagined God, like a meteor made of flaming lions and electric guitars.
And in that proper sense, it is also terrifying.
Writing’s been good to me. But it’s not a job with a steady paycheck. It’s not universally considered to be a reliable, easy career. Again: it’s been good to me. I’ve little cause to worry at this stage in the game. But writers, as the saying goes, must be sharks. We gotta swim forward —
Or we drown.
As such, this is where I turn to you and I ask for your help.
I’m not looking for charity. We’re financially comfortable — “comfortable” in the sense we can pay all our bills without complaint, but also “comfortable” in the sense that one small tragedy could cut our legs out from under us — but really, we’re solid. Just the same, I need to keep doing this to survive, and keeping on keeping as a writer-type means having an audience there willing to catch me when I, well, make jumps like this one.
And catching me means a couple different things.
It means buying my books, for one. I just put up a bundle yesterday where you can get all my six author-published writing books for a mere ten bucks until the end of November.
Maybe you’d dig a woman who can see how you’re going to die just by touching them.
Or maybe you got a hankering for a corn-swept dystopian future full of adventure and turmoil and teenage tragedy.
Could be you’d like to read a story about a dude punching his way through the Secret Hell beneath the streets of Manhattan in search of his traitorous daughter.
Might be instead that you’d like to read about a teen girl going up against the institutionalized bullies of her town and trying to take down a dog-fighting ring.
Plus, you know, all those other writing books.
Point is: hey, options.
Now, I recognize that not everybody is flush with the kind of disposable cash that makes procuring entertainment easy or palatable, and that’s okay, too. In that case, I’d simply appreciate it if you told some folks about my books. Spread the word, as it were. Maybe write a review if you’ve read something of mine in the past. Anything to lubricate that whole “word-of-mouth” thing a little bit.
All this goes to helping keep me solvent as a writer. It helps pay bills and put food in the mouth of the toddler. And it helps keep this website around — as the site has grown, its hosting bills have grown with it, and these days it costs a pretty penny to keep her running.
I appreciate it.
Thanks for helping me stitch together the parachute as I plummet.
*shrieks in victory as I fall through someone’s barn*
Joe McGee says:
Be glad to! And I just bought a whole slew (well, a mini slew) of Wendig-penned books. I will grab strangers on the street and demand they read your books, while inadvertently grabbing their wallets and buying more of your books with my newfound cash.
October 23, 2013 — 12:13 AM
terribleminds says:
October 23, 2013 — 7:37 AM
C.L. Rozelle (@CLRozelle) says:
October 23, 2013 — 12:04 PM
thelizwithzombies says:
I started searching for the “Like” button for your comment and realized I was on Facebook for too long. I’m off to go write.
October 23, 2013 — 3:18 PM
Greg says:
Great news and best wishes on this new leg of your journey.
I bought Mockingbird my last trip to the physical bookstore and can’t wait to read/review it (after I finish snorting all the new book smell from its pages first.)
October 23, 2013 — 12:14 AM
itsfamilyjules says:
Mmmmmmmmm new book smell…
October 23, 2013 — 12:29 AM
terribleminds says:
Please to enjoy MOCKINGBIRD, sir.
And beware that new book smell. More addictive than heroin, I hear.
October 23, 2013 — 7:38 AM
itsfamilyjules says:
Wellsir, I’ve purchased [almost] everything you’ve written, and read (and thoroughly enjoyed) 99% of it (I’m working through Irregular Creatures and I haven’t done the Double Dead stuff yet (but I will)) and I feel good about it. Because you give me value for my buck and value for my time. I love your blog. I like your voice and the stories you tell. I relate, and you’re living the dream. My dream, that is, in that you’re able to support yourself via writing. I hope to get there some day.
So yeah. I came. I purchased. I loved it all. I tell everyone (even if they’re not “readers”) I know about you, and will continue to do so.
This sounds SO suck-up-y, and I don’t mean it that way. Really I just want to say thank you for all the creatively amazing words and stories, and I wish you continued/elevated success. You go, boy!
October 23, 2013 — 12:20 AM
terribleminds says:
No no no, suck-up-y is okay! I’ll take it!
Thanks for the kind words and for checking out the bucketload of books.
October 23, 2013 — 7:38 AM
Jen Donohue says:
Congratulations, you’re living the dream!
October 23, 2013 — 12:20 AM
terribleminds says:
October 23, 2013 — 7:39 AM
Mike Harpin says:
We are your fluffers backstage as you drop trou and show the world your word-phallus. Here’s a strong high five in support to your adventure as sole-provider. We got your your back!
October 23, 2013 — 12:25 AM
terribleminds says:
Thank you! Just, erm, don’t high-five my word-phallus. That could hurt.
October 23, 2013 — 7:39 AM
Stefan Slater says:
My girlfriend and I are big fans, and we’ll spread the word about your books and how awesome they are. Keep it up!
October 23, 2013 — 12:35 AM
terribleminds says:
WOO HOO thank you! Couples that read Chuck Wendig together stay together. That’s proven. By nobody. But I’m sure it’s true anyway.
October 23, 2013 — 7:40 AM
Wendy Christopher says:
Consider it done – and congratulations on the lifestyle change. Much as we love ’em to bits, I know from personal experience how much of a whirling tornado of distraction a young child can be – and if it’s just you catching the uprooted trees and flying livestock across the back of your head it can slow the whole writng process thingy down somewhat.
Now you are free, freeee…. to beat off other distractions instead. Kidding. you’ll be fine.
October 23, 2013 — 2:48 AM
terribleminds says:
The wolverine tornado will still surely be around to distract me in all the best ways, but yes, my wife is doing The Good Work on this one. (She has been for a while, really — she’s been at reduced hours for a little while, now.)
October 23, 2013 — 7:41 AM
Chrisv says:
As a stay-at-home mom myself, I wish your wife lots of patience (I’m sure she has it), and lots of opportunities for grown-up talk!
I have already purchased most of your writing e-books — and they are fantabulous — but I will certainly recommend them to other writerly folk that I know. Also am a fan of your other works. You’re one cool dude. Am glad I found your site, and glad to read what you’re sharing. Thanks for being you.
October 23, 2013 — 3:01 AM
terribleminds says:
You can tell my wife has a lot of patience because she’s married to me.
Thanks for the kind words and for sharing the work!
October 23, 2013 — 7:42 AM
Kim Faulks says:
What an exciting moment and it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. I’ll do my best to help spread the word and hope in some small way it helps. Love your books, most of all your writing tips and I loved meeting you at Genrecon!
October 23, 2013 — 3:04 AM
terribleminds says:
Thank you, Kim! A pleasure meeting you, too. And I miss GenreCon… *snif*
October 23, 2013 — 7:42 AM
Wesley says:
Since first noticing “Blackbirds” in Angry Robot’s catalog, I’ve purchased every book bearing your name that has been made available to me and I don’t foresee that habit changing. You know that VIP trust room readers have where sits a handful of authors? The ones where you read the synopses of their upcoming novels not to find out if you’re willing to buy the books, but merely to get an idea of what you’re going to read when you inevitably buy them? Yeah. You are sincerely the latest member of my VIP author trust room.
And I understand your anxiety. As an epileptic, I’m required by law–and my own passionate desire to not die–to make prospective employers aware of it in explicit terms. I have to tell them that all my coworkers need to be aware of it and, in the event of a seizure, they all need to know to simply try to keep me turned onto my side and, for fuck’s sake, don’t try to shove a wallet into my mouth. It all sounds scary and it’s way, way too easy for them to say that they decided to go with another applicant they felt was more qualified.
Also, since medication keeps the seizures from happening often enough, I’ve been denied social security eight times. Apparently I’m too sick to work and not sick enough for social security. I live with my mother who’s awesome enough to take care of me despite my being in the deep end of my thirties now. But the situation is not sustainable indefinitely. So I’m also in the school of MacGuyver economics. If it can be done, it will be done. And thank you tons, Chuck for giving me something awesome to read during the comfortable times.
October 23, 2013 — 5:20 AM
terribleminds says:
Holy crap, dude, that’s rough stuff. If I can do anything — er, dunno what — say the word. Happy to get you an early-ish copy of CORMORANT if you’d dig.
And thanks for putting me in the VIP room. Is that like the VIP room in a strip club? I’ve always wondered what those were like.
October 23, 2013 — 7:47 AM
Wesley says:
Thank you and thank you so much for the CORMORANT offer, but I’m willing to wait if it means being fair to everyone else who’s waiting.
And now that you mention it, to actually ‘be’ in a room in the heart or mind of a reader might be just as stimulating and just as icky-creepy-shameful as being in the VIP room at strip club.
I mean, not that I’ve been to a strip club….you know it’s just….well….it’s just what I’ve heard.
October 23, 2013 — 5:44 PM
Anthony Ryan says:
I went full-time in January and, whilst it has its scary “Oh God what have I done!?!?” moments, I certainly don’t regret it. Also, having read three of your books so far and fully intending to read the others, I have little doubt you and the missus have done the right thing.
PS. Turgid Triumph is the name of my Eagles tribute band.
October 23, 2013 — 6:21 AM
terribleminds says:
I’ve been full-time (in terms of writing) for a long time, but never as the sole source of income for a family of three. It’s all a little terrifying!
October 23, 2013 — 7:33 AM
Lindy Moone says:
This just went out on my facebook author page, with the link of course:
Look! Chuck Wendig, awesome author and blogger extraordinaire, has bundled up six helpful, hilarious writing books for November. Only 10 bucks for useful, funny advice! Did I say awesome?
I’ll need to trim it for tweeting. Got any readymades I could just retweet? Hmmm, best go check…
I already own most of your books, and reblog you as often as I think is prudent. Just sayin’.
Good luck with the new home order.
October 23, 2013 — 7:01 AM
terribleminds says:
YOU RULE, thank you!
October 23, 2013 — 7:32 AM
C.L. Rozelle (@CLRozelle) says:
I just tweeted this: Wanna b a BETTER WRITER? Wanna LAUGH ur A$$ off? Wanna learn about SEXY STEAMPUNK WOMBATS &whatnot? #WW @ChuckWendig
October 23, 2013 — 12:19 PM
Smoph says:
Oh no…
October 26, 2013 — 3:25 AM
Kenneth Jobe says:
Congrats and good luck. Now I can say I wasn’t putting off buying your books, I was waiting until you needed me to buy them more. Several future purchases here.
October 23, 2013 — 7:16 AM
terribleminds says:
Hah, thanks, Kenneth!
October 23, 2013 — 7:47 AM
joeturner87 says:
In the most Neolithic of sense; today, you’re a man.
All misogynistic jokes aside. I’ve been the sole provider for my pride (I am a lion; hear me roar!) for the past…*counts fingers*…8 years. First, so my better half could raise our twins, then so she can (and is still in the process of) getting a good education in her chosen field. It’s had its ups, and it’s downs. But ultimately, the lights are still on, we have never been without hot water, and the kids are clothed and fed. Funny thing is, whenever you find yourself in need of money, something shows up. Just stay positive and productive, and everything will be fine.
P.S – I purchased your bundle (which is a steal!!!) and will continue to procure your books as fast as you can produce em’
All the best Chuck.
October 23, 2013 — 7:30 AM
terribleminds says:
Thanks, Joe! I definitely don’t considerate it a manly thing in the modern sense — my wife is a bonafide bad-ass and had an incredible job for many years. As yours seems to be, as well!
October 23, 2013 — 7:49 AM
Troy L says:
….The Cormorant…buying lots of books is no small task for recovering book hoarders…*falls off wagon*
October 23, 2013 — 8:07 AM
Judy Eddy says:
I recently stumbled upon you, and I LOVE your blog, your writing style, and your spirit. Can’t wait to read your books, but as I am a grant writer and PR person to keep the lights on and feed my son and 100 lb beast (dog), I will go for the bundle for now, and find time to read all of your books soon!
Being home with your child is the most amazing and yes, awesome, thing in the world. I wish I could go back (he’s now driving….*shudder* …. and doing what teens do, if I can remember that far back…) but oh, the distractions and frustration, too, with trying to work and/or write and always choosing to play with or tend to him whenever he called, which was just about every minute! So congrats and enjoy the ride with your little one…. and I am VERY happy for your wife, too, who can bask in full-time motherhood, which is just about the best job in the world, imho.
Gonna go buy the bundle now! And I will spread the word….
October 23, 2013 — 8:32 AM
Danny says:
About 5 years ago, my wife and I started a similar ride (“zero guaranteed income ride”) that you’re now on. I was there for a little over 3 years before I had to pull-over and go work for the man again. Why financially, I wasn’t successful… they were some of the best years of my post-adolescent, pre-grumpy-old-man life. You seem to have a better foundation from the start than what I had, and while I’m working my way back there… I need guys like you around to keep me entertained/motivated.
Just grabbed “The Blue Blazes”… if it’s as entertaining as the short time I’ve been reading your blog, I’m sure I’ll be back for more.
Good luck to you and your family…
October 23, 2013 — 8:43 AM
Beth L. says:
You’re going to be fine. That kind of change is terrifying for sure – when my spouse got laid off and it was on me to bring home the paycheck (which I had been doing, but it’s different when it’s just you) it was completely scary for a while. But it all worked out, and things are better now for a variety of reasons. I’m sure you will have similar results. In order to prove that everything will be okay, I feel it’s time to get my coffee-raddled brain together and finally get my hands on Blue Blazes.
Best of luck, but all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.
October 23, 2013 — 9:36 AM
Alexis says:
This is so exciting. Isn’t this how all great heroes journeys begin? A change of circumstance that pushes the hero out of his comfort zone, raises the stakes, and begins the journey where the young sprout becomes the powerful mage.
Also – fellow SAHM here – welcome to the home team Mrs. Wendig! It’s a hard gig and the pay is crap. But you get to hang out with some really spectacular people!
October 23, 2013 — 9:41 AM
feralbulb says:
Done deed and deal… got me first order: ‘Blackbirds’ since your blog entertains and cheers us up every goddamn day on way to work. I reckon you’ll land (and wish you and your family to) on a giant marshmallow.
October 23, 2013 — 9:43 AM
Katie Cross says:
Chuck, I like your blog. I’m excited about the book bundle. Go buy a loaf of bread and thing of milk with my small contribution.
October 23, 2013 — 10:01 AM
Eric H. says:
Congrats and good luck, Sir!
I already own all the above linked fiction, and one writing book, so I’m set. But I also point people at your books every chance I get. Gotta keep the Wendig-stream flowing. Gotta get my fix of foul mouthed awesomeness.
October 23, 2013 — 10:24 AM
David Wohlreich (@wallrike) says:
There are few inflection points in our lives we can see in the moment. Most appear only through haze-filled retrospect, shaped to a point by our need to construct pattern against the chaos. Proposing to our sweethearts, deciding to have a child (or not have a child), applying for a new job. Most of our lives are spent in gradual surrender to the tide of inevitability. The great deeds of our youths fade in the glare of debt payments and orthodontics bills.
Becoming a full-time writer is an inhabited choice few will know. It’s sailing out of the bay and away from the solidity of shore.
Now, though, you’ve cleared the bar, loosed the tether, and jumped into the ocean. May the journey bring you, your wife, and your beautiful son all the richness of the seas.
Mazel tov, my friend.
October 23, 2013 — 10:26 AM
terribleminds says:
Thanks, David! To be clear, I’ve been a full-time writer for the most part since my 20s. This is just an upgrade, if you will.
And thanks for the wonderful comment, sir.
October 23, 2013 — 10:42 AM
cajetane says:
ok, techno-numpty here. I seem to have paid for the book bundle you mentioned, but the download thingy I got back makes no sense to me. When I put it into the ether I mean internet it said ‘could not be found’. Now what…? I apologise in advance as am 80% sure the problem would be me!
October 23, 2013 — 10:53 AM
terribleminds says:
Oh no! The Dropbox link should work — seems to for most people, but for a few, it’s not. Feel free to email me at terribleminds at gmail.
October 23, 2013 — 2:11 PM
Von rupert says:
Congratulations on your big change! My husband and I both work from home–I wish you and your wife great patience.
I bought your NaNo bundle last night and plan to start reading them today. I already love your site and your fiction so, unless the apple was blown majorly off course, I’m sure I’ll be recommending them to my NaNonite friends and beyond.
October 23, 2013 — 10:59 AM
Anthony Laffan says:
Sadly I can’t buy the bundle as I already own everything you’ve published with the exception of some of your RPG work for White Wolf. Most of my friends are already rading your stuff from other rants I’ve given them. Still, I’ll see what I can do. I’ve been enjoying watching your continued growth as an author and each story really does seem stronger than the one previous.
October 23, 2013 — 11:07 AM
clubfredbaja says:
One day I want to be you. Except not with a beard. Or the whole being a man thing, actually. Or living the chaos that is parenthood of a toddler (though I’m sure it’s “good” chaos). But my goal is to be the breadwinner with my words and give my Patron of the Arts (aka husband) a break from the crushing weight of financial responsibility.
That day is far in the future but when it arrives I hope folks will open their hearts and wallets. So, today I will purchase a book and spread your name around my corner of the world.
p.s. I would have bought the book anyway because Miriam Black kicks ass, but this way I also get to look helpful.
October 23, 2013 — 11:11 AM
Imelda Evans says:
Can we form a club for people who want to give the Patron of the Arts (aka husband) a break? Glad I’m not the only one in it!
October 23, 2013 — 4:45 PM
Seb Peters (@SebThePeters) says:
Under The Empyrean Sky is the only book of yours I’ve left to read (Out of those that have been released, that is), and I’m looking forward to everything else you’ve got up your sleeves and tucked in nature’s pocket.
And Empyrean is next on my to-read list, I just have to finish Brian McClellan’s Promise Of Blood.
October 23, 2013 — 11:15 AM
terribleminds says:
McClellan is my beard-brother. And taco-brother, actually!
October 23, 2013 — 2:18 PM
Orlando Sanchez says:
Chuck hope I added some stitching to the parachute, or at the very least pointed to where you missed some spots. Got the bundle,so now have lots to read. Should last me oh about 3 days, then of course I will have no recourse but to get your other books.
Keep up the great writing!
Have also plugged your site and your books on my blog because well hey we’re writers and this is what we do.
Chuck make an easy tweet I can put up as well and I will plug you shamelessly LOL!!!
Wish you and your courageous wife all the best!!
October 23, 2013 — 11:22 AM
terribleminds says:
You rule, thank you. I dare not write a pithy tweet for it will sound like me more than it sounds like you, I am afraid!
October 23, 2013 — 2:18 PM
jkflickinger says:
Makes me wish I didn’t already own four in the bundle, both BB and MB, and preordered the “soon to be release one”… just so I could buy them again for ya. Your words connect with me…in that black ooey-gooey part of my reading soul that is addicted to books and I promise(raising hand over heart) to buy my share of your word crack! And, Good luck to the wifey. Don’t forget to bring her flowers.. and chocolates… and take out chinese when necesssary.. and occassional jewelry …because, as a stay at home mom, she’d in the belly of the beast. Worship her awesomeness as we do yours!
October 23, 2013 — 11:44 AM
terribleminds says:
Oh, gosh, no need to do more — you’re already hip-deep in my wordstuff.
And the wife rules, no doubt.
October 23, 2013 — 2:15 PM
C.L. Rozelle (@CLRozelle) says:
Chuck, thanks for being just an all around *real* guy. One of the highlights of my day is reading your blog. I am now a proud owner of your writerly bundle and I’m super stoked about it. You can bet I’ll purchase more of your stuff in the future when finances allow it. You inspire me to be a better writer and you make me laugh until I pee on myself (true story), and I appreciate that (the laughing, not the peeing), and I’ll do what I can to spread the word
October 23, 2013 — 12:33 PM
terribleminds says:
I am happily responsible for your giggling incontinence. Though I will not pay for new pants or office chairs. CALL YOUR LAWYER DOGS OFF.
What I mean is, thanks!
October 23, 2013 — 2:14 PM
C.L. Rozelle (@CLRozelle) says:
“Courage is being scared to death . . . and saddling up anyway.”
– John Wayne
October 23, 2013 — 1:14 PM
Mike says:
Bon chance, mon ami.
Doing everything I can to help things on the Unruly Android side.
October 23, 2013 — 1:34 PM
terribleminds says:
October 23, 2013 — 2:13 PM
KVeldman says:
Good luck, Chuck. I hope to one day be able to take that step. I am just getting toward the end of my first full length Sci-Fi novel and have a YA/NA Fantasy one outlined for NaNoWriMo. Your “25 things” lists and flash fiction challenges have been so incredible and instrumental in helping me to get these novels written. Thank YOU for everything, and I will be purchasing that bundle above this evening!
P.S. In case any of you are on the fence about purchasing “The Blue Blazes”, here is the review I wrote when I finished it:
October 23, 2013 — 1:37 PM
terribleminds says:
Go forth and kick ass, sir. I’m glad to have had some small part in you kicking that ass, but remember: THE POWER WAS IN YOU ALL ALONG or something.
And thanks for the review!
October 23, 2013 — 2:12 PM
authordjdavis says:
Congrats and good luck. I’m going to be forced back into the workforce soon, due to the wife losing her bonus structure and overtime at her job. And since my writing is not making money, at least until my novella comes out around next August and the other novel gets picked up (fingers crossed, knocking on wood, and all that mumbo-jumbo), it’s back to work I go part time, whistling a jaunty tune to back breaking physical labor, which seems the only other thing I’m qualified for besides writing and artsy-fartsy craft stuff that isn’t paying the bills at the moment.
October 23, 2013 — 1:37 PM
terribleminds says:
I’ve pretty much unqualified myself out of most jobs at this point, I think.
Good luck to you!
October 23, 2013 — 2:13 PM
Julian Ransom says:
As it happens, I posted a short Blackbirds review on yesterday, which goes to show that either I’m PSYCHIC, or that coincidences happen. Your choice.
Having only discovered your writing a couple of months ago, I’m gradually working my way through your catalogue. Empyrean Sky next
Heartfelt good luck!
October 23, 2013 — 2:34 PM
Elen Grey | Deep in B-ville Writing Over the Garage says:
Godspeed, Wendig! I have four of those writing books already, but I’m heading over to get the other two and to look at your fiction list. Cheers.
October 23, 2013 — 3:09 PM
thelizwithzombies says:
Thanks for the blog posts and the constant free whiskey-laced wisdom.
I have just about all your stuff, but husband foolishly made the comment that 7 bucks weren’t going to break us when I told him I bought another book. So I’m off to buy more! Mwhahaha!
Hopefully, now that the wife is staying home with the toddler, you’ll have more writing time? I assume this is the plan?
Whatever the plan, I know you’ll do well so long as your TimTam habit doesn’t get out of hand…
October 23, 2013 — 3:27 PM
Susan Spann says:
Mega congratulations on the drop, Chuck – may the winds blow you safely to a soft landing, many many years from now.
Also – I’d buy books off Ye Olde Book List above, but I already owns them all, precious. Which means but one thing: WRITE FASTER, YO.
October 23, 2013 — 4:19 PM
Imelda Evans says:
Congratulations Chuck and family and may the parachute wax full and turn into a balloon, complete with steampunk wombats! I have already bought most of the books, but should things get tough and you need Red Cross parcels of Tim Tams dropped in, or books about obscure Australian birds (for inspiration), you know where to find me!
October 23, 2013 — 4:48 PM
Nicki Syler says:
I pretty much pimp your work to every person I know. You are listed on my Wattpad page as “authors who inspire me”. And I own a lot of your books dude and I keep hoping one gets picked up to be made into a movie (c’mon Double Dead. That would be such a kick ass movie. Seriously. I think Sam Rockwell should play Coburn…) In any case, I’ve been telling Lisa Cron (my writing coach) that your style is one that I try to emulate. Of course in trying to emulate you, I’ve taken on a whole new style that I feel is my own. But hey, imitation is the greatest form of flattery, right?
So in short, I’ll keep pimping, you keep writing.
October 23, 2013 — 5:15 PM
kimolgren says:
I like your style twisted and phantasmagorical, what more could one ask for? I had already bought “250 Things You Should Know About Writing” (among others including “Unclean Spirits”), but in an effort to be supportive, I have purchased the NaNoWriMo set. I was a winner last year and I’m debating participating this year, so it seems like as good an excuse as any to spend money on my favorite things…books. And of course I’ll share your stuff whenever I can.
Tell me, how do you feel about your pen monkey being bitch-ized and expressed in a different kind of inked art?
October 23, 2013 — 10:05 PM
terribleminds says:
Ahoy! I have no idea what “bitch-ized” means, but if you’re talking about doing a variant version of the penmonkey logo (designed by the mighty Amy Houser), by all means, rock on. Thanks for the support!
October 24, 2013 — 7:20 AM
Lindy Moone says:
Chuck: I came up with this tweet. Thought I’d better run it by you first:
Chuck Wendig running low on whisky for his toddler! Buy his books to keep the tyke afloat:
Not controversial enough?
October 24, 2013 — 7:44 AM
terribleminds says:
Haha, no, no, I think boozing my toddler has controversy.
October 24, 2013 — 8:01 AM
Lindy Moone says:
I’ll go with something less likely to alert Child Services.
October 24, 2013 — 8:28 AM
Lindy Moone says:
This one’s bland, but shouldn’t scare the knickers off Grandma:
6 Chuck Wendig writing books bundled, for 10 bucks. It’s a steal of a deal:
My work is done.
October 24, 2013 — 8:38 AM
deadlyeverafter says:
You the man, Chuck, and I will buy your books forever.
October 24, 2013 — 8:20 AM
terribleminds says:
October 24, 2013 — 8:32 AM
Denise McInerney says:
Best of luck to you and your family! I wish you much happiness and success. We were slammed with a medically-related near-tragedy in the very first year of our marriage, with life-long repercussions. So we’ve been super-cautious to make sure one of us carries health coverage, even to the detriment of following some of our dreams. Wimpy, I know, sigh. But I applaud your courage! Though I subscribe to a number of writing blogs, TerribleMinds is the one I always turn to first–thank you for the daily doses of humor and uncommon good sense. Already have several of your books but have ordered the bundle plus new one for Kindle to help keep me from going nuts after rotator cuff surgery next month, when I’ll be pecking away one-handed at the keyboard while doped up on pain meds. Hmm, note to self–must stock up on TimTams!
October 24, 2013 — 12:23 PM
terribleminds says:
Oh, to be clear, we won’t be without health care — ! No worries, there.
October 24, 2013 — 12:26 PM
Carl Park says:
Chuck, how’s about a buy you a beer and maybe a plate of chicken wings next time you’re up NYC way. It’s been too long.
October 24, 2013 — 12:35 PM
terribleminds says:
Man, it has been too long.
October 24, 2013 — 12:47 PM
Carl Park says:
Of course I mean “I buy” not “a buy” in case that read ambiguously – like I’d make you pick up the check or something.
October 24, 2013 — 12:36 PM