Apple-Obsessed Author Fella


Here’s a thing that’s happening at Der Wendighaus:

I will soon be the sole provider for our family.

*hold for applause and/or laughter*

My wife has been in a year-long extraction from her job — transitioning from full-time to part-time (for the last year) to, come next month, no-time. She’s doing this to spend more time with our son and to allow me more time for my writing career (and further, the costs of daycare are so high it practically eats away the value of having a job in the first place).

This is, of course, terrifying.

Don’t get me wrong — while I wouldn’t call being a writer the most, erm, stable job one would find, I think I’d made a pretty good go of it. Our finances are in good order. I do well as a writer. Not go buy a boat money, but definitely support my family money.

The scary part comes in that we are losing our health insurance.

And it’s pretty good health insurance we’re losing.

Thus I solicit you, THE HIVEMIND, on the subject of independent health care. We’re in the market — we’ve got an agent who is suggesting Aetna and United to us, and we may lean that way, but not before I explore any and all options. Do you have independent health care? Are you willing to talk about it — problems, pluses, costs, benefits and concerns? Can you confidently speak to me about just what the hell Obamacare is going to mean for us?



Any advice or information you have: I’m listening. Thanks!