You know the drill: Random number generator or d20. Roll it. Grab a setting from the list below and go forth and write yourself around 1000 words of fiction set in that location.
Due in one week, by September the 6th, noon EST.
Post at your online space.
Link back here.
The list, then, is:
- A Starbucks during the Apocalypse
- The gates of Heaven
- A slaughterhouse
- A library on an alien world
- Satan’s palace, Pandaemonium
- Inside a giant creature
- On a pirate beach
- In a penal colony built by elvish astronauts
- Route 66 during a tornado
- On a crashing plane
- Inside the virtual reality landscape of a robot’s mind
- The NYC subways
- Ancient Sumer
- A monster brothel
- A shopping mall in Arizona
- In a police department during an epic blizzard
- In the base of the Moon Nazis
- In a serial killer’s nightmare
- A distant island far from home
- Lost in New Jersey
Choose. Write. Rock it.
ScrappyD00 says:
A Starbucks during the Apocalypse it is. Game on.
August 30, 2013 — 7:30 AM
ScrappyD00 says:
I’m going to write like three of these anyway.
August 30, 2013 — 7:34 AM
Mark Gardner says:
Booyeah! I churned out some crap based on the random roll, but I want to do some others.
August 31, 2013 — 1:11 AM
jreinmiller says:
RNG says: In a police department during an epic blizzard. Perhaps a more mundane setting, but I was just writing of something cold before I clicked through, so clearly the RNG is watching. And laughing. Always did think it was so clever…
August 30, 2013 — 8:00 AM
Mozette says:
I wrote this one this afternoon after spotting it in the list!
I’d love some feedback please… you guys always keep me hanging. 😛
August 30, 2013 — 8:10 AM
Smoph says:
I got the same prompt, so I thought I would nip over and take a look and see what someone else did.
So as not to spoil it for others, I like who he was, but some of the ending was a bit overdone. So the content needed a little tweaking but your style was good.
I know how it feels to get no feedback. Hope you’ll read some others and give them your thoughts too.
September 5, 2013 — 1:44 AM
Jemima Pett says:
That was sad. The emotions in it were good, engaging. For flash fiction it actually felt long for some reason. I liked it, though.
September 6, 2013 — 7:51 AM
thesexiestwriter says:
is ancient sumer supposed to be summer or Sumeria?
August 30, 2013 — 8:11 AM
thesexiestwriter says:
I can’t resist the siren song of the flash fiction challenge, i guess….
August 30, 2013 — 2:04 PM
thesexiestwriter says:
i did another one. this one i picked instead of randomly drawing it but since i had done one the random drawing way, i thought i’d do this one my way. the above link will take you to both of them, they’re kinda smashed together.
September 3, 2013 — 5:06 PM
oldestgenxer says:
Because I had Ancient Sumer, I looked it up. Kind of like how Beijing used to be called Peking, we now call Sumeria “Sumer.”
September 5, 2013 — 10:41 PM
anninyn says:
3 – a slaughterhouse.
(though I would totally write *SOMETHING* about a starbucks in the apocalypse, or a pirate beach, or an alien library.. or most of these, to be frank)
August 30, 2013 — 8:16 AM
thesexiestwriter says:
I’ve already finished the one i wrote, so i’m with you, perhaps a starbucks in the apocalypse, or even better, the ALPACALYPSE!!!
August 30, 2013 — 4:00 PM
Christine Senter says:
I was just recently introduced to your site via KCross Writing. Love your prompts and this challenge. I will be entering, very cool.
August 30, 2013 — 10:42 AM
Ian Brown says:
I rolled a crit, so I got to write about being lost in New Jersey.
Hope you all like it! And please feel free to leave feedback and other comments. 🙂
August 30, 2013 — 10:57 AM
Tony Taylor says:
In a serial killer’s mind…how twisted is that? Let’s give it a shot!!!!
August 30, 2013 — 11:00 AM
rebeccadouglass says:
I might have to cheat. A couple of these settings just grab me. Or I could use e RNG and then write the others too. Because if I’m not writing flash fiction, I’m editing the next novel, and that’s a LOT more like work 😉
August 30, 2013 — 11:21 AM
evafortuna says:
Oh man 11. I am too excited!!
August 30, 2013 — 12:58 PM
Terrence Roth says:
In a serial killer’s nightmare . . . awesome topic!! Starts now!
August 30, 2013 — 1:18 PM
Mark Gardner says:
Rolled a seven. Looks like a pirate life for me.
August 30, 2013 — 2:04 PM
Mark Gardner says:
I wasn’t thrilled with the story. I think I may do one I actually want to do at a later time. Here is mine at 823 words:
August 30, 2013 — 4:04 PM
Mark Gardner says:
Ugh! What crap! You should be ashamed to post such drivel! I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul.
August 31, 2013 — 1:09 AM
Mark Gardner says:
Disregard the other story I posted, it sucks. Weighing in at 1337 words, I give you story number 7:
August 31, 2013 — 2:31 AM
Jemima Pett says:
But I enjoyed The Scarlet Blade lol
September 6, 2013 — 7:53 AM
Mark Gardner says:
Seven months later, “The Scarlet Blade” has grown on me. I may recycle it in the future.
April 13, 2014 — 1:13 PM
Jenny Knox (@JennyKnox13) says:
And I enjoyed the harsh review you gave yourself. I chuckled.
September 6, 2013 — 10:50 AM
Mark Gardner says:
He He. I was looking over old flash and I missed your comment back in the day. I also chuckled at the scathing review I gave myself – it still makes me smile seven months later. (forgot I wrote that review – LOL)
April 13, 2014 — 1:12 PM
EldritchGirl says:
Man, you do not want to get lost in New Jersey…
August 30, 2013 — 3:53 PM
Dream3r says:
17. In the base of the Moon Nazis
This should be interesting…
August 30, 2013 — 6:18 PM
Dream3r says:
It is complete! Please do enjoy.
August 31, 2013 — 10:02 AM
boydstun215 says:
Luck number fo’! Alien Library.
Stanislaw Lem give me strength!
Er . . . still need to finish last week’s challenge, though . . . alrighty then, back to work.
August 30, 2013 — 8:12 PM
Wanderer says:
If there’s one place you should be safe in a blizzard, it’s a police station. Think again.
August 30, 2013 — 8:53 PM
Joshua Allen says:
Very Cool. Loved the imagery and tension.
September 3, 2013 — 2:16 PM
Wanderer says:
Thank you! It was fun to write.
September 4, 2013 — 4:55 PM
David Coventry (@DWCoventry) says:
Had way too much fun with this. Will probably do some more of these later (when I should be working, but YOLO).
August 30, 2013 — 11:45 PM
David Coventry (@DWCoventry) says:
And another set in Ancient Sumer (slow week people)
September 3, 2013 — 5:55 PM
curiouskermit says:
I have a distant island, far from home. This is really stumping me!
August 30, 2013 — 11:59 PM
C.M. Simpson says:
Written but not posted – Hasken’s Choice – written in response to #8 and scheduled for 2 September. I’ll post a link then. Elves, prison… this was fun – and now I have met Hasken. Worlds to explore and a new character – thank you Mr. Wendig 🙂
August 31, 2013 — 2:57 AM
Mike N. says:
First time joining in the Flash Fiction Challenge. Rolled “Starbucks during the Apocalypse”. I just pumped this out without much editing or deep thought, feedback is very welcome. 🙂
August 31, 2013 — 4:28 AM
Charmaine Clancy says:
This is the best post on writing I’ve come across. Not because I needed a prompt, but because now I can claim my d20 die as work-related expenses!
August 31, 2013 — 6:13 AM
Jon Jefferson says:
If you work it right you could claim gaming sessions as work related entertaining.
September 2, 2013 — 11:30 AM
lissthomas says:
Here is my link. I got…In a Serial Killer’s Nightmare
August 31, 2013 — 8:01 AM
jreinmiller says:
Madness in a police station, in a blizzard, with a… lizard? Come read it to find out.
August 31, 2013 — 1:51 PM
DancingBastard says:
I got #16: Police Department during a Blizzard.
August 31, 2013 — 5:35 PM
mlaursen says:
12-NYC Subways. Bring it.
August 31, 2013 — 6:37 PM
Paul Baughman says:
I am *so* bookmarking this. I want to do about half of these. In the meantime, I rolled a 4, a library on an alien world. First, I thought, since I did this for an earlier challenge (, I would pick something else, but on second thought, perhaps I should use the same setting & characters. I’ll have to think about it.
August 31, 2013 — 9:38 PM
keirswifey says:
Hey, thought I’d give this flash fiction thing a shot instead of just hanging around reading everyone else’s stories.
14. A monster brothel.
… Thanks Chuck.
September 1, 2013 — 4:39 AM
C.M. Simpson says:
Hasken’s Choice is now up for your reading pleasure:
September 1, 2013 — 3:02 PM
Michael Deemer says:
Interesting. Got #5. Going to be a tight week with family visiting, but this should be fun 😀
September 1, 2013 — 5:40 PM
nitromidget says:
I got Monster Brothel. I digged this one. I am definitely making this a draft of something bigger.
1086 words
September 1, 2013 — 6:23 PM
Francesca Carrillo says:
I got “Inside a giant creature” and birthed:
What Really Happened Inside Fenrir
How the world spewed out the the most despicable hero.
September 2, 2013 — 5:49 AM
Jon Jefferson says:
My offering for the week, Bank Heist.
September 2, 2013 — 11:28 AM
NicoleW says:
I got “In a serial killer’s nightmare.” I wrote “Join the Club”. 904 words.
September 2, 2013 — 2:14 PM
mattdahlke says:
I rolled 14. monster brothel…
September 2, 2013 — 6:03 PM
Matt Zitron (@mattzitron) says:
I rolled 19. A distant island far from home. More in 3 days time!
September 3, 2013 — 7:46 AM
Matt Zitron (@mattzitron) says:
This came a lot easier than I thought:
September 3, 2013 — 1:22 PM
Jenny Knox says:
Slaughterhouse? Yeah, that speaks to my sick side. Here we go:
September 3, 2013 — 1:39 PM
Joshua Allen says:
My entry:
September 3, 2013 — 1:54 PM
Scott Roche (@spiritualtramp) says:
I got into writing “Apocalypse in a Starbucks” and it’s gonna be at least 3K. Here’s what I have so far.
September 4, 2013 — 10:54 AM
Myas says:
My Entry – Another Cappuccino? :
September 4, 2013 — 8:08 PM
Fatma Alici says:
Well, I feel silly. I had the story up two days ago, but forgot to put it up here. *smacks forehead* I got alien library.
Dreams of Karios
September 4, 2013 — 11:20 PM
curiouskermit says:
Here is my “Island Far From Home” story:
September 4, 2013 — 11:32 PM
Tia Kalla (@tiakall) says:
I actually picked the police station during a snowstorm because Atlanta + snow = hilarious.
September 4, 2013 — 11:34 PM