Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

Blackbirds Flying To Other Countries

Some quick news-flavored news-bits (dip them in pot de creme!):

Blackbirds has deals to be published in brand new territories!

Panini France will publish a French edition.

Muza will publish a Polish edition.

Lubbe will publish a German edition (which comes out this month).

Other Miriam Black news is percolating, too, but those are for another day!

Tomorrow I go to America’s Hot, Moist Land-Wang (Florida) to do research for Miriam Black, Book #3 (The Cormorant), and to remind you all, I’ll be in Fort Lauderdale tomorrow at 11:30AM, Stranahan House, doing a ninja author hangout and pantsless dance-off*.

* — may include no actual dance-off and also, actual pants.

Details of that ninja author hangout right here.

(Thanks to DMLA — in particular, thanks to agents Stacia Decker and Cameron McClure.)