Four years ago, we bought a mattress.
We did as everyone suggests: we went to the store, camped out on it for a little while.
The saleslady of course just hovered like a hummingbird, staring at us while we tried out the new bed. I don’t know if she thought were going to try to do the rumpy-pumpy or something, but she just stood there. Staring and frittering. Still, the test totally worked.
It was the most comfortable bed on which I’d ever draped my torpid form.
My wife and I both looked at each other and were like, “Yes. Yes. This is our new bed.”
The bed was a Sealy latex mattress. A “Tranquil Sea” mattress. Which is a silly name, because the last thing I want to do is sleep on the ocean, tranquil or no. The sea moves. It hungers. It has sharks and giant squid and Dagon’s babies hiding down in the watery dark. Sleeping on the ocean will not give me comfort, but that’s how these product names are. (We’re also shopping now for paint colors, and paint colors are named even more hilariously. “Hobo Bindle.” “Regrettable Mist.” “Bedbug Ordure.” “Griefstruck Juniper.” “Peacock Cloaca.”)
We took the mattress home.
It was wonderful.
For a while.
But it wasn’t long before we noticed a slight… give to the material. We were slowly sinking into the mattress. At first, that was kinda nice. “It fits me like a glove!” I said, laughing as I shimmied my body down into the warm embrace of our new bed.
Eventually, however, those slight depressions turned into a pair of inescapable ditches. Which then turns the middle of the bed into a giant hill, like it’s some kind of Anglo-Saxon burial mound. (I’m fairly certain that Oswald killed Kennedy not from within a building but rather from the berm rising up from the center of our shitty mattress.)
Of course, when you’re up off the mattress, the deep furrows are not so plain to see — and despite being only four years into a 10-year-warranty, we’re pretty much fucked because when the Mattress Bastards come to measure the depth of our uncomfortable rifts, they will discover that each trench is odd but not dramatically odd and so, sorry, fuck you, stick a mattress coil up your no-no-hole, please enjoy your latex slumber-condom, nerds.
Point is, now we’re back to shopping for a new mattress.
Which, as you know if you’ve ever done it, is a descent into a realm of lies and madness. Memory foam! Innerspring! Flippable! Not flippable! Latex! Sleep Number! Futon! Koalafur! Foetal leather! Soft! Medium-soft! Medium-firm! Firm! Super-firm! Mild! Medium! Habenero Spice!
One mattress at one store — “This is our Endless Whisperer Pillow-Top model” — is actually different from the same-named mattress at another store. So it’s not like you can price compare on most of these, unless you want to buy a Tempurpedic, which are apparently wonderful but also cost as much as a used car.
Plus, they ask you all those questions. “Are you a back sleeper? Side sleeper? Butt sleeper? Do you have sciatica problems? Spinal disorder? Will you be having ‘the sex’ on this bed? Doggy-style? Missionary? Cincinnati Tugboat-style? Do you sleep eight hours? Nine? Four? Do you like to be stung by bees while you sleep, or not stung by bees? Do you eat in bed? Smoke in bed? Have you ever killed a man? Can you help me dispose of this body?”
Eventually, you answer all the questions and they direct you to what is the most expensive mattress in the store, some Astronaut Bed stuffed with the lavender-scented hair of orphaned children, and you tell them, “But I don’t want to pay $6700 for a new mattress,” and they’re like, “But there’s a 700,000-year warranty,” which sounds great until you realize that the warranty basically only covers incidents where the mattress turns into an actual monster from Hell and tries to eat you. (Our mattress has only turned into a metaphorical monster.)
So they direct you to the cheapest mattress just to be a dick, and it’s basically a pallet of bricks draped in a musty tablecloth, and they’re like, “That’s called our ‘Spinal Shame’ model and it’s $300. It has a 17-minute warranty,” which again, who cares, because the warranties are dogshit.
Then there’s all the upselling — pillows and frame and boxspring and dust ruffle and bondage saddle. Then you have to work on the price to get it down because of course the all-important mattress industry is like the car industry (because surely a mattress is as complex an object as an automobile!) and you’re suddenly haggling over price because this mattress has coils 2mm smaller than that other mattress and blah blah blah.
Then maybe while you’re standing there you Google some reviews and half the reviews talk about how the mattress killed their mother and half of them say it’s the best thing since angel nipples and next thing you know, you’ve panicked and fled the store and continue to sleep on your own crapgasmic mattress until it dissolves beneath you and you buy a fucking sleeping bag because fuck it, that’s why, just fucking fuck it.
So, what I’m saying is:
Hey, what mattress do you have? Do you like it?
We’re thinking about Ikea beds because some folks recommended them. Sleep Number sounds interesting, but I’ve read so many bad reviews (“The air pump stopped working and it filled our bed up with air and we floated off to a magical sky kingdom where giants made us into sex toys”). Tempurpedic is a possibility, but now of course you have a hundred different models of varying costs and questionable difference. HELP ME, INTERNET.
Evan Geller says:
There is no hope. Forsake sleep. Forever.
January 23, 2013 — 9:47 AM
Cheryl Sonnier (@CherylSonnier) says:
We have a Simmons Beautyrest ‘Matira’. It’s a ‘firm’, but has a nice thick, soft pillowtop that gives the softness we need, while the ‘firm’ part gives lots of support. It cost about $900, I think, with box-spring.
January 23, 2013 — 9:51 AM
joannehuspek says:
Hilarious. This is EXACTLY what happened to me and my husband. We went through TWO Sealy’s and a top of the line TempurPedic (returned that one after a month, too hard) in the span of three years before we settled on a middle of the road TempurPedic which is just fine. It’s total bullshit when they claim the mattress will last ten years. TWO years, maybe. If you’re lucky.
January 23, 2013 — 9:53 AM
Dave Turner says:
We bought a memory foam mattress two years ago and love it. We bought an off-brand version (Not “Bob-o-pedic” but the same idea) and it’s been doing just fine. You learn quickly that it’s not the sort of mattress you plop down on, but that’s the key to its strength. It’s comfortably firm. Also, it’s an excellent platform from which to embark on exciting new sexual positions.
Some context: During my four years in the Army, I was entirely comfortable sleeping on a poncho under the stars with my head on a lumpy rucksack. I could sleep easily and happily on a bed of nails. My bride, on the other hand, is a very delicate sleeper. It was her back and neck problems that prompted our switch to memory foam. She’ll swear on a stack of Simarillions that it’s the best mattress she’s ever owned.
January 23, 2013 — 9:58 AM
Meagen Voss says:
Because of the economy, there almost always seems to be a mattress store going out of business or having a clearance sale these days. For my current bed, I went to a regular store, tried out a few until I found one I liked. Then I found a store that was having a going-out-of-business sale and bought the mattress I wanted, plus frame, at a much cheaper price. Downsides to this approach: You’ll be strapping that thang to the roof of your car to get it home, and you can forget about returning it.
If you’ve ever encountered a hotel bed you really liked, some chains sell their mattresses online. They ain’t cheap, but they’re flipable and built to last.
Another piece of wisdom I picked up along the way: Buy a mattress that is slightly firmer than what you want. If it turns out to be too firm, you can always add a layer of foam or a removable pillow-top to it later.
Best of luck dealing with the skeevy salespeople.
January 23, 2013 — 10:14 AM
Kathleen Mickelson (@kcmickelson) says:
Heh, now I’m really not looking forward to the next time we have to replace our mattress. Anyway, we have memory foam – off-brand, which has been pretty good – but it isn’t a mattress we can flip. I wish it was. We turn it round occasionally, but we’re getting permanent indents after having it for at least six years. I can’t quite remember which year we bought it, but it’s been a while. At least they’re little indents, not raging ditches that swallow us in the night.
January 23, 2013 — 10:18 AM
Casz Brewster says:
Your experience is the same as ours. One of the secrets of adulthood I’ve learned is that insurance plans on cell phones and warranties on mattresses are complete rubbish. Don’t fall for it. We did — however, pick the worst mattress first off and got in before the first 90-day warranty ran out and got an exchange; however, the exchange did the same thing yours did and when they “measured” we weren’t within the “yeah, our mattress sucks” variable.
My husband, the engineer, who must research everything possible before purchased. The winner? He comes home one night with our mattress in a BOX! (NovaForm) A memory foam mattress that unfolded and “plumped” up over about 36 hours before we could lay on it. But, my poor back loved it (I broke my neck and back and pelvis while in the service, so a good mattress is important). Despite my spinal degeneration — the mattress is not a contributing factor. In fact, this is the best mattress I’ve ever slept on. (if you googlefu novaform or costco mattress in a box, lots of folks had fun with the unfolding of the bed and recorded it….)
We’ve had this for two years now. We love it so much, we got a twin model for my 12-yr old’s bed when his mattress started doing the deep-middle-trench boogie.
January 23, 2013 — 10:21 AM
Levi Montgomery says:
Just get an air mattress at your local Great Big Box By The Side Of The Road Store. Actually, get two. Put one of them flat on your box spring and put the other one on top, but only blow up the top one. Then when you wake up in the middle of the night with your mattress dead flat (you will), you just blow up the one on bottom and deal with it in the morning. I’ve done this with my wife still asleep.
We go through one or two mattresses a year and still come in way under anything else on the market.
January 23, 2013 — 10:22 AM
Clay Ashby says:
We got the “Capitol Bedding” one called “Pure Essence”. It’s a gel filled memory foam bed and we LOVE it. It was about half the price of a real live TempurPedic and I honestly think it’s better.
Click my name for a PDF of it.
It’s not too hard and not too soft. Goldilocks would like it.
January 23, 2013 — 10:23 AM
Andy Decker says:
I outsouce decisions like that to the wife because she’s going to get what she wants anyway. My presence at such events is purely protocol.
January 23, 2013 — 10:23 AM
smasarachia says:
We have a top-o-the line Simmons “Beautyrest” mattress (individually wrapped coils), and while we had to sell both a kidney and our firstborn in order to afford it, it’s the most comfortable thing I’ve ever slept on. The best part is that we’ve had it for 14 years now, and it’s still great. In the not-having-to-sell-an-internal-organ price scale, we also have Ikea foam mattresses for our kids’ beds and our guest bed–these are extremely comfy for the price.
January 23, 2013 — 10:23 AM
Daisy Danger says:
There was a Sleep Number bed in a hotel we were at on the first night of a trip. It injured my guy’s back so bad we had to cancel the rest of the trip, return home immediately, and seek medical attention. So, if crippling injury is your thing, I’d highly recommend it!
January 23, 2013 — 10:27 AM
Delilah S. Dawson says:
Ikea mattress, 2-inch foam topper. DONE, SON. And, no, we have not drifted off, not into hell or heaven or the delightful undersea nursery of the BLOOP.
January 23, 2013 — 10:32 AM
jim heskett says:
4″ memory foam. Do yourself a favor. Like being wrapped in a hug.
January 23, 2013 — 10:32 AM
Jaye Wells says:
We bought a Tempurpedic two months ago. I’m still not sold. I toss and turn a lot more and wake up every third morning with a tight back. Mr. Jaye, however, loves it. They said give it three months and I will, but I think we would have been better taking the cash we spent on the damned thing, piling it into a nest and sleeping on that.
January 23, 2013 — 10:33 AM
Cam Banks says:
I read on the internets that some folks fled Tempur-Pedic and went to Simmons and invented the oh-so-not-the-same-really Comfortpedic as part of their BeautyRest line. And it’s better. Or at least this is what I am currently hoping is the case as we, too, need a new mattress.
January 23, 2013 — 10:34 AM
Tina says:
We currently have something very much like the SULTAN HANSBO from IKEA,a spring mattress with a layer of memory foam. It’s insanely thick and soft and firm and everything you could want in a mattress.
January 23, 2013 — 10:36 AM
sebastiandefeo says:
Store? What? As in “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, you have to slay your mattress, dry it out and then sleep on it.
Come on, grab the biggest knife in your kitchen, go to the swamps of Sqornshellous Zeta and kill your Beautyrest.
Sebastian Defeo
January 23, 2013 — 10:37 AM
Miguel Reyes says:
What my wife and I did was: Well, we have $2,000 for a new mattress, let’s see those which are close to that price tag and choose the one we feel more comfortable, then ask characteristics for that one and the “second place”, I don’t remember what we bought, but it’s been 4.5 years and it’s still in great condition
January 23, 2013 — 10:37 AM
ReggieLutz says:
My mattress is from the before-times.
January 23, 2013 — 10:38 AM
Cat York (@catyorkc) says:
Our Miralux is good (Lombardi from the “Imperial Collection” haha). It’s a queen we slept on for about 7+ years when we had our teeny tiny house in CA. We’ve had it in the guest room now for about 3 years and guests still ask us about it because they like it so much. Now that we have a little more space – we have a grande Tempurpedic for our room, memory foam, middle of the line model (still expensive). It’s pretty stellar – but I still sneak down to the guest room to get a comfy rest on the Miralux when hubs has the snores.
Good luck. Love a good Chuck post to start the day.
January 23, 2013 — 10:39 AM
Tami says:
We bought the stiffest mattress that fit easily into our budget (it was also made in our state, so we had warmfuzzies from that). We then bought a 3 inch memory foam mattress topper from Costco and put that on top.
Now we have the best of both worlds. Happy soft squishy top with a nice firm core. All for less than a “normal” fancy mattress.
If you lived in the Madison area, I’d recommend the place we got it. (Golde’s Futons, the owner is hilarious and will regale you with tales while he helps you shop, and we bought the best futon on the world from him too. And no, I’m not related or affiliated)
January 23, 2013 — 10:43 AM
Chia Evers (@ChiaLynn) says:
I have a Serta GrandMaster (which I had to flip over to find the tag, because I LOVE YOU, Wendig!) with an eggshell-crate style memory foam mattress topper that I think came from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. The mattress is about 12 years old, though, and unfortunately, they don’t seem to make that model anymore. It came with the bed, so I’m not sure how much it would have been new, but I say spend what you need to on something that will last—you’ll save money over the long run. I’d also say buy something maybe a little on the firm side, then do the mattress topper. You get the comfy from the memory foam, without the “oh ye gods it’s swallowing me” of aging memory foam.
January 23, 2013 — 10:45 AM
Michelle Lyons-McFarland says:
Ikea mattresses are actually stupid amounts of good for what they cost, and you don’t have to feel bad if you trade out later. We got the middle of the road pillowtop (but you can flip it) mattress from the local Original Mattress Factory, and we like it better than any of the National Brand stuff we tried. We went for a good quality innerspring because honestly, sleeping is not the only thing that happens on this mattress, and we wanted one that was good for a number of potential activities, not just being unconscious.
Oh, also, I have scoliosis, so anything I can sleep pretty well on without pain gets a ringing endorsement from me.
January 23, 2013 — 10:46 AM
fearfulgirl says:
I had a really bad mattress WHILE floating on the Pacific Ocean for two years. I win.
January 23, 2013 — 10:48 AM
aileenmiles says:
Buying our first mattress, the salesman advised against the individually wrapped coils as they don’t offer as good support in the long run. We’ve gone with inner spring mattresses both times we’ve bought one (brands are actually not that different as long as you are getting a name brand). I have no idea about memory foam. Sleep number seems hokey to me.
Get a firmness you can both agree on. I love our extra firm mattress and Ethan kind of hates it now that he’s had to sleep on it. But he told me to get whatever I wanted. A lot will depend on your usual sleep position, whether you are a side-, back- or stomach-sleeper.
Lifehacker has tips from a mattress salesman for the actual shopping, and the article linked through that site has some good tips.
January 23, 2013 — 10:50 AM
Damon says:
Fuck the Sleep Number. That thing was total bullshit. $2.5k later, and it feels like you’re sleeping on an air mattress. They do the demo in the store, and it feels SO nice, but it’s basically like you described when your regular innerspring starts to give. You’re sleeping in this Alien-pod-like half cocoon for your ass that FEELS really great. Until you try to roll your sizable (in my case at least) ass out of said depression. It’s depressing. Also, you can’t fuck on those things. There’s no bounce, no matter the ounce.
So you’re either resigned to sleeping in a snuggly little pit you can’t escape from (or roll over in if you’re a tosser / turner like me), or you pump that sucker up full steam and sleep on a slightly fluffier version of a damn camping mattress. Which may SOUND like you’re sleeping in the Marriott of pup tents, but believe me, it’s not that glamorous.
From what I’ve seen of you, Chuck, you’re not even a big guy. If your mattress is giving out in 4 years, there’s no damn hope for me (though I must say I’m not a big ol’ fatty so much anymore). I’ve basically resigned myself to buying a new, middle-of-the-road mattress every 3-5 years, and that’s just that.
I do like the 4″ memory foam ON TOP of the innerspring, but I hate the all-foam mattresses. Sure, you and Hedonism Bot can bounce a bowling bowl and not spill your fucking wine, which is a REAL problem of mine, but that also means there’s no bounce. You can’t fuck on that.
January 23, 2013 — 10:51 AM
Jen Bustos says:
I have the same problem. Spent a hundred bucks on a memory foam three inch mattress topper from Costco. Also put a good mattress pad over top of it all to hold it in place. Flip them all about three times a year. (Top to bottom, up to down) I’m very happy with my cheap ass solution.
January 23, 2013 — 10:57 AM
niicki says:
My husband hates our bottom-of-the-line pillow-top mattress (Sealy, I think), whilst I loooove it. But then all I need for a good night’s sleep is a pillow. He prefers my daughter’s $200 twin P.O.S., and will have the best night’s sleep there. (Or on the floor in the living room. Or on his knees in the living room whilst his torso relaxes on our broken sofa. It’s strange.)
My parents have a Sleep Number, and the air pump broke, so they got a new one. Other than that, it gives me the worst back pain ever. I don’t have a sleep number.
The futon options are worse. Don’t buy a futon. They’re not even comfortable to sit on.
Good luck! I’m never buying a new mattress. When mine becomes so horrible that my husband refuses to sleep with me, I’m buying a new husband.
January 23, 2013 — 10:58 AM
Kate Haggard says:
I did this just this weekend. The desperation coming off the sales dude could be plucked out of the air and spread on toast. Which would have been fun if he didn’t try to keep talking down to me and cajole me with flattery. Until I gave him ” the look” and he disintegrated into a goo pile.
Anyway, picked up a Simmons BeautyRest whatever Luxury model from seasons gone by (yay clearance) and topped it off with my giant 5in memory foam topper (yay useful weeding gifts). Just as awesome as any Tempurpedic I’ve ever slept on with minimal motion transference. It’s just about the perfect bed for us.
I think the key is going in and having a pretty solid idea already of what you’ll need and not being afraid of hurting sales dude’s feelings. Otherwise it becomes all day hell.
January 23, 2013 — 10:59 AM
Ruth Dupre says:
Our mattress is god-forsakenly ancient, like thirty three years old? Something like that. We have to flip it every two years (we spin it on the off years) , yeah, but it feels great and we have no back problems at all. OTOH, we bought an IKEA Sultan for another bed and it’s wonderful…
On the upselling: buy the bondage saddle and forget the rest.
January 23, 2013 — 11:04 AM
Melinda VanLone says:
Oh I’m laughing! Literally laughing out loud here. My husband and I just went through this and it was EXACTLY the same experience. We’re now stuck with a $2k mattress because at the time, in the store, it felt great but when we got it home we realized it only felt great because all the others felt so shitty. I called the store within 5 days…this does NOT feel like the mattress we bought. Short answer? You bought it sucker. We don’t care.
So I’m dying to hear what you end up with and if you like it because our own search continues. We ended up adding a feather top to the brick from hell that is our mattress, which helped a tiny bit.
January 23, 2013 — 11:06 AM
Bryon Quertermous says:
Sometimes thinking less does the trick. Six years ago my wife and I went out mattress shopping and chose the mattress we did because it came with a free pair of airline tickets. It’s the best mattress I’ve ever slept on, though we never did use those free airline vouchers…
January 23, 2013 — 11:07 AM
Melissa Alexander says:
Sleep Number works ONLY if the weight on it is consistent. Kid climbing in and out of bed with you? WOn’t work. Dog sleeping on the bed sometimes and not others? Won’t work. (Okay, granted we have three dogs and the smallest is 90lbs. Still.)
I have Temperpedic… and HATE it. Yes, really. I’m probably the only person in America who does, but I do.
I miss a plain old pillow top. I’d rather pay less and buy more frequently.
January 23, 2013 — 11:13 AM
louisesor says:
We had the same experience a few years ago. Our mattress was guaranteed for everything, so when we decided we couldn’t stand it after a week, the mattress people took it back and brought us another. The new one was a very firm foam mattress which felt perfect in the store, but started to cause bed sores the second week. It was like sleeping on a plank. So we went out and bought a 5″ memory foam topper for it and lived happily ever after.
Good luck in your quest. #LordoftheMattress
January 23, 2013 — 11:23 AM
Kestrel says:
My son and his wife love their Sleep-Number bed; I’ve never used it. (I think my sister & her husband have one too, and have never complained about it.) My wife and I bought a new bed a couple years ago. Wish I could even remember the brand, but it has memory foam, and is motorized to be adjustable. It’s pretty comfortable, but I still have a bit of a trench on my side (which probably wouldn’t be there if the extra 40 lbs or so I’m carrying around were gone).
January 23, 2013 — 11:24 AM
Anna Lewis says:
We got ours an embarrassingly long time ago (just the other day we were trying to remember how old it was) but it’s still pretty good. It’s a Sealy pillowtop innerspring (dunno if it’s got wrapped coils or not, and pardon me for not slitting it open to find out) we got from a local discount mattress place for $600 but were told that it normally retailed for 4x that much. We didn’t shop much so I don’t know how much smoke the guy was blowing at us. It felt good, it was cheap enough, they traded our old mattress for the new one, and at least 14 years later, it’s still good
January 23, 2013 — 11:33 AM
samldanach says:
We have gone through a series of terrible mattresses. However, we still have not found the one to rule them all.
If you like your bed firm, a quality bedspring will do you more good than a quality mattress.
We had a poor experience with SleepNumber. We are both overweight, and the sidewalls kept collapsing. My wife also could not get it to stay firm enough (she likes it super firm).
We avoid TempurPedic because that stuff doesn’t breathe. You get super hot in the summer.
January 23, 2013 — 11:48 AM
cmw says:
Go retro — waterbed.
January 23, 2013 — 11:51 AM
Daniel says:
I bought a Tempur-Pedic about five years ago and haven’t regretted it once. Yes, it was fucking expensive ($3K), but worth every penny. You’ll sleep like a king. Or a queen, depending on the size.
January 23, 2013 — 11:52 AM
Sparky says:
In the name of full disclosure: I actually sleep on an Ikea futon rather than a full bed (yay tiny apartments). That being said I seem to recall that the mattress is the medium firm one they had in the showroom. It serves it’s purpose well enough and hasn’t deformed at all over the last few years. I don’t recall cost I’m afraid. As for salesfolk: this is why Ikea is nice. You can dodge them if they even show up. And mattress testing and decisions? You could always do what I did and bodily fling yourself at test models until you find one that has the proper balance of “did I just land on a boulder?” and “I seem to have sunk deeper than physics should allow”.
January 23, 2013 — 11:58 AM
deborahblake1 says:
Man, you have my sympathy. I’ve been sleeping on a waterbed since the 80’s (shut up, I know I am an old hippie throwback). A couple of years ago, when my back issues got worse, I thought, “Gee, maybe a different bed would help.” So I did what you did, and tried every mattress in every fucking store in town (it’s a small town, so there were probably only two or three stores), spent insane amounts of money on the pillowtop (Sealy, maybe) that felt great in the store and had them deliver it. Three days later, I had the worst backache ever–not enough support, I think–and when I wanted to return it, I was told there was a NYS law against returning used mattresses. [Despite the fact that out-of-town mattress stores guaranteed you’d like theirs, or you could bring them back.] After much weeping, whining, and threatening to turn the manager into a toad, they finally allowed me to return it…minus a 20% restocking fee. Which meant that I paid hundreds NOT to sleep on the damned bed.
Fast forward to this summer, and the back was still being an issue, and I thought, “Gee, maybe a different bed would help. I’ve got to be able to find a better one this time.” [Yes, I’m an idiot. Shut up.] And I very cleverly decided to go with a mattress I’d slept on in a hotel in Salem the year before, and loved. Best sleep ever. So I spent a gazillion dollars special ordering this special magical mattress from the Gardner Mattress Company in Salem (made by witches, especially for you!) and paid the $400 to have it shipped to my home in upstate NY. Turned out, lots of people must have slept on that hotel bed before me, because this one was as hard as a rock, and not nearly as friendly. They sent me special mattress covers with cushy foam. I bought more expensive mattress tops to put on top of that. And I even jumped up and down on top of the damn thing every day for three months to loosen it up, as some mattress expert advised. Then I gave up, and sold it to a friend for half of what I’d paid for it, and went back to sleeping on the waterbed.
In short–I got nothin’ and you’re probably screwed. So sorry, good luck, and all that.
January 23, 2013 — 11:59 AM
PA Lassiter says:
With ya, man. We are on our 3rd mattress in 4 years after moving to a new town. First one came mail-order rolled up in an Army-style duffle shape. Cut the plastic wrap and Voila! Insta-self-expanding king size mattress. Lasted about a year before my butt hit the bedframe when I sat on it. Bought another from Joe’s al fresco “outlet” along the highway. Couldn’t beat the price…especially with a broken back. And I’m pretty sure that “one of the most popular guesthouses in town” which supposedly acquired half a dozen of them has had lots of nonrepeat visitors.
Final solution: Buy the hardest damn mattress you can find and put a layer of soft on top. We put our Black Friday dough down on a Serta Bookwalter with titanium frame and inflexible springs. The online mattress-selling giant likens it to sleeping on a carpeted floor. We put a 4-inch foam topper on it and now it’s too soft for my spine. The beauty of it, though, is that toppers are way cheaper than mattresses. Two inches of “egg-carton” foam is plenty of soft.
The other best solution I happened into years ago was a hard-as-hardwood futon, also with a layer of foam on top. I’m not talking that Latex foam, either. That shit is toxic and creepily squishy and will suffocate you in your sleep. I’m talking about good old-fashioned upholstery foam, egg-carton or plain, the firmer the better.
Good. Now we’re even for your share-saving my proverbial ass the day I had to jump off the editing cliff of my first-draft first novel. Peace out.
January 23, 2013 — 12:00 PM
marlanesque says:
Late to the game, I know.
But… whatever you end up getting, buy the stain guard cover to protect the shit out of that mattress, literally. We have cats and that thing has saved our new mattress a dozen times from the occasional pee wars that inevitably occur when owning cats.
I imagine dogs and babies introduce a similar threat to the bed.
Get the stain guard cover. You owe it to yourself.
January 23, 2013 — 12:02 PM
Annie says:
We had a Tempurpedic for a good ten years. My husband loved it, but it was too firm for me. I had a lot of back pain, especially toward the end. What people don’t realize is that if you buy an all foam mattress or a Tempurpedic, the memory foam compresses with time. So while it may FEEL like a “hug” at first, that hug will eventually turn into an iron-armed stronghold that wakes you up at night. I suffered from numb arms and legs, painful shoulders… the works. We shopped around for a while and decided to try the Sleep Number bed. We’ve had it for about eight months and we both like it. This one also takes some getting used to, but there’s no risk of it becoming uncomfortable due to compression since it’s filled with air. But the Sleep Number’s can get hella expensive. We bought the cheapest model, bought a 2″ foam topper at Costco that we can replace later, and ended up with a custom-made Sleep Number mattress that would have costed us close to three grand.
And as far as the air pump breaking? So what? Those are replaceable. It’s a hell of a lot easier to get a new pump than to replace an entire mattress.
Good luck!
January 23, 2013 — 12:33 PM
Caroline Hyperverbal says:
Probably won’t help, but the best experience I ever had was going to the Original Mattress Factory. There are no sales, ever. The mattress/box springs are reasonably priced. The salespeople leave you the hell alone. It’s the perfect buying experience. (And I *loved* that mattress. I loved it gooooooooooood.)
Here’s why it probably won’t help you: the only ones in PA that I found on their website are in Pittsburgh.
Sorry. But, if you want a good mattress + sales experience and don’t mind driving, that’s my recommendation.
(Never worked there, have no stock in it, this is not a paid advertisement.)
January 23, 2013 — 12:33 PM
Natalie says:
Empathetic ugh. We’re going through this process as well. I tell thee, these lands, they be forsaken.
Currently we have a Tempurpedic, which (thankfully) we didn’t pay more than a few hundred for (thanks to an oops by my father after he bought a new bed frame that was the wrong size for his new mattress). Alas, this fabled holy mattress divine comfort (+10) after 3-4 years has developed discomfort trenches with a moderate dead animal bump in the in-between. My husband still finds it okay, but increasingly I’ve been awaking with my extremities in various stages of obdormition – which was the whole point in us getting a new bed the first time around.
I wish you luck and wish I could be of more help, but I’m beginning to fear it’s a fools quest.
January 23, 2013 — 12:59 PM
lynneconnolly says:
The trick is, to have more than a mattress. I slept on a Westin Heavenly Bed and it was so comfortable, i stripped it to find out its secrets. It is a Simmons Beautyrest, but they have extras!
So get a good pocket spring mattress. Then buy a sheet of memory foam, at least 2 inches thick and then a good mattress topper, at least 4 inches (your body smooshes it down a bit). The mattress gives you the support, the memory foam and the topper (you can have microfiber or down – because of allergies, I went for the microfiber). Then you put the best sheets you can afford on top, and the pillows of your choice. it’s nice to have a firmish bolster and something soft and gorgeous on the top.
I had backache every morning and I wasn’t sleeping well, but this combination did the trick. Apart from the memory foam, which made me too hot. We have an old-fashioned wooden bedstead, so it all goes on that.
January 23, 2013 — 1:00 PM
lynneconnolly says:
Oh, and our mattress is an Ikea one. it’s the best lasting one we’ve ever had. Keeps its shape and is comfy. But you have to go through the Maze That Is Ikea to get one.
January 23, 2013 — 1:02 PM
Leanne Moffat says:
We have an 8 year old Simmons Beautyrest (the bowling ball ad?) mattress. Damn thing has withstood me gaining 4,000 pounds while I was preggers and the nice part is that while my husband is the most restless sleeper EVER (he doesn’t ‘roll over’, he flips his body into the air while prone, does a tight 360 and lands in the same spot. It’s pretty impressive.) he never disturbs me. Unless he “accidentally” elbows me in the face at which point, oh yeah, the fight is on. No weird lumps, although it is stained, because I tried that move were you put the glass of red wine on the bed and jump up and down and it’s not supposed to spill? Quick tip: DON’T do that when you have drank three quarters of the bottle and your spouse is already in the bed asleep. It doesn’t work out well.
January 23, 2013 — 1:20 PM