I have a Tumblr page.
Have had it for a while. Don’t use it very often.
It’s here — terribleminds.tumblr.com.
I don’t really intend to use it any more frequently, really, but, I do want to make use of Tumblr’s “ask” function to solicit questions from you people on the subject of writing, storytelling, publishing, whatever.
I will answer said questions publicly. On this blog.
I may do this once a week, once a month — no idea. Whenever the mood strikes and I get a good question.
To ask a question, go here–> terribleminds.tumblr.com/ask
You can ask anonymously if you choose.
(You can post in the comments below, if you’d prefer.)
If I pick your question (and I know who you are), I’ll happily toss you a free e-book from my stable of self-published work. For all I know, nobody will ask a thing — so, we’ll see how this experiment plays out.
Metalena says:
Do you think the age of a protagonist has to be the same as the target audience’s?
June 27, 2012 — 6:42 AM
Chris says:
Hrm. Not sure my comment took.
Editing anthologies – how do you decide on what order to put them in? Random roll? Spreading them on the floor for Bdub to pick?
Do you start with a title or does that come later?
June 27, 2012 — 7:13 AM
Tim Whitcher says:
Asking here and there.
How do I get rich?
Now, the actual question: In a novel, is a likeable protagonist an absolute?
June 27, 2012 — 8:36 AM
Gru'ud says:
I’m asking this one here because it doesn’t really fit what you’re asking us to ask there ….
In reading through 500 More Ways, I came across a couple of links to really stellar posts on editting and structure.
I’d love to look through your post archive for more great stuff, but can’t see any way to get there from here.
The title bar above is black on black, so maybe there’s a link in there, but if so I can’t see it.
June 27, 2012 — 8:59 AM
Rick A. Carroll says:
I signed up for Tumblr. Damn you, The Wendig. God damn you all to hell! *Pound surf.*
June 27, 2012 — 9:39 AM
Barry Napier says:
You’re known as the vulgar/snarky List Guy in many circles. Do you consider this your “brand”?
The question being: How do you properly develop and then stick to your brand/image and use it effectively?
June 27, 2012 — 10:01 AM
Alex Washoe says:
Have you done a list on point-of-view?
June 27, 2012 — 10:01 AM
pierre poulin says:
Hi chuck!
In my story I need one of my character to tell a story to other characters. I find it very difficult to tell a story in a story. In term of how to correctly phrase it.
Any pointers?
June 27, 2012 — 10:09 AM
Chihuahua Zero says:
I’ll following your Tumblr! I need some more writing-related ones on my dashboard anyways.
June 27, 2012 — 10:27 AM
gary pettigrew says:
Could you be any more awesome?
Seriously, when rewriting it seems to be the rule to hack out a bunch of stuff but it looks like I need to add more than I am taking away to make the story flow better , is this unusual?
June 27, 2012 — 10:56 AM
Bronson O'Quinn says:
What’s the most you’ve had to change a story because of a basic rookie mistake?
(Examples include having a “reactive” character versus an “active” one, not introducing the conflict early enough, making a prologue, etc.)
June 27, 2012 — 5:41 PM
Gru'ud says:
Question asked, out to the character limit ^-^
June 28, 2012 — 7:32 AM
Dian says:
May I print the above illustration and hang it on my wall?
June 28, 2012 — 11:03 AM
LG Vazquez says:
Any chance at teaching a writing workshop?
June 28, 2012 — 1:30 PM
Wulfie says:
When writing a first novel intended for a series, how do you prevent the reader’s head from exploding from too much hinting or foreshadowing of future events in the novels to come? How much is too much or too little?
July 3, 2012 — 5:31 PM