Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

Where’s Wendig?

July 27th! You! Me! The mighty Jess McHugh! We can be hunted and tracked to our location at VORTEX BOOKS AND COMICS in Columbia, PA. Brian and Mary are kind enough to let me come by and yammer about horror and apples and what-not, and I get to accompany the wonderful Jess, so this should be a gosh darn hoot.

Aug 3rd! My goodly local, Doylestown Bookshop, has put together a super slick day of horror called DARK INK, featuring a number of astonishingly cool scary writer types like Sarah Langan, Paul Tremblay, Clay Chapman, Rachel Harrison, Nat Cassidy, Adam Cesare, Todd Keisling, Brian McAuley, and more — er, more including me! I’ll be hanging out and doing a story doctor session with Clay and a panel with Clay and Paul and this should be awesome. Check out the whole schedule here.

Sept 14th, Milford Readers & Writers Festival in Milford, PA! No schedule yet but I’ll be there! Doing something! Tap-dancing? Erratically gesturing? Eating pie? Who can say? Books might be involved.

Sept 26-29, I’ll be at the Colorado Gold Writers Conference, giving a little story doctor session and a keynote. It’ll be a hoot. Hope to see you there.

Oct 1st, I’ll be with Delilah S. Dawson to help launch Kevin Hearne’s newest, Candle & Crow, and we’ll be at Anderson’s Bookshop in Naperville, IL. Event starts at 7pm, see you there.

Oct 2nd: Kevin, Delilah and myself will be at Boswell Books in Milwaukee, starting at 6pm.

Oct 3rd: The three of us again at Mystery To Me Books in Madison, Wisconsin, starting at 6pm.

Oct 4th: Our final trio appearance, this time at Minneapolis at the Barnes & Noble, technically in Roseville, MN! 6pm.

Then, I thiiiiink I’m at the Harrisburg Book Festival Oct 9 – 12th. Not sure of specific dates/times yet. More when I know it!

And I’ll also be likely doing an event or two in and around Monster Movie! release — more when I know about that, too.


  1. Jennifer says:

    No Denver, Co?

  2. Kristopher says:

    Did your February 15th signing get cancelled due to the snow? Is it being re-scheduled?

  3. Psst! you need to update your appearances page, slackerman.

  4. Barry says:

    Any chance you’ll be at New York Comic Con this year? Aftermath was an extremely fun novel for me and I’d love get my copy signed!

  5. Cara L Charron says:

    What does dimples in both shoulders that almost look like bullet wounds that are so deep called? Could there have once been hooks on those two evenly placed spots on both shoulders?are they hook marks?

  6. Curt says:

    Omg I came by a copy of damn fine story and this is literally what I tell people all the time!! Are we long lost brothers?

  7. Hi, Chuck, will your writing books be available on Amazon any time soon?

  8. Robert D Best says:

    I really think that “Double Dead” needs to be a major motion picture. I have some connections to the industry. Contact me.