Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

Zeroes At Kirkus, Blurb By Ramez Naam, And Bookstore Visits


Some more quickie bits and bytes about my upcoming thriller, ZER∅ES:

• Hey, Kirkus reviewed it! You can read the whole review here (features a lot of plot and character details), or just behold the majesty of this quote:

“This is an ambitious, bleeding-edge piece of speculative fiction that combines hacker lore, wet-wired horror, and contemporary paranoia in a propulsive adventure that’s bound to keep readers on their toes. An action-packed yet cerebral thriller that lives in that murky nexus between today and the future.”

Woo! I’m going to sit around and bask in that one for a while, thanks.

• One of my online heroes, author and futurist bad-ass Ramez Naam, has blurbed the book thusly:

“A sci-fi surveillance thriller with a twisted heart of creepy horror. It grabs you by the throat on page one, and never lets go.”

Mez is brilliant at bringing the truth hammer down online when it comes to bad science and cuckoo ideas. I’ve seen him speak, and he’s really got a keen eye cast forward toward what the future might hold. And no better example exists than his own high-tech near-future trilogy, starting with Nexus. Also: follow him @ramez. Or I’ll punch you.

• A reminder that I’ll be pre-launching ZEROES at my hometown bookstore, Doylestown Bookshop, on 8/17 at 6:30PM. Details here at the bookstore’s website.

• And the launch itself will happen on 8/18 at Joseph Beth Bookstore in Lexington, KY…

• With a followup to one of my favorites, WORD in Brooklyn where you also get Daniel Jose Older…

• And an eventual stop at Murder by the Book in Houston!

• More to come (and stops at Gen-Con, SDCC, Dragon-Con, and Decatur Book-Fest).

• Okay, so unrelated to the book but hey don’t forget — you’ve got just over a week to get in on the REVENGE OF THE AWKWARD AUTHOR PHOTO contest.


You can preorder ZEROES now from one of the bookstores noted above —

Doylestown Bookshop | Murder By The Book | WORD | Joseph Beth

Or from other online venues:

Indiebound | Amazon | B&N | Books-A-Million | iBooks | Powells

And you can add it on:



*uploads self to Internet*