Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

Critique Session: Characters

Time for another Monday critique session. Are they helpful? I hope they are.

Here’s how this works:

Today? We’re gonna hash out characters. Do you have a character in your WIP (work in progress) that’s just not working? Or a character that you love but others are having problems connecting to? Whatever the reason, here’s a good place to dissect some characters.

Way this works is: in the comment section, give us ~100 words (keep it tidy) about a character you want critiqued. Tell us about that character — wants, fears, the intended arc for that character, etc. — and then some folks can critique that character or ask some questions.

Then the dissection can begin.

But, of course, the rule always applies:

If you put your character out there to be dissected —

You must also dissect someone else’s character.

Quid pro quo and all that.

Be constructive instead of destructive.

Don’t be jerks.

Be awesome instead.

Get to critiquing.