Here’s the deal. I want to talk a little about book piracy. I’ve been blabbering about the realities of publishing recently, and this is one of them. It seems easy to assume the post should be as short as, “HEY FUCK THOSE GUYS,” and to a degree, yeah, absolutely. But it’s a sticky wicket, this wocket, and so it deserves a way-too-long-post from yours truly.
(The tl;dr –? I don’t like book piracy but recognize it’s a very complex issue for a lot of reasons.)
Grab and oar and let’s sail the foam-tossed seas, buccaneers.
1. It Stings A Little
We’re all egomaniacs with improbably frail egos, and we all have our little Google Alerts for our names (mine’s easy because who the fuck else is named Wendig?). We see when our books pop up on file-sharing sites or when some forumite somewhere is asking for a free copy of one of our e-books. We see it. And it stings. And it doesn’t sting because we think about lost revenue, exactly — it stings because silly as it may seem it hurts our feelings that you don’t feel our work is worth the same amount of money as an inhaled cloud of dog flatulence. It erodes us, like the ocean eating the shore. We pretend that it’s professional. But sometimes, it feels personal.
2. A Big Mushy Poopy Pile Of Gray
It’s that stung feeling that leads us to get angry about piracy and turn it into a very black and white issue where we talk about pirates as if they are the same scum who pillage villages or punch orphans or whatever. We think of them as dehumanized robbers, evil robot invaders with all the value of a bloated tick clinging to that spot between our shoulder blades we just… can’t… reach. But we have to take a moment to recognize that piracy — like with so many of our modern challenges — is actually a very gray, very smooshy, very non-concrete issue.
3. You’ve Probably “Pirated” Something At Some Point
Ever copy a CD for someone? Or, if you’re a cranky old man like me, have you ever made a mix tape for someone? (The art of the mix-tape is a lost one.) Ever lend a book to someone? Buy or sell a used book? Copy a VHS tape? Give someone your DVD copy of Emmanuelle VIII: Porny French Chick Soft-Core Boning A Bunch Of Moon Colony Astronauts? But here you stammer, “Tha– bluhhh — fnuhhh — that’s different.” And it is in terms of magnitude, but take away magnitude and you still have theoretically lost revenue. (It’s why companies resisted allowing devices that copied content.) It can’t be wrong when someone downloads your book but okay when you copy a cassette tape — that’s like saying, “It’s okay for me to steal five bucks from that guy but not okay for you to steal five bucks from those 1,000 guys.”
4. Except It’s Kinda Not Theft, Exactly
It’s easy to call this stealing, but it’s not. Stealing is the act of taking something that does not belong to you — and here, “taking” implies that the other person does not get to keep it. This isn’t stealing. This is getting water on Gremlins. This is doppelgangering. This is motherfucking multiplication. That’s not to say it’s right or fair or legal, but you cloud the issue every time you call it “stealing.” Yes, it feels like stealing. But this is copying. Illegal duplication.
5. Arrr, Shiver Me Kindle
The “thing” that gets pirated is, from the author-publisher’s perspective, our story. Our, as the phrasing goes, intellectual property. The “thing” that gets pirated from the perspective of pirates is a file. They’re not stealing a book off a shelf. They’re copying an e-book file in the same way you’d copy and transfer a Word doc, a Quicktime movie, an Excel spreadsheet, a filthy animated GIF of Bea Arthur simulating hand-sex. This is important (not Bea Arthur hand-jobs, but rather, the pirate POV) in that it explains how easy it is to do — and how easy it is to justify.
6. It’s The Internet’s Fault
The thing we love about the Internet is also the thing that makes piracy craaaaazy easy. The Internet distributes information very quickly and efficiently. And it does so by connecting people quickly and, drum roll please, efficiently. The Internet has increased demand for non-corporeal information delivery, meaning: MP3s and YouTube movies and, of course, e-books. It’s ghosts and vapor. Couple this with the fact that we’re used to a culture of wide open access to a bunch of free shit, (again, YouTube or Pandora or Hulu) and you start to see that piracy is as much about cultural attitude and rapidly-evolving technology as it is about “crime.” The Internet connects people. It offers technology to move lots of data really quick. It provides moist, open access 25/8. It’s no wonder that illegal fire-sharing is the result: that’s like running a marathon and not showering and wondering how a cluster of jock-itch spore-pods decided to grow from beneath your sweat-frothed undercarriage.
7. Broken-Ass Data
We don’t have a lot of great data on book piracy. Some will tell you there is — there ain’t. We have almost no idea what impact it has in a practical sense. We need better — or any — data.
8. Theoretically Lost Revenue Rather Than Actually Lost Revenue
Every stolen e-book is lost revenue in a theoretical sense. If the book costs five Amazon ducats, and the author would’ve made twenty solar chits from that pile of ducats, then when a pirate copies that book without buying it, that equals a small pile of theoretical ducats-and-chits that do not go to the publisher or the author. But from a practical sense, that’s not accurate. It’s not actually lost revenue — I didn’t steal a Blu-Ray player off a truck so that the device can no longer be sold. If you’re thirsty and I pour you a glass of water from my tap (or if I don’t like you I scoop it out of my toilet bowl ENJOY THE TASTE OF A THOUSAND FLUSHES JERKPANTS), then Dasani or Aquafina may say, “That’s lost revenue because that person with the free fucking water isn’t buying our water, that asshole.” You can see where that logic falls apart.
9. DRM Probably Creates More Piracy Than It Deters
Digital Rights Management is when the company that owns or distributes the content places a metaphorical chastity belt on the content itself to ensure it doesn’t go sleeping around with other distributors or wayward devices. It’s also notoriously weak and often annoying. Implementation of DRM is frustrating and frustration will lead to piracy rather than away from piracy. It’s like the old Leia-telling-Tarkin, “The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.”
10. Piracy Helps Some Authors
The “piracy hurts authors” meme is obvious — theoretical or no, it surely represents some lost sales, and further, sometimes the versions of our work that get passed around are incomplete or are early drafts, which only makes us look like amateur hour a-holes. But, you also have to recognize that piracy has helped some authors (Adam Mansbach tells a story about how Go The Fuck To Sleep‘s pages leaked all over the Internet before release, and at first he was pissed off about it — until he realized pre-orders had skyrocketed as a result.) The problem here is, this is not an outcome you can foresee and control: an author can “control” piracy in much the same way you “control” a housecat or a housefire. Or worse, an arsonist housecat who started a housefire to get back at you for that shitty store-brand food you’ve been giving it. Jerk.
11. Pirates Have Their Reasons (Even If Many Of Them Are Crappy)
Pirates don’t appear to illegally share files because they relish being shitheads. They have, like any antagonist in any story, reasons for what they do.
12. Sometimes It’s About Lack Of Access
A reader may be driven to book piracy because that reader lacks access to the book in some way. A reader in a territory where the book has not been released may have no other way to get the book (and this is sometimes why you’ll often find your book on some torrent site in, like, Flarzblargistan). Further, publishers and libraries have not yet become besties-forever on the subject of e-books: so, many digital books (and even print books) are not available through a library service. A book may not even be an e-book yet (cough cough the final Wheel of Time book). Or it may not be platform-agnostic and lives only on, say, the Amazon Kindle, or the B&N Nook, or the Toyota Yaris (that’s an e-reader, right? I’m pretty sure it’s an e-reader).
13. Sometimes It’s About The Cost
The excuse is sometimes that e-books are just too expensive. The hardback is $15, the e-book is mysteriously three dollars more. And there exist plenty of justifications for why that price is as high as it is, just as there are plenty of justifications for why someone thinks that price is too high no matter the excuse. A customer has very little interest in why a price is too high — they only believe, sometimes rationally, sometimes not, that it is. And it’s here that a customer can be turned to the Dark Side of the Capitalist Force and choose instead to seek the book for free. A spurned customer will become an eager pirate if it’s easy enough.
14. Sometimes People Are Just Dicks
A lot of the reasons for book piracy amount to: “Because I want it.” It’s not driven by evil, but rather, selfishness. Selfishness is rarely seen as that; it’s often bound up in excuses that make a person feel okay for what they’re doing, but at the end of the day, it boils down to acting upon one’s wants without considering the needs of others. (And here let me wax political: the myth of America is that we’re a troop of hard-working capitalists who pulled ourselves up by our boot-straps, and you can see this in all the talk of our personal liberty, our individual rights, but the reality is, that individualism can sour and become the reason we refuse to ever play advocate for others — couple that with our crass consumerist tendencies and you start to see why I want it so I’m going to take it becomes such an easy decision to make. Further, the door swings both ways, and explains why a publisher will implement high prices and DRM regardless of the market wisdom that suggests it’s a craptastic idea that hurts instead of helps readers.)
15. Downloader As Potential Fan
Consider the possibility that the person who has downloaded your work is not your enemy but rather, your fan. Maybe an old fan, maybe a new one. You may say, “I don’t want that fan, that fan is a thieving fuckswab,” and you are within good reason to say so. (This is definitely the reaction you feel when someone walks up to you and tells you they love your new book and you rock and high-five and oh by the way I downloaded that book for free. Your immediate response feels like it should be, “Oh, cool, well, I downloaded my semen onto your toothbrush for free, you little shit-ferret.”) Just the same, consider the possibility that this person could be an evangelist for your work. Consider that they could be an engine of that most potent of marketing creatures: the slippery eel known as word-of-mouth.
16. Your Pirated Books Might Not Be Your Pirated Books
You will sometimes find your book smeared across the Internet in the gooey handprints of a chocolate-spackled toddler, but be advised, that might not be chocolate. You’ll see a site and it’s like, “OH MY GOD I SEARCHED FOR MY NAME AND THEY HAVE 80 BILLION ITERATIONS OF MY BOOKS AND NOW MY BUTTHOLE HAS TIGHTENED UP WITH SO MUCH ANGER MY BODY IS BEGINNING TO IMPLODE.” But do realize that programmatically some of these sites are there to deliver viruses and spyware: the actual download of your book may just be some shifty, shitty .exe file that is meant to harm the user and doesn’t have a single word you wrote inside its code.
17. The Danger Of Letting Legislation Be The Answer
It’s easy to say that we want the political process to protect us creative-types from this sort of intellectual intrusion, but remember: politicians frequently co-opt causes and use them as Trojan Horses to shepherd other more problematic legislation into existence. You may just want to firm up intellectual property rights, but they want to punish some kid who lip-synced to a Justin Bieber song on fucking YouTube. They want to make it okay to spy on your Internet traffic. They want to lock up the Internet in an AOL-flavored box and hand the key over to a bunch of untrustworthy companies (“THE INTERWEBS: SPONSORED BY THE BLACKWATER-MONSANTO CONGLOMERATE. PLEASE INSERT DNA STICK SO THAT WE MAY SEND AGENTS TO YOUR HOME TO ELIMINATE YOUR WEAKNESS I MEAN WHAT NOTHING.”). They want control and need an excuse to take it. Do not give them that excuse.
18. Our Primary Source Of Revenue Is Our Books And, Oh, By The Way, We’re Fond Of Not Starving And We Also Like Paying Our Mortgages And Feeding Our Kids And Sweet Jeebus This Header Really Got Away From Me Didn’t It?
Artists and authors need to eat. If our books won’t feed us, we’ll stop writing them. Yes, yes, we’re capitalist swine. Just the same: no, really, we need to eat. And pay bills. Which is why we’d like it if you bought our books instead of just, y’know, plucking them out of the ether.
19. Publishers Need To Eat, Too
Just a reminder through all of this talk: artists need to eat. Further, publishers need to eat, too. Er, not the actual publishing companies themselves, because as it turns out corporations are not actually people so much as they are unthinking entities. No, I’m talking about the people in publishing. The people who love books. Who edit them. Who do awesome covers. Who make phone calls and do marketing and all the crazy shit a book needs that you didn’t realize it needs. It’s frequently the artist and author who, understandably, is seen as the one who suffers here — but a book is the product of a whole ecosystem of people. Some pirates will offer to give the author money directly, but this is why some authors — like Pat Rothfuss — will say, “Fuck no, my publisher is why this book exists and the people there deserve their cut.”
20. That Old Chestnut
Some will say that obscurity is a fate worse than piracy. That may be true. That may not. Like all such pithy sayings, it’s always more complicated than what the pithy saying contains — but it is worth considering, isn’t it? Is a pirated book, at the least, a positive sign that people know of and want that thing you wrote? I mean, it’s not a compliment exactly, but…
21. The Napster Conundrum (Which Is Not The New Dan Brown Novel)
I, like many early intrepid Internet yeomans, once used the services of Napster before it became a paid site — meaning, I used to grab all the free music my poor little hard drive could hold. Here’s the trick, though: that was also a period of my life where I bought more music than ever before. Not saying the same thing is true with book piracy, but it’s worth a mention. (I don’t grab anything off torrents or file-shares anymore; I pay, or I don’t play.)
22. Let Your Publisher Fight The Battle
It’s a tremendous waste of time trying to play the vicious Whack-a-Mole game of finding and calling out every instance of book piracy of your work. Do that and you’ll end up awake for 37 hours straight, twitching, drooling, peeing, seeing thievery in all corners of your life (“I SEE YOU POTTED PLANT, YOU SONOFABITCH. YOU’RE TRYING TO STEAL MY EMAILS WITH YOUR PHOTOSYNTHETIC MIND!”). If you see it, alert your publisher. Don’t fight the battles yourselves. Your time is better spent writing new and awesome things.
23. Combat Piracy By Adding Value
Piracy is predominantly about digital, so bring value to the work beyond the digital. Do not restrict digital, but consider limited edition physical prints, or other deals like, say, “Buy a physical copy, also get a digital copy.” (More publishers need to be doing this, stat.) Or maybe, “Buy a physical version of the book, get a taco.” Because FUCK YEAH TACOS, SON.
24. Fight The Culture Of Piracy Rather Than The Pirates Themselves
The problem with piracy, like most ingrained problems, is not one of crime, but one of culture. It is a tremendous waste of emotional and intellectual energy to combat individual instances of book piracy: you’re better off yelling at the waves rolling in and knocking over some kid’s sandcastle. In fact, to carry that metaphor: you don’t fight the effects of climate change, you fight climate change itself. You don’t fight the symptoms of a disease, you fight the disease. You don’t fight individual bears, you fight the culture of bears. … okay, maybe not that last one.
25. The International “Please Don’t Pirate My Book” Day
Here’s what I’m proposing:
Tomorrow, February 6th, will be Please Don’t Pirate My Book Day. On that day, you writer-types should take time — as little or as much as you can manage — and hop online to talk about piracy. About how it has affected you, or what your thoughts about it are, but most importantly, why you’d like people to pay for your book instead of, say, just taking it.
Speak your mind, whatever that may mean.
So, tomorrow: blog post, Tumblr text, tweet, whatever.
Talk about book piracy and how you feel about it, specifically.
I’ll do it. Won’t you?
(Probably not, and that’s okay. I know that you’re busy. After all, you’re not answering my texts. I’ll just sit here in your shrubs and keep eating these Goldfish crackers while flipping through my iPhone photos of you on the toilet. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.)
Paul says:
Other than the folks who are distributing pirated e-books, the only way anyone would know whether Person X was downloading them is if Person X talked about it. Why would they do this? Maybe it’s my lack of understanding of the downloader mentality but is it bragging rights that they are after for doing it? If Jack pulls a Brinks job, it would be the dumbest thing in the world for Jack to then go on his FB page and say, “Hey, I just pulled a Brinks job”. If I downloaded music, books, whatever, and am enjoying the fruit of my labor, why would I care whether someone else knew about it or not. I would rather they didn’t.
Piracy, like porn, prostitution and drugs, is here to stay because the track record for curtailing those other things says so.
February 6, 2013 — 10:43 AM
ReginaG says:
And if the company you purchased the e-books from found out, you could lose *all* your books.
February 6, 2013 — 11:13 AM
Reay Jespersen says:
I just spent way too long on writing a comment, then scanned for something on the page, and discovered that the whole comment had been erased as if it was never typed in. Perhaps the WordPress furies telling me I was rambling? So I’ll just add the most relevant items from my spiel:
Hey, folks, I like to get paid for work I do, don’t you? So how is it different than paying a writer, or a band, or a production company, for work they do? Answer: it’s not, it’s just a whole lot easier to tell yourself that, say, they’ve already made enough money so they don’t need yours (as I’ve heard stated again and again), than to admit that what it boils down to is that you’re getting something that they worked on and not paying them for that work. Would you have someone come in to paint your house and then not pay them for the work? Or find a shirt you liked and just walk out of the store with it? It’s no different: if someone has made something you want — books, music, movies, games, whatever — you should pay them for it.
If you can’t afford the entertainment product, then simply don’t get it. I promise you you’ll survive.
Added bonus to buying something instead of pirating it: if you can’t afford something and have to wait until later to get it, it’s far more satisfying than just grabbing it for free online somewhere on a moment’s notice. Anticipation makes everything better, from the succulent meal you just ordered and have to wait for, to the sex you and your partner(s?) have been hinting is in the offing. In this society of every kind of entertainment being available on demand, anticipation has a genuine value that’s far too often ignored.
February 6, 2013 — 1:17 PM
Paul says:
In this day and age of shrinking buying power for many people especially the American middle class, publishers and authors are just going to have to accept that a lot of people just won’t buy the book because when compared with buying groceries for the week or paying bills, a book is a luxury. Also, the competition is getting a little rough out there and many people are opting for cheap over what you, a reviewer or an author might consider good. Good book costs X to download, less good book costs X minus 5 to download. It may not be good but it’s in the same vein and buyer can justify that expense. Let’s say piracy disappears tomorrow, just means less people will read a book let alone buy it unless the price is right.
February 6, 2013 — 3:18 PM
onethemis says:
Exactly. Lets just put this to manga for a moment. I can read a manga volume in say 30 mins to an hour. Each volume costs at least $10 and for the most part really good stories run at least 10 volumes. If you look at Naruto its currently in the 63rd volume ($630), Bleach is at 57 ($570), and lets end with a great one, One Piece at 68 ($680). Now that’s just to CURRENT, these stories are not even over yet. That’s a chunk of change for just three stories.
Yes I agree people should get money for the work they do but some people have an unrealistic idea of how much of a persons income their work is worth.
I myself work at a sewer plant, and we don’t make ten bucks (or even ONE) every time you flush, and I’m pretty sure we can all agree flushing is important.
Something has to give. I’m not endorsing piracy I’m just saying looking at these amounts is eye opening. Maybe an adjustment somewhere can be made to make things more realistic. I also understand that novels don’t cost as much and are usually not consumed in an hour its just an example. However I have paid $40 for a hardcover before just because I didn’t want to wait the long months for the softcover. Right now audible is the most economical for me with the added bonus of me being able to ‘read’ while I work. With audiobooks I have ‘read’ more in the last three months than I have had time to in the last three years!
February 6, 2013 — 10:58 PM
Anthony K. says:
I have and probably will pirate books again.
Not as a thumbing of my nose towards the author or just because I can, but because I cannot afford it. I LOVE to read and I don’t just stick to one genre.
The only time I can afford to purchase books is when gift cards are bestowed upon me (which they are at least twice a year). In between then I either spend 10cents per book at the library on used books OR pirate them.
Have I pirated a lot of books? Surprisingly, no. I have actually pirated more for my wife than I (and she has admittedly higher standards in this arena than I do, since most of my music is of the “free” variety).
If it does make you feel any better Chuck, I have bought 4 or 5 books from you (all of your 250/500 books and Bait Dog) I haven’t pirated any of your books.
February 11, 2013 — 2:58 AM
cheldear says:
I scanned through all of the comments fairly quickly, and I recognize that this is not a simple issue. It was certainly not a simple issue in Napster’s time (and it sounds like some of you are about my age too.) I’m going to stay on 2 points, and not address the more complex political, socioeconomic, and philosophical debates that are being discussed thus far.
We had 2 main issues wrt music piracy (10k foot level please):
1. bootleg sales
2. gross licensing infringement by individuals
An author stated above that his ebooks are being sold unlicensed and at a fraction of the cost. Of course, this requires legal redress on his part.
But we learned some interesting things about individual piracy:
1. Little known and moderately known bands benefited from the distribution of their singles. Their sales of CDs increased.
2. It created the paradigm shift to single purchase full CD purchase. The ROI for the music industry (once pay sites were established that supported what we really wanted) grew exponentially.
We need to take a look back at the music industry’s fight with “piracy” and apply it to this same issue, along with DRM issues as well. Not everything translates directly–there will be gaps. But the little known and moderately known author, both self-pub and small print, could stand to gain quite a bit from the exposure.
DRM is another long discussion, and I agree with the author here.
Thanks for reading! And I apologize for any grammar issues, lack of clarity, and such. I’m on my first cup of coffee!
February 19, 2013 — 8:06 AM
cheldear says:
Wow. Okay, I promise you guys that I can actually write. My mistakes are horrific!
February 19, 2013 — 8:12 AM
Brian says:
Kind of an old post, but I just read your “Search terms bingo” and decided to search “i want to pirate chuck wendig’s books” and here I am.
I’m curious about your feelings regarding authors who give away their content. Full disclosure, I’ve made my book available for free, as well as pay-what-you-want. I’m not a professional writer, it’s just a hobby and I have a good source of income as an engineer, so I fully understand that giving away my content is a luxury that professional writer’s don’t have. Further more, I’m self published and have put precisely 20$ into marketing (that being the cost of my website for a year), so pretty much my only hope of having anyone read my book is to just let them have it. But anyway, I’m just curious if you have any thoughts on this, if you think it has some kind of bigger implications in the publishing world.
July 10, 2013 — 3:38 PM
Brandon Harrell says:
Yes, lets just all pay for everything and pay and pay. Lets make more money and buy more things. Lets have more health problems and less cures, but more money more money more money. A time should come when things are free. We already have the ability to make this a free energy world where robots could be doing the labor for us, yet greed prevails. Oil makes too much money for us to change, and its too connected to the economy for us to change. We have the technology to heal. Secrets are real. They exist, don’t them. There are things are there far above your and my head of which we won’t understand, and to think how easy it would be to just quit with the oil, quit with currency in all. No more money. A society that thrives without the ruling vs the ruled. Honestly, psychologically, your not receiving any less book sales on average than you are other wise. If anything, piracy is giving you publicity and any publicity is good publicity. More people that know your name and have your stuff will want to be a part of whatever you have going. As a writer, you can’t just solely rely on book sales to make it, I mean you can of course, but its always good to have a multitude of approaches to getting the most out of your book. Once written, there is advertising, audience appeal, you can possibly go on a show and talk about it (depending on how good you are.) Software, books, should all be free. We have the ability to wipeout disease and live forever I fucking believe it and I don’t doubt it one bit… why don’t we just fuckin kick back and do it…. everyone. You know that there are laser guns now? Real laser guns? Way better than bullets. They first started experimenting with them on frigates out in the ocean. Look it up on youtube.
September 18, 2016 — 2:18 PM