Okay, I know I said something about blah blah blah, only 100 words, but fuck that, this challenge needs the full girth. So, you still get 1000 words. What’s the challenge, you ask?
No, really. Do it. Click it.
That link takes you to 60 completely insane and largely unusable stock photos. They’re fucking weird, the whole lot of them. Which means we need to take a big bite out of that lunacy and spit out some flash fiction.
Pick one of those 60 photos.
Title it accordingly.
Write 1000 words — flash fiction, start to finish — about the photo you chose. Make sure to indicate somewhere what number you chose so we can all play along in our heads (though, I will note that it could also be fun to write a story based on one and then have people try to guess which photo you chose… you decide, I guess).
Challenge begins now.
And it ends next Friday. Since I’m no longer tallying the stories in the post itself (remember to yell at me if you’d prefer to have that practice reinstated), let’s just say you have till the end of next Friday day.
Now, you may be saying, at present:
Which is a fair comment. Here’s the deal, though: I’m moving this website within the same host from one server to a cloud server, and it’s likely that any comments that get put here will go kablooey over the weekend, so I’m not going to open comments back up until Monday (Tuesday at the latest). So, write your stories, but you’ll have to link to them a little later, I’m afraid. I know. Life is hard. Wear a codpiece.
So, that’s that.
Flash fiction based on horrible stock photography.