Wow. THE PENMONKEY INCITEMENT sounds like a lost Robert Ludlum novel.
Never mind.
I would like to sell more copies of CONFESSIONS OF A FREELANCE PENMONKEY.
I have, at this exact moment, sold 328 copies over the last six weeks.
For the record, I’m not unhappy with that number. It actually makes me giddy. I see that number, I do a little dance. In my pants. Hah, just kidding, I don’t wear your oppressive Earth pants. PENMONKEY is actually poised to out-earn IRREGULAR CREATURES despite the latter being on sale since January and having sold twice as many copies. So, hey: thumbs up.
Even still, I want more copies of PENMONKEY in the world.
I seek nothing short of total dominance of the “writing advice” market, where me and my hunter-killer robots storm across the barren wasteland of the publishing industry, eradicating bad writing left and right with our laser beams and pinching claws. I want a throne built of slushy manuscripts and lined with the teeth of those writers who had sense knocked into them (and molars knocked out of them) by my book.
I also want a Lamborghini. I mean, c’mon. I had the poster as a kid. Lamborghini. Hot bikini chick. Maybe a python or some shit. And I suspect that my little bloggery-book on writing advice is the way toward such fame and fortune. And toward a chick with a constrictor snake inside a hot late 80’s sports car.
Okay, I kid. But I would still like to get more PENMONKEY out there, regardless of my lack of Lamborghinis or doom-bots. Right? Right.
To do so, I thought, okay, maybe an incentive program. Maybe, if I don’t sell 100 copies every week, I would do something horrible. “You don’t buy my book, I’ll shoot this unicorn.”
Except then I figured, ohh, ohhh, nobody’s going to buy the book because everybody’s going to want to see the unicorn shooting. And they’re going to wanna see how I dispose of all those unicorn carcasses.
So, I went back to the wise words of my Kung Fu mentor, Wily Cheung Dragon, who said:
“Be a fountain, not a drain.”
Which, it turns out, was just advice on how to pee, but hell with him, he was old and smelled like wet dog.
Point is, incentives should be positive.
So, here then, are the incentives for CONFESSIONS OF A FREELANCE PENMONKEY. Ready?
Every 50 Copies Sold: Did Somebody Say “Postcard?”
I sell 50 copies, I will mail you a postcard. In the real mail. In the corporeal world. This postcard will be — well, I don’t know what the hell it’ll be. Maybe a PENMONKEY postcard, I dunno. But I do know what the postcard will say, and that’s a postcard-sized piece of single-serving writing advice. I will not duplicate this advice across any postcards. It will be handwritten, which means you get to gaze upon my calligraphy, which is about as legible as if you cut off a chicken’s head and stuck a fountain pen in the stump and then let him flop around on a piece of paper. Still: free postcard.
Every 100 Copies Sold: Free Motherfucking T-Shirt
Folks have been clamoring for a PENMONKEY t-shirt. Well, I’m not selling one. What am I, a t-shirt shop?
I am, however, giving one away.
That shirt will probably be this shirt:
Since I’m only giving away these shirts, that means it will be rare and worth millions of dollars. Okay, maybe not that last part. But rare! Definitely rare. Yeah.
That said, I reserve the right to change the t-shirt at any time. I probably won’t, because I’m lazy, but I’m also unpredictable. Like a homeless guy with a knife and a drinking problem.
I only promise that the t-shirt will contain the word: PENMONKEY.
(That shirt also says terribleminds on the back, by the way. I did it with Zazzle.)
Every 200 Copies Sold: I Edit Your Shit
For every 200 copies, I will pick someone at random and offer them the chance to get a single editing pass on 5000 words of their content or 50 script pages of a screenplay from yours truly. I will give it a robust single pass of copy, content and context, and further, I will always be tactful but make no aims to be nice. Know that going in (then again, if you read this blog, you know I’m a tough-love type — I love you, sure, but my love comes stapled to the end of a Louisville slugger).
You may say, what are my qualifications beyond being just some fuckface with an author’s blog and a book containing dubious NSFW writing advice? I’ve been writing professionally now for over 13 years, and further, I’ve done quite a bit of editing and developing work. For example, I hired writers, developed content, and edited the writing across the entire Hunter: The Vigil game-line. Those writers I hired will likely tell you that they hated me and envisioned my death, but I also believe they’ll tell you that I improved their work. (If any of those writers are here now, feel free to pop in and say so. Or, tell me you still hate me.)
Every 500 Copies Sold: Some Awesome Fucker Gets A Kindle
Yep. For every half-a-thousand sold, I’ll pick someone at random and give them a Kindle. I’m not made of wampum over here, so it’ll be the “regular” Kindle that comes bundled with special offers (THIS GUY right here). If you already have a Kindle, then feel free to either say, “Send it to [insert person’s name here]” or “No, thank you, please pick the next person on the list, as I am one magnanimous muhfucka.”
The Deets
Here, then, is the 411, the deets, the down-low.
This, er, “incentive program” is only open to those in the United States of America. I can’t pay international shipping, and further, may not be able to give international work a good proper edit. [EDIT: That said, if you’re international and you want me to edit your work, so be it, I will.]
I will run this for the next 1000 sales of PENMONKEY (starting with sale #329) or for the next year, whichever comes first. After that, I may continue, discontinue, or change the parameters and have my doom-bots add new “incitement protocols.”
I will keep a running tally somewhere on this site, soon as I figure out where that goes best. Sidebar? Maybe.
Any “incentives” will be received within 60 days of notification, though I have little doubt it’ll get to you a lot sooner. (The only tricky one is the edit, which may take time, so I want that 60-day cushion.)
This program is open to those who have already procured PENMONKEY (i.e. those first 328 purchasers) provided they live in the United States.
If you bought a PDF, I already have your email address and you don’t need to do anything at all.
If you bought a copy via Amazon or B&N, I need proof of sale and and e-mail address. Proof of sale can be a screen cap of a receipt or a photo of the book on your e-reader device. I reserve the right to be a jerk and test you and quiz you. Because that’s just how I roll. (Though recall: I also roll lazy. So I probably won’t.)
You can send proof of purchase to a special address I’ve got set-up for the whole shebang:
terribleminds at gmail dot com.
“Incitement Recipients” will be chosen at random via spreadsheet + random number generator.
If you have any questions, use the comment box below.
To procure PENMONKEY:
Kindle (US), Kindle (UK), Nook, or PDF.
I politely request that you spread the word on this, as it doesn’t work unless… well, people know about it.
Let the doom-bots begin their incitement.
I look forward to my hot-chick-in-a-Lamborghini.