Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

Category: The Ramble (page 30 of 460)

Yammerings and Babblings

A Shimmery Sprinkling Of News Glitter Raining Upon Your Tender Head



So some quick updates, right here–

First up, this is the last week for the Dust & Grim October monthly pick promo at Barnes & Noble. Go online or head to a store and nab a paperback copy for just $6.99, where there’s also a buy-one-get-another-at-50% off deal going. Thanks to all who have picked up the book. I hope you enjoy it! Or, at the very least, that you enjoy FLORG. Everyone seems to like FLORG. FLORG 4 EVA.

Second, if you saw my tour dates (right here), you’ll note I’m going to Malaprops in Asheville, NC. And you can now use their pre-order page to pre-order signed and personalized copies through them, and they’ll ship right to you (or you can, y’know, go to the event). Note too that this includes backlist titles of mine, as well. I have never been to the store and am super excited to have an event there. It’s also been way waaaaaay too long since I’ve been to Asheville, honestly. I hear there are good cocktails there? Mmmm.

Third, hey, my new writing book has a COVER — ! Huzzah and hooray and yippie-ki-yay. GENTLE WRITING ADVICE comes out June 2023. The cover copy for the book, first:

Finally–a book of writing advice that accounts for all of the messy, perverse, practical, and inexplicable parts of being a human who writes

The truth is that all of the “writing rules” you’ve learned are bullshit. Sure, they work for some people, but the likelihood that they’ll work for you–unique butterfly of a person that you are–is slim. 
That doesn’t mean you’re out of luck! There is meaningful advice to be had in the writing world, and Chuck Wendig is here to deliver it. In this hilarious guide, Wendig will help you discover more about yourself as a writer, parse through your quirks and foibles, and help you figure out the best way for you to get words on the page–without destroying yourself along the way.
With behind-the-scenes stories of Wendig’s own writing struggles, sections on debunking popular advice, self-care tips, and more footnotes than are strictly necessary (or legally recommended by scientists), Gentle Writing Advice will give the unvarnished truth about the writing process and remind you of what’s actually important–taking care of the writer. (That’s you, by the way.)

And then, the cover!

It features a soul-bird bursting free from your head-cage! Which is a metaphor for writing! Probably! I don’t know!

Uhhh, what else?


Wayward made the list of Most Anticipated Horror for the rest of 2022.

The Book of Accidents lands on a list of the 53 Best Horror Books of All Time, at Men’s Health, alongside some legends and heavy-hitters, and I’m honored.

I think that’s it!

More as I have it!


Where’s Wendig? Wayward Wanderings, A Wendig-in-the-Wild Book Tour!

Hey! You asked if I was going out into the world on book tour for Wayward? Why yes, I am, to these places right here:

For those who can’t see the graphic:

11/12, 3pm: Doylestown Bookshop, Doylestown, PA

11/15, 7pm: Eagle Eye Bookshop, Atlanta, GA, with Delilah S. Dawson

11/16, 6pm: Malaprops, Asheville, NC

11/17, 7pm, Queens University, Charlotte, NC (yes, open to public!)

11/19, 2pm, Fountain Bookstore, Richmond, VA

11/20, 2pm, B&N, Alexandria, VA (Potomac Yards, I think it’s called?)

And then there are two additional dates in December —

12/4, 3pm, Let’s Play Books, Emmaus, PA talking to Bo Koltnow of WFMZ, takes place at Nowhere Coffee Co – South Mountain.

12/10, 1pm, B&N Bethlehem (which is actually in Easton, PA?)

So! There you have it! The Doylestown event is a pre-release — they will have the book, so no worries there.

Q&A —

Where can you get signed, personalized copies?

Well, any of these should be able to furnish that if you’re coming to the event. As for if they’ll ship to you, I suspect you can through Eagle Eye, Malaprops, Fountain, Let’s Play. I can also guarantee that Doylestown Bookshop will, because they’re my local store and I’m going there on 11/10 to sign the books that they’re sending out! Link here, just put in the notes you want it signed/personalized, and how. Or call them to order.

Who is doing the book sales for the Queens University event?

Park Road Books!

Why aren’t you coming to my town specifically?!

BECAUSE I HATE YOU okay wait no that’s not it.

So! I don’t set this tour up. My publisher does. And in that setup they contact bookstores, find out what stores are interested, what stores think they can run the event and run it well, where I have readers and where I can make new readers and so on and so forth. Then they do calculus based on how I can get to each of these easily. The tour is in November, where weather might start getting hinky in parts of the country. And air travel is janky as fuck right now. Here, the goal was to manage a tour that was predominantly driving. And doing a Southern tour in this case made sense — the weather should be better, I haven’t done a tour down there before, and there are a number of stores I’ve wanted to get to (Fountain and Malaprops in particular!). And it’s configured in a way to maximize that first week of visits.

All of this is predicated too on the worry that book events aren’t all the way “back,” so to speak, in the not-quite-post-pandemic-but-we’re-pretending-it’s-post-pandemic era. It’s not that they’re not happening, but they do seem erratic. (Which is why it’s important if you can show up, if possible! Support stores! Support events! Bring me candy and whiskey I mean what!)

If your town isn’t listed, I apologize, I might get there in the future. Unless you’re a jerk. Then I will never come to your town ever! Ha ha ha! Jerk!

Not really, I love you all.

Are these events masked?

Well, it’s not required, I don’t think.

But! It’d also be nice? As in, I’d very much like you to mask. Me. I’m asking. I do not know if the bookstores will ask — but my goal is to be unmasked during the talks so you can hear me and such. I am BIVALENT BOOSTED and such, but given that I’m going to be Out On The Road, if COVID pings me and I rock a positive test… it will fuck up the tour, most likely, and I have no idea what I’ll even do. Further, that means the events will be more comfortable for immunocompromised readers and will also be safer for the staff —

So, y’know, maybe don’t give me COVID! Please mask? It’d be cool of you.

Do I have to buy a book to… show up?

Generally, that’s the idea, and I think some of these make it a requirement of the event, but you need to check with the store first.

Can I bring books I didn’t buy there?

Sure, just… y’know, support the bookstore to by buying books there also!

Will you sign a baby / body part / Satanic pact?

I’ll sign anything you care to put in front of me.

What will you… do at this so-called “book signing?”

Well, I’ll sign books, but also, I’ll give a little talk, I’ll do a little dance*, I’ll do a big-ass Q&A (so bring your QUERIES). We’ll also all perform a sinister ritual together and it’ll be great for TikTok.

In cases where I have a conversation partner, it’s like, the same, mostly. We’ll talk. We’ll answer questions. Sinister ritual, blah blah, etc.

*no dances








also hey Wayward’s out 11/15, so that’s cool


Elijah Kinch Spector: Five Things I Learned Writing Kalyna the Soothsayer

Kalyna’s family has the Gift: the ability to see the future. For generations, they traveled the four kingdoms of the Tetrarchia selling their services as soothsayers. Every child of their family is born with this Gift—everyone except Kalyna.

So far, Kalyna has used informants and trickery to falsify prophecies for coin, scrounging together a living for her deteriorating father and cruel grandmother. But Kalyna’s reputation for prophecy precedes her, and poverty turns to danger when she is pressed into service by the spymaster to Rotfelsen.

Kalyna is to use her “Gift” to uncover threats against Rotfelsen’s king, her family held hostage to ensure her good behavior. But politics are devious; the king’s enemies abound, and Kalyna’s skills for investigation and deception are tested to the limit. Worse, the conspiracy she uncovers points to a larger threat, not only to Rotfelsen but to the Tetrarchia itself. 

Kalyna is determined to protect her family and newfound friends, but as she is drawn deeper into palace intrigue, she can no longer tell if her manipulations are helping prevent the Tetrarchia’s destruction—or if her lies will bring about its prophesized downfall.

That the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Existed

U.S. public schools aren’t known for their historical accuracy or thoroughness, so I was around 30 when I read Henryk Sienkiewicz’s classic historical novel With Fire and Sword (the Kuniczak translation) and learned that, for a few hundred years, there was a country called the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It was, as you might guess from the name, a combination of Poland and Lithuania into one state, but it was also a lot more than that.

The Commonwealth was huge, and sandwiched between some of the most aggressive empires of its era, yet it wasn’t despotic or centralized at all. It was almost, sort of, kind of, maybe a democracy, if you squinted. The king, who would rule both Poland and Lithuania, was elected. Elected by the nobles, specifically, who were certainly evil tyrants that owned serfs, but it was still a wildly different method of government than anything else in the world at the time. This London Review of Books article from a few months ago does a great job of showing just how wild and chaotic that election process was.

Without learning about the Commonwealth, I doubt I would have ever come up with the Tetrarchia[ES1] , the four-in-one country where Soothsayer takes place. Like its real life inspiration, the Tetrarchia is an experiment, unlike anything that’s come before it, mashing together existing ethnic and social groups into one lumpy hodgepodge of a nation.

Just How Long a Debut Can Take to Be Out in the World

I wrote a version of the opening scene of Soothsayer in late 2012. I think I finished the first draft in early 2014. I spent 2015 on revisions, and then on querying agents. Querying many, many, many agents. Hannah Bowman was interested, but the manuscript needed more work, so I did even more revisions and sent it back to her. She still passed.

Then it was the end of 2016 and for some reason I was very depressed and unable to write for two years.

In 2018 I got back in touch with Hannah, regarding a different project, and she became my agent. This was amazing: the closest I’d yet come to being published. Cue more revisions on Soothsayer, but now with Hannah’s notes. She did some merciless (and entirely correct) cutting, and also suggested a whole new character and subplot that improved the book’s plot and thematic cohesion immensely.

In 2020, Hannah sent it to editors. Sarah Guan at Erewhon bought it. More revisions. Sometimes, Sarah would have a note asking what I meant by a certain phrase or idea, and I would have to respond: “I don’t know! I wrote that eight years ago. Let’s cut it!”

There’s a strange, out-of-body experience to reading something you wrote when you were an entirely different organism. Sometimes it provides delightful surprises; sometimes it’s deeply cringey. But, when there’s a decade’s worth of revisions piling up on the page, you mostly get a disconcerting palimpsest that exposes a hundred different people you used to be, or almost were.

That I Like Writing First Drafts by Hand

I used to be the sort of person who’d spend all day on a paragraph, endlessly tweaking and rearranging. Unable to move forward until it was perfect. (I learned, less than a year ago, that this was actually ADHD, but that’s a whole other story.)

As a workaround, I began writing my first drafts by hand. Moment to moment, longhand writing is much slower than typing (and I used to do transcription as a full-time job), but it forced me to blunder forward, bad phrases be damned. A pen and paper not only helped me get the book done faster, but allowed me to access parts of my brain that were hampered by the ability to fine-tune every word forever.

Also, you can bring a paper notebook to cafés and bars that have “NO LAPTOPS” signs, and you never lose a day’s work because goddamn motherfucking Microsoft OneNote doesn’t sync.

That I’m Bisexual

When I began the book (again, a decade ago), I made my main character bisexual because I thought, “Obviously being bisexual is just the best: everyone knows that. I wish I was bi! It’s too bad I’m definitely straight.”

To be clear: if you ever see me in person, you will immediately know that I’m not straight.

Writing how Kalyna, my sort-of hero, reacted to people that she found attractive unlocked something in me. But it wasn’t the book’s queer attractions (of which there are plenty) that taught me about myself, it was the straight ones: when she admired handsome and pretty men.

This forced me think: What makes an AMAB person attractive? What attraction in them can I latch onto to make Kalyna’s internal monologue feel believable? And, most importantly, why is the friendly curmudgeon who’s just in charge of the royal palace’s fruit so very hot?

That There Really Were Medieval Weapon Treatises for Sickles

When she absolutely must fight, Kalyna does so with a sickle. In the back matter of the book, I wrote that there really were sickle-fighting treatises, but that I could no longer find where I’d learned that. Well, in writing this piece, I found where!

Paulus Hector Mair, a fencing master in 16th century Augsberg, wrote a combat treatise on a number of different weapons, one of which was a small, simple farmer’s sickle. Yes, there are pictures. It’s good to know, so many years later, that I didn’t just make up the stances that Kalyna uses.

Sickle-fighting appealed to me immediately because it’s rarely seen in fiction; because it forces  the reader to imagine particularly ghastly and uneven wounds; and because, being a farm implement, it’s inherently proletarian. (Although I’ll admit the book was long finished when a friend pointed out the obvious communist iconography. Oh well. I’ll take it.)


Elijah Kinch Spector is a writer, dandy, and rootless cosmopolitan from the Bay Area who now lives in Brooklyn. 

Elijah Kinch Spector: Website

Kalyna the Soothsayer: Bookshop | Amazon | B&N

Why I Don’t Talk (As Much) About Writing Anymore

So, I got a nice comment at this very blog a week or so ago, from visitor Delon O’Donnell, and I was going to answer with a comment but thought, y’know, this could be worth a post all its precious own.

Delon’s comment:

A potentially annoying aside: I really miss your blog posts on writing.

I guess writing those was part of your process in the past when you were moving towards your current level of skill, and now it’s not that necessary for you to consciously think about such things? Or maybe the traumatic hectic-ness of the past bunch of years have made it hard to get into the free-wheeling sort of mindset in which you wrote those posts? Or writing three books at once makes idly noodling away at a zero-profit-generating blog post flat-out untenable? Look at me processing here. I just know I got a lot out of those posts, including a kind of ongoing emotional support and humorous brightening of days through the writing process, and I don’t think there’s anybody else out there writing for writers the way you can.

Not that any of that is a reason for you to continue to do so. You do you and go be a superstar bestselling author. I have nothing but gratitude for all the benefit I’ve derived from the good things you’ve given us. Thanks a squillion, Chuck. ^_^

And Delon is right. I don’t really do many posts about writing anymore when once upon a time, that was probably at least half the content you’d find on this here WEB LOG. These days, ennh, not so much. And why is that, exactly?

Well, it is, as Delon notes, due to a handful of reasons and not just one.

First and foremost is, I don’t post here as often. I’d like to, though it’s a bit harder to get traction with BLOGPOSTS these days — I think we should return to that time, as it allows for more nuanced takes than you get on, say, Twitter, where nuance goes to not only die, but be incinerated in the fires of a thousand hot takes. But also, at a certain point, I need to write books, not blog posts. And those come first because it is for them I sacrifice other writers to the Old Apple Tree in the woods uhh, I mean, it’s books that pay my mortgage.

Second, I know very little about writing. In fact, the longer I go as a writer, the less I actually know about it. What I do becomes more mysterious, not less. Which is, all in all, not a bad thing, really, strange as it may sound — I think it’s good to find that my relationship to WORDS and STORIES has evolved to a point of sheer who-the-fuck-knowsery. All is permitted, everything works, nothing is forbidden, as long as what you do is good and necessary, and what’s “good and necessary” is a set of teleporting bullseyes. So, life is short, go write. That’s not to say I don’t still have opinions and thoughts on things — I do, as after all, I am a WHITE MAN IN AMERICA, of course I have opinions. I just know they don’t matter that much and I also don’t want anyone to take my opinions to be gospel.

Which leads me to —

Third, some people take or took my writing advice far too seriously. And that’s in both directions. I’ve had some folks really treat it like gospel, as if they should be following my “instructions” to the letter (even though I like to think I never framed them as instructions). I’ve also had years of “fisking” and YouTube “takedowns” of my “bad advice,” as if I’m out on the street in the village of writers, tooting my hypnotic panpipes, leading all the moon-eyed authors toward the river with my songs of bad advice, where I promptly drown them in the current. (Now I want artwork of me flute-tooting other writers to their watery graves.) I’ve always tried to write my advice in a way that was super-not-serious while also staple-gunning a thousand caveats up about how writing advice is bullshit (but bullshit can still fertilize). But some people were really hidebound to address the advice as if I’m inking a new bible instead of just barfing into the void with half-digested opinions. I certainly don’t want to be a leading voice in this. As Delon hints at, talking about writing was, for me, quite selfish. It was me yelling at me about things that were bothering me — the fact anybody ever listened or gleaned value from it shocked me from the get-go. So, I became a little more gun-shy about stomping around with my Big Writer Boots, telling people how to Write Their Words, even though that’s not what I intended to do.

I never want my writing advice to be taken too seriously. Even the act of writing itself shouldn’t be taken too seriously. You climb way far up your ass and you’ll never find your way back out.

That being said, I’m also not entirely shutting the fuck up. If there’s something pertinent, it might come up here. Furthermore, I have a new shiny writing book coming out in… don’t quote me on this, but I think June 2023, called Gentle Writing Advice. It’s a book that in many ways grapples with the very idea of writing advice, and attempts to counter a lot of the more aggressive writing advice out there (which is advice I’ve given!), particularly in this time of area-of-effect trauma and ambient turmoil.


So there you go! An answer. Maybe a satisfying one, maybe not.

Best advice I’m gonna give you is, go write. Write a little, write a lot, write when you’re able, but not when you’re not, and just try to find a time and a place to call your own and to make the words happen.

The Pixel Project: Five Win-Win Reasons to Give to the Read For Pixels Campaign this Domestic Violence Awareness Month

*Steps onto the world stage of Chuck’s Terrible Minds blog. Chuck gives the thumbs up to get started* Thank you, Chuck! *waves awkwardly* Hello, everybody! Can y’all hear me? Yes? Okay – let’s get this started:

The Pixel Project, a 501(c)3 anti-violence against women nonprofit, has been running our Read For Pixels program since September 2014 when Chuck himself, Joe Hill, Sarah J. Maas, and nine other award-winning bestselling SF/F, Horror, and YA authors helped us reach out to their readers and fandoms about violence against women (VAW) and raise funds to keep our anti-VAW work alive.

That inaugural Read For Pixels livestream author interview series and fundraiser was a resounding success and over 200 authors, 18 campaigns, and 9 years later, we are continuing to build what is probably the world’s largest archive of recorded livestream interviews and panels with authors speaking out about VAW. These are easily accessible on our YouTube channel to parents, teachers, kids, readers, writers, and fandoms worldwide who can either watch the videos to learn more about VAW while fanning over their favorite authors or use the videos to start conversations about VAW in their communities. Authors, editors, publishers, and agents have also helped us raise approximately $10,000 per year by providing exclusive goodies as giveaways for readers, fans, and book collectors who donate to support our work.

You’re probably thinking: “Cool! I’ll go check it out. So why the guest post on Chuck’s blog?”

The short answer: 2022 aka “Twenty [insert expletive of your choice] twenty-two”.

Like many small nonprofits, we are continuing to fight the good fight while navigating the continuing fallout from the pandemic and spiralling global inflation in 2022. Women’s organizations have experienced decades of scarce funding for the overall women’s rights movement and women’s human rights are often one of the first casualties in turbulent times such as these. So, with our current Read For Pixels fundraiser grinding to a halt like Artax sinking into the Swamp of Sadness in The Neverending Story (it’s been over a month and we’re stuck at $2,280, which is only 45% of the way to our modest $5,000 goal), you can imagine our growing, um, concern. While we are 100% volunteer-staffed, we do have certain bills to pay so we can keep our campaigns, programs, and services running.

Chuck being the mensch that he is, received our SOS and basically paraphrased “Mi casa es su casa”, then kindly published this blog post to boost the signal for our fundraiser.

So here I am, as Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2022 kicks off, presenting five win-win reasons why you should consider giving to our fundraiser to help get us to our $5,000 finish line by our extended deadline of October 31st 2022:

Win-Win Reason to Give #1: Support accessible information for victims and survivors of VAW… while slaying your holiday gift list

One of the key services that The Pixel Project provides is to bridge the information gap that victims and survivors encounter when trying to get help.  Programs such as our daily helpline retweet session on Twitter which tweets out domestic violence and rape/sexual assault helplines for women in 205 countries worldwide from 8.00PM to midnight Eastern Time, 24/7, 365 days a year.  We also create specific lists to address current major VAW events – this year, the team pulled together a starter list of organizations and groups specializing in assisting Ukrainian women and girls who are casualties of wartime sexual violence and human trafficking.  

THE WIN-WIN FACTOR: When you donate to us, you can also tackle your holiday season gift list at the same time. From signed rare editions to goodie bundles stuffed with books and swag to tuckerisations galore, we have treats for every donation level. And while you’re appreciating the joy of squaring away some of your holiday gifts, also appreciate the fact that your donation will be going towards keeping our programs and initiatives that connect victims and survivors of VAW with the help that they need.

Win-Win Reason to Give #2: Support resources for educating folks about VAW… while getting your WIP workshopped

We have built an ever-growing archive of over 190 resource articles to date about everything from how to stop street harassment to lists of organizations tackling everything from child marriage to MMIW (Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women). Additionally, our website has plenty of beginner-level primers about VAW and our Facebook page and Twitter account are excellent just-in-time sources for the latest headlines and articles about VAW.

THE WIN-WIN FACTOR: If you are a budding author who is thinking of making a donation, we have a stellar line-up of Read For Pixels authors who are offering critique bundles for WIPs (works-in-progress), including Alastair Reynolds (Science Fiction), Daniel H. Wilson (Science Fiction), Kathryn Purdie (YA Fantasy), Marshall Ryan Maresca (Fantasy), Pintip Dunn (YA Romance), and Romina Garber (YA Fantasy in English or Spanish). Some have a post-critique video chat bundled in; some welcome writing pairs; others allow for up to five questions via email from the donor about the critique. Enjoy knowing that while you are getting expert help for your WIP, you’re also supporting the creation and growth of online resources for educating folks around the world about VAW.

Win-Win Reason to Give #3: Support digital platforms for people to speak up about VAW… while chatting away with your favorite author

A key pillar of our activism and advocacy work is providing digital platforms which are safe spaces for people from different walks of life to speak up about VAW. In April, we hosted the Giving The Devil His Due blog tour featuring book bloggers using our first charity anthology to speak up about VAW during Sexual Assault Awareness Month. In June, numerous dads got on board our Fathers For Pixels program (including blog interviews, panel sessions etc) to share ideas with other dads about engaging with their peers and communities about sexism, misogyny, and VAW.

THE WIN-WIN FACTOR: While your donation keeps our platforms available for folks to speak up about VAW, it could also snag you a chat with your favorite author in the name of supporting a good cause. For this fundraiser, Jeffe Kennedy (Fantasy and Romance), Meg Gardiner (Crime/Thriller), Namina Forna (YA Fantasy), Roseanne A. Brown (YA Fantasy), and Sue Ann Jaffarian (Mystery/Crime) are all happy to have a video chat with donors to natter about everything from books and writing, to RV life, furbabies, and geeky hobbies. These video chats are open to individual donors and groups – fan friends, book clubs or library groups are also welcome to pool together the donation to get one or more of these chat sessions. 

Win-Win Reason to Give #4: Support shining a light on anti-VAW activists and advocates worldwide… while surprising your loved ones with cool treats

Part of our work involves shining a spotlight on how anti-VAW advocates, activists, and organizations worldwide are changing the world for women and girls, as well as their ideas about what people can do to help stop VAW in their communities and countries. Our Inspirational Interviews series has been running for a decade and counting. We also run topical sessions with anti-VAW advocates and activists speaking about their work and educating people about VAW such as our panel of domestic violence experts discussing the negative repercussions of the Depp/Heard case on the movement to end domestic violence and what can be done about it.

THE WIN-WIN FACTOR: If you have a geeky friend or family member with a birthday coming up and you see a Read For Pixels goodie offered by their favorite author available on our fundraising page, donate to snag that unique treat and delight them while supporting signal boosts for anti-VAW activists and advocates. BONUS: You’ll have an interesting story to tell them about where the gift came from. It might even be a great opener for chatting with them about VAW.

Win-Win Reason to Give #5: Support the right of women and girls to live a life without VAW… while your donation benefits TWO anti-VAW nonprofits

Nearly 1 in 3 women and girls worldwide experience some form of VAW in their lifetime. In terms of domestic violence alone, over 1 in 4 women under 50 have experienced physical or sexual violence from a male partner. So donate to our fundraiser because you believe in supporting efforts to prevent, stop, and end VAW. Whether you can give us $5 or $500 to help us reach our $5,000 goal, every dollar counts.

THE WIN-WIN FACTOR: If you choose Mystery/Thriller author Carol Goodman’s THE NIGHT VISITORS $50/$50 Matching Donation treat, your $50 donation will not just support our work but Carol will make sure your impact is doubled by donating $50 in your name to the domestic violence shelter run by Family of Woodstock in Ulster County, New York, USA where she volunteers.

(And even if you don’t choose Carol’s treat, when you donate to us, please also consider donating either cash or supplies to your local women’s shelter or rape crisis center. Like us, they need all the help they can get.)

It’s time to stop violence against women. Together.


Interested in checking out The Pixel Project’s anti-violence against women work? Visit us at

Interested in checking out our Read For Pixels fundraiser and making a donation to help keep our work alive? Go here.


Regina Yau is the founder and president of The Pixel Project, a virtual volunteer-led global 501(c)3 nonprofit organization on a mission to raise awareness, funds and volunteer power for the cause to end violence against women at the intersection of social media, new technologies, and popular culture/the Arts. A Rhodes Scholar with a double Masters in Women’s Studies and Chinese Studies, she has a lifelong commitment to fighting for women’s rights. In addition to running The Pixel Project, Regina also teaches English to middle-schoolers and high-schoolers, writes stories about cheeky little fox spirits and terrorist chickens, and bakes far too many carb-and-sugar-loaded goodies.

Bits And Bobs Of Thread And String

Please behold this vital list of THINGS YE NEEDS TO KNOW, like for instance, where will I be this weekend (spoiler: NYCC), some news about Dust & Grim, a light little tour preview, and more.

First up:

Yes! I’m going to NYCC this weekend. I’m vaguely terrified! It’s probably a bad idea! I really need to figure out how to get a mask to cover my entire beard. Can I wear a hazmat hood? We shall see. My schedule is as follows:

FRIDAY 12:45PM – 1:45PM

PANEL: Authors on the Best Advice They Ever Got

PANELISTS: Peter V. Brett, Terry Brooks, Wes Chu, Delilah S. Dawson, Naomi Novik, Chuck Wendig (moderator: my excellent editor, Tricia Narwani)

Location: Lit Room 1B-02

FRIDAY 2:00PM – 3:00PM

POST-PANEL SIGNING – Authors on the Best Advice They Ever Got

Location: Autograph Area

SATURDAY 12:00PM – 1:00PM 

SIGNING at Penguin Random House booth

Location: Well, duh, the Penguin Random House booth.

So, that’s that.

What else?

WELP, Dust & Grim has been chosen as B&N’s October Monthly pick for young readers — which means the book gets some very nice placement and is in fact deliciously inexpensive at $6.99. You can grab online or in stores!

I will be going on tour for Wayward — it’s not final yet, so dates and times are TBD, but the loose tour, Good Lord Willing and the COVID Don’t Rise, will be PA (Doylestown) to GA (Atlanta, Eagle Eye) to Asheville (Malaprops) to Charlotte (Park Road Books but hosted at Queens University) to Richmond (Fountain) to Alexandria (B&N). Those should be launch week or before (Doylestown is likely the Saturday before launch, I thiiiiink), and then I’ll do a couple local dates in December (Let’s Play Books on 12/4, B&N in Bethlehem/Easton 12/10). I ask that everyone mask at these events if possible. I’m boosted, and you should also get your bivalent booster immediately, as Omicron is still ripping, and new Omicron subvariants are rising, and the bivalent booster protects against Omicron specifically (BA4 and BA5, I believe, in particular). COVID is still a thing!

Also, please note, if I’m not coming to your town, it’s because of personal reasons, as in, I don’t like you personally and have chosen to punish you directly as a result. (This is not true. I do not set my tour dates, but rather, work with the publisher to get those places and dates chosen. This tour is focused largely on the South. Which is exciting as I get to visit some stores I’ve never gone to!)


Right now, I’ll be doing signed, personalized copies of WAYWARD through Doylestown, but I also expect that some of these other stores will have their own opportunities for such. Presently, feel free to nab at D-town; they will ship.

Wayward is out 11/15.

Kirkus gave it a starred review.

Hope to see you soon.


I finished my Evil Apple book. Well, first draft, anyway.

I have a new middle grade in mind. We shall see.

Starting to conspire what the next adult horror-ish will be.

Have an introduction to write for a talented horror author, so that’s an honor, and I better get on that ASAFP.

I think that’s it?

More as I have it.