We are nearly one month out to the release of The Staircase in the Woods, and it’s very hard to get one’s head above the mad clanging din of news noise to deliver bits of cool news, and yet, I must try, so here we go —
First, hey, holy shit, Staircase is now a LibraryReads book for April! Libraries are amazing, librarians are amazing, and to have the support of them for this book is beyond amazing. (Link here.)

Second, it landed in the New York Times as one of the 24 Works of Fiction to Read This Spring, which — wow. It’s nice to see horror show up in a list like this, for one thing, and to also be paired with SGJ’s Buffalo Hunter Hunter? C’mon. This is dream-come-true stuff here.
Third, it’s also listed at the Saturday Evening Post as a book to read this spring (alongside pal John Scalzi).
Fourth, I’m just seeing now that holy crap, it’s an IndieNext pick for May — ahhhhh. Thanks to the ABA and to booksellers and bookstores for that, and I am excited to visit a bunch of you when the book launches.
Speaking of that, at the Nashville Parnassus stop, I’ll be joined in conversation by super cool writer person Lauren Thoman, author of You Shouldn’t Be Here.
Finally, Staircase gets a really lovely review by Anna Dupre at Capes and Tights — “Wendig manages to shatter your heart and stitch it back together with this unique group of folks each complete with their own idiosyncrasies, flaws, and merits that feel so real. We all know the past comes back to haunt us, a truth that is all too real for these characters. Yet, we get a fresh spin on this narrative with a unique setting that lends itself to the feelings, thoughts, and emotions that fall through the proverbial cracks as we grow older. … To say this is a haunting novel is a vast understatement with every choice existing as a ghost that lingers much longer than the turn of the page.”
Oh and though it’s not Staircase-related — this next weekend I’ll be at the Lehigh Valley Book Fest! Saturday, 3/29, 4:15PM, details here. I’ll be hanging with Paul Acampora, Aggie Blum Thompson and Lisa Williamson Rosenberg to talk… thrilling and scary fiction? I dunno! It’ll be great!
Ummm. Is that it? For now? That’s it! For now! I’ll maybe have a few more tidbits and such before launch, and you can expect me to get steadily more noisy about the book as the day approaches…
To remind, too, if you wanna pre-order the book and if you’re not going to come get the book at one of the events I’m doing out in the world, then Doylestown Bookshop has you covered — you’ll also get some cool Staircase stickers and a special personalization. (Note that folks who see me on tour can also get those, too, though. Stickers long as supply lasts.) Order from Doylestown Bookshop here, and they’ll ship right to you.