Apple-Obsessed Author Fella Now Sells E-Books, Huzzah And Hooray

Did you knooooooow that you no longer necessarily have to be tethered to Amazon for your e-books? I mean, okay, you didn’t need to be technically anyway — obviously you can buy e-books from a variety of sources, including but not limited to: Kobo, B&N, Apple, and so forth.

But now, you have a new potential bookmonger for your digital reading desires, and this one has a useful impact on local bookstores — it’s, baby!

The details are here! The key takeaway is: “Every purchase financially supports local, independent bookstores!” Which ain’t a bad thing.

(You can read the books in your browser or download a free app.)

You can go to and check out links to the e-books for books of mine, like f’rex, Wanderers, Wayward, The Book of Accidents, Black River Orchard, and more. (Black River Orchard also appears to be on sale for $6.99, if you’re so inclined to frolic amongst the fruit trees.)

Anyway, new options are good, and I’ll be making sure to include these as the primary links here at the blog going forward for print and e-book links.