It’s gonna be a stupid, horrible day. We all know that. It’s going to be full of what passes for pomp and circumstance amongst the set of rich tacky dickheads that are about to take full control of the country (they had most of the control anyway, to be fair), and then there will be a bunch of shock and awe, except I dunno how shocked we’ll be, and we definitely won’t be in awe, and many of us will want to break our Dry January streak to drink vodka from our toilets, only coming up for air long enough to shovel more ice cream into our mouths. It’s the first day of our new kakistocracy slash oligarchy, the kakistoligarchracy. It’s going to be like if William Gibson wrote Idiocracy. It’s going to be a stupid, horrible day.
But I think there are things you can do.
None of these things are revolutionary.
I don’t think today is the day for revolutionary.
I think today is the day you do the best you can do.
I think first thing you do is you donate to a charity, maybe a few charities, especially one who are going to have to do some heavy lifting in the years to come. And it’s MLK Jr. Day, too, so maybe factor that into your giving efforts. Some options could include: Southern Poverty Law Center, National Black Woman’s Justice Initiative, RAICES, ACLU, Center for Reproductive Rights, Trevor Project, Trans Lifeline, Arbor Day Foundation, Woodwell Climate Research Center, World Central Kitchen, and so forth.
Charity Navigator is a good place to find and vet charities, btw.
Giving directly to folks in need too is good, via GoFundMes — no links here because those are populous and fast-moving, but I’m sure you’ll see ’em on social media today and in the days that follow.
Reading books is wonderful. Read a book. Reading any book — from a bookstore, from the library (which to be fair are not open today), from your own shelves? Yeah. Books are good food. Doubly so if you take the time to read a book by, you know, anybody who will be hurt by today’s chaos. Author Jessica Conwell has a list over at Bluesky, for instance, of trans authors — it’s a fount of books to be bought and read, including Jessica’s own Ghost Flower. Go read some Hailey Piper, Eric LaRocca, Colson Whitehead, Charlie Jane Anders, Kosoko Jackson, V Castro, Cassandra Khaw, Cynthia Pelayo, the river of reads that awaits you is wide and it is deep. Here’s a good list of Black Authors, too. Shit, you want a great book to read today that’ll be fast and ferocious? Ring Shout by P. Djeli Clark. Go find that, read it. If you’ve read it, re-read it. Memorize it.
Look away from the news if you gotta, or stare dead at it if you feel so inclined. (You gotta look eventually. Apathy will serve no one in the years ahead.) You don’t have to do it all today. You don’t have to do anything today. You can just try to be happy today, or calm, or whatever you need to be. Nobody’s asking you to spend it all and burn it up and out.
Look out for your heart and help others with theirs.
Reach out to folks. Accept others reaching out to you if you can.
Check in with your communities, with whoever comprises them.
Take a walk, if it’s not too cold where you are (and it probabably is, shit). Do a little exercise. Breathe in and breathe out. Think about something you wanna do, something good, something nice. Plan a little vacation. Write a little poem. I don’t know. Distract yourself with small pulses of love and light.
Listen. It’s gonna be a weird bad day.
It’s just the first of the weird bad days.
And if we’re being honest, it’s not even the first of them, it’s just another in a long line of weird bad days where the weird part and the bad part are spiking simultaneously, like an outbreak of a particular kind of illness. It’s not just turbulence on a flight, it’s a turbulent flight, from start to finish, snout to tail.
But we can get through it, we can land the plane.
This country is a mess, it’s always been a mess, always will be a mess, but it’s our mess. We’re with it, in it, and have often helped to make it, and that’s not defeatist, that’s not apathetic, it’s just realist to see that we’re a fucking goofy nation that has stumbled and staggered up and down some big hills and into some mucky fucking ditches. Just try to remember we need to climb the hills to see the beautiful views, you know? And first we gotta get up and out of the damn ditch. Beyond that? I think at the end of the day the people we’re with, that we surround ourselves with — that matters. It’s the people we love and care about and who care about us in return. I think it helps me to remember that it’s not like we’re some shining castle in the clouds. We’re a messy place full of messy people and I think it’s good to recognize that, and to see that we can still make motions to make it better than it is, even when it fights us like a bucking, sweat-foamed horse.
Then again, I don’t know shit about shit and might feel different tomorrow. Don’t let anyone chastise you for feeling sad or upset. Toxic optimism isn’t going get us through shit. We feel how we feel and those worries, those concerns, they’re valid. It’s okay to see that shit’s gonna be hard.
Take care of yourselves. Take care of others. Be taken care of when needed.
We’ll need your fight soon. The fight continues. The fight always continues.
Good luck. May the odds be ever in your favor.
Thanks for being here.
(As a postscript, I took that photo of the frozen flag back in 2009 — and I looked at the date, and the date was Jan 20th. Who knew.)
(Anyway, here’s a final photo I took of a squirrel doing a bump of Nature’s Cocaine. May it bring you some measure of joy.)

Veronika says:
thank you. Your posts are awesome.
January 20, 2025 — 10:31 AM
Charles Ray says:
Amen to your list of sane things to do on the most insane day of the new year.
January 20, 2025 — 10:33 AM
MaryAnn says:
Thank you, Chuck. Just. Thank you.
January 20, 2025 — 10:39 AM
Annette Thomason says:
Thank you for this! I set up a recurring donation to the Wilderness Society to offset my legitimate fear for our public lands in this upcoming execrable Administration. Thanks for the good advice and making me feel a little less alone (I am surrounded by MAGA).
January 20, 2025 — 10:39 AM
mrsgarageflower says:
Thank you, my tears won’t stop.
January 20, 2025 — 10:42 AM
Crys says:
Thank you for this. This. This is what i needed today. Wicked coincidence on that flag photo.
January 20, 2025 — 10:44 AM
Ellen M. Gregg says:
Thank you, Chuck. I didn’t know I needed this, and yet I did, and I’m very grateful. Be good to you.
January 20, 2025 — 10:45 AM
Eva says:
Currently eating a homemade gluten free cinnamon roll (courtesy of my sister) and drinking good coffee.
Later plans include some fun tv shows but I love your idea of donating, most likely to LGBTQ organizations.
January 20, 2025 — 10:46 AM
Joelle A. Godfrey says:
Thank you for this. We will get through this. Add Planned Parenthood to your list.
January 20, 2025 — 10:50 AM
Michele says:
Thank you for your insight and wit. If we accept the shittiness of the impending dump of clowns into our democracy they will already have gained a bit more power. I agree, fuck ‘em and donate to folks in place to fight the good fight.
January 20, 2025 — 10:52 AM
Debi Gliori says:
Love to you and yours from across the pond. This too shall pass. Sink your hope hooks into the future you want to create and don’t forget to breathe.
January 20, 2025 — 10:53 AM
Ava Hollombe Hoover says:
“Sink your hope hooks into the future …” Great phrase. Thank you.
January 20, 2025 — 11:16 AM
tony says:
Thanks from me, too, Chuck.
I started by running the snowblower, since I’m not near so good as that squirrel friend of yours. Later, I’ll try and add some useful words to my WIP.
January 20, 2025 — 10:59 AM
Cal "Stretch" Arnstrong says:
Had to look up toxic optimism. Interesting. I will be working today, and I don’t watch the news – it’s all about clicks and eyeballs, not actual reporting. Feel for everyone who thinks the sky starts falling. Hope you find some measure of comfort.
January 20, 2025 — 11:00 AM
Kit says:
If I can offer a suggestion, please consider a donation to the Clinic Vest Project. They make sure volunteer clinic escorting groups like the one I’m in have vests that make us easier for incoming patients to identify. http://www.clinicvestproject.org/
January 20, 2025 — 11:05 AM
Jillian Ditzel says:
Thanks for this. I woke up this morning and smoked a bowl as a preemptive measure to face today’s weirdness.
I keep picturing a future where our government has fully collapsed and we end up in a civil war.
Which forces my mind into “mountain penguin” mode. Named after the suicidal penguin that chooses “the third option” in Werner Herzog’s “Encounters at the End of the World.” I have definitely had fantasies of abandoning civilization and take my chances like the kid in “My Side of the Mountain.”
America is the stupidest. But thankfully there’s still regular people here, just trying to hold together. You’re the best. Your writing always makes me laugh and feel a bit better.
January 20, 2025 — 11:08 AM
Bernadette Nason says:
Thank you, Chuck, from a writer friend in Austin, TX. Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to me. Always a day of reflection in my neck of the woods, and today will be no different. Trying to be loving and supportive. Trying to be the best person I can be. Looks a bit twee and self-righteous in print, but it’s all I have, especially on this particular MLK day. “Whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.”
January 20, 2025 — 11:10 AM
Brandee Crisp says:
Thank you.
January 20, 2025 — 11:11 AM
Carol Shay Hornung says:
This is perfect. I work in the media – sensible media, one that is a likely target in (checks watch) a not too distant future. I don’t want to stay off social media – my circle of people are hurting. I’m hurting. The way you write gives me joy. Thank you.
January 20, 2025 — 11:13 AM
Ava Hollombe Hoover says:
There are a lot of people writing encouragement not to walk away, give up, give in to inertia and depression. This one is the best for me. Thank you so much.
January 20, 2025 — 11:14 AM
perfectlydragon473162d762 says:
Thank you for this. I’ve been looking for newsletters to join (in light of many things but mostly the tiktok ban) to try to connect with others more directly and this is the first one I’ve read thru that endeavor and I’m blown away.
Thank you for your words, read almost as soon as I woke up – after taking a sleeping pill to chase away the insomnia- and I appreciate ALL the bases you’ve covered on how I feel/might feel today. You are correct.
I’m wishing love, light, crying (if you feel like crying), and a healthy dose of whatever you need.
January 20, 2025 — 11:17 AM
Nancy M. Tice says:
Thanks Chuck. This is the best I’ve read, and oddly enough, it made me feel better. I am celebrating MLK Jr. Day by posting quotations from him.
Here’s one of my favorites.
“We need leaders not in love with money but in love with justice.
Not in love with publicity but in love with humanity.
Leaders who can subject their particular egos to the pressing urgencies of the great cause of freedom.
Leaders who can subject their particular egos to the pressing urgencies of the great cause of freedom. God give us leaders. A time like this demands great leaders.
Leaders whom the fog of life cannot chill, men whom the lust of office cannot buy. Leaders who have honor, leaders who will not lie.”
MLK Jr. August 11, 1956
January 20, 2025 — 11:32 AM
Ina says:
It’s actually my birthday today, so im gonna go do mlk day things and meals with friends and family things and read things
January 20, 2025 — 11:36 AM
James Ball III says:
You’re the best.
January 20, 2025 — 12:01 PM
Katie Pierson says:
Good one, Chuck. Thank you.
January 20, 2025 — 12:23 PM
Roy Adams says:
Thanks Chuck.
Let’s grab ahold of our messy country, hug it tight, and keep trying to move it out of the ditch and up the hill.
January 20, 2025 — 1:23 PM
Michelle says:
Got my work done yesterday because I knew today would feel awful. Love and good vibes to anyone who needs them!
January 20, 2025 — 12:45 PM
Denise McInerney says:
Thank you for the encouragement and helpful suggestions. I don’t want to keep my head totally in the sand, but for my mental health, I don’t need to wallow in the wretchedness of it all, either. Decided to fight back by being helpful and supportive, as Bernadette said above, and being the best human I can be.
Years ago, when I worked for a toxic VP in an international company, I attended a management conference. And the one idea that has resonated with me ever since is–maybe you can’t control the way people above you in the order of things treat others, but you can absolutely make the choice of how you treat people from your own perspective. And that’s how I’m going to weather the ugliness coming our way.
January 20, 2025 — 12:50 PM
M. Oniker says:
As always, thank you Chuck for voicing what many of us are screaming (either internally or to the void or to whoever is closest at hand or the tv or…) For me, my process today is selective amnesia. “What? Something is happening today?” and going on about my day in blissful ignorance. I won’t look at the news. The news I get every day in my email as a matter of subscription to WaPo? delete delete delete without even looking. (Sorry other news that gets ignored because of that.)
January 20, 2025 — 1:42 PM
Matthew says:
Thank you sir. Be strong. Despair is not an option. Anyone want to read a banger of a book I recommend Model Home, by Rivers Solomon. I’m only 4 chapters in and it’s sooo good
January 20, 2025 — 2:06 PM
Jeannie M Leighton says:
My town’s mayor declined to recognize today as Martin Luther King day – yes, it is that red around here. I spent the morning picking up trash that the local javelina family scavengers feasted on during last night’s private party in my backyard after tipping over the garbage can – an ironic task to deal with given the day, don’t you think?
I’m spending the rest of the day reading and playing with my cats and listening to calming music on Pandora.
January 20, 2025 — 2:06 PM
Elizabeth C says:
Today is the day I learned that javelinas exist. Never heard of this creature before, living in Canada. Always good to learn something new rather than give in to wallowing in disbelief and despair.
January 20, 2025 — 3:51 PM
Dan says:
I think, today, I’m going to go out and get drunk for 4 years.
January 20, 2025 — 2:31 PM
Dave Williams says:
Great suggestions to help us through this day. I went for a cold walk and I’m going to read a book later and I’m enjoying the posts of good folks here on WordPress.
January 20, 2025 — 4:14 PM
Pat Bean says:
Thanks for the good advice. I visited a bookstore and had lunch out with the wife of my granddaughter — and never turned on the TV.
January 20, 2025 — 4:53 PM
Jen says:
Thank you, Chuck, for your words and your gorgeous photos. Just what was needed today.
January 20, 2025 — 4:54 PM
BradentonDeb2021 says:
I spent the day reading — and rereading — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter From Birmingham Jail.” His words are powerful and left me feeling hopeful.
January 20, 2025 — 7:16 PM
acflory says:
Sending commiserations from Australia.
All through your presidential campaign we hoped. Now that hope has finally been put out of its misery. From here on in, the rest of the world can only watch, and pray that the backlash coming our way won’t be as bad as we think it will be. But there is a mad man running the most powerful country on Earth, and if Davos is any indication, he is empowering all the multinational corporations to abandon even the pretence of social responsibility.
The next four? years are going to be bad for every democracy on this small, blue planet.
January 21, 2025 — 4:03 PM