There are bluebirds in our apple tree this morning and I am sad for them. Sad for the tree, too. The tree is a crabapple tree, technically. It’s an old tree, bursting with fruit. The tree doesn’t know who won or lost an election or what an election is. The birds don’t know, either, and I’m happy they get to have that. We also haven’t had meaningful, measurable rain in five, six weeks now. We’ve wildfires popping up just a few miles away. It’s November 6th and will be 80 degrees today. The tree and the birds must know they’re thirsty. They will know if fire comes for them.
I’m sure the rain will come, and I’m hopeful we will be untouched by fire, but I also know the lack of rain will dry us out more often, just as I know it’ll flood more often, and I know the fires will come more often, and the tornadoes, too. And you like to hope that someone in charge has a plan, that they believe in this reality going on around us, that they share in the same reality we do. But we’re not there anymore. We lost that yesterday. We lost a lot yesterday. (Perhaps chief among them the illusion that we shared one country, or even one collective reality.) I don’t know why or how we lost it, precisely. We can unpack it however we want to — the mainstream media sanewashed the man; the woman was a woman and men would rather choose to control women than vote for them; don’t forget the racism, can’t forget the racism; the woman ran the wrong campaign and cozied up to the GOP and didn’t say enough about Gaza and global warming; it was the economy, stupid; it’s Russia; it’s disinformation and misinformation and Musk and RFK and the price of milk and the cost of rent and something about the border and something about COVID and —
What I know is that I don’t know. What I know is the things I thought I knew, or that I believed were true, really aren’t, and that once more I exist in need of a word, perhaps a German one, that expresses both the act of being shocked and a total lack of shock at the exact same time.
I knew he could win. I half-expected it. And yet all parts of me strained against the illogic of it, the sheer incredulity of the possibility of his win. People looked at his first four years, at COVID, at January 6th, at all his promises, his crimes, at all his people, at all the ones who told us he was a fascist, a dictator, an anti-democratic nightmare, and they said, “Yeah, him again, let’s fucking go.” And they pressed the self-destruct button, using the system of democracy to attempt to undo the system of democracy.
People chose this. In considerable number. This, grotesquely, is democracy in action. Though a democracy mauled into a cruder shape by disinformation.
This is a doom post. I don’t want it to be (and I’m sorry for it) but I also don’t want to be flippant or twee. I don’t want to hashtag-resist you into trying to have hope on a dark day. Perhaps some dark days must simply be dark and we must be in that darkness. Maybe we need to let people have their hopelessness today. Let them have their doom. Do not scold. Give them no stirring platitudes nor poetry of resistance. Just let people sit and ruminate however they must on the hard mad road ahead.
Because that road ahead is hard, and it will be maddening. We’re in some very serious trouble. The climate, the environment, those bluebirds and that tree, are at stake here. Our friends — especially transgender folks, cisgender women, really anybody who isn’t a straight white Christian dude with money — is going to be worse for wear at some point soon, even if they voted for him. It’ll be up to us to help them, to protect our friends, even when we don’t know how, even when we may need that protection ourselves.
Our democracy is in danger — all the lights on the console are blinking red, and the klaxons are deafening. Is there a deportation force coming? Are we really going to ban vaccines? Are we going to put Musk and RFK Jr. in charge of important levers and buttons? How deeply will we cement a corroded, cruel SCOTUS majority and for how long, and will we even be able to turn the tables on that again? I don’t know. It really isn’t good. A lot was on the line yesterday and while I like to think we, as the at-this-point-cringey-cliche goes, left it all on the field. The stakes were high and we lost. And there may be a lot of suffering in the wake of that.
This isn’t a post with a plan, this isn’t a pep talk, this isn’t about hope. I’m wallowing in the doom for a moment. Maybe it’s foolish. Maybe I shouldn’t be doing that, or telling you about it. But I wanted to say it, to be true to where my head and my heart are at. I want it to be okay to feel shitty. To not force joy. I don’t want some artifice of hope. To be a lantern in this tunnel right now feels false. I feel like I need to be in the darkness here, to be one with it, to become part of this new, lightless reality. I’ll get there. I’ll get back to a better place. But right now I want to realize how much trouble we’re in before I tell you how we deal with it. Maybe the worry and the fear will motivate me. I don’t know. I’m sitting with it. I’m considering the trouble, the doom, the darkness. I’m thinking about the bluebirds and the crabapple tree. And I’m hoping somewhere in the darkness I find a way forward.
If you need it, there’s 988 Lifeline — call or chat.
And the trans lifeline, too, here.
Michael C. Cordell says:
Happé. To be in Italy at the moment. Should we apply for political asylum?
November 6, 2024 — 11:36 AM
Karen says:
You do know Meloni is fascist right? It depends if you want you racism in English or Italian
November 7, 2024 — 11:09 AM
Simone says:
I am Italian. We elected Giorgia and Matteo here, and they already built a lager in Albania to screen asylum requests. Better find another country
November 8, 2024 — 2:51 AM
DJ Schuette says:
Thanks, Chuck. Your posts have always hit right at the heart of things, and this one, especially, nails it perfectly. Doom is coming for us all, and it won’t go quickly or without incomprehensible pain and sacrifice. I just wish I knew how to protect those I care about now. I feel like even that has been taken from all of us. Anyway, I’ll keep reading what you put out in the world because you are one of those rare keepers of words. The right words. The words we all need and will need for as long as this shitshow lasts. Hang in there. We need you.
November 6, 2024 — 11:38 AM
Susan Annette Ridenour says:
November 6, 2024 — 7:48 PM
Barrie Rosen says:
I am there with you in the darkness. I’m there and I cannot yet see any light.
November 6, 2024 — 11:39 AM
Sue Hendricks says:
Thank you for this. I told my beagle this morning that I wished to trade places with her. It’s a great day to be a dog, not so much to be an empathatic, democracy loving American.
November 6, 2024 — 11:40 AM
bennydonalds3 says:
I’ve always wanted to be a bird. They fly and are better singers than I am.
November 9, 2024 — 7:39 AM
AF says:
The thing that finally made me cry over this. It has been nothing but nausea, numbness, and resignation since last night. I don’t have answers and I don’t have hope.
It feels worse this time – and probably is – because now we KNOW no one is coming to save us. No one in a position of power on the democrats side will lead us or guide us or do anything other than let him assume power. In 2016, on November 9th, the day after the election, there was a spontaneous taking to the streets in Boston. It was THOUSANDS of people. We chant and marched from the Common and down Boylston St. The Women’s rally sprung to live days later. I really felt like it meant something. I don’t know what it meant. Just that we were in it together.
But you can not save yourself in a larger movement without leadership. All that marching, anger, strong desire to DO SOMETHING, ultimately became nothing. He was treated as legitimate by the democrats. No one came to rally us. No one came to give our anger and grievance legitimacy. Obama, Clinton, etc. They all stayed quiet. They gave a veneer of respect to a grotesque, cruel spectacle of a man. They will stay silent again. I have no faith at all that anyone will lead us and thus I have no faith that what comes next is gentle.
November 6, 2024 — 11:43 AM
Michelle says:
The worst part of this is I currently work in healthcare in a senior center. I have to go into work later today, smile at the very people who had Fox News on every day, smile at the man who threatened to shoot me, smile at the woman whose radio told Christians to get out and vote against abortion. Ask how they are today, remind them of pills, maintain their well-being in a way they decided they will not and they cannot for me. I have no clue how to drive into such a place today. There’s a staff meeting. How can I talk to anyone? I’m new, but today, fuck good first impressions. How do I tactfully say Fox News guy threatened to shoot me? Because the boss should know, right?
I sat up all night with my husband. The well-meaning man who told me for months about Kamala’s momentum and that he can’t fathom another Trump presidency has to course correct and say maybe it won’t be so bad. Anything to talk me off the ledge because in my gut I KNEW she’d lose, that America can’t handle a multi-racial woman president, and that I spent months knowing America as we knew it is done when she does lose. Completely well-meaning, he told me not to give up and that he wouldn’t let this come for me. I told him he didn’t have that choice and it’s not up to him. Nothing is up to any of us anymore.
I’m autistic and a man who went on an anti-autism tirade may now head the health department.
I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to face any of this.
November 6, 2024 — 11:43 AM
Lyn McCarty says:
We love you.
November 6, 2024 — 11:45 AM
Robyn Russell says:
We care about you. It’s okay to feel bad right now.
November 6, 2024 — 3:05 PM
Christy says:
Thank you!
November 7, 2024 — 11:10 AM
Donna says:
I’m despondent, angry, numb…but there’s something else—it’s the quality of the numbness. I sat on my patio at 7:30am in my pajamas with coffee and just breathed. I feel a depressing liberation…from trying to sound the alarm, from the fear that American would choose authoritarianism [because it’s a done deal even if Americans don’t realize what they did], from another chapter of the Big Lie and its consequent Capitol mob violence. I’m not giving up, but I need to recalibrate, I guess. I’ve been disconnected from myself for some—I don’t know—months. I feel a release that seems necessary before moving forward.
I truly appreciate you, Chuck, and how your share is so raw and really real. Thanks for giving us this space.
November 6, 2024 — 11:51 AM
Wendy R Kopka says:
Thank you, I needed that
November 6, 2024 — 11:56 AM
Bec says:
I voted. It did no good. I will have 4 years of terrified loss of rights, freedom & body autonomy. I will live my life and choose kindness and compassion for others around me. It is all I can do.
November 6, 2024 — 12:02 PM
Susan says:
Sadly, this is still a country of racist sexism. People don’t believe a woman…much less a black woman, can lead and that’s the way they voted. Taking a deep breath. Listening to I am not okay by Jelly Roll and considering a few alcoholic drinks before lunch. Good luck to everyone!
November 6, 2024 — 12:08 PM
Melissa Clare says:
Yeah. One step, then another.
November 6, 2024 — 12:15 PM
Jan Bulawan says:
I’m turning off the news for now, and painting. No words, just feelings.
November 6, 2024 — 12:18 PM
bennydonalds3 says:
I haven’t watched the news since. I can’t even watch the Daily Show make fun of the news.
November 9, 2024 — 7:36 AM
Debi Gliori says:
Every. Word.
Sitting in the darkness alongside you, waiting for the light to return x
November 6, 2024 — 12:20 PM
urdith says:
My wife and I are already dealing with the anxiety. And I’m already seeing the “Oh, but if we’d only…” talk blaming Harris, the Democrats, and everything else.
I’ll say it now – the ugly truth is Trump’s message to white folks was, “I will make your costs go down, and I’ll do it by beating up all those people there – because they’re the real cause of the problem.” And to everyone else who supported him, it was “I’m not going to do anything to you. You’re one of the ‘good ones.’ Not like them.”
And people believed that lie. Because the other explanation was “You’ve been conned. None of these people are the cause of the problem – it’s folks like Trump and his rich buddies.”
When you fall for a con, no one is angry at the con man. They’re angry at the person who exposed the con. And more often than not, they’ll double down because they don’t want to feel powerless and dumb.
Or, as a friend put it: “It’s easier to believe in Liberal Weather Machines destroying North Carolina than climate change because then you’ve got someone to blame.”
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to study up on how people survived Franco and Pinochet.
November 6, 2024 — 12:26 PM
insightful806df6e444 says:
I am shocked and disbelieving these results. How were there 14M people fewer voters than 2020, when we had registration and turnout in unprecedented numbers?
I call Tomfuckery courtesy of Putin, 45, Iran, and the N. Koreans.
Every accusation is a confession, so when he cried “Stolen Election” in 2020, he told us what he would do yesterday.
November 6, 2024 — 12:31 PM
Cassie says:
I probably won’t survive this. The stress almost killed me last time. Now I’m a disabled 42 year old childless white woman, who will be less than worthless to them. I warned people that my Social Security, Medicare, and the birth control that keeps my mind straight were on the line, and most of my own family didn’t care. Where do you go from that?
November 6, 2024 — 1:10 PM
BlockyH says:
i hear you Cassie. I am a disabled, gay, younger person and rely on SS and Medicare. I feel like people with disabilities will be named as the lowest garbage in the Trump trashcan.
November 6, 2024 — 2:53 PM
bennydonalds3 says:
I could lose my insurance, too, and half of my family doesn’t care either. I find myself wondering just how thoughtless so many people are. It puts a new spin on the “philosophical zombies” question.
November 9, 2024 — 7:35 AM
BlockyH says:
I am right there with you in the grief and darkness. I cannot believe human beings, our neighbors, made the choice to vote for a lying, cheating, treasonous, felon to run our country. We have seen what destruction and chaos he is capable of. I understand that the billionaire club and outside authoritarian influences are a big part of why our neighbors have been “had” with misinformation and lies, but I am angry, so angry at all of them. I do feel like we are in two different worlds with two wildly different realities. One that believes in science, bodily autonomy, being kind and caring for the health and wellness of others and the world and one that is well frankly the opposite.
At this point I am sick of fighting, giving all of my energy and time to work for the good for all of us to be rewarded with this giant shit sandwich. I kept my chin up during this race and had hope that our neighbors are innately good, hah! I was a fool. Now I feel ravaged and don’t know how to not be.
November 6, 2024 — 1:21 PM
Greg C says:
Thanks, Chuck. Needed to hear it.
November 6, 2024 — 2:08 PM
Lian Tanner says:
Yeah, the robber barons are back in charge. Unbelievable.
November 6, 2024 — 2:23 PM
David Dadekian says:
Thank you.
November 6, 2024 — 2:32 PM
bettymccreary7347 says:
Thank you for your thoughtful words on this…making me tear up a bit…I had been trying to think positive thoughts and went out and gardened and was grateful for the sun and the company of plants and birds and my best friend hubby…but I have been just repressing all my rage and fear…Thank you for permission to not be perky and positive all day…
November 6, 2024 — 2:45 PM
Judy Taylor says:
Thank you so much for your words. We have a heavy burden to carry now. Many other people in the world have shouldered it for a long time. Now it’s our turn.
November 6, 2024 — 3:11 PM
Elina says:
You’re in the privileged position of being dragged forward into prosperity, safety, and hope despite your best intentions of staying mired in hyperbole, hatred, and identity politics. You’re welcome.
November 6, 2024 — 6:18 PM
janinmi says:
If you really believe this, then…wow. I feel sorry for you.
November 8, 2024 — 1:20 PM
May Q says:
Thanks for sharing your loss ,depression, and fear, Chuck. I feel the same and I don’t even live in your country. How can thoughtful, sane, humanitarian people vote for such a person to be the role model for the youth of his country? Doom has arrived.
November 6, 2024 — 3:26 PM
Karen says:
What do you mean?
November 7, 2024 — 11:10 AM
MJ Hook says:
A neighbor told me that he had roughly the same amount of votes as in 2020. But she had 15,000,000 less than Biden. 15M people decided not to vote, rather stay home and roll dice. Appreciate and empathize with your words, Chuck. Thanks. My sister in Paris posted an FYI article, “So you’re thinking of moving to France,” discussing all the hoops and hurdles it would take an American to do so. It’s a fun daydream to think about to avoid headlines and media. Scotland might be fun.
November 6, 2024 — 4:06 PM
Jordan says:
I just received an email from Fair Fight. It looks like 60 MILLION registered voters didn’t bother to vote. Like you, I’m sad and scared because I have a pretty good idea what’s coming and it’s going to make Game of Thrones and the Handmaid’s Tale look like house parties. Our ‘allies’ should start distancing themselves now.
You have a bunch of voters on the right that seem pretty convinced that a large part of what’s been said is just hot air. For their sakes and ours, I hope they’re right, but I don’t think they are. We’ll all find out shortly, when safety net programs start getting slashed and public education is gutted. Given the neurological symptoms that the incoming administration is displaying, I don’t think it’ll be long before the new VP is the P, then the sh*tshow will really begin.
November 6, 2024 — 4:12 PM
Glen says:
My thought too
November 7, 2024 — 10:45 AM
colortremendous545ac417d0 says:
I am in the darkness with you yelling, “how does this country have so many gullible idiots?” He’s the laughingstock of the world, and now, so are we.
November 6, 2024 — 4:16 PM
Widdershins says:
Hope you have people to hug you and whom you can hug back, Chuck … and here’s another one from north of the border.
November 6, 2024 — 4:52 PM
James Madara says:
I’ve been reading a lot of hyperbole from the left today. I appreciate comments like “I turned off the TV and picked up the paintbrush.” It’s time to take a breath and do something creative. Share your love and positivity of creating with the world.
November 6, 2024 — 5:16 PM
Jan says:
From here in Australia, it seems inconceivable that Americans could elect an adulterous, criminal, fraudulent narcissist as their President. It kept me awake at night, so I can only imagine the pain it brings to you. My heart goes out to you with the wish that you find some remnant of hope while navigating the next four years.
November 6, 2024 — 5:32 PM
bennydonalds3 says:
It is a little sad, but the shadow side of American culture rears its ugly head periodically. They’ve just traded in white hoods for red caps. A hundred years ago, two members of the KKK were on the Supreme Court.
November 9, 2024 — 7:31 AM
Yasmine Galenorn says:
Word. Just word. *sigh* I’m 63 freaking years old. I first voted in 1980. I’ve never felt so depressed as now. 2016 was bad. But this time…they KNEW…they knew what he is, what he stands for, and they decided to burn it all down.
November 6, 2024 — 5:42 PM
Judith Duncan says:
I think the whole world is in shock right now. There are no words. Take care
November 6, 2024 — 6:23 PM
Susan Annette Ridenour says:
Yeah…. same. I turned off the tv last night not knowing, and only just read that he won a few hours ago. Still in shock, but not shocked by the dimwittedness of *that* half of the country. I want to throttle female voters whom voted for him, but if I hurt a few of them, I hurt myself. The pendulum — what a swing.
November 6, 2024 — 7:38 PM
JB says:
Thank you. I needed this so badly. Of everything I read today, I needed this the most. I’m so despondent, so completely devoid of hope for this country and the many good people who will suffer under this madman. I needed to hear someone say they felt the same I guess.
November 6, 2024 — 7:53 PM
sylviakathrynsupe says:
Thank you for this post. Thanks for helping me feel validated about the feelings I’m having right now. I don’t know what else to say. Just thank you.
November 6, 2024 — 9:19 PM
Laura Hazelwood says:
Truthfully Chuck, my hind brain is thinking that the person who is dependent on medicare and ss to live, but voted for Orange Man kinda deserves what they so clearly asked for. And if my own 83 yo mom wasn’t also in that sinking boat too, I’d give the buttheafs a hearty salute as the shoved off on the red wave. And that’s the problem some of us actually paid attention when the dictator wannabe and his yesmen were talking, and other people saw their lips moving and inserted their dreams. Basically chuck, we got screwed.
November 6, 2024 — 9:20 PM
Joe Auerbach says:
Yeah, this is exactly how I feel. Save the bit about how you might get back to feeling hopeful again. I’m not there yet and I honestly don’t think I’ll ever get there.
But I guess as long as I vote like I’m not an asshole and tend to my communities, that’ll have to be enough
November 6, 2024 — 11:06 PM
Susan Kistin says:
I’ve been sitting here at my desk, trying to write this same experience. It became impossible so I gave up. Then by chance (?) I found your piece and I truly thank you Chuck. You have chosen the words my heart could not catch. To sit in the doom…to allow this, and to know I am not alone in it is a huge gift tonight.
November 7, 2024 — 12:11 AM
Mallthus says:
This is exactly the outcome I expected, even if I dared to hope otherwise.
It’s not enough to know (and be frustrated) that a majority of people (however slim) manifested their fear, their greed, their selfishness, their hate, their anger, and their gullibility in the voting booth.
What’s important to take away is how to deal with this in the future. We have to decide whether we want to be right or if we want to win.
If we want to be right, we’ll never bring these people back into the light.
If we want to win, we’ll work to understand their needs and fears and address them without making them feel “less than” or judged. We can’t just be better, we have to carry them along.
If we want to protect the most vulnerable, those of us who can must get our shovels out and dig.
November 7, 2024 — 3:56 AM
bennydonalds3 says:
The Democratic Party’s biggest mistake in my lifetime was letting Bill Clinton throw blue collar workers under the bus so the DNC could get more corporate donors. It was the main reason I voted for Bernie Sanders over Hillary Clinton in their primary race.
November 9, 2024 — 7:29 AM
Autumn says:
As a white cis/het woman I am just absolutely at a loss. On social media I saw the constant stream of #IUnderstandTheAssignment. I believed in the Swifties and the younger voters who had to sit with their hands tied for the first round of TFG and Covid and all of the absolute nonsense and thought “Maybe we can do this.”. I hoped for a blue wave. I hoped for the tsunami. I prayed that it was a red mirage. And now I’m left with anxiety that is consistently hovering at 11 and gratitude for past me to have the foresight to restart my antidepressants a few months ago to try and prepare my brain for this possibility. Who knows where my anxiety would be if I didn’t. Where the fuck are all of the white woman who understood the assignment? Where are all of the white dudes for Harris? How are we here AGAIN when TFG has gone above and beyond for years now to show and tell us EXACTLY who he is – literally a felon? What happened to when people show you who they are believe them the first time? Are people truly that brainwashed or are we a country overflowing with racism and misogyny and xenophobia and and and… I fear for my family. I fear for my friends. I fear for the planet. I’m profoundly afraid and don’t know if my heart can take another 4 years (or who the fuck knows how long if he gets his way…) of TFG. I’m so afraid.
November 7, 2024 — 7:23 AM
GreggB says:
There were many, many white men who voted for Harris. I’m one of them. There just weren’t enough of us.
I’ve read enough history to know what just happened. We’re about to become a theocratic dictatorship. Our democratic republic is gone. The rich and powerful are dancing on the bones of Lady Liberty. The shining light on the hill has gone out. If you can stand to, read The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich while you still can. The similarities to Trump and his followers are numerous and stark.
I fear and grieve for all my “unacceptable” family and friends.
November 7, 2024 — 11:32 AM
BlockyH says:
I will grab a copy of the Third Reich. Another good, clear read on the topic is Timothy Snyder’s book On Tyranny, Twenty Lessons From the 20th Century. Trump could be using it as his playbook. It’s very scary.
November 7, 2024 — 3:01 PM
bennydonalds3 says:
For years I said the conservatives on the Supreme Court didn’t overturn Roe v Wade because they feared the backlash from women would end the Republican Party. Then the Supreme Court did overturn RvW and this happened instead. I’ve never been more wrong about a political prediction in my life. I guess I just didn’t account for the insidious effects of fake news being spread over social media.
November 9, 2024 — 7:26 AM
Morgan says:
Yep. We’re all there with you, friend. We’re all working our way through the stages of grief at our own pace. I skipped through Denial pretty quickly because it’s real and it’s happening. I imagine I’ll be in Anger for a long time. Not sure I’ll ever fully embrace Acceptance.
November 7, 2024 — 8:24 AM
Karen says:
I’m sorry that this is happening but it reflects a wider issue for system change and that doesn’t happen by voting every four years it happens through activism and organising, because the current system is designed for the Trumps of the world due to the rotted foundations it was built on to begin with, based on the suffering of marginalised groups.
November 7, 2024 — 9:34 AM
bennydonalds3 says:
The only advantage the Democrats will have in the next elections will be the buyers’ remorse America will feel after “his” policies send us into a recession.
November 9, 2024 — 7:23 AM
Rachel says:
Yesterday was disbelief and darkness and depression. But today feels different. Project 2025 is coming. I have children, nieces and nephews, and they deserve to grow up in a democracy. Trump is not leaving in 4 years. There will be no more elections. We don’t want this to be true, but we know it. Deep down, we know. He has no guardrails this time. I say fuck that! We are the guardrails.
I’m terrified like everyone else, but that fear is turning to anger. I don’t want this. Nobody SANE wants this. I want to do my grocery shopping and put my head in the sand and pretend it didn’t happen. But it did. Goddammit.
November 7, 2024 — 9:37 AM
Lyn McCarty says:
Amen! I keep saying, people do something that speaks and moves the entire system. STOP buying from Amazon. Period. Shop trad. That will freaking move markets and mindsets worldwide. If 50% of America wants to fight back, that’s a way. Simple. Stop funding selfish amoral business practices. I’ve never ever ordered one thing from Amazon. But we all have to do it to make an impact.
November 7, 2024 — 10:42 AM
GreggB says:
I foresee civil disobedience like we’ve not seen since the 1960s.
November 7, 2024 — 11:33 AM
Mike Haines says:
“It’s November 6th and will be 80 degrees today. The tree and the birds must know they’re thirsty. They will know if fire comes for them.”
Jesus Christ this was such a good opening paragraph. I think I hate you now.
But well done.
November 7, 2024 — 10:11 AM
bennydonalds3 says:
I’m old enough to remember when my hometown had three months of snow a year instead of three weeks.
November 9, 2024 — 7:21 AM
Christy says:
Not just in the USA, terrifying future for the whole world
November 7, 2024 — 11:13 AM
bennydonalds3 says:
When the “leader of the free world” could well become the enabler of dictatorships. And another four years wasted when we should be leading on green energy.
November 9, 2024 — 7:21 AM
The Science Fiction Book Club says:
One of the worst things about living in the Republic of Ireland in the years just prior to the clerical abuse scandal being exposed from 1989 onwards (in truth it started in 1984 with the Maynooth seminary scandal while I was still there, although I didn’t know it at the time) was the eternal hate-mongering and denunciation of the eternally offended church marms. They’d purse their lips, tutting, as they’d happily spend hours a day spreading innuendo, hate and lies about people from the “The other community”.
A few years ago, a friend from Derry/Londonderry, who incidentally is from “The other community”, told me he thought the internet was causing what he called “the northerirelanisation” of large parts of the Internet which have been driven mad by this same “mental infestation”. Tribes of rabid self-righteous puritans who see any word against what they imagine in their minds as evidence of their righteousness.
I returned to the UK in 1987 after spending 6 years witnessing what I thought was the very worst of humanity, but sadly I was mistaken because for the last ten to twelve years I’ve seen exactly the same thing grow and spread and mutate and metastasise as it eats people’s minds alive with hate, convinced they clearly see nothing but bigotry in the minds of the other tribe.
Sadly, it looks like self-righteous certainty is just as intoxicating now as it was in 1980’s Ireland.
November 7, 2024 — 1:44 PM
bennydonalds3 says:
This is what social media is designed to do. Get us to argue and hate each other so corporations will see how much time we spend on social media. Meanwhile, using the Internet has weakened the minds of new college students so much that even elite universities are cutting homework assignments in half because too many students can’t handle the workload. They simply lack the focus.
November 9, 2024 — 7:20 AM
Agent X says:
Clearly, I call myself a “prophet” on this blog, though many passing through here will question that. Less clear, but equally true, you call yourself a “Christian,” but as yet I am not convinced. Be that as it may, for the sake of argument (and blogging), let us indulge and accept one another at face value. Or more importantly, let us value one another in some sense approaching the value God has for each of us. Basically, let’s have a little respect and decency despite our differences.
Shall we?
Now for my eccentric side note:
Those who know me, who really know me, also know that not only do I not vote, but I don’t pledge allegiance to the flag either. This is not the main thrust of my post, presently, but it is a little factoid which I expect could add a bit of color to, or a better viewpoint for, my presentation.
Also, not central to my point, BUT I constantly feel constrained to explain myself carefully on these matters: I do not preach against the vote per se. No condemnation HERE if you do vote or did.
Additionally (still only peripheral to my point), I do not believe the vote is a way to “make my voice heard.” If the people at the capitol in J6 had believed their voice was heard at the voting booth, they would not have resorted to “fight[ing] like hell” to be at the capitol that day. (I’m now stating the obvious, but of course, if you are American, you’d probably rather I didn’t.) (It’s the kind of thing prophets do.)
And one more excentric observation going in: I happen to believe very strongly that I still maintain my first amendment right to free speech independent from my voting status. I complain, and you can’t stop me (basically).
So… moving closer to the point of this post.
My engagement with politics is reduced, by self-imposition, to prayer and nontraditional/spiritual measures. IF I could attract engagement in the comments, I am sure I could explore this a LOT more and with a lot better detail and answer questions these remarks surely raise, some of which I cannot anticipate. But if I could sum up my intentions in short, I would say this:
Jesus takes the rightful, God-ordained crown of Israel’s king, having been chosen by God, installed there by God, and in spite of and despite God’s people or any of the usual political ploys. He comes in a mix of religion and politics, but he doesn’t play by any of the recognizable rules.
He is killed, buried, and then raised from the dead.
(Show me where that political agenda is on anyone’s ballot!)
And then… for a while there, the only witnesses to his victory over death (his vindication of his claims and the implementation of his kingdom agendas) are lowly peasant women without enough clout to testify in any court in the world.
Think about that.
Women. Women back when they not only couldn’t have say over their own bodies, but they couldn’t vote or testify in court either one! But God trusts THEM first (before trusting men) with his GOOD NEWS!
And their own men don’t believe them – the exact reverse of Adam vis-a-vis Eve at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil! (Go figure!)
And even then, EVEN THEN, when those few men come to terms with the GOOD NEWS their women tell them, all you find there is these smelly, fishermen – peasants ill equipped to handle the smallest parcel the USPS handles. Not a one of them has a college degree or even a high school diploma! And these guys tell their friends and family who are all fellow peasants and bums too.
Oh, and did I mention they are all very fearful too?
Yeah. For many hours, days, and weeks, the most important edicts, decrees, commands, directives, comforts, encouragements, promises, and fulfillments of promises – in short, the GOOD NEWS – remains in these pitiful earthen vessels that most people wouldn’t listen to or pay heed. As the bums, beggars, and hangers-on around village after village begin to hear this GOOD NEWS and the hope of Heaven’s Politics circulate in these lowly places, the high councils, the governors, military tribunals, delegates, diplomats, kings, emperors, and rich white people are still not in the loop.
Rich white people. Always the last to know!
But in time, the world comes to know that when Pilate, Caiaphas, and Herod colluded to kill that one lowly peasant Jew during Passover, the principalities and powers just didn’t really know what they were doing, and God had already established his VICTORY in defeat.
And if you are reading this far into this post, I expect you believe everything I have described here so far.
Maybe I put some emPHASis on the syLABles you aren’t normally accustomed to, but the words all line up.
Somebody say, AMEN.
Well, you see… I don’t vote. I do complain, but I don’t vote. I try to direct my complaints first and foremost to God. Sometimes a little slips out in conversations or blog posts. And I try not to actually HIDE my thoughts or feelings about candidates, parties, or policies, but I also try not to disparage them with contempt either. Thus, I aim more to say something like this: I never prayed for a president more than I prayed for Trump.
That’s a less contentious way of putting the idea than if I said I think Trump is an awful president and a worse Christian.
I also try to focus my attention specifically on the church vis-a-vis Trump or the election rather than just bag on Trump in general. There are, in fact, four votes for every vote, not one.
Let’s count them the way heaven sees them. Consider this: On your ballot appears two names. You will circle only one of the names, but this is the distillation of numerous possibilities. If you circle Harris, clearly you are not voting for Trump, but is that really a vote FOR Harris? What if you don’t like Harris, but you like Trump even less? In that case when you circle Harris, you are not so much favoring her or her agendas, but you are saying NO to Trump in the strongest way a ballot can deliver.
Hold that up to the mirror and you can say all the same stuff going the other direction. Many voters vote for Trump, not because they love him, but because they want even more not to support Harris.
So, where is any mandate in any of that? How has your voice been heard? How can you call that “speaking truth to power”? Why do you think your voice matters anyway? What is God doing in this? Care to pray?
Ahhh… politics through prayer.
Yes. I endorse that! I preach that. Vote if you must, but you really must pray! The vote is optional, the prayer is not.
See what I mean?
But the politics don’t end on election night. The vote does, but not the politics and not the prayer.
And the voting season, like the Christmas season, seems to come around sooner each cycle! And the candidates go to smearing each other… the electorate hates it but then joins in all the smearing despite ourselves… and it grows and grows until our election is more cancer than politics!
And, by the way, my church has become highly politicized! And evangelicals are a voting bloc FOR TRUMP!
Now I have a church problem, and the church problem has different “levels” too!
Do I think the church should champion Harris?
The church didn’t get a vote in Rome, and despite Rome’s policy differences regarding suffrage, neither St. Paul nor any of the other New Testament writers endorsed or championed Nero or Claudius or any other contenders for the top office. Not even dog catcher!
But they did pray for their pagan, tyrant leaders. And they instructed us to submit to them too.
Man… that sounds like GOOD NEWS today if you like Trump! And I expect that is quite a point of confusion for many an evangelical today who has no idea about their own confusion on that matter … yet.
But in the weeks and months leading up to this most recent election, I found numerous blogs, articles, and even pastors pointing away from Trump as a matter of Christian reasoning. And they certainly had my sympathies. Also, they had my relief! I was relieved to see fellow American Christians thinking outside this hype that has swept over the church for at least the last decade (though I was seeing it clearly more than two decades ago and beginning to recognize it more than three).
Why am I saying all this stuff?
Well, I hope it sets me up for the actual point of this post.
There is more for us to do than simple prayer, and now that the election is over and conceded by Harris, we have to move to a new political strategy. If you are a Christian, a REAL Christian, and not just somebody wearing the tee shirt, then you have reconciliation on your mind today. How might we join Jesus in the reconciliation of all things today in America?
And if you are one of those Christians who did not endorse Trump, who see him as ungodly and problematic, then I figure you are feeling the sting of defeat.
Well, there is an upside to that.
If you are among those feeling the sting of this election, then you are not one drunk on gloating today. You might be drunk on despair or wrath or something else, but you aren’t drunk on lording it over the others, and it shall not be so among you.
Feel me yet?
And rejoice in this trial! Just think how it would go if Trump lost and all those evangelicals taking the name of Jesus in vain chose a J6 2.0? It was only four years ago when they were feeling this pain, and they were some sore losers! But it shall not be so among you.
Let us be about reconciliation. And we must be humble to have it.
I don’t join Harris in saying the fight is not over. That’s just a liberal’s wordy version of J6. Face it. It’s just as vain and pitiful. It’s nothing like the GOOD NEWS those women found at the tomb of Jesus. It’s nothing like the entrusting of God’s treasure in bums and peasants.
But we can pray for Trump. We can show our Trump following friends the victory in Jesus – a victory which will circulate among the peasants and bums a long time before those on top even notice.
And for those Christians who did vote for Trump and who actually find something worthwhile in his victory, if you are really Christian and not just flying the flag, then you too have reconciliation on your mind today. You are not drunk on the victory of party politics, but you are humbly looking at your neighbors who lost and praying for them, reaching out to them, and seeking common ground where you can share faith.
It is God’s victory, not ours. It isn’t won with a vote, but by the Spirit of God.
Take heart and have hope.
We are in a very strong position now having pulled ourselves up to our knees.
Let us pray.
November 7, 2024 — 2:20 PM
terribleminds says:
November 8, 2024 — 8:11 AM
Fatman says:
All hail our ChatGPT prophet and savior!
Although, having read that garbled mess, one seriously has to question the “I” in “AI”.
November 8, 2024 — 9:25 AM
Fatman says:
All hail our ChatGPT prophet and savior!
Having read that garbled world-salad, I seriously have to question the “I” in “AI”.
November 8, 2024 — 9:28 AM
You lost me at “I don’t vote.”
November 8, 2024 — 9:25 AM
christine says:
Thanks for this Chuck, I can’t seem to find the energy or motivation yet. But I will…..have to defend my family from this. 🙁
November 7, 2024 — 2:39 PM
Jonathan A Frater says:
Thanks, Chuck.
November 7, 2024 — 2:45 PM
Patrick J says:
“I exist in need of a word, perhaps a German one, that expresses both the act of being shocked and a total lack of shock at the exact same time.”
Hunter S. Thompson invented the word “Cazart!” for this feeling. “Oh shit! I knew all along!”
November 7, 2024 — 4:26 PM
bennydonalds3 says:
I’ve often been telling my friends and family that “he” can often surprise me, but I’m never shocked anymore. We know what sort of person “he” is. I don’t suppose you know if that is pronounced “Caz-art” or “Ca-zart”?
November 9, 2024 — 7:14 AM
Bill Rudersdorf says:
I just found a post which help to explain our current situation: https://prospect.org/politics/2024-11-07-time-for-democrats-abandon-mainstream-media/?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Meyerson%20on%20TAP%3A%20Did%20We%20Just%20See%20an%20Electoral%20Realignment%3F&utm_campaign=20241107%20Meyerson%20on%20TAP
November 7, 2024 — 9:19 PM