Apple-Obsessed Author Fella

Whaaaaaaaat, Black River Orchard Won A Dragon Award?!

Well, holy shit. I am shooketh to learn that Black River Orchard won the Dragon Award for Best Horror, up against formidable competition, and that is both an honor to me and a (pleasant) surprise. I was really quite sure I wasn’t going to win, and honestly, at the time of the win I was half-snoozling on the couch as we’d just spent the better portion of the day at the Ren Fair, and I was a bit snoozly, and suddenly my phone starts doing that vvbbtt vbbbt thing, and next thing I know I’m getting alerts from one of my BFFs, Delilah S Dawson and then another alert from buddy John Hartness and it was like, whoa what the fuck, I think I won?

Delilah, who was kind enough to read the speech at the awards for me, also won one too for her YA, Midnight at the Houdini, and then our pal John Scalzi won in his category for Starter Villain. It’s just cool. I’m quite lucky to be in such good company and further, to have readers and fans who went out there and voted and made this happen. So, thank you to all of you. The award is a beautiful glass — well, I dunno what it’s supposed to be, so let’s just go with a DRACONIC KIDNEY STONE — and so I will definitely use it in a variety of profane rituals! Probably involving an evil apple or two.

I also casually remind you that I’ll be out and about in the world soon for a variety of events, including some cool dates in the Midwest with Delilah and Kevin Hearne, and you can find a catalog of those upcoming dates here.

OH and I posted this picture on Instagram

And some were surprised to learn you can buy that exact shirt amongst my goodly merch, designed by The Jordan Shiveley, and all that merch exists here with the mere clicking of this link.

Since we’re talking Instagram, I also note that is where you can go to view my (admittedly scarce) set of reels, which feature me, as of late, trying the S’MORES CUP NOODLES from Nissin, which uhhhh, is a thing I ate.


Dust & Grim is on sale for a mere $1.99 at Amazon. All month long, I believe.

So make with the clicky-clickies, kind people.

Okay! Be good. Check your voter registration. Fuck fascism and AI. Bye!