Apple-Obsessed Author Fella


I suspect that the book I presently get the most reader mail about (er, in a good way!) is The Book of Accidents. It’s a book that just really landed with people I think in a certain way, especially in how the book regards and reflects things like cycles of abuse and cascading trauma and all that — but also that it’s a book where at the core it’s a book about a family that loves each other and not a family that destroys itself with its secrets. (Not that there’s anything wrong with books featuring the opposite. But I just think some people connect with these characters in a variety of ways.)

(At least, that’s my hope.)

(It also sells pretty well, even still!)

(I don’t know why! Maybe it’s the evil spell I cast on the book. Or the Doritos powder I laced the pages with. Who can say?)

ANYWAY, that book is on sale today, digitally, for $1.99.

You can nab it at:

Amazon | B&N | Kobo | Apple Books and whatever other electric bookmonger you use to procure your various fancy fictions.

Please to enjoy.