WHALE HELLO THERE. Time for another update in the wacky world of “where the sweet hot hell is Wendig going to be in the coming months?”

If you wanna come find me at a sanctioned event and not, say, in the woods with a giant butterfly net and a stun gun, here’s where and when:

Saturday September 7th, 1PM-3PM, B&N Doylestown Grand Opening, Meet and Greet and signing — details here.

Saturday September 14th, 1PM – 2:15PM, Sci-Fi Savvy Panel at the Readers and Writers Festival at the Pike County Public Library, Milford, PA — details here.

Tuesday, Sept 24th, conversation with M.L. Rio at the launch of her excellent novella, Graveyard Shift, B&N Philadelphia, details and tickets here.

Sept 26-29, I’ll be at the Colorado Gold Writers Conference, giving a little story doctor session and a keynote. It’ll be a hoot. Hope to see you there.

Oct 1st, I’ll be with Delilah S. Dawson to help launch Kevin Hearne’s newest, Candle & Crow, and we’ll be at Anderson’s Bookshop in Naperville, IL. Event starts at 7pm, see you there. Details! (Note, we’ll be pregaming at Giordano’s Pizza there, and you can find details at Kevin’s newsletter.)

Oct 2nd: Kevin, Delilah and myself will be at Boswell Books in Milwaukee, starting at 6pm. Gotcher details right here.

Oct 3rd: The three of us again at Mystery To Me Books in Madison, Wisconsin, starting at 6pm. Deeeeeetaaaaaails. Will meet readers at Pizza Brutta at 4pm too if y’all wanna hang — details at Kevin’s place.

Oct 4th: Our final trio appearance, this time at Minneapolis at the Barnes & Noble, technically in Roseville, MN! 6pm. The deets!

(I might also need to hang around Minneapolis for a day or two. You know, for THE APPLES. If anyone has STRONG APPLE-BASED LOCATIONS around the Minneapolis area, lemme know, yeah?)

Oct 9th – 13th, Harrisburg Book Festival, details and schedule soon! Website here, and I think I’m gonna be on a panel with CJ Leede and Richard Chizmar, which sounds fucking amazing, if you ask me.

April 5th, 2025, which no okay is not in the fall shut up, the Scarelastic Book Fair 3 in McCordsville, Indiana! Pretty excited for this.

There may also be some more things added — I think I’m maybe launching MONSTER MOVIE! at the most excellent The End / Let’s Play Books bookstore in Allentown, PA on Monday, Sept 23rd, though don’t quote me on that, yet. And might be something too at Main Point Books on the 25th, but again, no details set in stone, so just keep your grapes peeled.