Here now, a little guest post from my friend, Anastacia Visneski, fresh from the start of her Kickstarter, which she’ll talk about below. It features quokkas, which from my vantage point is about all you really need to know.

On Friday (Aug 2) we launched the Kickstarter for Oh Noes! (a picture book for execs) a book I had been bending Chuck’s ear about for years.

This book all came from when I was doing an interview with TechCrunch on crisis communications in a digital world. He asked me if I could recommend any basic entry level crisis books. Weirdly I didn’t know of any really good ones, that weren’t text books or spin doctor BS.

“I could break it down to a children’s book” I quipped, and then I realized I COULD.

I spent most of my career handling temper tantrums, cleaning up messes, writing things out in crayon, and wondering if everyone had their snacks and naps today. Fun fact… I wasn’t a preschool teacher! I was in the Coast Guard and then corporate tech.

As a book you can read with ALL the children in your life (looking at you C suite), it follows Phil of NillaCone Valley as his company’s most popular flavor SparkleSmash starts turning people into quokka. Yeah, those fuzzy little smiling critters…

…but there is more to their little grins than posing for selfies.

We kept the goal pretty modest at $25000, but oh do we have some fun stretch goals. From 3D printed costumed quokkas, to pins and plushies.

Oh, did I mentioned we will help you send a copy of the book anonymously to someone? You know, in case someone really needs it.