I said it a little while ago, but it bears repeating: being a writer right now is both weird and worrisome.
And in the short time since I wrote that other thing, it’s only gotten weirder and more worrisome. Consider:
Jane Friedman finding AI spoofers stealing her name and selling garbage content with it on Amazon, which Amazon initially wouldn’t take down until the bad publicity washed up on their shore?
Simon & Schuster sold to investment firm KKR for $1.62 billion, the same firm that also bought Toys R’ Us, a place that is definitely still around ha haha haa haahaha *nervous laughter*? (A note here that the KKR acquisition might be the best case scenario, and the fact that there is some employee ownership going into the deal seems like a good thing, and ultimately this is certainly better than PRH having scooped them up so that they get turned into a Kaiju MegaConglomerate, stomping over everything.)
Whatever that Prosecraft thing was? (I cannot speak to the legality of what that guy was up to, and I’m going to guess that his assertions of it being “AI” were more marketing than anything, but it doesn’t change the fact that he somehow had 27,000 books — many new, which were as-yet-inaccessible digitally — that he was using to create a site whose usefulness was definitely in the toilet, given that it made absolutely dubious assertions about passive voice, vivid prose, emotional beats, and the like. Storytelling isn’t math and we can’t wish it into becoming that way. Also, the English language is total chaos. It’s a flock of birds drunk on berries flying into an airplane turbine. Good luck divining narrative truth from the spray of blood and feathers, everyone.)
The AV Club using AI to put together their articles, but then also writing articles like, “Even The Merovingian from the Matrix movies doesn’t trust AI,” where you can find this sentence: “If a guy who played an evil computer program is warning us about the potential evil uses of a computer program, let’s listen to him!” Which sounds a whole lot like, “AI is really bad, except when we use it!”

We’re finding AI-generated imagery in weird places (D&D! Book covers! Your spouse! That’s right, your spouse was generated by artificial intelligence and that’s why they have seven fingers on their left hand! You fool!), we’re watching new social media sites pop up and fall down faster than coked-up gophers, the book banning has continued until morale has improved (it has not), Amazon has screwed up its subscription services so much that some SFF fiction magazines had to close shop, we’re seeing AI language pop up in boilerplate contracts that need to be cut down by diligent agents, and all around us the costs of living are going up up up while advances are staying the same or are going down and nobody knows what the fuck is going on anymore.
I mean, it’s not all bad, I get that. The economy hasn’t crashed (uhh, yet, anyway). The industry seems to me somewhat up (excepting YA and other children’s sales). I know some new bookstores that have opened. B&N, though they’re taking a bite out of hardcover sales, seem to be opening new stores at a better clip than before. And there are, of course, still really great books coming out (yesterday alone brought us scarily-awesome new work by Alma Katsu, Lauren Beukes, Daniel Kraus, Catriona Ward, Kiersten White, plus the exceptional horror guide by Sadie Hartmann, 101 Horror Books To Read Before You’re Murdered). But we’re still in a place where it’s getting harder to reach our audiences while at the same time we’re trying to swat away the flying goblins of so-called “artificial intelligence” and culture war book-ban bullshit, and if we complain about it some fuckface online will call us an “idea landlord” as if we’re the ones who built the system that is currently falling on our heads.
So, if we seem tired? If we seem like we’re a broken tooth with a squirming nerve poking out of it? If we look like we just crawled out of a sweaty bed after a night of no-sleep? Yeah, that’s all of this. We’re tired. We’re wired. We’re feeling weary and weird. We just want to write our little books and stories and articles and hope you read them. FILL OUR GRUEL BOWL WITH YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE.
That’s all.
And here I would be remiss if I did not remind you: I have Wayward coming out in paperback at the end of this month, and on 9/26, the harvest of evil apples arrives and the cult of Black River Orchard rises. So if you’re so inclined to seek them out and pre-order, I’d sure love you forever. Or at least until the next book release, when I’ll show up at our door again, looking like a feral Scottish terrier. If you need a good place to preorder the books — and get them signed and personalized! — you should look to my local Doylestown Bookshop, for both Wayward and for Black River Orchard. I will be doing a tour for Black River Orchard, as well (with bonus apple tastings!). Dates firming up soon, but my expectation is, I’m going to do a big ol’ happy loop of New England, and then also some other dates, potentially in the West / Northwest. More when I know it!

Kelly Clisham says:
I had to wait for my summer vacation to tackle Wayward. It ripped my heart out and made me queasy in the very best way! Will you be doing a Doylestown signing for Black River Orchard?
August 9, 2023 — 10:14 AM
terribleminds says:
I will absolutely be signing at D-town! Date announced soon, but yep yep yep.
August 9, 2023 — 10:22 AM
conniejjasperson says:
Chuck – I adore your descriptive analysis: “Storytelling isn’t math and we can’t wish it into becoming that way. Also, the English language is total chaos. It’s a flock of birds drunk on berries flying into an airplane turbine.” God that is brilliant. True and brilliant.
August 9, 2023 — 10:15 AM
sereichert says:
Well… yes, now that you’ve put my sweaty-head writer’s delirium into words, that is how I’ve been feeling. Thanks for this.
But also no thanks because Wayward is too good to put down and I’ve neglected a lot of human-ing getting lost in it.
August 9, 2023 — 10:26 AM
Elizabeth Black says:
We appreciate you (and all writers) so very much in these gut-punching times.
August 9, 2023 — 11:28 AM
Gabriella says:
Weird and worrisome indeed. At least I have Wayward to look forward to in paperback! Thank you so much for attending the Celsius festival this year, it was brilliant to see you and get a book signed.
August 9, 2023 — 12:29 PM
terribleminds says:
Thank YOU for coming out — I really loved all of that experience. Such a great festival.
August 9, 2023 — 12:37 PM
Ali Trotta says:
Thank you for this post! It’s perfect. And I’m super excited about your upcoming book in September!
August 9, 2023 — 12:54 PM
Bob Mayer says:
Strange times indeed. The uncanny valley still exists for AI generated stuff. But it’s getting shallower. Apple is trying audiobooks generated by AI on the cheap and will be pricing them accordingly.
I’ve been writing for a living for 32 years and its usually all gloom and doom. I do think the outcome of the strike in Hollywood will augur the future for good or evil. Executives really do think they can get AI to generate scripts and books. The interesting thing is it never occurs to them that AI would do a better job than they’re doing.
Jenny Crusie and I are ecstatic that over a dozen editors passed on our three books over the course of the past year and we indie published them. The overwhelmingly positive response from readers to the first book the past two weeks leaves us scratching our heads over various rejections we got. To me the biggest plus of the current publishing world is the only distance between the reader and the author is the internet. That makes the reader the final determiner of success.
If it was easy, everyone would be doing it.
August 9, 2023 — 2:03 PM
Tracy Black says:
I just finished the hard copy of Wayward (autographed! which lent gravitas to an already pretty gravid book, literally and figuratively). It was fantastic, restored my faith in humanity! Or not. Anyway, it was lovely to have the print version, and I built muscle tone carrying it back and forth to work while reading it, so there’s that. Thanks a bunch, looking forward to the new book about your favorite apple varieties, yum.
August 9, 2023 — 7:30 PM
Judith says:
I do love your posts. They make me smile in the middle of this swirling shit fest !!! You’re my hero! X
August 9, 2023 — 8:36 PM
Philip Fracassi says:
Hope you make it to L.A., Chuck!
August 10, 2023 — 3:21 AM
Peter Foote says:
Thank you so much for putting the swirling frayed knot of ideas that’s been in my brain into words that everyone can understand.
August 10, 2023 — 12:42 PM
Melanie Marttila says:
Don’t want to depress you, but KKR also bought Overdrive some time ago and is busily enshittifying it (in Cory Doctorow’s excellent coinage).
August 10, 2023 — 4:40 PM
Spofforth says:
Update is fab!
August 11, 2023 — 2:30 PM