The time has come! The paperback of The Book of Accidents has taken flight and landed on your doorstep like a wooden owl come to life. May contain: a missing serial killer, a haunted coal mine, an interstitial amusement park, an eerie felsenmeer, a soot-caked spellbook, generational trauma, art as magic, empathy as a weapon or weakness, and the power and problem of emotional seawalls.
It is nominated for the Stoker Award this year. It was a national bestseller. And I’m very proud of it. I don’t think we’re really supposed to say that, but it feels good and healthy to say, so goddamnit, here we are.
It’s a book that, as I’ve noted, means quite a lot to me. I’ve tried writing it throughout my life a number of times, and it was only now, with the me that is me at present and not the me of the past, that it made sense and became a proper story. The iterations before were odd, off, not done baking. This one, I think, did what I wanted it to do. And I hope it has, or will, for you, too.
You of course have ways to procure!
Tomorrow I’ll be at The Strand with Kevin Hearne and Delilah S. Dawson, and you can order a signed/personalized copy through there, and pick it up or have it shipped. Order here. Or you can also ask for a signed/personalized copy through my local, Doylestown Bookshop. Note that Kevin and Delilah and I will also be in Westerly, RI (United Theater with Savoy Books!) on Thursday, and Framingham, MA (B&N!) on Friday. In-person! For real! Holy crap!
You can of course also check out the book in other places:
And more.
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Veronika Maria Kaufmann says:
I really don’t do horror in any shape or form maybe because the world is kinda horror. Seinsible Kittens and cupcakes. Not glittery and fluffy. Scruffy. Still. But your pitch ending with Huzzah convinced me. I shall read the first horror story ever I’ve read. And shall leave a review.
March 15, 2022 — 10:17 AM
terribleminds says:
Oh my! Please enjoy. 🙂
March 15, 2022 — 10:18 AM
Wendy Roberson says:
Picked this book up at the library on Friday. Just finished it and I am on my way back to the library to find some more of your books. If not there, then I’ll be haunting the bookstores in my area. It’s been awhile since I got so lost in a book, thank you for finishing this on your third try.
March 15, 2022 — 2:50 PM
James Goodman says:
I’ve been unable to leave the house after fracturing my coccyx, sacrum and my ankle last week. That ends today because I’m going to my local bookstore to pick this bad boy up. Some Wendig prose is the medicine I’ve been looking for!
(Worry not, I’ll be getting a ride. I’ll also be sitting on a donut because, as previously stated, my butt is broken. Safety first, everybody)
March 19, 2022 — 5:56 PM
terribleminds says:
Oh damn, ow! Feel better, heal up, and enjoy the book, James.
March 21, 2022 — 5:10 PM