Hey, in preparation for Wayward, the sequel to Wanderers, coming out this year (August 2022!)… guess what? You can nab the first book for a cool TWO DUCATS AND NINETY-NINE CHITS.
You can do this at:
And any other e-book retailer.
It’s 280,000 words, 800+ pages, which means you get roughly, oh, I dunno, one novel per buck? Let’s say that. Sure, it’s about a pandemic, but it’s also about artificial intelligence and creepy sleepwalking people and rock-and-roll. So, go check it out. And while you’re at it, feel free to pre-order Wayward at your favorite independent bookstore — or pre-order from Doylestown Bookshop, and get yourself a fancy copy devalued with a personalization and autograph.
Go forth and enjoy.

Crys says:
I’ve already pre-ordered!! Can’t wait!
January 12, 2022 — 4:57 PM
A cruz says:
sadly, the sale does not include Canada 🙁
January 13, 2022 — 12:10 PM
mattwillsmysteries says:
I know, right? It’s not like kindle has to beam the data to another planet….I can literally see the USA from my window.
January 18, 2022 — 7:01 PM