So! I thought it’d be fun to go through my photos this year and pick a favorite from every month. Why? ONE MUST FEED THE CONTENT BEAST, AFTER ALL. Ha ha, not really, this is a blog, nobody reads those anymore. No, I wanted to do it because photography gives me great peace, and delights me. It is a creative outlet that I do not rely upon to live, and I don’t even know that I’m really that good at, but once in a while, I manage to eke out a photo I’m really happy with. So, this is that. The year in images, for me.
A respite from the pandemic.
A refuge from the chaos.
Let’s do it.


(Sorry, March gets two photos. Because dogs. Dogs are an allowable exception to any rule.)


Oh my god I saw so many birds in May. Spring migration was intense. So, this is a hard one. It’s like, I think I posted three photos in April, but… 30 or so in May. So I’m going to pick three. Because I’m a Cheaty McCheaterson.

Listen, it was really hard to stop there. You can see my other May 2021 photos here. Lotta birds.

Yes, I’m cheating again. Shut up. *stares*
Also that seagull will be my first album cover. When I do an album. Of rad Synthwave Bluegrass.

We’re all going to casually agree that we won’t talk about how I’ve completely demolished the rules that I set at the fore of this post. Just, uhhh. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. FUCK YOU I WON’T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME I’m sorry that was very rude, Rage Against the Machine just popped out of me, mea culpa





FINE. Whew. There you go.
I tried to keep it to one a month but aaaaaaah yeah that went off the rails pretty quick.
Anyway. Hope your 2022 is filled with interesting images and captivating beauty and at the very least, a shitload of really cool birds and bugs.
Deborah Genovesi says:
These photos are absolutely amazing! So interesting to look at and enjoy. Thanks so much for sharing and Happy New Year to you and yours!
December 29, 2021 — 10:41 AM
Lady Tian (@ladytian) says:
But Chuck, that second one in August…
That’s your follow up album, a dark wave zydeco follow up to your wildly acclaimed debut.
Fantastic pictures and I enjoyed every cheater McCheaterson moment of it.
December 29, 2021 — 10:42 AM
terribleminds says:
DARK WAVE ZYDECO is my hacker name, except the O is a 0
December 29, 2021 — 10:48 AM
David says:
These made me feel all wintery cozy which is nice because I live in Santa Monica. What camera do you use? Thanks for sharing.
December 29, 2021 — 10:43 AM
Theresa says:
Absolutely gorgeous!! Thank you for sharing these visual moments with us!!
December 29, 2021 — 10:43 AM
Deb Meunier says:
Amazing photos – thanks for sharing. They remind me how when you slow down and really look outside you will be able to find yourself gobsmacked in the best way!
December 29, 2021 — 10:44 AM
TheForgottenMuse says:
WOW!!! These are all amazing!
Thanks for sharing!! Wishing you a very happy new year.
December 29, 2021 — 10:47 AM
hjbrandt2 says:
Thank you! I feel like buying another book…
December 29, 2021 — 10:52 AM
Kathleen Gilberd says:
Wow. Thank you! Elegant photos.
December 29, 2021 — 11:02 AM
Pamela Dalton says:
Loved the bird pics and squirrel pic. Maybe you should do a calendar next year!!!
December 29, 2021 — 11:19 AM
Jeanne Felfe says:
I am in awe. Thank you.
December 29, 2021 — 11:20 AM
J.F.+Margos says:
LOVE all the pics! A real treat – especially the BIRDS!!! I LOVE BIRDS!!! 🙂
December 29, 2021 — 11:50 AM
Suzanne Lucero says:
Beautiful photographs. But I suspect you already knew that. My question is: how in the world did you think you’d be able to stick to one favorite photo each month? I realize you couldn’t just sling the whole year’s collection at us at once and expect us to study each individual photograph and marvel at it’s beauty and symmetry and color palate and … and … and … but c’mon. Only one per month? Really?IMPOSSIBLE!
As I am an optimistic person, I will wish you and yours all good things in this coming New Year.
December 29, 2021 — 12:04 PM
Book Hogs says:
The seagull is definitely album cover material! I’ll use the vulture for mine:) But that moth(?) in June is A-DORABLE!
December 29, 2021 — 12:36 PM
keylines says:
Love these pictures, Mr. McCheaterson. Your talent knows no bounds!
December 29, 2021 — 12:49 PM
Revenge of Eve says:
Amazing photography of nature. I’d say you have a great eye for it. It’s ok to break it own rules sometimes. It feels good. And so does screaming Rage at the top of your lungs!! Cheers to releasing any toxic shit ☺️
December 29, 2021 — 12:59 PM
tcinla says:
As someone who HAS paid the bills with the product of eye-and-camera (that got me places I could never have gone otherwise) allow me to say these are really nice. REALLY nice. You have the one thing that cannot be taught: an eye for a photograph. All the technical details can be taught, composition can be taught, but SEEING the thing to begin with an knowing it’s a shot, that cannot be taught. I really like these and always look forward to your posts of photos through the year.
December 29, 2021 — 1:03 PM
Mel says:
Thank you for sharing your favorites from 2021.
December 29, 2021 — 3:21 PM
Nicole Evans says:
Those photos are fantastic!! You may have done this before, but if you haven’t, I’d be *very* interested in a blog post on all of your specs and everything you use to capture said photos.
December 29, 2021 — 3:41 PM
Dave Williams says:
Bright, colorful, and lovely photos — I enjoyed all the birds and bugs. And I like your idea of the seagull photo as album cover. If your second album has slower songs with self-reflective lyrics, I would suggest the first photo for August as cover art. Happy New Year 🙂
December 29, 2021 — 3:57 PM
Dancing Revolution (@WokeAcademic) says:
I assume your seagull-photo LP will be of sea chanties, right??
(also: love the Sandpiper)
December 29, 2021 — 6:05 PM
terribleminds says:
Haha, it totally should be. I definitely LOOK like someone who does sea chanties.
December 30, 2021 — 10:06 AM
Patrick says:
I’ve been waiting on rad Synthwave Bluegrass. But only if it’s rad!
December 29, 2021 — 6:20 PM
Lee Summerall says:
Another winner blog post. Which I always read.
Happy happy new year.
December 29, 2021 — 7:17 PM
Judith Ann Duncan says:
They were amazing photos. You must have a heck of a camera to get those close-ups. Was that a vulture in the grey photo?
December 29, 2021 — 7:40 PM
girlusinterruptus says:
Thank you! We all needed a respite and your photos are amazing. I agree with TCINLA. You have the eye, sir. Also, can’t wait for your sequel to Wanderers. Yay!
December 30, 2021 — 10:06 AM
janinmi says:
All great photos, but my faves (b/c I’m a raptor fan) (the bird not the sports team) are the hawk (a sharpie?) and the vulture. The latter is especially elegant, a perfect chiaroscuro composition in both setting and tone. I would pay for a print of that and have it framed and hanging on one of my living room walls. In fact, the idea someone else here had of a calendar is a splendid one. More than one photo per month would be fine with me. A little doggerel from you in an empty day space per month, too, perhaps. I’d shell out $$ for one. Call it The Penmonkey Annual or something. Yeah, you’re busy, but this’d be fun, right? Right? 🙂
December 30, 2021 — 11:43 AM
susan1859 says:
Great writer AND magical photographer. Now just waiting to download your rad Synthwave Bluegrass album from Amazon…..;-))
January 2, 2022 — 6:37 AM
Finn Longman says:
Some really gorgeous photos here! Love the birds with their open wings, and the gull yelling at a telephone wire.
January 24, 2022 — 2:57 PM